View Full Version : Bricktown Book Review

Doug Loudenback
07-23-2009, 07:06 PM
Although I've been remiss for not doing this sooner, I've finished a book review of Steve Lackmeyer's Bricktown: Doug Dawgz Blog: Book Review: Bricktown (

It contains a small slide show, a description of each chapter, Steve's 4-page introduction, and a baker's dozen of the images in the book. I have some of the original digital images (before they were shipped to Arcadia, the publisher), and that makes it possible for me to zoom in on stuff that interests me, like two cover boys' feet ...

Zooming in ...


07-23-2009, 08:23 PM
As always, Doug, I'm flattered and thankful for the kind words.

07-24-2009, 07:32 PM
I might be a bit odd, but I noticed the kids bare feet and how dirty they were. I guess back in the day $150.00 name brand athletic shoes were not a part of everyday life. No teen would dare out with out their A&F and perfectly quaffed hair with only certain name brand products. As a child of the 60's it was all about fun not style. If we tore our jeans our mother's would run to TG&Y and iron on a patch then back to the business of dirt clot fights and sting ray bikes. Oh the simple times.

07-24-2009, 10:53 PM
I might be a bit odd, but I noticed the kids bare feet and how dirty they were. I guess back in the day $150.00 name brand athletic shoes were not a part of everyday life. No teen would dare out with out their A&F and perfectly quaffed hair with only certain name brand products. As a child of the 60's it was all about fun not style. If we tore our jeans our mother's would run to TG&Y and iron on a patch then back to the business of dirt clot fights and sting ray bikes. Oh the simple times.

Check the guy in the front. Are those Nike? Air Jordan?