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07-22-2009, 06:18 PM
This from Wired: 100 Things Your Kids May Never Know About | GeekDad | (

I thought we could add to the list of things our kids (or grandkids) will never know about or will be extinct in the near future.

How about:
Making popcorn on the stove (I bought some Jiffy-pop the other day and my girl was amazed)
Making spaghetti sauce
Recieving a paper paycheck

07-22-2009, 07:13 PM
Driving long distances without a movie.
Baby aspirin to babies.
Heating bottles of milk on the stove rather than the microwave.
Pitchers of water cooled in the refridgerator rather than bottled water.
Ice cube trays.
Paper bags used to line trash cans.
Rotary Phones.
Metal trays on frozen dinners.
Drainboards in new houses.
Paperboys on bikes or on foot.
Dogs running loose (no leash laws).
Service station attendants filling your tank, cleaning your windows.
pulltabs/poptops on canned drinks.
Steel beer cans.
Pacifiers with stuff floating in them.
Afternoon newspapers.
Hard contacts as the norm.

07-22-2009, 08:27 PM
Some of those in their list I agree with, some not - like swimming pools with diving boards and using the library only for internet access. Those are just odd. I can name three people I know with diving boards on their pool and I don't know anyone that goes to the library for internet access.

Here's a couple I thought of.

Vehicle-mounted cellular phones. My daughter thought it was hilarious that I once had a phone mounted in my car, and later had a hand-held cellphone that you couldn't fit in your pocket.
Only having 3 - 6 channels to choose from on TV and needing "rabbit ears" to tune them in.

07-23-2009, 12:51 AM
Some of those in their list I agree with, some not - like swimming pools with diving boards and using the library only for internet access. Those are just odd. I can name three people I know with diving boards on their pool and I don't know anyone that goes to the library for internet access.

Here's a couple I thought of.

Vehicle-mounted cellular phones. My daughter thought it was hilarious that I once had a phone mounted in my car, and later had a hand-held cellphone that you couldn't fit in your pocket.
Only having 3 - 6 channels to choose from on TV and needing "rabbit ears" to tune them in.

Have to call your hand on the library for internet. Go to any library in the OKC Metro and there can be an hour or more wait. Especially when school is out.

How about the kids will probably know who their real father is........

Sorry! Couldn't pass that up........:tiphat:

07-23-2009, 07:58 PM
the milk man

07-23-2009, 08:01 PM
how about heading to californa on route 66 standing up in the seat or taking a nap in the rear window

07-25-2009, 05:20 PM
How about these:

Swimming in the creek with cut-offs on...No name brand Swim Suit.
Being excited to get "Hand-me-downs" clothes.
Mom baking dinner rolls from scratch.
Having to actually put your own sugar on cereal
Having "Party lines" on the phone....explain that one to the kids it doesn't mean a party.
"Fake" White walls on your car tires.
Actually going to a "dime Store"...not the dollar store
Reading a comic book (only cost 10 cents)
Sleeping out side because you wanted to.
Commodity Butter and to have some of the P-nut butter now
Door-to door Insurance salesmen....
Having to ride the same bike for 2-5 years......
Having to get a job if you really wanted a had to WORK for it,

07-25-2009, 06:25 PM
Slide rules and 60's business machines.

07-25-2009, 07:45 PM
ahhh Generals64 /gen70 we're ancient lol

07-25-2009, 11:05 PM
a 45 or LP vinyl
record player
put coins on the tone arm so the record won't skip
transistor radio
if placed in the basket of your bike a thermos full of glass
driving/riding with a truck behind and in front while going through the Arbuckles (77)
Okc to Tucson and back with five people in a VW before I-40 and in the summer.
fruit and vegetable stands along the highway as well as curio shops with a 2 headed rattlesnake, buffalo, longhorn and all sorts of things.
Not having to be told by t.v. or radio that the weather is so bad you should only get out in emergency situations and Braum's is not an emergency destination.

07-26-2009, 07:50 AM
8-track tapes and I actually owned a 4-track tape player.

07-26-2009, 03:19 PM
The Fuller brush man.
Door to Door vacuum salesmen.
Listening to the Lone Ranger, Sky King, Sgt. Preston, etc, on the radio every Saturday morning.
Listening to "The Inner Sanctum:, Amos & Andy, and many others in the evenings. On the radio of course.
Playing with the neighborhood kids, OUTSIDE!!!
Get a swat at school. Getting more when dad got home from work.
Drive In movies
Having a 3D Danny decoder ring.
Wheat jeans
Horseshoe taps

07-26-2009, 03:35 PM
Smoking sections (eventually...)

USG '60
07-26-2009, 03:37 PM
The Fuller brush man.
Door to Door vacuum salesmen.
Listening to the Lone Ranger, Sky King, Sgt. Preston, etc, on the radio every Saturday morning.
Listening to "The Inner Sanctum:, Amos & Andy, and many others in the evenings. On the radio of course.
Playing with the neighborhood kids, OUTSIDE!!!
Get a swat at school. Getting more when dad got home from work.
Drive In movies
Having a 3D Danny decoder ring.
Wheat jeans
Horseshoe taps

You're bound to be a southsider. No one else would know what wedgies are in that context. :woowoo:

07-26-2009, 04:52 PM
Rotary Phones.
Service station attendants filling your tank, cleaning your windows.
pulltabs/poptops on canned drinks.

When grand daughter tried to use our rotary phone for the first time, she
just starred at it. I told her to dial the phone by putting her finger in the
holes. She began sticking her finger in the holes like a push button phone.
Too funny.

The service attendants would check the oil and any fluids, too.

How about opening pop cans with a church key?

07-26-2009, 05:47 PM
Prune!!! You're back!

07-26-2009, 05:51 PM
Prune!!! You're back!

Yes! I'm just going to be hanging out at the nostalgia & memories threads
from now on.

USG '60
07-26-2009, 05:57 PM
It sure is easier on the nerves that way, ain't it?

07-26-2009, 08:39 PM
It sure is easier on the nerves that way, ain't it?
Hey, I went to my 45th Class Reunion the other day. There was a guy (from Capitol Hill) with one of the girls from my Class....He had just had a pair of NEW Wedges made at Loveless Shoes.....Wing tips and everything....Only from Capitol Hill..

Back on the topic however, how about popping popcorn and putting it in a #5 Grocery sack and going to the Drive-In theater with a couple of gallons of Kool-Aid?

Remember when you wore a thong on your feet????
The biggest thing to get high on was Model Car Glue
How about .19 cent Gasoline
Polyester steel belting....
Door to door bread salesman
Borrowing a cigarette from the neighbor and getting two...never mind...

07-27-2009, 02:54 AM
black and white wingtips. I'd still wear them.

07-27-2009, 03:23 AM
several years ago my daughter was going to buy a new lawn mower and asked if she wanted me to go with her. She said she had a "new" type picked out. It didn't need gas because it did not have an engine.

She's a lot like her mother!!

07-27-2009, 03:25 AM
placing slacks between the mattresses to keep a crease!!

07-27-2009, 06:32 AM
playing cards in the spokes of your bicycle to give the motorcycle sound
banana seats
sissy bars
hand crank ice cream buckets
hand crank copy machines with the drums
knowing jeremiah was a bullfrog

07-27-2009, 10:38 AM
hand crank copy machines with the drums

That would have been a memograph.

07-27-2009, 10:44 AM
How about hanging your clothes on a rack by the floor furnace to dry. Or filling up the swamp cooler. Or the original seat belt.........Mom's arm across your shoulders , cause you were standing up in the seat beside her while she was driving.

07-27-2009, 11:07 AM
8-track tapes and I actually owned a 4-track tape player.
My dad had a 4/8-track player in his old 66 Ford LTD. I still have about 60 8-tracks in the closet.

The Fuller brush man.
The last time that I saw anything "Fuller" was an outlet store in a mall in Wisconsin between Racine and Chicago in 1998. Bought some of their vanilla air freshener spray there since my mother liked it and hadn't been able to find any for awhile.

playing cards in the spokes of your bicycle to give the motorcycle sound
I always thought playing cards made a better sound than baseball cards, but then I was used to two-stroke motorcycles so it was more "accurate" to me.

[QUOTE=grantgeneral78;241663]hand crank copy machines with the drums
That would have been a memograph.
Close, it was a mimeograph ( but most of the ones used in schools were a small volume spirit duplicator ( version of a mimeograph.

USG '60
07-27-2009, 11:17 AM
I still have some memeograph paper. Now, how many of you remember Hectographs?

07-27-2009, 11:22 AM
my kids will grow up without or not knowing

* playing imaginary games outside from dawn till dusk.
* only getting one or two toys from santa
* the happy meal once came with cookies
* there was more than one electronic suited character at chuck-e-cheese.
* tempature color changing t-shirts,sunglasses and hats
* going with friends to the park without mace, a cell phone, and an escape plan.
* hot metal slides on playgrounds.
* nehi sodas
* free cookie at the bakery inside grocery stores

07-27-2009, 01:55 PM
my kids will grow up without or not knowing

* the happy meal once came with cookies

I can vouch that this is still the case (althought they aren't very good). :LolLolLol

07-27-2009, 02:21 PM
they still have the little cookies? wow i guess the ones in moore are different franchise then.

07-27-2009, 02:47 PM
double bubble hairdo
twilight drive in
jump city
Hollies and Quicks
"the caves" by Cowboy Hall of Fame. Got really scared out there.
playing outside all day without fear for you or your parents
roller skating on the street
watermelon stands
"drops" when you were going steady
El Rancho Sanchez

07-27-2009, 03:14 PM
double bubble hairdo
twilight drive in
jump city
Hollies and Quicks
"the caves" by Cowboy Hall of Fame. Got really scared out there.
playing outside all day without fear for you or your parents
roller skating on the street
watermelon stands
"drops" when you were going steady
El Rancho Sanchez


Wow, that's one I totally forgot about. I remember having to return quite a few when I was in school. Never any fun. Of course you pretty much knew you were though when you had to return it.

07-27-2009, 03:54 PM
How about Samantha Stevens drinking like a fish while pregnant with Tabitha?

USG '60
07-27-2009, 03:56 PM
Edward R Morrow chain-smoking on his show.

07-27-2009, 03:58 PM
Holloway's Burgers on NW 23rd
Drexel Drug store
Hermans Seafood on 16th
Kamps Grocery
Baseball being so important as to memorize everyone's batting stats
A decent OKC Public School High School football team
That distinctive Packing Town odor on summer evenings
Sonic Booms (hopefully)

07-27-2009, 04:18 PM
Butterfly handle bars on your bike.
news papers to line the trash can.
walking to and from school no matter the weather.
2 slices of toast toasted on one side with the butter put on before toasting
homemade garlic bread
any meal item or complete meal made from scratch.
a dining room table and what it's for
t.v. trays
a meal without t.v.
The Jewel Tea Man

07-27-2009, 04:23 PM

What's a madra?

Dusk to dawn drive-in movies
horror movies that were scary not gory!
a community towel at meals
gifts that were gifts not entitlements
The "Classics" (art, books, music.........)
backing up to that one small stove on a winter's morning and getting a 2" burn down your calf.
a world without Star Trek or Harry Potter. Throw in Rocky Balboa

07-27-2009, 05:18 PM
Tax returns on an IBM card.

USG '60
07-27-2009, 05:40 PM
The reference was to "bleeding madras shirts." Or I THINK it was. The hit the market with wheat jeans and the two were an early yuppie "uniform."

07-27-2009, 07:21 PM
The reference was to "bleeding madras shirts." Or I THINK it was. The hit the market with wheat jeans and the two were an early yuppie "uniform."

They are still being sold. Many manufactures on the net.

07-28-2009, 07:46 AM
papaOU,, yopu said a meal without T.V!!!!!!!!! What an out of mind idea.. whats next conversations at the dinner table

07-28-2009, 09:15 AM
What's the Jewel Tea Man

07-28-2009, 10:07 AM
Firesign Theatre.

07-28-2009, 01:47 PM
papaOU,, yopu said a meal without T.V!!!!!!!!! What an out of mind idea.. whats next conversations at the dinner table

Don't talk with your mouth full and elbows off the table...........

07-28-2009, 01:49 PM
What's the Jewel Tea Man

Came around to your home selling Jewel Tea and other products made by the company. Spices and such.

07-28-2009, 01:52 PM
Firesign Theatre.

Don't crush that dwarf! Hand me the pliers!

07-28-2009, 02:11 PM
Unassigned seats on commercial airplanes.

07-28-2009, 03:37 PM
my kids will grow up without or not knowing

* playing imaginary games outside from dawn till dusk.
* only getting one or two toys from santa
* the happy meal once came with cookies
* there was more than one electronic suited character at chuck-e-cheese.
* tempature color changing t-shirts,sunglasses and hats
* going with friends to the park without mace, a cell phone, and an escape plan.
* hot metal slides on playgrounds.
* nehi sodas
* free cookie at the bakery inside grocery stores
Do you remember the little bottles of Grapette?
Or, did you ever put Wax paper on that hot slide and go down it?..Superfast..

07-28-2009, 03:49 PM
grapettes my bosss had one the other day she got it at pops

07-28-2009, 08:34 PM
Creek-bank coffee.................

Never being bored!! Chief complaint of many kids today. I'm bored!!!!

07-28-2009, 10:41 PM
Creek-bank coffee.................

Never being bored!! Chief complaint of many kids today. I'm bored!!!!

Creek Bank Coffee with Black Molasses poured in to be the sweetner....The eggs shells from two eggs. Add water from the blue river (southern Okla.) bring to a boil and drink it from an old vegetable can.....Born and raised in southeastern Oklahoma......Man, I miss those days.

How about Raccoon Hunting?
Going Snipe hunting
Even a Hayride going down south Pennsylvania at about 104th street...That won't happen ever again.

Riding a car hood on the snow/Ice....Yee Haw....

Wanting to wear Overalls....

Actually using a Hot Water Bottle because the wind was blowing through the cracks in the walls and you wanted to be warm

sleeping under four or five Quilts because you had to.

Painting the Propane Tank silver......

Using the Outhouse.....slick magazines NO GOOD....

Red Eye Gravy....Most never heard of it.....

Wanting to go to school to's that one PapaOU????

07-30-2009, 11:53 AM
Alot of my own history before my kid's were born.

07-30-2009, 04:40 PM
Alot of my own history before my kid's were born.


No kid, I NEVER did that!

07-30-2009, 04:58 PM
Alot of my own history before my kid's were born.

Who told you about that?????

07-30-2009, 07:15 PM
Riding on the hood of a car down S.W. 119th, and the surrounding area, at
night with a loaded shotgun hunting rabbits and 'possum while dad drove.

A 'possum recipe.

07-30-2009, 09:31 PM
Posted this on another thread but it fits here as well.

Be sure to refill the ice trays, we're going to have company.

Watch for the postman, I want to get this letter to Willie in the mail today.

Quit slamming the screen door when you go out!

Be sure and pull the windows down when you leave, it looks like a
shower is coming up.

Don't forget to wind the clock before you go to bed.

Wash your feet before you go to bed, you've been playing outside all
day barefooted.

Why can't you remember to roll up your britches legs? Getting them
caught in the bicycle chain so many times is tearing them up.

You have torn the knees out of that pair of pants so many times there
is nothing left to put a patch on.

Don't you go outside with your school clothes on!

Go comb your hair; it looks like the rats have nested in it all night.

Be sure and pour the cream off the top of the milk when you open the new bottle.

Take that empty bottle to the store with you so you won't have to pay
a deposit on another one.

Put a dish towel over the cake so the flies won't get on it.

Quit jumping on the floor! I have a cake in the oven and you are going
to make it fall if you don't quit!

Let me know when the Fuller Brush man comes by, I need to get a few
things from him.

You boys stay close by, the car may not start and I will need you to
help push it off.

There's a dollar in my purse, get 5 gallons of gas when you go to town.

Open the back door and see if we can get a breeze through here, it is
getting hot.

You can walk to the store; it won't hurt you to get some exercise.

Don't sit too close to the TV. It is hard on your eyes.

If you pull that stunt again, I am going to wear you out!

Don't lose that button; I'll sew it back on after awhile.

Wash under your neck before you come to the table, you have beads of
dirt and sweat all under there.

Get out from under the sewing machine; pumping it messes up the thread!

Be sure and fill the lamps this morning so we don't have to do that
tonight in the dark.

Here, take this old magazine to the toilet with you when you go, we
are almost out of paper out there..

Go out to the well and draw a bucket of water so I can wash dishes.

Don't turn the radio on now, I want the battery to be up when the
Grand Ole Opry comes on.

No! I don't have 10 cents for you to go to the show. Do you think
money grows on trees?

Eat those turnips, they'll make you big and strong like your daddy.

That dog is NOT coming in this house! I don't care how cold it is out
there, dogs don't stay in the house.

Sit still! I'm trying to get your hair cut straight and you keep
moving and it is all messed up.

Hush your mouth! I don't want to hear words like that! I'll wash your
mouth out with soap!

It is time for your system to be cleaned out. I am going to give you a
dose of castor oil tonight.

If you get a spanking in school and I find out about it, you'll get
another one when you get home.

Quit crossing your eyes! They will get stuck that way!

Soak your foot in this pan of kerosene so that bad cut won't get infected.

When you take your driving test, don't forget to signal each turn.
Left arm straight out the window for a left turn;

left arm bent up at the elbow for a right turn; and straight down to
the side of the door when you are going to stop.

It's: 'Yes Ma'am!' and 'No Ma'am!' to me, young man, and don't you forget it!

Y'all come back now, ya hear!

Bring back any memories?

USG '60
07-31-2009, 07:00 AM
I swear we were born into the same family. A FEW of those were only true while at the grandparents farm. By the way did you prefer Palmolive or Dial for mouthwashing? :LolLolLol

07-31-2009, 08:38 AM
Lite the oven . (Something you had to do if the pilot light on the gas oven was out to preheat it)

07-31-2009, 10:21 PM
I swear we were born into the same family. A FEW of those were only true while at the grandparents farm. By the way did you prefer Palmolive or Dial for mouthwashing? :LolLolLol

Not in this conversation but my choice was Ivory Bar....You sometimes swallowed the flakes YUK.....I like this thread.....brings out the true "Hillbilly" in me....

08-01-2009, 01:34 AM
Not in this conversation but my choice was Ivory Bar... You sometimes
swallowed the flakes YUK... I like this thread... brings out the true "Hillbilly" in

Man, Ivory soap tasted awful. After a taste of that stuff I couldn't open my
eyes for a long time. My language improved exponentially!