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03-27-2010, 09:06 AM
My Granny never had indoor plumbing. The outhouse was moved every few
months. I don't know that lime was for but the Sears Catalog and anything
else that had paper was obvious! But my Dad would make sure we had TP.
Oh! Remember the slop jar?

A Philco refrigerator? Did the fridge have an AM radio? We have a Philco
AM/FM! If only we could OKC Talk on it. Granny never had such a thing!
She could cook on a Royal wood stove!

================================================== =========Hey, In my warehouse...(today) .....I still have a Royal Wood Cook Store. On a scale of 1-10 it's about an 8.....Don't know what I'm going to do with it but, it looks cool....

03-27-2010, 09:10 AM
In North Carolina it was Yellow Jackets! It'd take an hour to climb a side of a
mountain, discover a Yellow Jacket nest and 30 seconds to descent the
mountain! Can't tell you how many onions were cut and placed on the stings.
LOL, same for me. Carolina yellow jackets in the end of the swing set poles. :omg:

Tall Girl
03-27-2010, 10:01 AM
Quick lime wasn't it? There may be some grandkids looking over somebody's shoulder and be thinking of the green fruit.

And there was the white enamel chamber pot with the lid and handle trimmed in red sitting beside the beds at night. I don't remember what granny did with that the next morning, took it to the outhouse???

03-27-2010, 12:54 PM
And there was the white enamel chamber pot with the lid and handle trimmed in red sitting beside the beds at night. I don't remember what granny did with that the next morning, took it to the outhouse???

Chamber pot? Is that anything like a honey bucket? Just kidding. My grandparents were moving from their farm back in the 20's, and my granny would tell us about how embarrassed she was that the honey bucket was hung on the back post of their Model T truck for everyone to look at while they drove down the road.
In some of the old mill towns in North Carolina it was joked (way back when) that the only difference in Mrs. Cannon's bed and the bed of the mill hands' was that her canopy was over the bed, not under it.

03-27-2010, 12:59 PM
Might have been ammonia. Water and baking soda worked real well too. Both of them still do as a matter of fact. Old phone man trick,you see. Baking soda's easier to carry in a bin of the phone truck. Smells better , too
Yep, a couple of years ago the neighborhood cable service head in our backyard had a red wasp nest in it, I found out when I hit it while mowing the backyard. Luckily I didn't need any but I could imagine that equipment gets a bunch of them in it. They need to seal them better, the covers on both the cable and telephone boxes in my yard fall off with regularity.

03-27-2010, 01:33 PM
Yep, a couple of years ago the neighborhood cable service head in our backyard had a red wasp nest in it, I found out when I hit it while mowing the backyard. Luckily I didn't need any but I could imagine that equipment gets a bunch of them in it. They need to seal them better, the covers on both the cable and telephone boxes in my yard fall off with regularity.

The one's on the ground aren't as bad for wasps as some of the aerial closures are. Pretty ol' real hard to run from them from 18-20 feet in the air. One's on the ground tend to be more prone to black widow spiders. Find snakes and mice in the ground level ones out in the country.
BTW, the utility companies appreciate your maintaining their easement.The reason the covers fall off is because the techs are in too big of a hurry to get to the next call to take the time to properly re-place them. Productivity and the bottom line took over from quality and customer service/satisfaction many years ago and the techs know their supervisors don't have enough time to do the quality inspections from years ago.

03-27-2010, 02:10 PM
And there was the white enamel chamber pot with the lid and handle trimmed in red sitting beside the beds at night. I don't remember what granny did with that the next morning, took it to the outhouse???
================================================== =========
Gravy Mix?????

03-27-2010, 06:39 PM
They might have heard about it especially if a close relative is a Parrothead, but they'll never know the joy of having a two-toned Ricky Ricardo jacket. Never had an autographed picture of Andy Devine but sure used to laugh at his big ol' self on that too little for him horse chasing after Wild Bill.
Seeing the Last Water For _______Miles on the way to California to see grandparents. Dad, Mom, 5 kids in a 1952, 4-dor Mercury. Traveling at night because it was too hot in the daytime. 4x60 air conditioning
Riding a train from Lubbock to Alva, steam locomotive no less

03-27-2010, 07:30 PM
They might have heard about it especially if a close relative is a Parrothead, but they'll never know the joy of having a two-toned Ricky Ricardo jacket. Never had an autographed picture of Andy Devine but sure used to laugh at his big ol' self on that too little for him horse chasing after Wild Bill.

Don't forget the pencil thin mustache! You know, the Boston Blackie kind!

03-27-2010, 07:40 PM
Don't forget the pencil thin mustache! You know, the Boston Blackie kind! I remember being buck toothed and skinny.

03-28-2010, 02:17 PM
I remember being buck toothed and skinny.

Last week?????....Wouldn't say that if we didn't know each other....

03-29-2010, 07:41 PM
10 cent Saturday afternoon picher show

03-29-2010, 10:25 PM
10 cent Saturday afternoon picher show

It was 35 cents when I was a kid. And I just noticed keyboards don't have a cent symbol anymore!

Tall Girl
03-29-2010, 10:45 PM
Do you remember where the "cent" symbol used to be?

03-30-2010, 12:02 AM
Do you remember where the "cent" symbol used to be?
Do you mean key that was used to make the cents symbol on a typewriter?
Or do you mean the place on the back of the penny?

03-30-2010, 02:23 AM
Do you remember where the "cent" symbol used to be?

What? Makes no cents to me.............

03-30-2010, 06:29 AM
Do you remember where the "cent" symbol used to be?

It was where the numeral 1 is now, right? You typed a lower case "L" for 1. No such things as "fonts" on them Underwoods.

Tall Girl
03-30-2010, 09:53 AM
Typewriters used to make a "cents" symbol. The C with the slash coming out of the top and bottom of the C, but the slash didn't go through the C on the typewriter.

It was not on the numeral 1.

Tall Girl
03-30-2010, 10:52 AM
It was where the numeral 1 is now, right? You typed a lower case "L" for 1. No such things as "fonts" on them Underwoods.

There are differences in typewriters, but in the '80's, the 1 had a ! with it just like our computer boards but the "Cents" sign was with the number 6.

You are right about the L for 1 in lower case though on the old, old typewriters. My old Smith-Corona started with the number 2 and it had " (quotes) with it and the 6 was _ (underscore). It also had a 1/2 and 1/4 key. It has a seperate key for * and -.

Tall Girl
03-30-2010, 08:52 PM
Typewriters used to make a "cents" symbol. The C with the slash coming out of the top and bottom of the C, but the slash didn't go through the C on the typewriter.

It was not on the numeral 1.

On this old Smith-Corona, there was a key that has @ and Cent sign above the shift key.

03-30-2010, 09:18 PM
On this old Smith-Corona, there was a key that has @ and Cent sign above the shift key.

That sounds familiar. I think that's how my grandfather's old Underwood was laid out.

When I was about 9 or 10 he let me type on it if he wasn't using it. I remember typing out about 3/4 of "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury one school year.

Tall Girl
03-30-2010, 10:02 PM
That sounds familiar. I think that's how my grandfather's old Underwood was laid out.

When I was about 9 or 10 he let me type on it if he wasn't using it. I remember typing out about 3/4 of "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury one school year.

I am older than you and we had manual typewriters in the 8th grade at Jackson. We used manual typewriters in 1965 at my 1st job as a typist. The one I used to play on as a kid was a Royal, but it was nice and new at the time. After having kids and staying home until the early '80's, they were electric and I thought that was really something but there was a Wang word processor where I worked and I self-taught myself a lot of it then took some courses. Now computers, we have come a long way.

Something else our kids won't be using much is carbon paper.

Did your Kansas sunrise pictures come out?

No computer for me tomorrow, I am going rattlesnake hunting!

Tall Girl
03-30-2010, 10:08 PM
That sounds familiar. I think that's how my grandfather's old Underwood was laid out.

When I was about 9 or 10 he let me type on it if he wasn't using it. I remember typing out about 3/4 of "The Martian Chronicles" by Ray Bradbury one school year.

You must have had a lot of patience for a little boy. I still have this Smith-Corona, I just wish I had ribbon for it because it still works.

03-30-2010, 10:21 PM
It was where the numeral 1 is now, right? You typed a lower case "L" for 1.
No such things as "fonts" on them Underwoods.
I think you're right. We have 2 old Royal typewriters in the attic. I'll try to
get up enough nerve to go up there and look. Prunette was crazy about the
IBM Selectric.

03-31-2010, 06:19 AM
Did your Kansas sunrise pictures come out?

No, there wasn't enough contrast. They just looked muddy; maybe blandly monochrome is a better description. Got some great pics of Monument Rocks in KS and Black Mesa SP covered in snow though!

04-01-2010, 12:24 PM
Something kids and grandkids, brothers and sisters of some of us will never know: The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag without "under God". That was something we had to know in 1st grade and I was really worried when Ike changed the wording to "one nation under God, indivisible"...............from "one nation indivisible". It didn't cause near the stir that sending the Arkansas National Guard to Little Rock did.

04-06-2010, 08:09 PM
Not sure how long DVDs have been around, we had ours about 8 years before I went Blu-Ray, but how many 20 yr olds or younger would remember "Be kind, rewind!"?

04-06-2010, 08:19 PM
skyrick, I like your avatar.

04-06-2010, 09:32 PM
How about playing at a friends house and the family tells you to sit down and eat with them?

Not you'll have to go outside or home until Billy is through eating.

That's what I miss. Being told to sit down and eat with us......

04-07-2010, 08:07 PM
How about playing at a friends house and the family tells you to sit down and eat with them?

Not you'll have to go outside or home until Billy is through eating.

That's what I miss. Being told to sit down and eat with us......

Yeah... I feel wistful. My neighbors made the BEST gumbo. I managed to get invited for gumbo more than I should have.

04-08-2010, 05:01 AM
How about playing at a friends house and the family tells you to sit down and eat with them?

Not you'll have to go outside or home until Billy is through eating.

That's what I miss. Being told to sit down and eat with us......

We're GRG's (grandparents raising grandkids), and I'll be jiggered if that didn't happen just yesterday evening. A neighbor kid came down to play with our boys and lo and behold wound up having dinner with us.

04-08-2010, 06:47 AM
I used to tell my mom Bye in the morning and head for the creek and who knows where else. I'd cash in some bottles at the Grider's at 55th and Penn and buy some carrots or a chunk of bologna and a Sweetheart Cola and head out exploring until evening. Nowdays, I'm sure that would be unheard of with our overprotective society.

04-08-2010, 07:36 AM
I used to tell my mom Bye in the morning and head for the creek and who knows where else. I'd cash in some bottles at the Grider's at 55th and Penn and buy some carrots or a chunk of bologna and a Sweetheart Cola and head out exploring until evening. Nowdays, I'm sure that would be unheard of with our overprotective society.

Yup, me too. I'd head out early in the morning, barefoot, and not show back up at the house until after dark. And I was doing that when I was 6. Probably that freedom and independence at an early age (I dealt with snakes, wild hogs, getting lost in the woods, etc.) without adult supervision and intervention really impacted my outlook in life - and my friends all did the same thing as did most people of my age who grew up in a rural or semi rural area. Husband was raised in a different state and his experience was the same. I used to worry that my kids would be easily influenced by others and not be able to think for themselves because the poor things lived in the city and couldn't cross the street without permission. It is no wonder there is such a big divide on the value of self sufficiency between the generations.

04-08-2010, 07:38 AM
We're GRG's (grandparents raising grandkids), and I'll be jiggered if that didn't happen just yesterday evening. A neighbor kid came down to play with our boys and lo and behold wound up having dinner with us.

When I was working as a guardian ad litem, I wasn't always unhappy to see kids living with their grandparents - oldschool often works tons better and they are more likely to get it from grandparents than their own parents, sometimes.

04-08-2010, 12:02 PM
When I was working as a guardian ad litem, I wasn't always unhappy to see kids living with their grandparents - oldschool often works tons better and they are more likely to get it from grandparents than their own parents, sometimes.

Thank you ma'am. They're a mess, as you can well imagine, but we're trying. After 7 years they are finally beginning to understand that "No" does not mean maybe, in a little bit, or OK...but....

04-08-2010, 03:36 PM
I used to tell my mom Bye in the morning and head for the creek and who knows where else. I'd cash in some bottles at the Grider's at 55th and Penn and buy some carrots or a chunk of bologna and a Sweetheart Cola and head out exploring until evening. Nowdays, I'm sure that would be unheard of with our overprotective society.

That sounds familiar. I would call home if I wasn't going to be there for lunch and let grandma know where I was, but otherwise had the run of the city.

04-08-2010, 03:45 PM
Kids will never know who C. Douglas Dillon was. No reason to, I guess; they probably don't know who his couterpart is today either.

Does anyone here remember him? No fair Wiki'ing it, but I won't know if you do though.

I'm guessing that between Generals64, Caboose and Carlton's Keeper, one of them will remember.

The only reason I know and remember is that I'm something of a geek who loves to read...anything. I learned to read either in Kindergarten or slightly before by reading cereal boxes. I knew there was niacin in most cereals before I ever heard about Dick and Jane.

04-08-2010, 04:38 PM
Wasn't C. Douglas Dillon the Secretary of Treasury in the 50's, early 60's? I know his name is on the paper money somewhere....Probably wrong.....but, I gave it a shot....

04-08-2010, 05:02 PM
they probably don't know who his counterpart is today either
Nor any of the 17 between Dillon & Geithner. lol (i peeked)

04-08-2010, 05:34 PM
Wasn't C. Douglas Dillon the Secretary of Treasury in the 50's, early 60's? I know his name is on the paper money somewhere....Probably wrong.....but, I gave it a shot....

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!

Bob, tell the General what he's won!!!

When I said I read everything, I mean EVERYTHING! I used to peruse paper money on the rare occasions I was in possession of any. With a magnifying glass I found out that on the back of the Five you could read the names of the 13 Original Colonies on the rim of the Lincoln Memorial.

04-08-2010, 05:46 PM
Kids will never know who C. Douglas Dillon was. No reason to, I guess; they probably don't know who his couterpart is today either.

Does anyone here remember him? No fair Wiki'ing it, but I won't know if you do though.

I'm guessing that between Generals64, Caboose and Carlton's Keeper, one of them will remember.

The only reason I know and remember is that I'm something of a geek who loves to read...anything. I learned to read either in Kindergarten or slightly before by reading cereal boxes. I knew there was niacin in most cereals before I ever heard about Dick and Jane.
Unlike some I'm Honest, haven't got a clue!!!

04-08-2010, 07:38 PM
Unlike some I'm Honest, haven't got a clue!!!

I had absolutely no clue, either.

04-08-2010, 08:13 PM
Ding, ding, ding, ding!!!

Bob, tell the General what he's won!!!

When I said I read everything, I mean EVERYTHING! I used to peruse paper money on the rare occasions I was in possession of any. With a magnifying glass I found out that on the back of the Five you could read the names of the 13 Original Colonies on the rim of the Lincoln Memorial.

I didn't think you could see all 13.

My eyes are so bad now I probably couldn't see with my glasses and magnifying glass

04-08-2010, 08:44 PM
I didn't think you could see all 13.

My eyes are so bad now I probably couldn't see with my glasses and magnifying glass

I don't think you can see all 13, just enough to suss out that that's what they are.

04-08-2010, 09:06 PM
Unlike some I'm Honest, haven't got a clue!!!

================================================== =========
He was there during Eisenhower and Kennedy and I'm not sure about Johnson Terms.....I used to be able to cherish the few dollars I had....Would count them every night both of them....

04-08-2010, 09:07 PM
================================================== =========
He was there during Eisenhower and Kennedy and I'm not sure about Johnson Terms.....I used to be able to cherish the few dollars I had....Would count them every night both of them....

God love you, General - you make me feel so young!

04-08-2010, 09:11 PM
God love you, General - you make me feel so young!

================================================== =========
To me, you are.....

04-10-2010, 03:33 PM
How about Dizzy Dean and the Saturday afternoon game of the week? What a character he was. Remember as how he was telling the story once of how a fan had approached him during his playing days and asked for his autograph.....he could hardly finish the story he got so tickled at himself ....finally said he'd written Jerome Dean in great big letters all the way around the baseball. "He slud in safe....."

04-10-2010, 08:03 PM
Capitol hill ice cream company....even the ammonia smell was worth it to get an ice cream there....i'm sure ferrell's was good and maybe even "great"....but, capitol hill was always great...

04-10-2010, 09:06 PM
Capitol hill ice cream company....even the ammonia smell was worth it to get an ice cream there....i'm sure ferrell's was good and maybe even "great"....but, capitol hill was always great...

In the 1960's, Capitol Hill Ice Cream had "cake" and "egg" malts. Wonder if you could get an egg malt anywhere today? They just added the raw egg to the malt!

04-10-2010, 10:10 PM
In the 1960's, Capitol Hill Ice Cream had "cake" and "egg" malts. Wonder if you could get an egg malt anywhere today? They just added the raw egg to the malt!

Prob'ly not Health Dep't or FDA even made Orange Julius to stop putting raw egg in their product lo these many years ago. Just how in God's name did any of us survive without all the anti bacterial stuff everybody seems to have to have today?:053:

04-10-2010, 10:33 PM
My Father-in-law did the refrigeration work for Capitol Hill Ice Cream from day one. When he would have a service call if I could I would volunteer to go and help for NO CHARGE....I was supplied with lots of Ice Cream from that place....Oh, did I mention it was "FREE"....Funny what fat boys will do for Ice Cream....Huh Carlton????

04-10-2010, 11:44 PM
Most kids won't know or believe that America was once a "Free Country", and people were actually responsible for themselves.

04-11-2010, 12:17 AM
How about Dizzy Dean and the Saturday afternoon game of the week? What
a character he was. Remember as how he was telling the story once of how a
fan had approached him during his playing days and asked for his
autograph... he could hardly finish the story he got so tickled at himself...
finally said he'd written Jerome Dean in great big letters all the way around
the baseball. "He slud in safe..."
Peewee Reese was the other half. Brought to you by Falstaff.

04-11-2010, 12:39 AM
According to the media, there are kids in high school who know nothing about the OKC Bombing. Now, I pray they never experience the same, but they should fully be aware of what happened, why, and the lingering aftermath. I know it was something I will never forget. I have not visited the memorial or museum because I'm not sure how I would handle it. And I did not know and was not related to any of the victims.

04-11-2010, 01:09 AM
Peewee Reese was the other half. Brought to you by Falstaff.

Yes he was, but I seem to remember Buddy Blatner as being there before Pee Wee and the Fall flat,I mean Falstaff mouthpiece was that cartoon character The Old Pro

04-11-2010, 09:00 AM
Peewee Reese was the other half. Brought to you by Falstaff.

I remember hearing those games on a huge floor standing Zenith radio at Hill's Barber Shop at NW 36th & Western when I got my monthly "Burr" haircut.

04-12-2010, 03:01 PM
I remember hearing those games on a huge floor standing Zenith radio at Hill's Barber Shop at NW 36th & Western when I got my monthly "Burr" haircut.

Which side of the street was the barber shop on? West? I believe the Cock O The Walk was there even then! Humpty, TG&Y, a hardware store, cleaners and Safeway were all on the east side. And there was a Mobil station just to the north and was it Sheen Drug on the S.E. corner?

04-12-2010, 03:51 PM
Which side of the street was the barber shop on? West? I believe the Cock O
The Walk was there even then! Humpty, TG&Y, a hardware store, cleaners
and Safeway were all on the east side. And there was a Mobil station just to
the north and was it Sheen Drug on the S.E. corner?
It must have been on the west side. The east side had Crown Heights
grocery, TG&Y and Bruno's.

04-12-2010, 04:07 PM
It must have been on the west side. The east side had Crown Heights
grocery, TG&Y and Bruno's.

================================================== =========
Yeah but it was Safeway before then....