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08-01-2009, 04:08 AM
Man, Ivory soap tasted awful. After a taste of that stuff I couldn't open my
eyes for a long time. My language improved exponentially!

Lava was the ultimate killer!!

08-01-2009, 04:12 AM
Lite the oven . (Something you had to do if the pilot light on the gas oven was out to preheat it)

Early moring in winter, " Lite the oven and leave the door open so it will get warm in the house"

Be careful around that furnace (floor furnace) or you'll get burned.

USG '60
08-01-2009, 08:35 AM
When I was 5 we were visiting grandma and grandpa's farm, my uncle (19 at the time) taught me and my brother a new word while teaching us how to lag for pennies. I tested the word out on mom. She dragged me out to the porch with the handpump and washbasin to get the soap but all there was there that day was the lye soap for laundry. I got a reprieve. Thats when I knew mom really loved me.

08-01-2009, 11:12 AM
Lava was the ultimate killer!!

Naw never had anything until your mom made you stick your tongue out and she put BORAXO on there.....NO bad words after that....I think it even says on the back of the label of the can that it was guaranteed to make kids quit cussing.....

08-01-2009, 08:43 PM
Getting clothes lined by a clothes line.

08-01-2009, 10:23 PM
That would have been a memograph.

no thats it what women get once a year!:LolLolLol

08-01-2009, 10:36 PM
no thats it what women get once a year!:LolLolLol
What was I thinking?

08-01-2009, 11:17 PM
no thats it what women get once a year!:LolLolLol

Does that go along with the Pabst Blue Ribbon Smear?

08-02-2009, 06:58 PM

1. "drawing" water from an outdoor well.
2. Going to the "outhouse"...and "shooing" some chickens away
3. Churning Butter or making "Lye" soap
4. walking (intentionally) down a "dusty" road barefoot.
5. "Hooking" a Trace up on a team of Mules....(they'll be lucky"..)
6. Gathering eggs from around the farm...Not just the hen house.....

08-04-2009, 03:51 PM
Junk cars and body parts that read...........

Hamp Baker Says,

"Don't drink and drive".....................

"Drive with care"..............

Where there others?

USG '60
08-04-2009, 04:01 PM
Burma Shave signs.

08-04-2009, 04:53 PM
Pete's Place...
See live rattlesnakes
Double Cola

It was some place in the SE USA during the 50's and 60's. We'd see the signs
and want to stop. I'm thinking SE Tennessee or NE Georgia.


Hudson's General store. He used refrigerators for signs. I think it was in
Coalgate, OK.

08-04-2009, 08:27 PM
There are some BurmaShave signs (reproductions I bet) on US-281 between Austin and Wichita Falls. I had a 9:00am meeting this morning up there at Sheppard AFB, so it was an early morning (left Austin at 3:00am) and I can't recall what town they were near.

There is a live snake farm on I-35 in New Braunfels (between Austin and San Antonio).

Animal World & Snake Farm (

08-04-2009, 09:46 PM
There are some BurmaShave signs (reproductions I bet) on US-281 between Austin and Wichita Falls. I had a 9:00am meeting this morning up there at Sheppard AFB, so it was an early morning (left Austin at 3:00am) and I can't recall what town they were near.

There is a live snake farm on I-35 in New Braunfels (between Austin and San Antonio).

Animal World & Snake Farm (

I think they have one or both of my ex-wives in there someplace!!! :demonslay

08-04-2009, 09:51 PM
Burma Shave signs.

There were some along highway 62 between Harrah and Meeker on the north side of the road.

08-04-2009, 09:53 PM
There is a live snake farm on I-35 in New Braunfels (between Austin and San

Animal World & Snake Farm (

This looks similar to Pete's Place, the color of the place was a 'caution
yellow'. We only stopped once @60 or 62. What a tourist trap.

08-04-2009, 09:59 PM
Here's something that's an absolute shame.

Roadside cider stands. There was something about cracking the seal and
waiting a couple of weeks before imbibing. Of course, pre-seal cracked cider
was a couple of dollars more. I think Arkansas's economy relied upon the
cider stands in the 50's and 60's.

08-05-2009, 02:10 AM
Having to remain in one spot to have a telephone conversation.....
Getting fruits and vegetables only when they are "in season" (I could go for that now!!)..
Having to send film out to get developed before you can see the pictures..
8mm home movies (no sound) and the camera that had a bar with 4 bright (and hot) light bulbs for brightness......
Getting dressed-up,suit and ties for the guys..frilly dresses and stacked-up hairdos for the gals,(I could never make up my mind which I looked better in) for a family picture and the photographer comes to your house...

Hand signals, not the bird, when driving......
Going out to the car on summer evenings and nights to see what baseball games you could get on the radio........
curb feelers........
having to sleep on a pallet while mom and dad got the bed when staying at a motel.
no t.v. in a motel (not too long ago you couldn't get a room in Las Vegas with a t.v. in it. They wanted you downstairs in the casino, not watching t.v. Of course most rooms had "magic fingers" connected to the bed!!......"open up your pocketbook get another quarter out, drop it in the meter mama, try me on for size!!)

08-05-2009, 09:11 AM
The Sand Bass Festival back in the day.

08-05-2009, 12:19 PM
Having to remain in one spot to have a telephone conversation.....
With some cell phones/locations that is still the case. When I first moved to Austin we had a "dead spot" in our house where we could get no coverage and most of the house had spotty coverage at best. It has improved over the years.

08-05-2009, 02:26 PM
With some cell phones/locations that is still the case. When I first moved to Austin we had a "dead spot" in our house where we could get no coverage and most of the house had spotty coverage at best. It has improved over the years.

What did you expect by moving to Austin?

08-05-2009, 03:11 PM
Getting fruits and vegetables only when they are "in season" (I could go for that now!!)..

Go to the old Public Market. Klien and Reno, off Exchange bridge ,( every real southsider should know this place) and buy some. I have decided it is probably cheaper in the long run that planting your own garden.

08-05-2009, 05:01 PM
Go to the old Public Market. Klien and Reno, off Exchange bridge , (every
real southsider should know this place) and buy some. I have decided it is
probably cheaper in the long run that planting your own garden.

Hey, we planted a garden this summer and are planning a huge one next
season. We're going to co-op with another couple who also had a great

We canned about 70lbs of tomatoes! With them we made tomato sauce
and salsa. Then we came upon 130 ears of corn. Froze some and made
corn relish. Cherry jam, blackberry jam and jalapeno jelly. Not to mention
a whole lot of other goodies.

08-05-2009, 06:27 PM
My kids and grandkids still don't believe me about "High-Life" to a cat.....Best cat races you have ever seen. Of course, it doesn't last very long......

My kids and grandkids have never had a B-B Gun fight.....yee-haw.. can really do that.....Make sure it's NOT a BULL they are a little more sturdy and they have a real bad attitude when quickly awakened.

My kids and grandkids will never experience having to get up and change the T.V. channel with a remote control and having only four channels...NBC...ABC...CBS...and OETA....

Whoever would have thought you could get $1.79 for a bottle of water......

08-05-2009, 07:09 PM
How about watching UHF channels? What was channel 14? KLPR? What
was the silent movie comedy show they had? At the beginning of the show
the announcer would say, "who's the funny man?"

08-05-2009, 11:45 PM
Whoever would have thought you could get $1.79 for a bottle of water......

Or .50 cents and up to put air in your tire!!!!!

If you can find a machine that works.........

Thank Heaven for 7/11 for free air...........

08-05-2009, 11:50 PM
Getting fruits and vegetables only when they are "in season" (I could go for that now!!)..

Go to the old Public Market. Klien and Reno, off Exchange bridge ,( every real southsider should know this place) and buy some. I have decided it is probably cheaper in the long run that planting your own garden.

I agree. My point is that fruits and vegetables are brought in to Wal-Mart and other super markets from Mexico or somewhere when they are not available at the Farmers Market. Not in season........

08-05-2009, 11:53 PM
I have not seen one in some time but do you remember the panel vans that came up from the Gulf with fresh seafood?

I bought from them often, especially shrimp, big shrimp and never had a problem.

Good stuff Maynard!

08-10-2009, 10:21 AM
Going to a check out aisle that doesn't have a bar code reader. I remember the ladies at Safeway were wicked fast, probably faster than the clerks that use the bar codes today.

08-10-2009, 11:11 AM
Going to a check out aisle that doesn't have a bar code reader. I remember the ladies at Safeway were wicked fast, probably faster than the clerks that use the bar codes today.

Oh man. I was a checker (Albertsons) and all of us were tons faster than the bar code people, these days. Used to be, we could zip that stuff through. All of us would take pride about not being a penny off. That was back in the days before the machine made change for you. These days, it is excruciating to have to wait on the robots to sort of dumbly stare at the merchandise as it passes through. I think it probably has something to do with the more passive a job is, the less engaged the worker is.

That's a hard job - lots of bending and twisting and on your feet without a break for hours.

08-10-2009, 11:19 AM
That's a hard job - lots of bending and twisting and on your feet without a break for hours.

You were/are an exotic dancer?

08-10-2009, 12:05 PM
You were/are an exotic dancer?

I was invited once to be an exotic dancer at the Red Dog. It kind of freaked me out. The guy who asked me caught me in a parking lot on 23rd street near Portland. I'd never seen him before in my life. I think I was walking into the Long John Silvers or something. I looked and him and said, "I'm sixteen." (which was true).

"NEVER MIND!" he said as he walked off in a big-time hurry.

08-10-2009, 03:27 PM
I was invited once to be an exotic dancer at the Red Dog. It kind of freaked me out. The guy who asked me caught me in a parking lot on 23rd street near Portland. I'd never seen him before in my life. I think I was walking into the Long John Silvers or something. I looked and him and said, "I'm sixteen." (which was true).

"NEVER MIND!" he said as he walked off in a big-time hurry.

Gee!!! Make-out spots!!!! Pole dancer at Albertsons!! Exotic dancer!!!

Maybe we'll meet at your house one Saturday instead of Coit's.

Think I would pay to get in...............

08-10-2009, 04:26 PM
Gee!!! Make-out spots!!!! Pole dancer at Albertsons!! Exotic dancer!!!

Maybe we'll meet at your house one Saturday instead of Coit's.

Think I would pay to get in...............

You'd take one look at this old lady and demand your money back! Or pay to be able to leave!

08-10-2009, 10:26 PM
You'd take one look at this old lady and demand your money back! Or pay to be able to leave!

You might be surprised. Been single for the last 11 years.

Only home cooked meals I get are at reunions and funerals.......

Check the obits every morning to see what nationality the deceased is........

08-11-2009, 01:25 AM
-S & H Green-Stamps
-Type Writers
-Cock Fighting

08-11-2009, 08:33 AM
Attic fans
opening the windows when a tornado was near
trash picked up from beside your house
the help "blinky lights" at TG&Y
geting spanked in public when you misbehaved
or being told to wait in the car (after misbehaving) til mom was done shopping
s&h green stamps
the tv going "offline" arond 1am
the national anthem when the tv went off
saying "tick tick tick boom" when someone got owned
collecting change from everyone in the car for gas for the evening
eating at DQ for less than $1
christmas carroling around the neighborhood
being able to meet passengers as they got off the plane
an open air penn square
shooting fireworks off wherever you wanted
full service stations
trying to find a center piece to play your 45's
gas wall furnaces in the bathroom (I know some are still around)
no 24 hour stores.......except some 7-11s

08-11-2009, 04:52 PM
You might be surprised. Been single for the last 11 years.

Only home cooked meals I get are at reunions and funerals.......

Check the obits every morning to see what nationality the deceased is........
Be careful Dude, she's a lawyer and was a North-sider...Yuk. Still like to meet her face to face......I think we could take a vote and get her included in the southside program.......

08-11-2009, 06:01 PM
Be careful Dude, she's a lawyer and was a North-sider...Yuk. Still like to meet her face to face......I think we could take a vote and get her included in the southside program.......

I wouldn't want to be part of any group that would allow me to be a member. <vbg>

08-12-2009, 08:14 AM
I don't if my kids know about this but, I'll bet they never collect the deposit on glass pop bottles.

08-12-2009, 11:22 AM
I wouldn't want to be part of any group that would allow me to be a member. <vbg>

Thank you Grouchette!

08-12-2009, 02:05 PM
I wouldn't want to be part of any group that would allow me to be a member. <vbg>

That's okay................

We're all just bozos on this bus.....................:dizzy:

08-12-2009, 10:38 PM
That's okay................

We're all just bozos on this bus.....................:dizzy:
speaking of BOZO'S....OUR KIDS WILL NEVER KNOW THT wILLARD sCOTT WAS THE first Bozo and was the First Ronald McDonald....They (our kids) probably don't care.....

08-12-2009, 11:54 PM
speaking of BOZO'S... Our kids will never know that Willard Scott was the first
Bozo and was the First Ronald McDonald... They (our kids) probably don't

Nay, nay and nay! Willard Scott wasn't the first Bozo. Pinto Colvig was the
first Bozo, @1949 he was also the first voice of Bozo on radio. There were
many, many Bozos. They were syndicated all over the USA. Willard Scott was
a Bozo in Washington, DC from 59-62. There were Bozos in Los Angeles,
Chicago, New York City and most of the major cities.

Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald.

08-13-2009, 06:26 AM
There was a Bozo the clown show on TV in OKC. I was on the show when I was a small kid.

08-13-2009, 10:02 AM
Nay, nay and nay! Willard Scott wasn't the first Bozo. Pinto Colvig was the
first Bozo, @1949 he was also the first voice of Bozo on radio. There were
many, many Bozos. They were syndicated all over the USA. Willard Scott was
a Bozo in Washington, DC from 59-62. There were Bozos in Los Angeles,
Chicago, New York City and most of the major cities.

Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald.

I know, just seeing if YOU were awake.......He was Ronald McDonald though....

08-13-2009, 11:08 AM
Religious holidays other than Christmas and Easter.....

That just because it is Christmas you are not entitled to presents. In other words, presents are not owed to you any time..........

I worked with a guy in his mid-20's, lived in the okc area all of his life, told us he had no idea what Good Friday was all about...............

08-13-2009, 02:51 PM
Religious holidays other than Christmas and Easter.....

That just because it is Christmas you are not entitled to presents. In other words, presents are not owed to you any time..........

I worked with a guy in his mid-20's, lived in the okc area all of his life, told us he had no idea what Good Friday was all about...............
O.K. now you've got me going. The Country known as The United States of America was founded on Christian Beliefs. Our national laws were written around the Ten commandments......I remember the teacher reading the Bible EVERY Morning at Chester A. Arthur elementary in a small town in Oklahoma known as Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. I went to school to my mother told me I was going.....It was not a baby-sitting joint it was a place where we allowed the opportunity to prepare ourselves for a better future. I am a FIRM believer in Christ.....what is the guy you are talking about thinking???.....Maybe his family was from some other country or planet...O.K. I won't keep ranting and Raving....I'll let Prunepicker (our local scholar) take over from here......East Coast Okie.....shed some light on this for us....

08-13-2009, 03:02 PM
Religious holidays other than Christmas and Easter.....

I worked with a guy in his mid-20's, lived in the okc area all of his life, told us he had no idea what Good Friday was all about...............

Guess he didn't know about Holy Thursday either

08-13-2009, 03:08 PM
Guess he didn't know about Holy Thursday either

************************************************** ***************************************
I remember the Holidays both Christian and Non-Christian Holidays ( labor day etc.) were celebrated with exuberance and excitement. The lead up to the Holiday was more fun than the Holiday. TG&Y wouldn't let us put anything out pertaining to Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving.....That Friday would be a long day however....Then they start putting things out 60 days before the Holiday.....My excitement in Christmas is seeing the smiles on my kids faces when they get something now that they asked for twenty years ago.....some of it comes from antique stores but, it brings back the memories of yesterday...

08-13-2009, 03:27 PM
O.K. now you've got me going. ... I went to school to my mother told me I was going.....It was not a baby-sitting joint it was a place where we allowed the opportunity to prepare ourselves for a better future. I am a FIRM believer in Christ.....what is the guy you are talking about thinking???.....Maybe his family was from some other country or planet...O.K. I won't keep ranting and Raving....

I am not sure where you are going with this - there is a lot there!

Okay, okay, okay... When we were kids, I think we got Good Friday off but not being Catholic (or anything else), I really wasn't taught what that was all about, either. I figured it out, later, but that was just because I was personally interested. So there is that.

I DO remember Valentine's Day and St. Patricks Day but I don't think those are in the category to get folks het up.

As for going to school to learn, you betcha. And things have sure changed. Back when mom was home with the kids, before there was before and after school programs, there was an entirely different attitude about the role of schools. Plus, there was more of a community consensus about what that role was. Plus, we were all in it together and back in the day, a parent would have crawled in a hole if his/her child disrupted a class. No more. Now, discipline is a joke because the parents second and third guess the teacher. The kids expect to be entertained (that never crossed my mind, honestly) and we are being forced fed the notion that junior isn't learning because he is "bored" and/or has ADHD. We had recess to run off steam (especially for the boys) but now, with all the testing they do, constantly, the kids don't get nearly as much exercise (at home, either) so they are bouncing off the walls. It is a cluster.

Off my soapbox, now.

08-13-2009, 04:09 PM
Religious holidays other than Christmas and Easter.....

That just because it is Christmas you are not entitled to presents. In other words, presents are not owed to you any time..........

I worked with a guy in his mid-20's, lived in the okc area all of his life, told us he had no idea what Good Friday was all about...............

My point being that religion has already pushed out of Christmas and Easter and if things continue that small part will be swept under the rug........

Many kids today are numb as to what a present is. They have been twisted in such a manner that they believe they are owed and entitled to these gifts and have a fit if they don't get something they wanted........

I was really surprised that the kid had no idea what Good Friday was about. Not so long ago businesses closed at least by noon on Good Friday if not all day. Now I wonder how many are in the same boat as that kid...........

08-13-2009, 05:51 PM
I have no idea what any of the Catholic Holy day's are about. I'am not Catholic. I did go to a Catholic wedding once and every now and then everybody would get down on their knees while I stood, not knowing the cue. I dont know if my kids know any of this stuff either. I quess this discussion would be better served on a religous forum.

08-13-2009, 08:17 PM
I have no idea what any of the Catholic Holy day's are about. I'am not Catholic. I did go to a Catholic wedding once and every now and then everybody would get down on their knees while I stood, not knowing the cue. I dont know if my kids know any of this stuff either. I quess this discussion would be better served on a religous forum.

But Christmas, Good Friday and Easter are not JUST catholic holidays.

1) The whole point in making the observation that I did was the fact Christmas and Easter have lost their religious/spiritual meanings.

2) That too many kids do not appreciate presents of any kind because the mentality has become one where they feel these are things they are entitled too. Things they should get, not earn or miss out on. And this is every day things not just holidays or birthdays.......

I guess I should have worded the original posting differently to have avoided the religious implications. The "Good Friday" story was to show how far things have slipped. Not that it was "Good Friday!!" It's probably true about the July 4Th holiday..
Memorial Day!!! It's just a three-day weekend for most. And another sale item (wreathes) for corporate America. How many remember it as Decoration Day and was to honor the war dead.

Forget the religion............

These are things that are passing us by now and soon will have no significance......

I'm sorry!! I forget how many of you are grant-grads and need things spelled out and a picture drawn...

08-13-2009, 08:28 PM
But Christmas, Good Friday and Easter are not JUST catholic holidays.

1) The whole point in making the observation that I did was the fact Christmas and Easter have lost their religious/spiritual meanings.

2) That too many kids do not appreciate presents of any kind because the mentality has become one where they feel these are things they are entitled too. Things they should get, not earn or miss out on. And this is every day things not just holidays or birthdays.......

I guess I should have worded the original posting differently to have avoided the religious implications. The "Good Friday" story was to show how far things have slipped. Not that it was "Good Friday!!" It's probably true about the July 4Th holiday..
Memorial Day!!! It's just a three-day weekend for most. And another sale item (wreathes) for corporate America. How many remember it as Decoration Day and was to honor the war dead.

Forget the religion............

These are things that are passing us by now and soon will have no significance......

I'm sorry!! I forget how many of you are grant-grads and need things spelled out and a picture drawn...

************************************************** *********
Hey:......your observation is right on target and we're with you....

08-13-2009, 08:28 PM
I remember...
Fish on Friday because it was a religious thing. Meatless Friday's?

Daily Bible reading from the teacher. No doctrine, just a few verses.

Pledging allegiance to the flag.

Hearing the daily prayers after the messages over the new intercom
system. Until then, it was the teacher who prayed.

The teacher ringing a bell for silent prayer before going into the lunch line.
Every time the bell rang everyone would be quiet.

Nobody complaining that we did that.

I'm a Christian.

08-13-2009, 08:33 PM
How about these...

Not thinking twice about someone having a gun rack in their truck with guns
in it and ammunition in the glove box in the school parking lot.

A bowl of cloves at the cash register of the cafe or restaurant.

08-13-2009, 08:36 PM
I remember...
Fish on Friday because it was a religious thing. Meatless Friday's?

Daily Bible reading from the teacher. No doctrine, just a few verses.

Pledging allegiance to the flag.

Hearing the daily prayers after the messages over the new intercom
system. Until then, it was the teacher who prayed.

The teacher ringing a bell for silent prayer before going into the lunch line.
Every time the bell rang everyone would be quiet.

Nobody complaining that we did that.

I'm a Christian.

I'm a devout Christian and I am proud of it....PapaOU made a statement that I am on his side 100%. I can't figure out how this country was founded on the Beliefs of Christian people. Freedom of Religion...No matter what....Now Hmm. I won't EVER give up my belief in God or Christ. We (My Household) serve God to the best of our abilities. We recognize the Religious Holidays as well as the reason for the other Holidays.....Memorial Day (Decoration Day)...My Dad had many friends killed in WWII...I lost many friends during the Viet Nam War. We have lost some friends in Iraq. 4th of July....Founding of our Country. If you don't like America then leave....Whoops Redneck just jumped out. Labor Day.....Just what it's all about...."Take a break"....Halloween......ahhh don't know...(All Hallows Eve) not a true Holiday just a way to sell something.....Thanksgiving....Hooray for that one and Christmas....Christ probably wasn't born on December 25th but, that's O.K. he was born and he died for all of us no matter what......Just My personal beliefs...wanna get mad ....that's your right as an American......Try to say those things in Russia or China........

08-13-2009, 09:22 PM
How about these...

Not thinking twice about someone having a gun rack in their truck with guns
in it and ammunition in the glove box in the school parking lot.

A bowl of cloves at the cash register of the cafe or restaurant.

Even though you had to pay for them, El Charrito's pralines!

08-13-2009, 10:23 PM
I liked the Monterey House ones...