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boscorama 08-09-2012, 08:19 PM Used to buy Chef Boy-ar-dee boxed pizza kits, lol.
Now here's something else kids will never see: postal addresses which include the line, Oklahoma City, 11, Okla. Precursors to the zip code. My zone was 11. Who else remembers theirs? Heck, the two-letter state abbreviations didn't even exist.
boscorama 08-14-2012, 08:51 PM A reference to the Kiwanis Club made me think of the Junior Police. Remember that? Upper elementary grade kids were excused from class to man the crosswalks when school let out. Kind of like today's adult cross guards, I suppose? But as a kid, it was fun to stand out there, waiting for the time to hold out the flag and escort the children across the street.
(Question: Did the flag bear the name Kiwanis, or what the h3ll is the connection?)
BlackmoreRulz 08-14-2012, 09:11 PM A reference to the Kiwanis Club made me think of the Junior Police. Remember that? Upper elementary grade kids were excused from class to man the crosswalks when school let out. Kind of like today's adult cross guards, I suppose? But as a kid, it was fun to stand out there, waiting for the time to hold out the flag and escort the children across the street.
(Question: Did the flag bear the name Kiwanis, or what the h3ll is the connection?)
Hahaha, that belt with the shoulder strap made ya look so dang cool
ctchandler 08-14-2012, 10:26 PM I don't remember the flag that well, but I was Captain of the Rancho Village Junior Police the second semester of the sixth grade. I had two lieutenants, one of them was Captain the first semester and I actually have breakfast with him every few months with a Grant H.S. reunion group. It was pretty "neat" as we would say then. Cool wasn't in use in the early/mid fifties. Responsibilities were mainly to insure all cross walks had a member with his flag at the proper times. It actually was morning and at the end of the school day.
C. T.
RadicalModerate 08-14-2012, 11:20 PM I was a "Safety Patrol" cadet in either fifth or sixth grade . . . it was a specifically/local/elementaryschool based program, probably supported by The Elks or The Masons . . . the half bandolero with the belt and the badge was pretty cool . . . the trust the teachers put in using this extra-curricular activity to curb [my enthusiasm, non-directed] resulted in zero kids getting hit by cars in the crosswalk on my watch. It may have had something to do with my presenting The Official Sign in a manner that let everyone mean know i meant business. =) "Hall-Monitors", on the other hand, were a different breed . . .
(i have it on good authority that a very local County Sheriff was a Hall Monitor's Hall Monitor all through school. the person who told me this grew up out in Choctaw so he should know. he--the "scofflaw"--was attempting to insult. i--the immigrant--will vote for the former "hall monitor" every time he runs for office because he once gave me a very real, very reasonable break in real life. a "debt of honor" i suppose some might say: something else our kids may not ever know about =)
Dubya51: Send that imaginary check to Pete instead of me this month. =)
Larry OKC 08-16-2012, 11:31 AM Here was Taco Bueno's old politically incorrect logo/mascot (also used by parent company Casa Bonita on their candy money along with Bananas the monkey)
RadicalModerate 08-16-2012, 04:58 PM I vaguely remember seeing a few of those in circulation!!!
I wonder if the artist was that guy who used to do those cool illustrations for Mad Magazine.
What would really be funny is if--on the flip side of the offensive "Money"--was a cartoon drawing of Bob and Doug MacKenzie.
It looks a lot like a Canadian bill anyways . . . They could be referred to as NAFTABucks.
metro 08-16-2012, 10:08 PM Capitalism, keyboards, typewriters, good TV programming, pagers, non-color TV/computer screens, landline phones just to name a few.
RadicalModerate 08-17-2012, 03:12 PM Watering The Pet Lawn (grass).
(then mowing it . . . walking the carbon footprints o' the past . . . so the cycle of life can be repeated =)
1972ford 08-17-2012, 08:02 PM The 8 ball at 23rd MacArthur was an awesome kid made BMX track with ramps as the years went on we built those ramps larger and larger. There were plenty of stitches and broken bones that came out of there. I guess one day the people that owned the land discovered what we were doing back there and leveled the ramps and drop in. I remember going out every big trash day with my dad to get bicycles for handle bars frames rims tubes tires peddles. He found it way cheaper to keep me on a bicycle that way even though he forbade me to go there I was there almost everyday it wasn't raining.
boscorama 09-15-2012, 08:39 PM Zoo Keys
Remember the tv song:
All the animals in the zoo are jumping up and down for you,
asking you to be sure to plan to visit the zoo as soon as you can.
Story books that really talk, they turn on with a key,
tell fascinating things about the animals you see.
Storybooks and zoo keys together guide you through,
a world of new excitement awaits you at the zoo!
David 09-17-2012, 08:40 AM Every time I see this thread pop up in the New Posts search results I get re-annoyed about the "Making spaghetti sauce" entry in the first comment. If you want your kids to know about it, look up an Italian meat sauce recipe and make it yourself, there's got to be thousands of them on the internet.
Plutonic Panda 11-17-2012, 03:47 AM We actually had a door-to-door vacuum salesman come by the other day. NO JOKE!!!
kevinpate 11-17-2012, 09:54 AM We actually had a door-to-door vacuum salesman come by the other day. NO JOKE!!!
Interesting. Haven't had an at the door sales pitch that wasn't school, scout, magazine or fruit related in many a year, and not very many of those for that matter.
RadicalModerate 11-18-2012, 10:37 AM Was it a Dyson? =) (Remember that episode of Taxi when they all went off to do different things and The Rev. Jim did the whole "dump stuff on the floor" pitch for some lady only to reach into his salesman resource bag and pull out one volume of an encyclopedia?)
Plutonic Panda 11-18-2012, 11:23 AM Was it a Dyson? =) (Remember that episode of Taxi when they all went off to do different things and The Rev. Jim did the whole "dump stuff on the floor" pitch for some lady only to reach into his salesman resource bag and pull out one volume of an encyclopedia?)Yeah it was and we already have an older model Dyson. He said well these newer ones have cyclone technology that has the force of a Cat. 5 hurricane on the carpet. He did a demonstration and his couldn't pick up the mess he made on his "portable carpet" and then we tried ours and....... ours worked!!!!! He didn't know what to
RadicalModerate 11-18-2012, 01:29 PM To really make the experience fun . . . Perhaps you could have dragged out the litter box of Cat 5 to see just how well the New!Improved!! Dyson corners. =)
Even better would be if you started handing him pamphlets on converting to Mormonism, Jehovah Witnessism, Scientology and/or....
(the salesman . . . not Cat5)
Plutonic Panda 11-18-2012, 08:00 PM To really make the experience fun . . . Perhaps you could have dragged out the litter box of Cat 5 to see just how well the New!Improved!! Dyson corners. =)
Even better would be if you started handing him pamphlets on converting to Mormonism, Jehovah Witnessism, Scientology and/or....
(the salesman . . . not Cat5)Ha that would the sales pitch of the year!!!! Be like hey "if you convert to Mormonism... <Jesus was an American right> ... well since pretty much everything in America is commercialized you can authentically throw the give the them the impression of..... "Hiya folks hoya doing today.... I got a brand new shiny ol' Dyson that is waiting for a new home. Guess what it is Cat 5 approved.... Cyclone approved...... and even better Aymerry(CAN) Jesus approved. Thats right Jesus!!!!....*gets a little closer to up to there face and shouts* JESUS!!!! So if own what Jesus owns than buy yourself a goodol' Dyson today. :D (IF YOUR REALLY IN THE MOOD TO SHOW OFF; SHOW THEM A DEMONSTRATION OF THE HURRICANE IN JAR[CAT 5 EDITION]) aww yeah!!!!
RadicalModerate 11-20-2012, 02:22 AM Don't ever run that sales pitch (as good as it is) by your kids or they will know about it and therefore be deprived of the lack of not knowing. Deal? =)
Plutonic Panda 11-20-2012, 02:28 AM Don't ever run that sales pitch (as good as it is) by your kids or they will know about it and therefore be deprived of the lack of not knowing. Deal? =)hmmm... Okay... DEAL.
Larry OKC 11-22-2012, 07:12 AM keeps swinging back and forth but Twinkies, Ding Dongs, HoHos etc
corpsman 01-09-2013, 01:41 PM Sad story on Channel 5 website...Bill Howard, AKA Pokey The Puppet died early this AM. What a hoot he and HoHo were
Beloved KOCO television personality dies - Oklahoma City - OKC - (
Prunepicker 01-18-2013, 08:35 PM I heard about that. So sad.
Willb 01-23-2013, 04:47 PM Only having 3 - 6 channels to choose from on TV and needing "rabbit ears" to tune them in.
"....and if the President was on, your night was shot!" -Jeff Foxworthy
boscorama 01-23-2013, 10:02 PM Ha! Not just the President, but also three nights of party conventions during election years.
rezman 04-04-2013, 09:19 PM Full service gas stations.
Movie rooms inside grocery stores.
The sound of an ice cold soda being pulled out of an old side door vending machine on a hot summer day in front of above mentioned gas station.
Rolling newspapers up at the drop and loading them on the bike for the paper route at 4:30 in the morning.
Earning a little cash by walking the roadsides searching for returnable glass pop bottles.
The smell of leaded premium gasoline.
Riding the Monorail at the State Fair.
Rotary telephones.
AlanW 04-04-2013, 10:58 PM Good post. You're right on all counts.
ctchandler 04-05-2013, 04:28 PM Rezman,
Please tell me more about this. I'm older than dirt and I don't remember this. Everything else I remember like it was yesterday. My mother refused to pay the extra charge (yes, there is/was one) for touch tone, and had her rotary dial till she died in December, 2003.
C. T.
Movie rooms inside grocery stores.
rezgirl 04-05-2013, 08:25 PM Letting you kids walk to school without wanting to follow in the car behind them because of the crazy's out there!
& cassette tapes!
My daughter was asking me what one was about 3 weeks ago... :-)
rezman 04-05-2013, 08:58 PM Rezman,
Please tell me more about this. I'm older than dirt and I don't remember this. Everything else I remember like it was yesterday. My mother refused to pay the extra charge (yes, there is/was one) for touch tone, and had her rotary dial till she died in December, 2003.
C. T.
ctchandler .... At the corner of NW 50th & MacArthur, there was a Red Bed grocery store. To the right of the doors inside was a small room that had a few benches and a movie screen where they showed movies to kids while their parents shopped. Consumers IGA at NW 63rd and Portland had one as well.
zookeeper 04-05-2013, 10:48 PM ctchandler .... At the corner of NW 50th & MacArthur, there was a Red Bed grocery store. To the right of the doors inside was a small room that had a few benches and a movie screen where they showed movies to kids while their parents shopped. Consumers IGA at NW 63rd and Portland had one as well.
Founder's Fair on N. May had a movie room too.
rezman 04-06-2013, 12:29 PM ctchandler .... At the corner of NW 50th & MacArthur, there was a Red Bed grocery store. To the right of the doors inside was a small room that had a few benches and a movie screen where they showed movies to kids while their parents shopped. Consumers IGA at NW 63rd and Portland had one as well.
I must make a correction. It was Red Bud grocery store, not Red Bed. ... Darn auto correct! I can't turn it off.
ctchandler 04-07-2013, 04:11 PM Rezman,
It is starting to come back (my memory), I vaguely remember what you have described. They weren't available where we shopped when I was young so that's why I had forgotten about them.
C. T.
RadicalModerate 04-07-2013, 05:31 PM Would it be inappropriate to generalize the discussion? Pre-Walmart Model Semi-Neighborhood Grocery Stores.
(i was particulary fond of the one at Britton and Penn. No, on second thought, "Jim's Superthrift/IGA" was actually on Hefner=)
I'm pretty sure I stopped in at a Red Bud store in the distant past. Maybe because it reminded me of "Red Owl" Grocery that took the place of "Busley's" in my old hometown. =)
Willb 11-25-2013, 09:47 PM ctchandler .... At the corner of NW 50th & MacArthur, there was a Red Bed grocery store. To the right of the doors inside was a small room that had a few benches and a movie screen where they showed movies to kids while their parents shopped. Consumers IGA at NW 63rd and Portland had one as well. There was also one at the IGA at 23rd and Meridian. If memory serves, it resembled a covered wagon.
RadicalModerate 11-26-2013, 02:59 PM The thrill of a Duncan Yo-Yo, suspended, for the first time, right after taking it out of the package, at the bottom of a string, in sleeper mode.
ctchandler 11-26-2013, 03:52 PM RM,
Good thought, and how about the Yo-Yo contests Saturday mornings in the theaters (The Redskin, the Knob Hill et al)? I competed on the stage during intermission and actually won a couple of times. It was quite an experience, demonstrating my skills to a theater full of kids.
C. T.
The thrill of a Duncan Yo-Yo, suspended, for the first time, right after taking it out of the package, at the bottom of a string, in sleeper mode.
biznesschic1959 01-04-2014, 12:04 AM I know. Sleeping on the "sleeping porch" in the country, because grandma didn't have air conditioning.
ctchandler 01-04-2014, 10:51 AM Biznesschic,
That's a nice memory. From the time I was 3 till about 15 I spent the month of August with my aunt and uncle in Chickasha and I slept outside and my aunt sometimes slept with me. And I used to sleep in the front yard on S. W. 37th.
C. T.
I know. Sleeping on the "sleeping porch" in the country, because grandma didn't have air conditioning.