View Full Version : Spaghetti Squash

07-18-2009, 07:45 PM
Today I ate spaghetti squash for the first time in my life.

It's light yellow and kind of the shape of a watermelon. You cut it lengthwise, and then put it cut-side-down on a pan. 30-45 minutes in the oven and then let it cool for 15 minutes (it's still very hot).

An interesting thing happens... you take a fork to it and scoop out the inside and noodles form. Squash noodles! It's pretty darn cool.

It has a very neutral flavor to it so it is (apparently) used for all sorts of recipes from sweet to savory. I'll bet butter and honey would taste great...

Anyways... I tried a recipe that replaced pasta noodles with squash noodles, all else being the same. I had a very meaty spaghetti sauce on top of it.

So good! Surprisingly so!

Calorie and carb comparison:

1 cup of regular, enriched, noodles: 43 carbs, 221 calories

1 cup of spaghetti squash: 10 carbs, 60 calories

Health tip o' the day...


07-18-2009, 08:46 PM
The last time I ate spaghetti squash, years ago, I ended up getting sick the same night with a horrific stomach virus.

I can't bring myself to eat it again.

Funny how it wasn't the squash that made me sick, but it sure sticks in my memory.

Certainly is a good substitute for those who'll eat it, though!

07-18-2009, 08:48 PM
It's psychological... come on, give it another try.

Try butter and brown sugar. Aye carumba!

07-18-2009, 09:18 PM
Maybe sometime. Aren't they a winter squash? I try to keep things in season as much as possible. Tastes better ;)

07-18-2009, 10:11 PM
Maybe sometime. Aren't they a winter squash? I try to keep things in season as much as possible. Tastes better ;)

Pff, no clue. I didn't even know something called "spaghetti squash" existed before yesterday.

07-18-2009, 11:18 PM
I tried eating brussel sprouts.....its was good, but then whew, i think i added to the global warming problem.

07-18-2009, 11:21 PM
I tried eating brussel sprouts.....its was good, but then whew, i think i added to the global warming problem.

lqtm (laughing quietly to myself)


07-20-2009, 01:47 PM
i was very bored one day about 6 or so years ago, maybe sick even, but i was watching martha stewart ( lol) and it was april fools show, an she was going to make spaghetti squash, she cut the squash length wise and inside there was already noodles, sauce and meatballs, martha look shocked and confused, but it was a joke set on by her staff.. for some reason i thought that was funny enough to still stick into my head, it just popped up when i read this post, so i thought i would share... I know boring