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07-09-2009, 12:19 PM
The Journal Record - Article (

OKC ranks 48th in traffic congestion
by Brian Brus
The Journal Record July 9, 2009

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma City’s traffic congestion placed it 48th among the nation’s cities, costing an estimated $257 million annually in wasted time and fuel, according to the latest study by the Texas Transportation Institute.

Tulsa’s traffic was slightly less congested, with a cost ranking of 56th, or about $192 million lost, the annual Urban Mobility Report reveals.The institute found traffic congestion nationwide took a slight break in the last half of 2007 from a 25-year upward trend because high gas prices at the time forced drivers to reconsider their automobile use and fuel consumption. The recession that took hold soon afterward could prolong the effect, but experts predict congestion growth will continue to rise.

This year’s report tracks a quarter century of traffic patterns in 439 U.S. urban areas from 1982 through 2007, the latest data available. The report was prepared by institute researchers David Schrank and Tim Lomax, who predict that when the economy rebounds traffic problems will do likewise.

“The Northeastern states and Texas in the mid-1980s and California in the ‘90s are three regions that give us an idea what to expect,” Lomax said. “In each of those cases, when the economy rebounded, so did the traffic problem.”

Association of Central Oklahoma Governments spokesman Jerry Church said his organization also has tracked traffic congestion in order to help develop effective transportation plans in the metro area, and has found the biggest factor is fuel prices.

“Last year, we had a huge gas price increase in April, May and June, and it corresponded with the Federal Highway Trust Fund basically going bankrupt last summer,” Church said. “And it all ties into the fact that people were driving less.

“I noticed last May, driving to work, that I-40 was like a ghost town. Bus ridership had increased over that time as well,” he said.

Like the institute researchers, Church doesn’t believe traffic congestion will decrease for long. In just the last month, the Oklahoma City regional gas price average has dropped 10 cents to about $2.25 per gallon.

“The human animal is not that smart; we don’t have a vast memory. As painful as last May was, we’re already driving more, faster and recklessly,” he said. “I wish people weren’t so susceptible to minor changes in gasoline prices. It’s hard for us to plan our transportation system on these constant ebbs and flows. There’s a lot of market impact on how we structure the system.”

Institute researchers found travelers nationwide spent on average one hour less stuck in traffic in 2007 than they did the year before and wasted one gallon less than the year before.

“This is a very small change. No one should expect to be driving the speed limit on their way to work because of this,” Schrank said, because the average traveler still needs 25 percent more time for those trips.
Nationwide, the total amount of wasted fuel topped 2.8 billion gallons, or about three weeks’ worth of gas for each traveler, and total time wasted totaled 4.2 billion hours, or about one full workweek per person, according to the study.

Oklahoma City travelers lost 12.8 million hours and 8.3 million gallons of fuel for the reporting period, compared with 9.8 million hours and 5.6 million gallons for Tulsa travelers. Cities with similar congestion problems, falling on the list between Oklahoma City and Tulsa, included Albuquerque, N.M.; Richmond, Va.; and Honolulu, Hawaii.

The worst congestion problems in the country were reported in the combined metro area of Los Angeles, Long Beach and Santa Ana, Calif., with 485 million hours and 367 million gallons of fuel lost; and in the New York and Newark, N.J., metro area with 379 million hours and 239 million gallons lost.

Congestion in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex in Texas was more than 10 times worse than Oklahoma City, the study shows.

07-09-2009, 02:25 PM
Congestion in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex in Texas was more than 10 times worse than Oklahoma City, the study shows.

I believe that

07-09-2009, 02:46 PM
“I noticed last May, driving to work, that I-40 was like a ghost town. Bus ridership had increased over that time as well,” he said.

that's because people are afraid of falling *through* I-40....

costing an estimated $257 million annually in wasted time and fuel

I would like to know the basis/formula for their computations. A 25-year span of time covers a lot of territory - in 1982, if memory serves, gas was generally below $1/gallon, we still had an operating GM plant, suburban areas like Moore only had one high school, and Crossroads Mall was still a legitimate shopping destination. The point is that I view with great skepticism any report that liberally tosses out "estimated dollar figures" for things like "lost time." Not saying it isn't correct, but I'd like to be able to assess the qualitiy of their computation on my own before just taking the numbers at face value.

07-09-2009, 03:27 PM
that's because people are afraid of falling *through* I-40....

I would like to know the basis/formula for their computations. A 25-year span of time covers a lot of territory - in 1982, if memory serves, gas was generally below $1/gallon, we still had an operating GM plant, suburban areas like Moore only had one high school, and Crossroads Mall was still a legitimate shopping destination. The point is that I view with great skepticism any report that liberally tosses out "estimated dollar figures" for things like "lost time." Not saying it isn't correct, but I'd like to be able to assess the qualitiy of their computation on my own before just taking the numbers at face value.

Nope, in 1982 gas was $1.25 a gallon. After the oil bust, however, the price of gas plummeted to $0.69. That was the average price in 1983.

07-09-2009, 03:54 PM
OKC ranks 48th in traffic congestion.

Correction: OKC ranks 1st in traffic congestion perception.

07-09-2009, 03:56 PM
Honolulu is 10 times worse! I think they didn't factor in how far people drive. That place has some of the worse traffic I have ever been in.

07-09-2009, 05:00 PM
I have trouble believing Tulsa is better. Trying going up or down Memorial any time of day, or I-44 during rush hours. Yowzahs.

07-09-2009, 06:35 PM
OKC ranks 48th in traffic congestion.

Correction: OKC ranks 1st in traffic congestion perception.

REAL correction: "OKC ranks 1st in downtown/bricktown parking problem perception"

07-09-2009, 06:37 PM
Tulsa's traffic is less-congested than OKC's? Really?

07-18-2009, 05:25 PM
I'm curious, how many cities in the, say, 40-50 range (OKC's range) have rail mass transit?

07-18-2009, 05:54 PM
Salt Lake City does.

07-18-2009, 06:21 PM
What are the cities in the 40-50 range?

07-18-2009, 08:08 PM
El Reno?

07-28-2009, 09:40 AM
Having just gone on a family round-trip from OKC to Orlando, and driven on interstates and US highways in between (for the third time in the last eight years), I am reminded how any use of the terms "congested" and "Oklahoma City highways" in the same sentence borders on the laughable.

After this last trip, I can't help but think many here have absolutely no clue what a really congested city highway system looks like.

07-28-2009, 10:04 AM
Yeah, I live in the area that wobbles back and forth between 2nd and 3rd worse congestion. OKC is heaven.

07-28-2009, 01:15 PM
i went through dallas and yikes, pheonix and yikes, san diego all th way to la,, oh i am so glad i live in okc, the traffic here shouldnt really be called traffic unless, you get angry that you have to tap the brakes every now and then

07-28-2009, 04:33 PM
I'd surely have to surrender my CCW license if I were a daily Dallas driver........

07-28-2009, 04:46 PM
i went through dallas and yikes, pheonix and yikes, san diego all th way to la,, oh i am so glad i live in okc, the traffic here shouldnt really be called traffic unless, you get angry that you have to tap the brakes every now and then

Yeah, I wouldn't want to live in Dallas unless I lived within a few miles of work.

07-29-2009, 09:06 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't want to live in Dallas unless I lived within a few miles of work.

No kidding. While I realize the particular weekend in question affects the scenario a bit, I remember that when I was a kid, a trip to Dallas for OU-Texas was a 3-hour drive. Now, if you stay on I-35E all the way to the 635 area, not only are you a masochist, but it will cost you every bit of 4 hours. These days, I end up getting off I-35 at Denton and heast east to the Dallas North Tollway, where the traffic is clear sailing. I've actually contemplated taking I35W to about the Texas Motor Speedway then going back east.

All that is to say "+1" on the notion of Dallas traffic being a nightmare.

07-29-2009, 08:18 PM
This is just another "quality of life" issue that makes OKC such a wonderful place to live. I believe that the main reason our traffic is so easy in comparison to other cities is the fact that we have the best possible street network for spreading out the traffic. I learned this when I lived in Nashville for a couple of years. The population there was very close to OKC's back in the late 80's, but the traffic there was twice as bad. The reason this was the case was due to the way the highways ran and the lack of alternative routes to take, especially during rush hours. Plus, there was no such thing as a service road in Nashville. So, if you wanted to get off the highway because of a backup forming, you had to wait until the next exit, which in many cases is at least a couple of miles away. I think OKC can handle tons of growth before we end up with any kind of gridlock. I would much rather live here than in a metroplex that gains a million people every decade. What kind of quality of life is that? DFW is NOT going to be such a great place when it probably hits 10 million by 2025. There comes a point where you have to ask yourself..."Is it worth living in such a huge place?"

07-29-2009, 08:29 PM
I agree completely with you, John. Here near the US Capital, we are surrounded by rivers, military bases and national forests so there aren't many places to find alternative routes. Plus, I95 is the main north south interstate on the east coast and not only does it fall between the rivers, miltary bases and national forests, there is a fricking drawbridge you have to cross...