View Full Version : Steve McNair-dead

07-05-2009, 06:55 AM
oh man...i think ive come across too many threads lately about deceased celebrities.

as soon as i heard of this mind began to wonder if he is somehow related to tony dorsett.

I dont know why I am thinking that.

ok, so we have: ed mcmahon, farrah fawcett, michael jackson, billy mayes, and now steve mcnair.

and now ive got the worst song at the worst time stuck in my head: Queen's "Another one bites the dust"

07-05-2009, 10:40 AM
ok, so we have: ed mcmahon, farrah fawcett, michael jackson, billy mayes, and now steve mcnair.

and now ive got the worst song at the worst time stuck in my head: Queen's "Another one bites the dust"

Or Rick Springfields 'An Affair Of The Heart'.

07-05-2009, 11:12 AM
ok, so we have: ed mcmahon, farrah fawcett, michael jackson, billy mayes, and now steve mcnair.

This is a disturbing new trend, to be sure, and one that might not go away, any time soon. I predict that it will be days or weeks before this horrific celebrity death train rolls to a stop. Maybe months or even years. Who knows.

07-05-2009, 11:26 AM
ya cuz if your famous you're supposed to live for eternity

RIP steve mcnair u were one of my favorite QB's in the league

07-05-2009, 03:53 PM
It is the celebrity rapture. All famous and renowned are cowering in fear. :sofa:

07-08-2009, 03:43 PM
Police: Girlfriend Killed Steve McNair in Murder-Suicide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - (,2933,530800,00.html)

Police have ruled the death a murder-suicide.

07-08-2009, 09:56 PM
Police: Girlfriend Killed Steve McNair in Murder-Suicide - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - (,2933,530800,00.html)

Police have ruled the death a murder-suicide.

Gee, how often does that happen, where the female kills the male and then herself as opposed to the other way around? This was just a weird situation, really it doesn't have anything to do with the fact McNair is an adulterer as less than 1% of these types of relationships end this way. I think she was mentally ill and that is why it happened.

07-09-2009, 05:07 AM
It is the celebrity rapture. All famous and renowned are cowering in fear. :sofa:


07-09-2009, 05:13 AM
Gee, how often does that happen, where the female kills the male and then herself as opposed to the other way around? This was just a weird situation, really it doesn't have anything to do with the fact McNair is an adulterer as less than 1% of these types of relationships end this way. I think she was mentally ill and that is why it happened.

He dove off into the pathological pool and drowned. A man his age should have spotted her instability from way off. Reports are that he was "cheating" on her with another woman and that was what triggered the whole thing. My experience is that most emotionally stable men would rather have their public hair plucked than have to hang out with histrionic women. The ones that seek them out are generally pretty needy, themselves.

This woman wasn't hot enough to warrant the trouble he was willing to inflict on everyone around him.

Did he deserve it? No, of course not. He just picked himself a Fatal Attraction Female and I guess we should all just be happy she shot him and herself rather than going after the wife and her other rival.

07-09-2009, 11:28 AM
It is another case of doing what you are not supposed to be doing and then paying the price. If he had been at home with his wife and children he would still be alive today.

07-09-2009, 12:35 PM

Well said!

Mr. T in OKC
07-09-2009, 04:07 PM
It is another case of doing what you are not supposed to be doing and then paying the price. If he had been at home with his wife and children he would still be alive today.

Cheating on your spouse is definately wrong. However, paying the price should be divorce or fighting. Not Murder. He didn't deserve to die. If everyone were killed for their mistakes, I'm thinking this board would be empty.

07-09-2009, 04:10 PM
By straying, he put his family firmly in the gunsites of that lunatic. No, he didn't deserve to die but he sure placed them at risk by acting the self centered fool. She could just as easily have hurt them, too.

07-09-2009, 06:47 PM
When you think of all the news lately about "straying" spouses, and the recent reports of spouses and ex-spouses murdering their spouse, and some killing themselves...Why?

These folks didn't make a "mistake." They made a concious, irrationale decision to to have an affair...the consequences of which proved to be deadly in some cases.

Had they made the right decision in the first place...some like Steve McNair would still be alive today.

The children have to live with this for the rest of their lives...and that's a shame.

Stan Silliman
07-10-2009, 09:22 AM
He dove off into the pathological pool and drowned. A man his age should have spotted her instability from way off. Reports are that he was "cheating" on her with another woman and that was what triggered the whole thing. My experience is that most emotionally stable men would rather have their public hair plucked than have to hang out with histrionic women. The ones that seek them out are generally pretty needy, themselves.

This woman wasn't hot enough to warrant the trouble he was willing to inflict on everyone around him.

Did he deserve it? No, of course not. He just picked himself a Fatal Attraction Female and I guess we should all just be happy she shot him and herself rather than going after the wife and her other rival.

Two burning questions:

1) Since when have MEN been good at distinguishing instability in females?

2) "Public" hair? As in the hair you'd rather get plucked out in public?

07-10-2009, 09:59 AM
Gee, how often does that happen, where the female kills the male and then herself as opposed to the other way around?

Frankly, IMHO, it happens the other way around a LOT more than this way. I hear a lot more cases of a jealous husband not being able to deal with his wife leaving him, so he goes to her home or her job and blows her and him away. I could be wrong, but I think it's because it's much more common for a man to be the person in a relationship who is attempting to be completely domineering of the other partner. So, when that authority is questioned and rebelled against...they act.

07-10-2009, 10:13 AM
Frankly, IMHO, it happens the other way around a LOT more than this way. I hear a lot more cases of a jealous husband not being able to deal with his wife leaving him, so he goes to her home or her job and blows her and him away. I could be wrong, but I think it's because it's much more common for a man to be the person in a relationship who is attempting to be completely domineering of the other partner. So, when that authority is questioned and rebelled against...they act.

I've seen a ton more henpecked husbands who would drink drano if it would keep them from getting yelled at than I have seen submissive wives. On the other hand, I have seen far more wives than husbands leave the relationship. So that may be partly why more men than women lose it.

I read that men have lots more affairs and perhaps that is so, but in my experience, I know a lot more women who cheat. Fact is, women want to feel wanted. Talking sweet to your neighbor's wife is the easiest thing in the world to do and she'll fall all over herself that someone noticed that she has pretty eyebrows.

Stupid husbands.

What has always struck me in my GAL practice is how surprised men often are that their wives actually left them. Invariably, when questioned, they can tell you of countless times their wives warned them there was a problem that they simply ignored. Women tend to try to talk things into being fixed and when that doesn't work, they leave. Men don't always "get" that. They think when the women stop talking, things are better because THEY are no longer getting nagged. Then they come home and mama is gone. And they are shocked.

The women are far further along in the process, typically, than men are. Stupid men tend to have affairs and the like and then come home and beg their wives to forgive them and remember to tell her that she has pretty eyebrows. In contrast - women come home and tell husband that they've gone on to bigger and better things. "Take that you unappreciative jerk!" And then the explosions go off.

All cliches, certainly, but I have seen that played out repeatedly, even if no mortal wounds are exchanged.

07-10-2009, 10:35 AM
I read that men have lots more affairs and perhaps that is so, but in my experience, I know a lot more women who cheat. That's been my experience, too. I think cheating is an equal opportunity sin....but guys just get caught more. lol

Fact is, women want to feel wanted. That's not gender-specific. That's universal, IMHO. I was watching a thing last night about a researcher who had done MRI scans of the brains of kids who had grown up in loving homes vs kids who had been emotionally deprived of love and attention. The brains of the deprived children showed distinctly less development.

What has always struck me in my GAL practice is how surprised men often are that their wives actually left them. Invariably, when questioned, they can tell you of countless times their wives warned them there was a problem that they simply ignored. Women tend to try to talk things into being fixed and when that doesn't work, they leave. Men don't always "get" that. They think when the women stop talking, things are better because THEY are no longer getting nagged. Then they come home and mama is gone. And they are shocked.

Eh...that's just guys. Think about it. The traditional thinking is that the man is king and the family is subserviant to him. That used to be true much more than it is today. Frankly, I think we're reverting to a lion society where the females are the real badasses and the males just lie around and look good. LOL LOL

07-10-2009, 08:14 PM
I honest to god don't think that men have a god complex. I used to read that all the time and bought it hook line and sinker. My experience, however, tells me something different. What my observations and experience has taught me is that men think they are supposed to fix things. If Mama ain't happy, they think that means they are supposed to do something. That is a lot of pressure but it sure is an incentive to be competent. But those days may be fading.

These days, there is a perception that men aren't needed nearly so much. I think that has had some really bad ramifications. And with so many men forgoing marriage until later in life, coupled with women willing to sleep with whomever will buy her a drink, I just think we're seeing a real undermining of ambition and alpha maleness. Too bad, seems to me. Most women LOVE an Alpha male...

07-10-2009, 08:16 PM
Actually, and to clarify - women don't just want to be wanted - they want to be courted.