View Full Version : Bad car wreck on I-35 in Noble county near Perry!
dmoor82 07-02-2009, 08:16 PM I was headed back home from my route in Wichita driving in the right lane going about 75 mph and a maroon ex-cab ford pickup passes me about 5 seconds later he loses control and swirves into the median crosses into the nb I-35 lanes and hits head-on a soft blue lincoln towncar!!!! I slammed on my breaks bc there was dust a and dirt and debris flying everywhere and I couldnt see a thing -I pulled over and jumped out and ran across 4 lanes of highway to see if every1 was ok! the p/u was totaled in the front and the lincoln was demolised and sitting upsidedown there were about 20-30 cars that pulled over to help! but as soon as I seen this i called highway patrol!I am grateful that i wasnt closer bc I was driving a 6 ton boxtruck and i wouldnot have beenable to stop! THE worst wreck i have witnessed-I will pray for this person and family!!!! reports 1 adult in critical condition!
Karried 07-02-2009, 09:37 PM It's horrible to see something like that! I witnessed a horrific multiple fatality accident about 25 years ago and I can still see all the details of it to this day.
I don't know how emergency personnel handle it.
I hope they are all okay and that you can sleep well tonight. If you weren't a caring person, it wouldn't be affecting you. Hang in there.
dmoor82 07-02-2009, 10:31 PM It's horrible to see something like that! I witnessed a horrific multiple fatality accident about 25 years ago and I can still see all the details of it to this day.
I don't know how emergency personnel handle it.
I hope they are all okay and that you can sleep well tonight. If you weren't a caring person, it wouldn't be affecting you. Hang in there.
thanx but ill sleep fine, koco 5 @10 said 1 dead now so my prayers go out to the family of that person!
dmoor82 07-03-2009, 02:18 PM the heading of this thread should be bad car wreck in Noble COUNTY near Perry! That's what I meant to write but i was in a rush.
Martin 07-03-2009, 02:21 PM fixed! -M
dmoor82 07-03-2009, 02:50 PM Thanx ADMIN!!!!:yourock:
dmoor82 07-03-2009, 06:29 PM It's horrible to see something like that! I witnessed a horrific multiple fatality accident about 25 years ago and I can still see all the details of it to this day.
I don't know how emergency personnel handle it.
I hope they are all okay and that you can sleep well tonight. If you weren't a caring person, it wouldn't be affecting you. Hang in there.
That must have been horrific for you to witness! and to still think about it 25 yrs later!YOU must be a caring person!----I couldn't sleep very well last night!I just think what if that was a car carrying my Mom,dad,sisters,nephews&neices or a newborn baby!it makes you realize how fragile life is,and how short our time is here on earth!Thank God there were'nt more people dead/injured in this wreck!
Karried 07-03-2009, 07:08 PM Well, it's something you don't forget I think. I don't know so much about being caring, it just sticks with me. The good thing about it ( if there was any) was that to this day, I can't back out of my driveway without feeling that seatbelt tight around me and the family is the same way. It's such a habit to buckle up but that started it for me.
The accident I saw was before popular seatbelt laws of today.. but seeing the ejected bodies flying across four lanes of highway actually flying in front of our windshield of our truck ( we had to slam on our brakes) made me forever appreciate the idea of staying put in the vehicle and the power of seatbelts.
Both moms in the front seat were thrown and one landed on the shoulder.. we tried to administer CPR to her but she was a shade of gray I've never seen and never want to see again and had no vitals and the other one was crushed by the car (it was flipping end to end). We too ran across the freeway and pulled the two kids ( who were safely buckled in) from the smoking car and carried them to the shoulder.. they were in shock but alive and unhurt. When the emergency vehicles arrived and we finally pulled away, I looked back and both women were covered with yellow tarps. Never forgot that day.
Another time we hit the green light and immediately saw a Grandmother and two grandkids one car in front of us, T boned by a drunk driver. I slammed on my brakes and just avoided getting hit but the car in the turn lane was hit and the mom was hurt and again , I got the baby out and was holding her - she was fine but her dad worked down the street and was running to the wreck hysterical. I never knew if the little boy in the back seat of the first car, about 11 years old made it, he was unconscious and his big brother in the front seat kept screaming his name over and over.. I remember telling him over and over, he'll be okay, he just has a bump, he'll be fine.. God, I hope he was. I remember a man laying on the trunk leaning in the broken back windshield trying to take a pulse..but the Medic helicopter came and whisked them all away.. I just remember the drunk guy laughing and walking around the intersection, drunk and stumbling. ugh.
Like I said, there is no way I won't always wear my seatbelt and I hope this is a reminder to buckle up and teach your children the same.
Be safe this weekend everyone.
Thunder 07-03-2009, 10:50 PM I tend to have the habit of not wearing seatbelt on streets, but I do on the highways. I dunno, but maybe it is because I feel safer on the streets that is lower speed than the highways.
For an odd reason, I somehow feel that by being tall, I feel safer, because I get to thinking that there is no way to be ejected from my car with my long legs. I've took a long look at my surroundings while sitting in the car and trying to figure out just how is it possible for me to fly thru the window.
When I get on the highways, I put on my seatbelt and it stays on, even when I get off the highways, until I stop to get out. Then I don't put it back on until the next time I get on the highways.
Bunty 07-04-2009, 12:40 AM Sounds like me, only I've been stopped once before by a city cop for not wearing my seat belt. He could see I didn't have it on even though it was at night. He let me go with just a verbal warning.
For safety's sakes the state might as well extend the fences in the center median from Guthrie where they end now all the way to the state border. It's a real good way to make driving safer without requiring people to do something against their wills. When politicians, like Sally Kern, say they want to cut taxes and make government smaller, please ask them but where is the tax money gonna come from to further extend those fences on the interstates across the state.
fire121 07-04-2009, 08:41 AM In the early nineties I had been a firefighter for a few years and had worked multiple Signal 82s (our terminology for vehicle accident w/injury) and witnessed the aftermath, at least, of someones mistake. I was working my day off job at the time, driving in Norman, a man passed us going the opposite direction, appeared to be slumped over the wheel, at a high rate of speed, straddling the center dividing line. A couple hundred yards after passing us he slammed head on into a small Nissan. We had stopped our vehicle and watched the full impact of the accident. Needless to say, witnessing that accident has haunted me since. The lady in the Nissan was killed. After twenty years as a firefighter I still can picture that impact. The image in my head kept rerunning for days. Maybe an airbag would have saved her. I know for a fact they have saved at least two young female drivers here in the city in the last couple months. Both were texting and absolutely destroyed their cars. And that's just two I responded on.
Karried 07-04-2009, 12:00 PM That's a good point.. texting has to go while on the road.. I can't believe how many people I see driving and Texting!
The other thing... I hate government intrusion too .. but Gawd, people are so stupid! The ignorant ones ruin it for everyone.
People say, 'it's my body, I won't wear a seatbelt' and okay, that may be true.. but just look at a few of the stories above.. it does affect so many other people other than yourself. People are haunted by those tragedies and images and that doesn't take into account the hurt and grief, pain and agony your family will go through upon losing you and hearing you could have been saved by taking 1 second to buckle up.
It's so simple... Just please put on your seatbelt and teach your children to do the same.