07-01-2009, 12:50 PM
Do you get visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you accept their Watchtower and Awake magazines and read them? What are your experiences when dealing with them at the door?
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OKCitizen 07-01-2009, 12:50 PM Do you get visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you accept their Watchtower and Awake magazines and read them? What are your experiences when dealing with them at the door? Thunder 07-01-2009, 03:19 PM I can show you. Give me your address. http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/113.gif OKCitizen 07-01-2009, 03:28 PM Are you a Jehovah's Witness, Thunder? Luke 07-01-2009, 04:13 PM In my three years at my current home, we've never had JWs knock on our door. Lauri101 07-01-2009, 04:52 PM The last time they came to my house (5-6 years ago), I saw them coming and stripped down to my underwear to answer the door. They've never been back, not even on my street!:dizzy: HSC-Sooner 07-01-2009, 05:10 PM The last time they came to my house (5-6 years ago), I saw them coming and stripped down to my underwear to answer the door. They've never been back, not even on my street!:dizzy: Good style. 10/10 http://www.blastmedia.com/blogs/mediablast/two%20thumbs%20up.jpeg Thunder 07-01-2009, 05:56 PM Are you a Jehovah's Witness, Thunder? Not officially baptized, but you could say that I'm a friend. http://l.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/1.gif possumfritter 07-01-2009, 09:21 PM JW's are not permitted to "solicit" in our apartment complex, but they do leave their magazines in the laundry rooms. Stan Silliman 07-02-2009, 08:52 AM Always glad to see the JWs. Roger and I are in an Armageddon Fantasy League and the Watchtower has the scores. OKCitizen 07-02-2009, 09:18 AM Well, they do have the 144,000 anointed of the Heavenly Hope on their side. Doesn't look good for you. redcup 07-02-2009, 07:08 PM I usually sic my husband on them. He is/was Salvation Army out of Texas and can usually match them bible verse for bible verse. I have seen them walk away shaking their heads and reaching for their tylenol. Luke 07-02-2009, 07:28 PM ...reaching for their tylenol. Dangerous. Very, very dangerous. kevinpate 07-02-2009, 08:31 PM Haven't seen a Witness in almost two years. I briefly worked with a chap in 07 who was JW. Nice enough fellow, but he went on to another gig shortly after I arrived. I dunno, maybe cause I'm large they worry I might think they would be tasty, so they stay away. Midtowner 07-02-2009, 08:42 PM Nice folks, but doesn't their theology teach that when the rapture comes all th non trades-people (like me) will simply vanish as we'll be unnecessary? Luke 07-02-2009, 08:45 PM I've heard they've sold out of their 144,000 tickets to heaven so now it's pretty much nosebleed seats for anybody else. Thunder 07-02-2009, 11:39 PM Dangerous. Very, very dangerous. I'm taking at least 5 each day the past few weeks. The fever just will not stop! At least it helps me to get around. Dangerous? Nah! Bostonfan 07-03-2009, 09:47 AM A few years back a couple of JW women knocked on my door. One was an older woman. The other looked to be in her 20's. The 20 something year old was one of the prettiest women I've ever seen. I was in shock. I let them babble on with whatever while I stared at her(I thought what the hell, there at my front door). Needless to say, they've never been back. bretthexum 07-05-2009, 02:45 PM I must have a bullseye on my front door. they've been at my house 3 times in the past year. I told my wife I'm going to answer the door in my banana hammock next time. That should throw them off. redcup 07-05-2009, 09:47 PM Dangerous. Very, very dangerous. knew someone would jump on that !!!!! :sofa: OKCitizen 07-08-2009, 10:25 AM JW: Knock! Knock! Homeowner: Who's there? JW: Jah! Homeowner: Jah who? JW: Jahwanna Watchtower magazine? Fanusen 07-08-2009, 03:21 PM Do you get visits from the Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you accept their Watchtower and Awake magazines and read them? What are your experiences when dealing with them at the door? I let them in, and we talk. I don't necessarily believe what they believe, but I just generally enjoy learning about religion, and I allow them to state their case and I listen with an open mind. Centerback 07-08-2009, 03:31 PM I've heard they've sold out of their 144,000 tickets to heaven so now it's pretty much nosebleed seats for anybody else. More like orchestra pit (of hell) kevinpate 07-08-2009, 09:09 PM If heaven has nosebleed seats, does that explain sunsets? gmwise 07-13-2009, 10:55 PM You're wondering who we are; why we have done this; how it has come that I stand before you - the image of a being from so long ago. Life evolved on my planet before all others in this part of the galaxy. We left our world, explored the stars and found none like ourselves. Our civilization thrived for ages, but what is the life of one race, compared to the vast stretches of cosmic time? We knew that one day we would be gone, and nothing of us would survive - so we left you. Our scientists seeded the primordial oceans of many worlds, where life was in its infancy. This body you see before you, which is of course shaped as yours is shaped, for you are the end result. The seed code also contains this message, which was scattered in fragments on many different worlds. It was our hope that you would have to come together in fellowship and companionship to hear this message, and if you can see and hear me, our hope has been fulfilled. You are a monument, not to our greatness, but to our existence. That was our wish - that you too would know life and would keep alive our memory. There is something of us in each of you, and so, something of you in each other. Remember us." kevinpate 07-14-2009, 05:24 AM perhaps, one day... Thunder 07-14-2009, 06:41 AM perhaps, one day... ...we'll all be a Jehovah's Witness. :tiphat: Nermel 07-14-2009, 09:22 AM I've had about 3 visits in a year from the Windsor Hills Baptist Church, even though I have a sign that says no soliciting. I got into an argument with one of their "messengers" - he said they weren't "soliciting". Next time they come to visit, I will send certified letter to them, demanding they not contact me again. OKCitizen 07-14-2009, 01:10 PM Isn't door to door ministry ... well, ineffective in this day and age? People just don't open their doors to complete strangers in these times. Too risky. gmwise 07-14-2009, 01:47 PM perhaps, one day... lol well done... There is hope.. Jesus Lied For You 07-15-2009, 10:09 PM I allow them in so that I may ask questions and we may discuss our points of contests and points of agreement regarding the content of their message. They've yet to convince me. DaveSkater 07-16-2009, 09:45 AM Nice avatar, I'm sure you'll make a bunch of new friends around here. Seriously, do you have that many issues with faith and probable self esteem that you would post with such a demeaning avatar? Its only good for riling people up, indicating to me and others I'm sure that you're only here to stir up controversy. And following that reasoning, you are merely a troll. Cheers, Dave USG '60 07-16-2009, 10:59 AM Dave, I'm not a Christian and yet even I find that offensive. Poor taste at best. I can't imagine why a person of good will would do such a thing. DaveSkater 07-16-2009, 11:18 AM Shock factor, "look at me!", here only to stir things up. Classic definition of a TROLL. Let's not feed it.... Luke 07-16-2009, 03:38 PM He must be really insecure in his nonbelief. PennyQuilts 07-16-2009, 04:15 PM I'm also not Christian but that is just disrespectful and ignorant. I think he just liked seeing a nearly naked man. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Thunder 07-16-2009, 04:39 PM I think he just liked seeing a nearly naked man. Not that there is anything wrong with that. :omg: This is Jesus we're talking about in the pix! USG '60 07-16-2009, 05:20 PM :omg: This is Jesus we're talking about in the pix! You wouldn't pull our legs now would ya, Thunder. :sofa: Bunty 07-19-2009, 03:12 PM The Mormons also go around wanting to visit with people about their religion. I got visited by two Mormon women while in my front yard tending to my plants with a hoe. They even offered to help, which I declined. I didn't act real interested, accepted their card and they went away. I didn't dare tell the ladies that about all I know about Mormonism is what I learned about it from an episode of South Park. gmwise 07-19-2009, 03:30 PM About 3 years ago ,I got somewhat busy one day when these rather good looking young Mormons came by. I listen to them,debated some with them, and though we didnt change each others mind I told them I respected the dedication they and others do as part of their religion. Well they stopped by one day in their civies and asked if I given more thought about Mormonism and I told them I was gay, and thought they were good looking but I told them we had a fun discussion.They both BLUSH, and said "REALLY"!?, turns out they were a couple.I always thought they were just put together, they were from the same city, and was planning to leave the Mormon Church after College and if The Mormon Church wasnt going to become more accepting of Homosexuals.We stay in touch to this day. lol DaveSkater 07-22-2009, 09:50 PM Shame on you gmwise! Hittin on the church boys like that. Heh.... Thunder 07-22-2009, 09:56 PM Shame on you gmwise! Hittin on the church boys like that. Heh.... He was young. :LolLolLol gtinms 08-23-2009, 05:02 PM YAY, thread revival!!! I was taking a leak outside one day and (great way start out a post, huh?) and I saw a maroon van go by, hoping they didn't see my man tree. I went on to check the mail and saw the van back up...walked on inside, knowing what it was and let her deal with it... A woman that works for me is a Witness. I gave her the opportunity to talk one day. A lot of their beliefs sound to be pretty good. I've conversed with Catholics lately and thought the same. But, being raised southern Baptist, of course they are all wrong. /end sarcasm As I've gotten older, I see more and more how rediculous all religion is. Perhaps that is "the devil gettin' me" or whatever you'd like to call it. It is such a personal thing and just adding man or a book into it just seems to just run it. Who knows. Thunder 08-23-2009, 10:04 PM But, being raised southern Baptist, of course they are all wrong. Can you explain that? Baptist all wrong, or all the others beside the Baptist is all wrong? I do know that the Baptist is known for misinterpretations. RedDirt717 08-23-2009, 10:07 PM I've heard they've sold out of their 144,000 tickets to heaven so now it's pretty much nosebleed seats for anybody else. Well that sucks... gtinms 08-24-2009, 12:16 AM Can you explain that? Baptist all wrong, or all the others beside the Baptist is all wrong? Regarding "all wrong" I may have said that incorrectly. I did mean that anything but Baptist teachings are wrong. The /end sarcasm still stands! As said before, I was raised southern Baptist. They didn't really teach that all others were wrong, but they did harp on the Baptist way as the only way. A little about my Christian experience: My family came from way back in the woods of Mississippi, so faith was very important to them. My grandfather got out of the Air Force and went into the seminary and received his Doctorates in Theology. He was a southern Baptist preacher for years and went on to write a coupla books on Theology. So, it was natural that I ended up in church. My mother didn't push it on me, but that good ol Christian guilt kept her taking me there every Sunday morning and night. It wasn't until I got "saved" that I really started taking interest in it. I did the "church thing" for about 5 years, until I started working in my mid-teens. I enjoyed every minute of it. Tuesday night visitation, Wednesday night youth group, Sunday morning helped in childrens church and Sunday night "regular" services. If the doors were open, I was there. I made some great friends and still keep in contact with them one way or another. Although most of us have slowly slipped away from our roots, so to speak, we are all doing pretty well. That group is now made up of several medical, military, and civic professionals. One guy is even in Africa as a missionary and seems to be doing a great job according to his email updates. A few did stray a little, but the core 10-15 of us are doing just fine. In a heartbeat, there is no doubt in my mind that any of us wouldn't hesitate to tell our old youth director "thanks" and how much we appreciate him keeping us on the straight and narrow, if only for long enough that we stayed occupied through some of the most tempting times of our lives. The same goes for the pastor who was there through the biggest growth spurt that church had seen. I can still recite his little "how to be saved" prayer after 13 years of not having heard it once. He was there about 8 or 9 years, and after he left, the church kinda flatlined and has changed hands twice. I'm 31 now, and still have the old Christian guilt in me, even as I type this. I do know that the Baptist is known for misinterpretations. Misinterpretations. That is a whole other can of worms. Who has the authority to say what is right? If I recall another thread correctly, you are a Witness. Christianity is based on faith, beliefs, and the free will God gave us. I think everyone can agree on that. Most beliefs can't really be proven as true, but they are a product of your faith. That is one of the main reasons I think organized spirituality (my term for religion) is a crock of BS. Most agree there was one Bible, or Koran, or whatever scripture you choose to read. However, it took very little time before man decided to put his greedy, manipulative hands in it and end up dividing people based on his particular desires and interpretations. Even though we read from the "same book", we have different denominations. And for what good reason? There isn't one. It is all in your interpretation, your beliefs, and your faith. Sadly enough, most of us get our ideas on these things from when we were young. I guarantee this world would be a whole other place if this stuff wasn't pushed into your head while it was still soft. Lately I've been thinking about this. Think back to the 1st grade, maybe even prior to that if you were raised in the church. They taught us something called "The Golden Rule". As childish as it seems to bring that up, had man stuck to that premise, would we have had centuries of this religious bickering? It would seem so simple to have stayed that way. Somewhere along the line, it all changed. Folks: It’s time to evolve ideas. You know, evolution didn’t end with us growing thumbs. You do know that, right? Didn’t end there. We’re at the point, now, where we’re going to have to evolve ideas. The reason the world is so f***ed up is we’re undergoing evolution. And the reason our institutions, our traditional religions, are all crumbling, is because - they’re no longer relevant. They’re no longer relevant. So it’s time for us to create a new philosophy and perhaps even a new religion, you see. And that’s okay ’cause that’s our right, ’cause we are free children of God with minds who can imagine anything, and that’s kind of our role. Umm, Don't worry, there's more d**k jokes on the way.(applause) Goodnight. Thunder 08-24-2009, 01:01 AM No, I'm not a Witness. :LolLolLol I just know that certain word meaning unclean at the time is interpretered as sin during our time. I have Baptist and Witness friends, but I just do not feel all that comfortable to be in a clan that is aganist this and that all due to their own twisted interpretations. sacolton 08-24-2009, 11:08 AM Your Witness friends consider those who aren't part of the only true religion of God's organization ("Watchtower") as "Worldly". Jehovah's Witnesses are warned that Worldly persons, such as yourself, should be considered as "bad association". I'm surprised they would consider mixing in friendship with those of other faiths. Do they warn you that you and your loved ones will be killed by Jehovah God when Armageddon comes if you do not become a baptized Jehovah's Witness? That is the bottom-line message they bring to your door. Don't let the smiling faces fool you for a second. I was a Jehovah's Witness for ten years. I apologize for knocking on your door to convert you into the cult. It wasn't something I wanted to do, but it was required in order to get as much time in on my monthly report. Otherwise, I would be seen by the congregation as "spiritually weak" and probably talked to the congregation elders about my lack of zeal in the ministry work. I disassociated from the Jehovah's Witnesses in 2008. I was considered an apostate, spawn of Satan, enemy of God and a dog that has returned to its vomit. Now, when I see the Jehovah's Witnesses going door-to-door, I can't help but feel sad that they belong to a high-control group and not allowed to have independent thought of their own. Thunder 08-24-2009, 04:21 PM I understand what you mean. This friend, he had said that Jehovah's Witnesses do associate with people outside of their religion. Especially for himself being that most of his family is Catholic and they get along fine together. I guess that everyone is different. gtinms 08-24-2009, 05:49 PM Your Witness friends consider those who aren't part of the only true religion of God's organization ("Watchtower") as "Worldly". Jehovah's Witnesses are warned that Worldly persons, such as yourself, should be considered as "bad association". I'm surprised they would consider mixing in friendship with those of other faiths. Do they warn you that you and your loved ones will be killed by Jehovah God when Armageddon comes if you do not become a baptized Jehovah's Witness? That is the bottom-line message they bring to your door. Don't let the smiling faces fool you for a second. That sounds like every other Christian denominations beliefs! I apologize for knocking on your door to convert you into the cult. You have a good understanding of the Witnesses and used the term "cult". I haven't been exposed to them that much, but why use that word cult? Are there cult-like things involved with the group or do you just really hate it all now? Easy180 08-24-2009, 07:58 PM That sounds like every other Christian denominations beliefs! Oh come now gtinms...Fiery hell is a much nicer conversation piece when the hardcore Christians come a knockin Thunder 08-24-2009, 10:11 PM You have a good understanding of the Witnesses and used the term "cult". I haven't been exposed to them that much, but why use that word cult? Are there cult-like things involved with the group or do you just really hate it all now? 1. No holidays. 2. No give/accept blood. 3. No organ donor. 4. No scary movies. 5. Fill in the blank. Btw, this friend does not even know who Sally Kern is, so no television or any sort of news for them, especially politics. sacolton 08-25-2009, 07:43 AM Thunder, that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's true, JWs can not celebrate any holidays or birthdays. Only marriages and wedding anniversaries. Oh, and the Memorial ... where the emblems (wine and bread) are passed (not partaken!) from one to another. Only those who know (don't ask HOW they know - they just do) they are of the 144,000 with the Heavenly Hope to rule with Jesus in Heaven as Kings and Priests. Most JWs who pass the wine and bread have the hope to live on a "Paradise Earth". It's true, Jehovah's Witnesses can not give or receive blood. This is based on the scripture of Acts 15:29 (even though it's talking about sacrificed animals). Jehovah's Witnesses carry a "NO BLOOD" card for legal purposes. If their child needs a blood transfusion - they are only allowed "blood fractions" or alternative no blood procedures, but not whole blood. Otherwise, they must allow their child to die. Organ transplants is also not encouraged. They will state that both matters are a conscience decision, but in all honesty, it is a disfellowshipping or automatic disassociation if a member were to give/receive blood or accept a organ transplant. It's true, personal entertainment is scrutinized by the Watchtower organization. Movies, music, games, sports, prom, parties, etc. The internet is evil. Jehovah's Witnesses can't: Join the military Vote Smoke Attend other religious services Gamble/lottery Join Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Play competitive sports Contribute to Red Cross Join the YMCA Become a police officer Sing the National Anthem Say the Pledge of Allegence Run for political office ... and so much more. Their Governing Body, the men who reside at the Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, that dictate what the Jehovah's Witnesses must think, say and do are known as their "faithful and discreet slave" who give them spiritual food at the proper time. When these men change their minds on theocratic matters - in a instant, every Jehovah's Witness changes their mind too. For example, when the Governing Body decided that "blood fractions" was acceptable - every JW agreed. It is a hive mind mentality organization. You do not question the Governing Body. As a JW, you MUST believe EVERYTHING the Governing Body tells you. You must believe that Jesus Christ did not resurrect in the flesh. You must believe that Jesus Christ, the man, is forever dead. You must believe that Jesus Christ was Michael, the Archangel. You must believe that Jesus/Michael began His Kingdom rule in 1914. You must believe that Jesus/Michael approved the Watchtower as the true religion in 1918. You must believe that Jesus/Michael is not God, but "a god". You must believe that Jesus/Michael is not the mediator for all mankind - only for the anointed 144,000 with the Heavenly Hope. You must believe that people do not have immortal souls. You die and return to dust. You must believe that the trinity is false pagan doctrine. You must believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but God's active force. You must believe that Jehovah God will kill BILLIONS of non-JWs during Armageddon. ... that's just a small sample. sacolton 08-25-2009, 01:54 PM If you can stomach it, here is what you can expect to hear at a JW convention ... YouTube - You Will Be With Me In Paradise (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwA9KX5WJTM) Thunder 08-25-2009, 02:16 PM Basically, the JW is very much like the Borg. Please, tell us more. So much more! How exactly did you break away from them? What can I do to convince this friend to become free? Caboose 08-26-2009, 06:46 AM Thunder, that's just the tip of the iceberg. It's true, JWs can not celebrate any holidays or birthdays. Only marriages and wedding anniversaries. Oh, and the Memorial ... where the emblems (wine and bread) are passed (not partaken!) from one to another. Only those who know (don't ask HOW they know - they just do) they are of the 144,000 with the Heavenly Hope to rule with Jesus in Heaven as Kings and Priests. Most JWs who pass the wine and bread have the hope to live on a "Paradise Earth". It's true, Jehovah's Witnesses can not give or receive blood. This is based on the scripture of Acts 15:29 (even though it's talking about sacrificed animals). Jehovah's Witnesses carry a "NO BLOOD" card for legal purposes. If their child needs a blood transfusion - they are only allowed "blood fractions" or alternative no blood procedures, but not whole blood. Otherwise, they must allow their child to die. Organ transplants is also not encouraged. They will state that both matters are a conscience decision, but in all honesty, it is a disfellowshipping or automatic disassociation if a member were to give/receive blood or accept a organ transplant. It's true, personal entertainment is scrutinized by the Watchtower organization. Movies, music, games, sports, prom, parties, etc. The internet is evil. Jehovah's Witnesses can't: Join the military Vote Smoke Attend other religious services Gamble/lottery Join Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts Play competitive sports Contribute to Red Cross Join the YMCA Become a police officer Sing the National Anthem Say the Pledge of Allegence Run for political office ... and so much more. Their Governing Body, the men who reside at the Watchtower headquarters in Brooklyn, New York, that dictate what the Jehovah's Witnesses must think, say and do are known as their "faithful and discreet slave" who give them spiritual food at the proper time. When these men change their minds on theocratic matters - in a instant, every Jehovah's Witness changes their mind too. For example, when the Governing Body decided that "blood fractions" was acceptable - every JW agreed. It is a hive mind mentality organization. You do not question the Governing Body. As a JW, you MUST believe EVERYTHING the Governing Body tells you. You must believe that Jesus Christ did not resurrect in the flesh. You must believe that Jesus Christ, the man, is forever dead. You must believe that Jesus Christ was Michael, the Archangel. You must believe that Jesus/Michael began His Kingdom rule in 1914. You must believe that Jesus/Michael approved the Watchtower as the true religion in 1918. You must believe that Jesus/Michael is not God, but "a god". You must believe that Jesus/Michael is not the mediator for all mankind - only for the anointed 144,000 with the Heavenly Hope. You must believe that people do not have immortal souls. You die and return to dust. You must believe that the trinity is false pagan doctrine. You must believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person, but God's active force. You must believe that Jehovah God will kill BILLIONS of non-JWs during Armageddon. ... that's just a small sample. Man, that is just sooooo much more cult like than main stream Christianity. And look at the list of wacky things they believe. Not at all like the logical and rational things main stream Christians believe. flintysooner 08-26-2009, 07:46 AM You must believe that Jesus/Michael began His Kingdom rule in 1914. Well, if we are still here after Dec 21, 2012 then we can look forward to a cataclysmic 2014. And if we survive 2014 there will have to be some "adjusting" of the 1914 date. sacolton 08-26-2009, 07:35 PM Since 1876, this organization has been expecting Armageddon "very soon". You get the idea. Since the organization holds its members captives of a concept and they have basically surrendered their conscience to the Governing Body, the men who live in luxury in the lofty penthouses in Brooklyn, New York ... escape from this cult is not as simple as it looks. If someone should disassociate themselves from the organization - all their family and friends still active are told to shun them (for loving purposes). They must not talk to them at all. Now, imagine being raised as a Jehovah's Witness and all those who are close to you are Jehovah's Witnesses. Once you leave, you are cut off. All the members of the congregation will turn their backs on you. This is one of the reasons that depression, divorce and suicide are high in this cult. sacolton 08-28-2009, 08:16 AM Charles "Taze" Russell, the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses (originally called the International Bible Students) in 1876 had taught Armageddon is coming "real soon" and the sky has been falling ever since. Most people don't know that when you become baptized as a Jehovah's Witness, you have to give an vow to the Watchtower organization. The baptism candidates will stand before an assembly, usually at the District Convention, before thousands of people and be asked these two questions: (1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will? (2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization? Did you catch that? Instead of baptizing in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. You are baptized into an organization. The Watchtower replaces the Holy Spirit for itself. A real Christian baptism is giving yourself to Christ, not dedicating or identifying yourself to a organization. shaido7 09-04-2009, 08:21 PM Hello, We Jehovah's witness's have whats called territory cards that are mapped out and split up each congregation at each kingdom hall which can be several share these territory cards. When we go out in our ministry we have these cards and go to each and every house if no one answers the door we mark it down as a not at home and make a return visit so as not to forget anyone and cause them to lose out on the truth. we visit every house in the area or city we live in .when we are finished knocking on the last door having completed knocking on every single door we then start over. We may visit your house twice a month or once every 2 months it just depends on the size of the city and the amount of witness's in the area. we keep returning because people are constantly moving in and out of our area. Also when we talk to you we write down your name, topic of conversation,what you look like and your address so we can make a return visit and know what we discussed and who we spoke to. shaido7 09-04-2009, 08:32 PM lol we play sports and watch pro sports |