View Full Version : 2008 Population Estimates

Doug Loudenback
07-01-2009, 08:27 AM
Today's Oklahoman carries this story:

A Census Bureau CSV file showing the entire state is here: Population Estimates (

I'm looking at the CSV file now (as a spreadsheet) and will report back shortly.

On reporting back, some preliminary results:

Oklahoma City, including its parts in 3 counties: 2000: 506,132 2008: 551,789

Oklahoma County: 2000: 660,448 2008: 706,617
Cleveland County: 2000: 208,016 2008: 239,760
Canadian County: 2000: 87,697 2008: 106,079
Logan County: 2000: 33,924 2008: 38,102
Pottawatomie County: 2000: 65,521 2008: 69,616
Grady County: 2000: 45,516 2008: 51,066

Six County Totals: 2000: 1,101,122 2008: 1,211,240

Doug Loudenback
07-01-2009, 09:14 AM
Oklahoma City: .........2000 ............. 2008
In Oklahoma County: 432,498 ...........459,956
In Cleveland County: 47,271............. 55,843
In Canadian County: 26,311 ............. 35,909
In Pottawatomie County: 52 ............ 81
Totals: .................. 506,132 .........551,789

Doug Loudenback
07-01-2009, 09:58 AM
I don't know whether McClain and Lincoln Counties are included as part of Okc's metropolitan area ... I seem to recall Metro or someone else said they are part of the statistical area. If so Okc's Metro area would be:

1,160,942 .... 1,275,758

On edit, I found a 2007 document at the Census Bureau ... ... which defines Oklahoma City's metro area (#36420) thusly:

36420 Oklahoma City, OK Metropolitan Statistical Area
Principal City: Oklahoma City
Canadian County, Cleveland County, Grady County, Lincoln County, Logan County, McClain County, Oklahoma County
Note that Pottawatomie County is not included. However, in another part of the same document, this information is presented for the Oklahoma City-Shawnee Combined Statistical Area:

416 Oklahoma City-Shawnee, OK Combined Statistical Area
Oklahoma City, OK Metropolitan Statistical Area
Shawnee, OK Micropolitan Statistical Area
So, pick your poison! Without Pottawatomie County, we'd have to subtract Pottawatomie County's 69,616 for the 2008 estimate. But as the "combined" statistical area, Pottwawtomie County would be included. Frankly, I think of Shawnee/Pott County as much more a part of Oklahoma City's metro area than I do Lincoln and McClain Counties, even Grady ... at least the Chickasha and southern parts of the county.

Anyway, as a blur, I suppose that's its reasonable to say that Okc's metropolitan area is the larger number, 1,275,758.

07-01-2009, 04:38 PM
1.275 mil. aprox. metro area but it would actually be more if they were able to census the mexican population accurately. I have heard their numbers range from 300-500k in the metro area but all can not be counted in the official census. I think it's safe to say the real pop. of the metro area is right around 1.3 mil. today.

07-01-2009, 06:34 PM
What I find shocking is the 50-percent-plus population increase in that tiny strip east of Pottawatomie Road. (If you've never seen it, it's about half a square mile, south of SE 104th; it comes to within half a mile of Shawnee's western edge.)

07-01-2009, 06:37 PM
We are so slow to grow, even with our improving image. Shows that we still have work to do to attract those creative young people that we want and to solidify our position as an attractive city.

I doubt that there are 500,000 Hispanics in the metro. Thats incredibly high. That's almost 1 in 2. And I know thats just not happening right now.

Doug Loudenback
07-01-2009, 09:14 PM
We are so slow to grow, even with our improving image. Shows that we still have work to do to attract those creative young people that we want and to solidify our position as an attractive city.

I doubt that there are 500,000 Hispanics in the metro. That's incredibly high. That's almost 1 in 2. And I know that's just not happening right now.
As to your 1st point, don't be too hasty, Architect2010! A comparison of the 2000 census and the 2008 Estimates reflects the following:




Looking at all 3 perspectives, I see a 9-10% growth rate as being very very good ... solid and sustained, a rate not stretching governmental dollars (and associated taxes necessitated by bloated growth) ... in short, something that we can live with without facing either (a) government spending needs v. shortfalls in inability to keep up with the growth, and/or (b) a "bust" scenario in which the "boom" craters (we've been there before) and, in a flash, governmental financing and growth is destabilized and/or deteriorates.

As to the number of Hispanics in the metro, I totally agree with what you said. Without a doubt the number of Mexican-Americans, Hispanics, or whatever the politically correct term is this year or the next, more than 50% of the city's population is absolutely not in that category ... it may come, but not today. I'd like to hear from OKCRT as to where and how he came up with the 300-500 K metro figure. Maybe he has some info to share about which neither you nor I are aware.

07-02-2009, 01:52 PM
Sorry about the 3-5k in the metro,I meant to say 3-5k in the state. Of course this is only a guesstimet by someone at the OKCC.

I think it's safe to say that the real OKC Metro Pop. is right around 1.3 mil.

07-03-2009, 07:21 PM
There is no way the hispanic population is that high. Wikipedia says the estimates in 05-07 study show 13.9% an increase from 10.1 in the 2000 census (city proper). In order for it to have hit 500,000 in the MSA it would be a virtual tidal wave of people.