View Full Version : smoking in the park
HVAC Instructor 08-18-2009, 10:39 AM LOL. I'm not an internet baddass. I just play one on TV.........
....... I'm no baddass, but at 6'2 and 250lbs, you'd have a hell of a time accomplishing it.....
Just saying...'re not saying your a badass but you're just saying you're a badass...:poke::LolLolLol
OKCMallen 08-18-2009, 10:53 AM I'm glad Norman put this law into effect, at least when I go ride my bike or take a walk at the park I won't be subjected to the stench of cigarette smoke coming from someone sitting 200 yards away on a windy day. Definitely not a waste of time or money, if people want to kill their lungs that's fine, don't subject non-smokers to the same. It's a proven fact that second-hand smoke can be just as deadly if not even more than smoking a cigarette. Does it seem I'm extremely intolerant of cigarette smoke? You bet I am.
If you can smell cigarette smoke from 200 yards away on any day, windy or otherwise, you need to submit yourself to government testing now because you're super-human.
DaveSkater 08-18-2009, 12:55 PM're not saying your a badass but you're just saying you're a badass...:poke::LolLolLol
Alright, I used to be a badass.... Then I grew up. Better?
Big bad Bill is Sweet William now.
Doing the dishes and moppin up the floor,
I used to go out lookin for a fight,
Now I stay home with my babies at night
Big Bad Bill is sweet William now.......
Bunty 08-20-2009, 07:45 PM And seriously, if I were at the park, or the lake, or the golf course and someone came up to me and said my smoke was offending them, I would laughing suggest they go somewhere else with their beef. And good luck taking it away from me. I'm no baddass, but at 6'2 and 250lbs, you'd have a hell of a time accomplishing it.....
But surely if that someone was a pretty girl in a bikini who came up to you and told you to get rid of your cigar because if was offending her, you would instantly abide by her wishes and be highly apologetic for what you were doing to her. And telling her to just go away would be the last thing you would want to do.
DaveSkater 08-20-2009, 08:44 PM Being single, I might just accomodate her after some further questioning....
Maybe. It would depend on the cigar, where I was at with regards to finishing it, and
naw f**k it, I'd still tell her the cigar stays lit. Hot chicks hate pushovers anyhow...
HVAC Instructor 08-21-2009, 05:54 AM Being single, I might just accomodate her after some further questioning....
Maybe. It would depend on the cigar, where I was at with regards to finishing it, and
naw f**k it, I'd still tell her the cigar stays lit. Hot chicks hate pushovers anyhow...
Just remember Super Dave, no matter how bad you think you are, there's always somebody badder, like that 6-4 X-Marine that extinguishes your cigar by installing it in one of your body orfices. :fighting2
All this badass talk is silly. It just goes to show some people believe they have some imagined "right" to trample the rights of others.
DaveSkater 08-21-2009, 06:01 AM I can smoke outside. And will. And that marine best stay out of my personal space. 6'4 or no. This talk is not silly. I respect other's rights for clean and filtered air when indoors. If the outdoor spot were not adequately ventilated, say a closed in porch, I'd treat it just like I would an indoor spot.
When outside tho, in the great wide open, for someone to trample my right to enjoy a perfectly legal product is unnacceptable. Especially with the wind we have here. I don't care who you are. You have the right to move your ass somewhere else. Period. Some large 6'4 marine type tries to stick my lit cigar into one of my body parts, he might just qualify for emminent danger. And met with deadly force.
Silly huh? notsomuch
HVAC Instructor 08-21-2009, 07:40 AM I can smoke outside. And will. And that marine best stay out of my personal space. 6'4 or no. This talk is not silly. I respect other's rights for clean and filtered air when indoors. If the outdoor spot were not adequately ventilated, say a closed in porch, I'd treat it just like I would an indoor spot.
When outside tho, in the great wide open, for someone to trample my right to enjoy a perfectly legal product is unnacceptable. Especially with the wind we have here. I don't care who you are. You have the right to move your ass somewhere else. Period. Some large 6'4 marine type tries to stick my lit cigar into one of my body parts, he might just qualify for emminent danger. And met with deadly force.
Silly huh? notsomuch
OK, we can all see that you have an exploding ego and believe you have the right to impose your nasty ass smoke on other people in public places and that "they should move their ass" out of your way in a public place.
Well, communities are tiring of inconsiderate jackasses and your outdoor smoking days are coming to an end, no matter how big a boorish badass you have deluded yourself into believing you are.
nik4411 08-21-2009, 08:39 AM Haha that is ridiculous. Imposing his nasty smoke on people in public places?? What is this Disneyland? Get a grip, a little smoke isn't going to kill you. Have you ever been anywhere else where a little cigar smoke is the least of peoples worries? I'm with dave if I'm smoking a cigar and someone tells me to put it out I will kindly tell them to f*** off
Apparently, only non-smokers can impose their will on everyone without consequence.
FritterGirl 08-21-2009, 09:11 AM Two reasons not discussed why many parks departments are leaning towards establishing no smoking ordinances is:
a) Parks are largely places for families to gather. Many see smoking as a bad influence on children. While yes, it is certainly true that this type of influence begins at home, keeping smoking away from areas where children are more likely to gather has shown to bear influence on children's choices in the future.
b) Cigarette butts. Sadly, most folks who smoke in public places don't care enough to throw away their butts in any proper receptacle, including trash cans. They just toss them right on the ground, wherever they may land. Cigarette butts are an eyesore, they are not biodegradeable, and they are a pain in the Aston-Martin to pick up. Participate in any park clean-up project, and you'll certainly understand this.
Several months ago while at the Myriad Gardens, I saw a woman toss her cigarette butt into the ground, even though she had just passed a cigarette receptacle not 20 feet back. She commented that "oh, I have to go all the way back over there (20 feet, gasp!!!)," so just tossed the but on the ground. This kind of behavior is absolutely inexcusable, but sadly, it happens daily.
There are always righteous smokers out there who claim they are doing no one any harm but themselves (I know, I was one), but the fact of the matter is, they are doing harm, to themselves (their choice, of course), to the people around them, and to the environment.
Aren't there already laws against littering? I mean if we're going after cigarettes we may as well go after fast food, cuz I see way more burger wrappers, bags and cups than butts.
Also, there's an argument to be made that eating fast food is as bad or worse than smoking. Maybe eating fast food shouldn't be allowed in public parks either.
DaveSkater 08-21-2009, 09:48 AM OK, we can all see that you have an exploding ego and believe you have the right to impose your nasty ass smoke on other people in public places and that "they should move their ass" out of your way in a public place.
Well, communities are tiring of inconsiderate jackasses and your outdoor smoking days are coming to an end, no matter how big a boorish badass you have deluded yourself into believing you are.
Talk about your internet baddasses.... lol. The only place anyone talks to me that way is behind a keyboard. I'm extremely polite, and have never had anyone ever speak in that manner to me TO MY FACE. Boorish indeed. As well as cowardly. I'm extremely transparent here on okctalk. I fully expect to meet some of my fellow posters here at local real life meetings from time to time. I also conduct myself accordingly. Perhaps you might follow that example and refrain from personal attacks. I never called you a name, I've only stated what my reaction would be under certain circumstances. And I stand by them.
Anyway to back up my position:
If I'm in a public place and I smell of unwashed body odor, do you think you have the right to come up to me and shove a stick of deoderant into one of my body cavities? Should a law be enacted to force me to wash so as not to offend with my nasty B/O stink? I've literally been sickened to the point of nearly vomitting due to close proximity to unwashed people inside restaraunts, 7/11's, libraries, college etc... Granted, I won't come down with second hand smoke diseases from it, but the fact remains that it is very offensive to the point of severe nausea. Believe me, if I'm outside especially in Oklahoma, and you are standing close enough to me that my cigar could affect your health in anyway, you're too damn close anyway. So you can smell it every now and then? Boo hoo, ever been near a building who's roof was being tarred and pitched? Ever been beside a diesel truck or bus? Ever been near a sewage lift station? Ever been at Hefner lake when the water was particularly strong with odor? Ever been assaulted by a woman wearing too much perfume? Or a dude with too much cologne? Get some nose plugs for cryin out loud....
With regards to Frittergirl's littering concerns, if I throw my extinguished cigar on the ground, guess what? The leaves mulch right into the ground. No paper on my cigars. (I only smoke good ones). I don't litter tho, and am adamantly against it. I fully believe in enforcing existing littering laws, as well as laws regarding throwing smoking material out of a moving vehicle. (fire hazard)
With regards to children seeing me smoke them, I would suggest their parents educate them to the dangers of smoking and encourage them not to. Don't restrict my freedoms to shelter your children against a perfectly legal product.
And while this argument might be valid against cigarettes for various reasons, they hold no sway over my cigar smoking. And believe me, with as many lawyers and judges and politicians who enjoy a fine cigar, don't expect too many new laws restricting their usuage. LOL.
FritterGirl 08-21-2009, 09:57 AM ---------
With regards to Frittergirl's littering concerns, if I throw my extinguished cigar on the ground, guess what? The leaves mulch right into the ground. No paper on my cigars. (I only smoke good ones). I don't litter tho, and am adamantly against it. I fully believe in enforcing existing littering laws, as well as laws regarding throwing smoking material out of a moving vehicle. (fire hazard)
Did I say anything about your cigars and litter? Nope. I'm fully aware having a cigar-smoking dad (and having puffed on a few cubanos myself in my Miami days) that cigars are biodegradable.
And yes, there are current litter laws in place. However, if no-smoking laws were to curb the product being brought or used in parks in the first place, then the litter issue would be less of a problem!
DaveSkater 08-21-2009, 10:05 AM I agree with you about cigarettes Frittergirl. They're worse than crack and should probably be regulated as such. With the hundreds of other chemicals they're laced with, they're in a class far removed from cigars.
Lucky you for scoring those cubanos! I'd love to come across one.
However, if no-smoking laws were to curb the product being brought or used in parks in the first place, then the litter issue would be less of a problem!
Would you support no-fast-food laws in order to curb use in parks?
TaoMaas 08-21-2009, 10:54 AM Would you support no-fast-food laws in order to curb use in parks?
You bet! No pets allowed, either, because I don't want to risk stepping in their poo, plus I might accidentally smell it. And let's ban kids, too. I go to the park to relax. I don't want to have to hear a bunch of screaming brats. We might want to think about installing astroturf, too, because some folks are allergic to grass. :wink:
(My opinion is that anytime we go out into public, we assume responsibility for making the choice to perhaps encounter things that we might find offensive on some level.)
rowdy55ok 08-21-2009, 11:26 AM :rude:
OK, we can all see that you have an exploding ego and believe you have the right to impose your nasty ass smoke on other people in public places and that "they should move their ass" out of your way in a public place.
Well, communities are tiring of inconsiderate jackasses and your outdoor smoking days are coming to an end, no matter how big a boorish badass you have deluded yourself into believing you are.
Being offensive is being offensive, whether it be smoking publicly or just down right rudeness.
Having a nicotine addiction is NOT a character defect, and can be corrected. But the rudeness and personal attacks I've seen HVAC inflict on this forum is about the the biggest example of an "exploding ego" I've ever seen :omg: AND is much more offensive to me than someone smoking a cig in public.
The "No Smoking" sign at my house is 'outside'.
You bet! No pets allowed, either, because I don't want to risk stepping in their poo, plus I might accidentally smell it. And let's ban kids, too. I go to the park to relax. I don't want to have to hear a bunch of screaming brats. We might want to think about installing astroturf, too, because some folks are allergic to grass. :wink:
(My opinion is that anytime we go out into public, we assume responsibility for making the choice to perhaps encounter things that we might find offensive on some level.)
Agreed. :)
Heck, public parks should EXCLUSIVELY be for smokers. They're the ones paying the highest taxes for it!
DaveSkater 08-21-2009, 12:04 PM Agreed. :)
Heck, public parks should EXCLUSIVELY be for smokers. They're the ones paying the highest taxes for it!
True that!
HVAC Instructor 08-22-2009, 07:10 AM Agreed. :)
Heck, public parks should EXCLUSIVELY be for smokers. They're the ones paying the highest taxes for it!
Could one consider the tobacco tax a tax on the stupid? Like the lottery?
OUman 08-22-2009, 03:15 PM LOLOLOLOL
You aren't getting addicted to the secondhand smoke, are you?
Know what that means?
That means that your brain isn't receiving as much nicotine as the smoker(IE: Less smoke inhalation). You aren't feeling a nicotine rush when you ride by a smoker for a split-second, are you? Didn't think so. Smokers last for 50+ years, sucking down a pack or more a day. Do you REALLY think that second-hand smoke is more harmful?
If so, you're a tool and more disillusioned and narcissistic than I thought.
Also: I'm sure that if you're near a smoker in an environment where you're actually being subjected to smoke inhalation and you ask(NICELY) for them to put it out(THAT MEANS USE PLEASE AND THANK YOU), they will. And, if they give you some smartass remark, then they're a hateful prick and probably deserve cancer. :3
I'll also take this opportunity to call you a yuppie.
Yuppie. <3
LOL, go ahead with the name-calling, my opinion on the issue won't change.