06-30-2009, 08:09 PM
...and yes, if you "don't like gays" for whatever reason, then YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE. Wear the badge with honor, you earned it.
View Full Version : Glbt pride okc ronronnie1 06-30-2009, 08:09 PM ...and yes, if you "don't like gays" for whatever reason, then YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE. Wear the badge with honor, you earned it. Luke 06-30-2009, 08:28 PM ...and yes, if you "don't like gays" for whatever reason, then YOU ARE A HOMOPHOBE. Wear the badge with honor, you earned it. You're so intolerant. ronronnie1 06-30-2009, 08:36 PM Never tolerate intolerance. IF you were a Nazi I'd call you on that too. Don't like? Too bad. Luke 06-30-2009, 08:41 PM Heh. You sound like Sally Kern. ronronnie1 06-30-2009, 08:47 PM and you sound like, nah I don't wanna get banned. But if you think I'm gonna be all nice and civil to homophobes, then you've been sadly mistaken. Luke 06-30-2009, 08:53 PM That's no way to win hearts and minds. MadMonk 06-30-2009, 09:29 PM and you sound like, nah I don't wanna get banned. But if you think I'm gonna be all nice and civil to homophobes, then you've been sadly mistaken. So, you could say that you stand firm in your beliefs, regardless of anyone else's arguments and and opinions. seems you have a lot in common with those you disparage. ronronnie1 06-30-2009, 09:38 PM Get it through your head already, you can HATE whomever you choose to hate. You can hate blacks, jews, muslims, gays, women, whomever. But don't for one second think that you won't be called out on it. Yeah, I know you can't wrap your mind around the fact that the world is changing, and you're being ridiculed for being homophobic. And the roaches usually scurry for cover when the lights come on. Thunder 06-30-2009, 10:28 PM ronronnie1, you're already at risk of being banned every day you post something. I've noticed a bunch of your posts been deleted. Homophobes? Where? You seem to try to create something that isn't there. DaveSkater 07-01-2009, 09:02 AM Get it through your head already, you can HATE whomever you choose to hate. You can hate blacks, jews, muslims, gays, women, whomever. But don't for one second think that you won't be called out on it. This coming from the policeman hater..... Now run along. (doesn't that last bit sound totally stupid?) Caboose 07-01-2009, 09:04 AM Never tolerate intolerance. IF you were a Nazi I'd call you on that too. Don't like? Too bad. I have found you to be one of most intolerant people I have ever encountered on the innerwebs. In general I have found those who fancy themselves as progressives to be among the most intolerant, hateful, and vitriolic people on Earth. ronronnie is a great example. To him(her?) anyone who doesn't agree with him totally on everything is instantly labeled a homophobe, racist, or fascist and is subjected personal attacks. Luke 07-01-2009, 09:39 AM I have found you to be one of most intolerant people I have ever encountered on the innerwebs. In general I have found those who fancy themselves as progressives to be among the most intolerant, hateful, and vitriolic people on Earth. ronronnie is a great example. To him(her?) anyone who doesn't agree with him totally on everything is instantly labeled a homophobe, racist, or fascist and is subjected personal attacks. And the irony is that s/he is an inverse reflection of the very ones s/he is lambasting. Caboose 07-01-2009, 10:07 AM And the irony is that s/he is an inverse reflection of the very ones s/he is lambasting. Its even further irony that a lot of the time the lambasted poster has a pretty liberal "progressive" opinion... it just doesn't match ronronnie's opinion exactly so naturally the person must be a racist neo-con. Karried 07-01-2009, 10:12 AM :backtotop Please |