06-26-2009, 01:08 AM
Well this thread got totally derailed by the trolls. Enjoy your parade to those that are attending. : )
View Full Version : Glbt pride okc venture 06-26-2009, 01:08 AM Well this thread got totally derailed by the trolls. Enjoy your parade to those that are attending. : ) scootinger 06-26-2009, 01:35 AM OK, so you are a dude and you like other dudes... so does that mean you have to talk with a lisp, wear chaps with your ass hanging out, and walk like a fairy? (Trying to inject a little humor here). Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Being a gay person myself, I think a big part of it is conformity. LGBT people (especially in such a conservative place as Oklahoma) want to be able to fit in, and a lot of gay people seem to turn to the bar/club scene, where you see a lot of the people that you talk about. But on a bigger scale, I think that the mannerisms associated with gays and lesbians are somewhat a result of the ostracization of the gay community by mainstream society. Historically gays and lesbians did not identify with mainstream society...and some either wish to intentionally distinguish themselves, or others just end up picking up such mannerisms from associating with others like them. It's a lot like how certain speech and social behaviors are associated with African-Americans...not every black person talks in "ebonics", but rather it's something that many have learned from associating primarily with others that behave the same way. Nonetheless I wanted to go to Pride this weekend, but have to work sadly! If anyone here is going...have fun! :) blangtang 06-26-2009, 02:16 AM Burp! sgray 06-26-2009, 02:20 AM Well I figured if we can talk about HOG fest this weekend, then we can certainly talk about GLBT pride this weekend. Some "downlow" hog guys will probably make their way to the gay bars also. But anyway this year will be big! If you are not homophobic, come out and support your fellow OKC minorities! =) I have been sitting quietly since you posted this just watching the bait dangle on the line! What on friggin earth caused you to draw a connection between talking about HOG fest and GLBT pride...I think your circuit is fried! Straight people don't get beat up, fired, teased, killed or tortured for having sex with their wife. ...that's because most "straight" people dont make a scene in front of folks and their families in public and cause so much disruption just to get attention. For some reason, you think this is appropriate behavior in public. Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. It's okay for them to have this pride parade, but it is not okay when some goes too far as being nude or wearing the insane outfit (which is basically near nude or exposed body parts). If they want respect from the people, then they must be appropriate. That's quite a point there, Thunder. You mean they have to follow the same rules everyone else has to??? :congrats: No, I think making them follow the same rules is discrimination and singles them out as a minority. We should have special rules for the unique needs of the GLBT folks. Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. I just think its a copout to lable themselves minorites because of thier sexual preferences. You make a good point there, worthy. They label themselves as minorities. Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. "We would like the same consideration and acceptance of every other person... so we are going to insist on focusing on how different we are and separating us from you" Yup, Caboose. If the goal is attention, that's what you'd want to do. Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. Maybe if gays and lesbians would stop defining themselves as different and insisting that everyone acknowledge their "different" sexuality it would be easier for the "homophobes" to see them as normal. Homosexuals are just as responsible for the perceived dichotomy and the chasm between as anyone. You mean, if these folks could just simply mingle with the rest of us and stop creating categories to label themselves with? After all, who is always comparing themselves to "straight"??? I don't use those terms to compare myself to others. I find it very interesting that the very folks who expect the rest of us to vote for equal treatment laws don't even include us in their "categories". Why is there no GLBTS??? Hmm... Equal treatment? Maybe we should start demanding that the GLBT crowd recognize the rest of us, eh? With all due respect, it seems to me that these parades do nothing but provide people a reason to poke fun at gays. Yeah, and what would any intelligent person expect? There's nothing on that "GLBT" banner that invites or represents the rest of us...yet somehow the rest of the public events welcome all citizens with the only condition being that you have to behave yourself and act appropriate. These folks actually get pissed off when they get in trouble by law enforcement for causing disruptions at regular events and try to use the excuse that they are being targeted "because they're gay". Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. They're touted as promoting tolerance, but it does the opposite. The "look at me, I'm special" nature to these parades reinforces differences rather than similarities. I think you'd be doing yourselves a far better service by just living your life in quiet, respectable humility like anyone else. Well, let's put it this way. If I thought of myself as being better than others, I would likely go plaster myself all over your street, block, town, etc...wouldn't I??? And while we are on the topic, I find it incredibly annoying that I can tell whether or not some people are gay by looking at them or by having a 2 minute conversation with them. No joke. My neighbor starts every conversation with "By the way, I'm gay" -- even after getting to know you. Tell me something...Why the hell do I need to know that for just to say hi to you? Maybe I'm just saying a friendly "hello" in passing. The scope of the conversation has nothing to do with sexual orientation. I guess some folks prefer to start up a conversation by proclaiming their sexual orientation versus the more common "Hey, how's it going?" I could give a crap if someone is gay or not, I am just puzzled as to why it should be readily apparent. You cant tell from looking at me or talking to me that I like to bone women, especially brown women. Because if they don't have special shirts, bumper stickers, license plates, posters, billboards, tv/radio commercials, movies, and would never know. And if you weren't made aware of their presence, my friend...that would not "get any group anywhere", per a previous post. "Where" said "group" plans to "get", I dunno...........ask 'em...........the answer is likely to be like hitting repeat on your cd player. OK, so you are a dude and you like other dudes... so does that mean you have to talk with a lisp, wear chaps with your ass hanging out, and walk like a fairy? (Trying to inject a little humor here). Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? Well, everyone has a right to express themselves. They just can't force their ways on you or violate the law. When they cause a disruption of the peace or violate laws, they get in trouble just as you and I would. It's amazing how far some people will go for attention. Ah yes...Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. I guess I can see your point, but living in quiet doesn't get any group anywhere. If we are invisible then we don't exist. If we don't exist we don't need or deserve rights. Ahh yes, I was just referring to this post. So following this logic, if you were to live like the rest of us that wouldn't "get you anywhere". Where exactly are you looking to get? Because all I witness are constant battles for attention. Lookin for attention...just like kindergarten. I hate to use blacks as an example because I fear someone here will use that against me *sigh*, but... No, no... Plate, you bring up a great point. Do black folks behave like this? Most of the black folks I know are great to be around. Pride is one of the only times gays and friends of gays can gather in public and feel remotely safe and out at the same time. There is safety in numbers. And frankly, I need at least one day a year I can relax and not have to worry about changing pronouns for fear of god knows what! You have got to be friggin kidding me!!! Go and hang out and do whatever you want and quit complaining about having to follow the same rules of decency in public that we all have to abide by. ---- I want to be very clear on this matter: you (folks who label themselves as GLBT) are free to live as you wish within the confines of the law. I welcome your invites to any event on this forum. Having said that, do not make the mistake of believing that you have the right to force your ways, whatever they may be, upon me. If I choose not to participate in your way of life, leave me the heck alone. You don't need my approval (or anyone else's for that matter) to live the way to want. You only need obey the laws of the land just like the rest of us. kevinpate 06-26-2009, 06:24 AM Still chuckling on the flying under the radar comment, cause yeah, Gazette is sooooo well known for their efforts to never drop a pebble in conformity bay. kevinpate 06-26-2009, 06:26 AM Enjoy the gathering. I won't be there, but don't feel slighted by that. After all, the folks on their bikes won't care if I skip Bt this weekend and folksies at the 89's day gathering each spring in Norman got over my absence long ago. I just don't do crowds well, never have, and not real inclined to start now. possumfritter 06-26-2009, 06:41 AM Who doesn't love a parade? I just wanna know...are there gonna be any Indian Taco's for sale? mireaux 06-26-2009, 07:09 AM Straight people don't get beat up, fired, teased, killed or tortured for having sex with their wife. youre missing my point. no one will really know your lgbt unless your excessively fluant it. two guys can walk together, and dress and act straight and no one will notice that they are gay. but if they hold hands, kiss in public, etc..yeah, i can see your point there. what i dont understand is the whole rainbow on the rear of cars of those that are lgbt proud. that would be like me hanging my girlfriend's bra around my rearview mirror...yeah, id be asking for trouble..and not just from her either. lgbt and all sexuality references aside (both homo and hetero), the point really is this...if you want to draw attention, for will get attention. if you scream in public, heads will turn your direction. if you dress out of style on will get stares. like it or not, we all abide and conform to social code and order. its the governing chart for what is the norm and what is not. im not agreeing with it, just explaining it. walk outside with mismatched socks, different shoes on each foot, uncombed sloppy hair, and unbathed in a week...yeah, youll draw attention. regardless of who we are, what our beliefs are, what are preferences are, no matter our individual walk of life or rhyme or reason...somewhere and somehow we must all neutralize whatever key aspects exists that are deemed inappropriate and customize them to a level that can still be unique to ourselves, yet still conforming and contemporary for social order. being unruly or disordlerly in any regard or nature can ultimately draw unwarranted negative response and/or action. mireaux 06-26-2009, 07:13 AM What, your comparison? the rainbows on the back of cars would be a start. guys wearing girls jeans, acting flamboyantly gay (flaming), the iconic silver rings, and other overly obvious visual signs that are not subtle at all. im not homophobic, just trying to rationalize as to why there is the need to flaunt. just be it, dont flaunt. i dont get it. Thunder 06-26-2009, 07:35 AM I'm not sure if it is proper to use the flaunt term. Girls wear makeup. Isn't that a flaunting style? They are just wearing what feels comfortable to them. mireaux 06-26-2009, 07:49 AM I'm not sure if it is proper to use the flaunt term. Girls wear makeup. Isn't that a flaunting style? They are just wearing what feels comfortable to them. what term are you suggesting i substitute with? ill admit, grammar wasnt my best subject, so i am subject to certain flaws in typeface. Thunder 06-26-2009, 07:52 AM I dunno, honestly. I do agree that some of them goes to far, but in question if they are really intending to shove it all in other people's faces or not. Could they be compared with what Goth people wear/do? nik4411 06-26-2009, 08:47 AM I have never been to a gay pride parade, kind of interested in what goes down there. Will there be floats and music? Sounds like a good time. Hope everyone enjoys it that goes. Platemaker 06-26-2009, 08:48 AM And while we are on the topic, I find it incredibly annoying that I can tell whether or not some people are gay by looking at them or by having a 2 minute conversation with them. Before you jump to conclusions are start with "homophobe" BS, hear me out. I could give a crap if someone is gay or not, I am just puzzled as to why it should be readily apparent. You cant tell from looking at me or talking to me that I like to bone women, especially brown women. So why can you tell so often for gays? OK, so you are a dude and you like other dudes... so does that mean you have to talk with a lisp, wear chaps with your ass hanging out, and walk like a fairy? (Trying to inject a little humor here). Can someone explain this phenomenon to me? I've actually thought long and hard about this over the years and I have only one conclusion... Perhaps gay people by nature are susceptible to developing some of these traits. It's a fact that genetics and sex play a role in physical characteristics, voice characteristics, and even mental and physical aptitude and abilities. I mean, I look at home movies of myself and think WOW look at that little homo... Most parents of gays have their kids pegged from very early ages.... long before that kids realizes it themselves. There is a higher chance that if you have red hair you might also have green eyes and freckles. There is higher that that you are going to have some sort of savant ability if you are on the autism spectrum. White people can't jump. (humor ;) Most stereotypes are based in truth. Gays stereotypically are interested in science, art, music, & fashion. Maybe those predispositions are natural pairs to the 'gay gene.' Maybe that same gene is a natural pair to the, only word I can come up with is 'exuberance'.... that natural flame lol. Maybe that same gene is a natural pair to the fascination with Madonna or Barbra Streisand! (more humor) There is a term called 'gay face'.... I give you Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International (a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.) so1rfan 06-26-2009, 08:59 AM the rainbows on the back of cars would be a start. guys wearing girls jeans, acting flamboyantly gay (flaming), the iconic silver rings, and other overly obvious visual signs that are not subtle at all. im not homophobic, just trying to rationalize as to why there is the need to flaunt. just be it, dont flaunt. i dont get it. People who "act" flamboyantly gay are a small representation of the gay community. If you want to rationalize it, look at it this way, have you ever been to an Oklahoma-Texas football game and seen an OSU fan at the game wearing his OSU garb? I have plenty of times, and that fan is just trying say "I'm a little different than everyone here and I want people to know it." How about the biker that wears black leather chaps and his leather biker jacket with Harley Davidson acroos the back in 100 degree heat? Why does he feel the need to plaster the fact he rides a Harley to everyone? What about the NASCAR fan that gets an 8 tatooed on his arm and then has to get it chnaged to an 88 and stop drinking Bud. Why does he have to wear a mullet and give the finger to anyone wearing 24? What about the gal who went and spent two grand on a new set of boobs? Why does she always have to go around braless? How about the guys with toned abs? Do they always have to go around shirtless? How about the people with full arm sleeve tattos? Why do they always wear sleeveless shirts? And the fact is that not every single OSU fan, biker, Junior fan, female, male and art wearer acts like the above mentioned. You want to rationalize it? Then rationalize that being comfortable with being different and looking for tolerance is why people flaunt the way they are. Platemaker 06-26-2009, 09:00 AM Just curious... threads about events are at home in the Metro Area Talk section. Should I: A) Post a new thread in Metro Area Talk with details about the parade and it's history since 1969. -or- B) Request that all Metro Area Talk threads that have gotten off the original topic be MOVED to OKC Underground? I'd love a moderator's response to this. Richard at Remax 06-26-2009, 09:10 AM worthy cook... I know you removed your post... it's cool... but religious geologist! I'm fascinated! Only posted twice in this tread and have never removed my own post so I don't know where you came up with that. Yes I am religious. Yes I am a geologist. One of these titles I have faith and in. The other one I got my degree in and use it to purchase things. Get over yourself. kmf563 06-26-2009, 09:13 AM You know, I usually take pride in our little OKCTalk forum and think we do a great job on promoting Oklahoma and supporting our fellow neighbors. And then a big blob of poo like this thread comes along and reminds me that no matter what major league we bring to this city, no matter what we build and how tall we build it, no matter what large corporation plops down on our land, no matter how far we advance the country and educate them on energy conservation....we still have and will always have some of the biggest closed-minded, idiotic, uneducated, and self righteous vocal ARSES in the entire nation living right here. And most of you are down right proud of being so. There are those of you that keep bringing me back with your reasoning and I actually enjoy your posts and know how much this frustrates you as well. So thank you to those few, you know who you are. That all being said...I hope everyone who participates/watches the parade has a great time. Please make sure and drink lots of water! It's going to be really hot this weekend. And those of you who don't approve, please just stay away. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 09:19 AM youre missing my point. no one will really know your lgbt unless your excessively fluant it. two guys can walk together, and dress and act straight and no one will notice that they are gay. but if they hold hands, kiss in public, etc..yeah, i can see your point there. what i dont understand is the whole rainbow on the rear of cars of those that are lgbt proud. that would be like me hanging my girlfriend's bra around my rearview mirror...yeah, id be asking for trouble..and not just from her either. lgbt and all sexuality references aside (both homo and hetero), the point really is this...if you want to draw attention, for will get attention. if you scream in public, heads will turn your direction. if you dress out of style on will get stares. like it or not, we all abide and conform to social code and order. its the governing chart for what is the norm and what is not. im not agreeing with it, just explaining it. walk outside with mismatched socks, different shoes on each foot, uncombed sloppy hair, and unbathed in a week...yeah, youll draw attention. regardless of who we are, what our beliefs are, what are preferences are, no matter our individual walk of life or rhyme or reason...somewhere and somehow we must all neutralize whatever key aspects exists that are deemed inappropriate and customize them to a level that can still be unique to ourselves, yet still conforming and contemporary for social order. being unruly or disordlerly in any regard or nature can ultimately draw unwarranted negative response and/or action. I wont get beat up and killed because I walk down the street holding my girlfriends hands... The Pride parade is about being in the open, nobody should have to fear for their safety because of who they are. It takes a lot of courage to come out of the closet, and somebody should be proud that they have the courage to do so. And coming out of the closet isn't running around and flaunting it, its doing the exact same thing straight people do with their significant others: Walk down the street holding hands. Bring them to a work party. Dance at a party. Put your arm around them in a movie. These are all things straight people take for granted that gay people have to think about every time they do it. Is the wrong person going to see it and beat them up (or kill them), are they going to get spit on, are they going to get harassed, are they going to loose their job. This crap happens every day to gays across the country and it takes a huge amount of courage to stand up and refuse to hide who you are. FritterGirl 06-26-2009, 09:31 AM its doing the exact same thing straight people do with their significant others: Walk down the street holding hands. Bring them to a work party. Dance at a party. Put your arm around them in a movie. These are all things straight people take for granted that gay people have to think about every time they do it. Hit the nail on the head with this one. It's curious how some people feel this is "flaunting" one's gayness. Seems to me like there are lots of people on this thread who really DO need to go back to kindergarten and learn how play well with others. I have been to pride celebrations in OKC and other cities. As a straight, married female, I can happily say they are some of the most joyous and fun events I've ever attended. Karried 06-26-2009, 09:38 AM we still have and will always have some of the biggest closed-minded, idiotic, uneducated, and self righteous vocal ARSES in the entire nation living right here. And most of you are down right proud of being so. Yeah that. It never ceases to amaze me that people feel so self righteous and justified in insisting that unless a person acts, speaks and conforms to how they think they should act, (usually exactly the way they act themselves) then they are in the wrong. If you don't think you'll see some crazy happenings at the HOG festival.. then you've never been. People are different... all individuals, free to express themselves in however they choose. If the parade isn't your cup of tea.. who cares? Don't go. onthestrip 06-26-2009, 10:10 AM I am intolerant? Listen to you, you sound like you are blowing a gasket. I think pride in things you have no control over is weird, whether its being gay or Puerto Rican. That doesnt mean I think you should be ashamed of it. Why the insistence on making sure battle lines are drawn? If I moved in next door to you couldnt you just be my neighbor? Or would you insist on being my gay neighbor? Why must you define yourself by your sexuality and create such a polarizing atmosphere? Thing is, I'd be your straight neighbor. I'm not gay, don't have a family member that is, don't have any close gay friends either. I'm just evolved enough to know that 1) your post was idiotic and 2) that glbt have to cautiously live their lives and once a year they like to let loose and express themselves without any shame. I see no issue with this and I can't understand why you don't either JerzeeGrlinOKC 06-26-2009, 10:16 AM [/QUOTE]I want to be very clear on this matter: you (folks who label themselves as GLBT) are free to live as you wish within the confines of the law. I welcome your invites to any event on this forum. Having said that, do not make the mistake of believing that you have the right to force your ways, whatever they may be, upon me. If I choose not to participate in your way of life, leave me the heck alone. You don't need my approval (or anyone else's for that matter) to live the way to want. You only need obey the laws of the land just like the rest of us.[/QUOTE] I find it so horrifically sad that someone like sgray (and others on this thread) can have such a hateful and narrowminded, fearful and outrageous opinion. What are you so afraid of sgray? Whatever, freedom of speech. You're right, your entitled to your disgusting opinion. It doesn't mean that you're not a sad, sad person. That is my opinion. This particular response has made me absolutely sick to my stomach. And the awful thing is there are others who feel the same way. Shame on you for throwing such an ugly spew of words on OKCTalk. And thanks for ruining my Friday. I am so proud that the GLBT community is gathering for this event in OKC, a city that I am still proud to live in for the past three years. I won't be able to make it but I hope that things work out well. Keep up the work and get out the word! nik4411 06-26-2009, 10:19 AM JerzeeGrlinOKC, why would you let that ruin your friday? You can't let others get you down like that. nik4411 06-26-2009, 10:21 AM I also agree with whoever said it, that it's sort of ridiculous that a thread shedding light on an event going on has turned into this JerzeeGrlinOKC 06-26-2009, 10:21 AM JerzeeGrlinOKC, why would you let that ruin your friday? You can't let others get you down like that. You're right. Just had a welling of anger. Felt better for posting though :-) JerzeeGrlinOKC 06-26-2009, 10:27 AM I also agree with whoever said it, that it's sort of ridiculous that a thread shedding light on an event going on has turned into this Yeah you'd hope that making an announcement on OKCTalk would not prompt this sort of response. I like OKCTalk and just wish everyone on the boards had better character than what has been displayed on this thread. Its just tasteless. Oh well those are idealistic dreams I suppose. Guess sometimes you can't keep slime from leaking in. nik4411 06-26-2009, 10:53 AM Haha yea I hear that. And enjoy the day, it's always a great day to be alive! soonerguru 06-26-2009, 11:18 AM Why was this thread moved. I think it should be replaced on the main board, with information about the event. If the trolls want to turn it into a gaybashing affair, ban them or delete their posts. We should be able to discuss a worthy event without it turning political. DaveSkater 06-26-2009, 12:07 PM What time/day does it start/end? Are there going to be organized floats? Or talent displays or categories or something? I always have enjoyed a good drag show, and I love to see marching bands.... Floats and art would be neat too. .ps You don't have to be gay to appreciate diversity and talent. MadMonk 06-26-2009, 12:26 PM Yeah you'd hope that making an announcement on OKCTalk would not prompt this sort of response. I like OKCTalk and just wish everyone on the boards had better character than what has been displayed on this thread. Its just tasteless. Oh well those are idealistic dreams I suppose. Guess sometimes you can't keep slime from leaking in. Yeah, how dare they disagree with your views! Now go verbally attack the poster as the forum rules state you should! /s Seriously, you are no better than those you call "the slime" when you post nonsense like this. Are they not allowed to disagree with you and your views? Aren't you being intolerant of their views? Just playing devil's advocate. :tiphat: mireaux 06-26-2009, 01:10 PM Could they be compared with what Goth people wear/do? oh i think the goth trend has waned in recent years, the tide is higher for the more popular emo trend. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 01:10 PM Yeah, how dare they disagree with your views! Now go verbally attack the poster as the forum rules state you should! /s Seriously, you are no better than those you call "the slime" when you post nonsense like this. Are they not allowed to disagree with you and your views? Aren't you being intolerant of their views? Just playing devil's advocate. :tiphat: When the KKK comes to town, would you defend them from being called slime? When the Aryan Nation comes to down, would you defend them from being called slime? When the Phelps church comes to town, would you defend them from being called slime? JerzeeGrlinOKC 06-26-2009, 01:25 PM Yeah, how dare they disagree with your views! Now go verbally attack the poster as the forum rules state you should! /s Seriously, you are no better than those you call "the slime" when you post nonsense like this. Are they not allowed to disagree with you and your views? Aren't you being intolerant of their views? Just playing devil's advocate. :tiphat: Sorry, MadMonk, you just can't play devil's advocate with this one. I would keep typing but I think Heyuri hit the nail on the head. JerzeeGrlinOKC 06-26-2009, 01:31 PM Yeah, how dare they disagree with your views! Now go verbally attack the poster as the forum rules state you should! /s Seriously, you are no better than those you call "the slime" when you post nonsense like this. Are they not allowed to disagree with you and your views? Aren't you being intolerant of their views? Just playing devil's advocate. :tiphat: And by the way, if you actually take the time to read my post I never said that people were not allowed to voice their opinion. I just voiced mine. And here it is again, for the record: I think people who make bigoted statements on a talkboard are slime. If you want to call me out for this opinion, well that's fine by me. If you want to say I'm bigoted against bigoted people, well that's fine by me too (although it would be most ridiculous). I'll stand by it until the very end. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 01:36 PM And by the way, if you actually take the time to read my post I never said that people were not allowed to voice their opinion. I just voiced mine. And here it is again, for the record: I think people who make bigoted statements on a talkboard are slime. If you want to call me out for this opinion, well that's fine by me. If you want to say I'm bigoted against bigoted people, well that's fine by me too (although it would be most ridiculous). I'll stand by it until the very end. Don't worry about him, he's just bigoted against people who are bigoted against people who are bigoted. Luke 06-26-2009, 01:37 PM Everyone who disagrees with me is a bigot. mireaux 06-26-2009, 01:40 PM I've actually thought long and hard about this over the years and I have only one conclusion... Perhaps gay people by nature are susceptible to developing some of these traits. It's a fact that genetics and sex play a role in physical characteristics, voice characteristics, and even mental and physical aptitude and abilities. I mean, I look at home movies of myself and think WOW look at that little homo... Most parents of gays have their kids pegged from very early ages.... long before that kids realizes it themselves. There is a higher chance that if you have red hair you might also have green eyes and freckles. There is higher that that you are going to have some sort of savant ability if you are on the autism spectrum. White people can't jump. (humor ;) Most stereotypes are based in truth. Gays stereotypically are interested in science, art, music, & fashion. Maybe those predispositions are natural pairs to the 'gay gene.' Maybe that same gene is a natural pair to the, only word I can come up with is 'exuberance'.... that natural flame lol. Maybe that same gene is a natural pair to the fascination with Madonna or Barbra Streisand! (more humor) There is a term called 'gay face'.... I give you Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International (a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization promoting the message of Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.) No..I dont think being LGBT is a result of genetics. Youre not born with it, Its a choice..simple as that. I have never seen two cows being gay, two cats being gay, two birds being gay, six dogs being gay... it only occurs in know, the only mammals God gave freewill and conscience to. however, I WILL accept the theory that a lot of the time the choice to turn LGBT is largely influenced by profound emotional experiences. Women, who are obviously many folds more emotionally driven than men due to higher levels of progesterone, estrogen, and oxytocin are very emotionally delicate creatures..that being said..any event that occurs in their life that is deeply emotionally driven can lay the ground to dire consequences if professional help is not sought soon afterwards. If a woman was molested as a child, she may think poorly of all men in general. If she was recently raped, or repeatedly raped throughout her life, it can hold similiar results upon her. Events such as these can have her forever embrace the LGBT lifestyle rather aggressively, to the point she shuns all men vehemently. In another light, if for some reason her physical appearance has always fallen short of attracting the sexual attention of males, she may feel hopelessness and dispair begin to subside as well. Feeling the need to emotionally bond and still yet have her sexual and emotional needs met may have her leaning towards the LGBT community. There are many who have simply thrown in the towel on trying to be straight any longer. A man may have come to a faux realization that he feels he simply cant attract the type of woman he desires, or no women at all for any applicable reasons. His self-esteem may become lowered while his libido remains high. So, like his female counterpart, he turns to LGBT community seeking to have various needs met: whether it be sexual, emotional, etc. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 01:50 PM I have never seen two cows being gay, two cats being gay, two birds being gay, six dogs being gay... it only occurs in know, the only mammals God gave freewill and conscience to. Ive never seen China, it must not exist! I wish I knew that things I've never seen don't exist, it would have made my exams /sooo/ much easier. Fortunately we have science and research! And, pretty much every scientific study on the subject would disagree with you on that part. Gay animals out of the closet? - LiveScience- ( Gay penguin dads in German zoo hatch their first chick | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times ( "Hippie" Monkeys Leave the Commune, Go Hunting | ScienCentral | Science Videos | Science News ( DaveSkater 06-26-2009, 01:56 PM What time/day does it start/end? Are there going to be organized floats? Or talent displays or categories or something? I always have enjoyed a good drag show, and I love to see marching bands.... Floats and art would be neat too. .ps You don't have to be gay to appreciate diversity and talent. Hey, this guy's got a good question! Anyone? westsidesooner 06-26-2009, 01:56 PM Apparently some people need to go back to school, or at least watch educational television (discovery, animal planet, history channel) once in awhile. Some of these studies have been known for more than ten years. Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Metro - Same-sex coupling exists in most species: Study ( Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study - Telegraph ( And no......the earth isnt flat. Luke 06-26-2009, 01:58 PM So, if a trait is exhibited naturally in wildlife, it is excusable in humans. kmf563 06-26-2009, 01:59 PM Women, who are obviously many folds more emotionally driven than men due to higher levels of progesterone, estrogen, and oxytocin are very emotionally delicate creatures..that being said..any event that occurs in their life that is deeply emotionally driven can lay the ground to dire consequences if professional help is not sought soon afterwards. If a woman was molested as a child, she may think poorly of all men in general. If she was recently raped, or repeatedly raped throughout her life, it can hold similiar results upon her. Events such as these can have her forever embrace the LGBT lifestyle rather aggressively, to the point she shuns all men vehemently. In another light, if for some reason her physical appearance has always fallen short of attracting the sexual attention of males, she may feel hopelessness and dispair begin to subside as well. Feeling the need to emotionally bond and still yet have her sexual and emotional needs met may have her leaning towards the LGBT community. have way too many issues to address. Geez uz. This is the year 2009! Women are emotional and delicate creatures??? No wonder you have so many problems with the gay community. Just to go along with your stereotyping though, one could easily assess from your posts that you are a militant, wife beating, ford truck driving, redneck. I'm not saying you are, just saying that stereotyping can be cruel and assumptions are ridiculous. And as for Heyuri...really? You are comparing being gay to hate groups? The difference is that gay people don't burn stakes, blow up buildings, or kill people because they are different. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 02:02 PM And as for Heyuri...really? You are comparing being gay to hate groups? The difference is that gay people don't burn stakes, blow up buildings, or kill people because they are different. Not at all, I'm comparing homophobic hate groups, to racist hate groups. MadMonk was defending the homophobic comments, and I asked if would step out to defend other hate groups too? westsidesooner 06-26-2009, 02:04 PM Hey, this guy's got a good question! Anyone? I did a google search on was pretty easy to find. I'd never even thought of going, but after fewing all the hate/ignorance in this thread I might just go. Since Im so nice I'll post you and your friend a link. OKC PRIDE INC. ( Platemaker 06-26-2009, 02:09 PM No..I dont think being LGBT is a result of genetics. Youre not born with it, Its a choice..simple as that. I have never seen two cows being gay, two cats being gay, two birds being gay, six dogs being gay... it only occurs in know, the only mammals God gave freewill and conscience to. SERIOUSLY.....SERIOUSLY.... homosexuality is well documented in the animal kingdom. however, I WILL accept the theory that a lot of the time the choice to turn LGBT is largely influenced by profound emotional experiences. Women, who are obviously many folds more emotionally driven than men due to higher levels of progesterone, estrogen, and oxytocin are very emotionally delicate creatures..that being said..any event that occurs in their life that is deeply emotionally driven can lay the ground to dire consequences if professional help is not sought soon afterwards. If a woman was molested as a child, she may think poorly of all men in general. If she was recently raped, or repeatedly raped throughout her life, it can hold similiar results upon her. Events such as these can have her forever embrace the LGBT lifestyle rather aggressively, to the point she shuns all men vehemently. In another light, if for some reason her physical appearance has always fallen short of attracting the sexual attention of males, she may feel hopelessness and dispair begin to subside as well. Feeling the need to emotionally bond and still yet have her sexual and emotional needs met may have her leaning towards the LGBT community. There are many who have simply thrown in the towel on trying to be straight any longer. A man may have come to a faux realization that he feels he simply cant attract the type of woman he desires, or no women at all for any applicable reasons. His self-esteem may become lowered while his libido remains high. So, like his female counterpart, he turns to LGBT community seeking to have various needs met: whether it be sexual, emotional, etc. You should really work for Mr. Chambers at Exodus because these are the BS reasons that they try to force down your throats as to why someone is gay... trust me I know. It's is quite literally a form of brainwashing. Not unlike an innocent person confessing to a crime in an hours long interrogation. "You didn't have a positive male role model" ..."Huh, yes I grandpa... brother." "No... think about it they must have not done something right..." ..."Uh... no not that I know of... they love me." "NOOOOOO ... REMEMBER the bicycle you didn't get when you were 8!?!?" ..."OH GOD THAT'S WHY!!!" soooooooo ridiculous! And what I'm most disgusted by is the fact that ALL gay people I know knew when they were kids! Explain that! I'm sure there are those very very very very few that might live in or try homosexuality as a result of being beaten down, but one) I never met a one... and two) they aren't gay obviously... they are mentally ill! I can understand that rationalizing behavior with made up scenarios might be easy.... but I hate to break it to you.... you are off by light years! LIGHT YEARS! kmf563 06-26-2009, 02:13 PM Not at all, I'm comparing homophobic hate groups, to racist hate groups. MadMonk was defending the homophobic comments, and I asked if would step out to defend other hate groups too? Gotcha. Sorry, I misread that. USG '60 06-26-2009, 02:13 PM Mireaux, you have convinced me that you are well meaning and are, in your own way, being tolerant, but really and truly you need to do serious research on this matter. REAL gays do NOT have a choice about who they are sexually attracted to. PER I OD. Among us guys, most of us around puberty "experiment" with homosexual behavior. Most of us soon REALIZE that "it isn't me." We do not DECIDE; we REALIZE. There is a difference. I'll let someone else discuss the girl side of the story. I can appreciate, again, that you are trying to be as understanding as possible, but you really do need to continue your education on this subject. Platemaker 06-26-2009, 02:16 PM So, if a trait is exhibited naturally in wildlife, it is excusable in humans. NOT YOU TOO LUKE!!!! I LIKE LUKE!!!! ...noooo not THAT way! DaveSkater 06-26-2009, 02:20 PM I did a google search on was pretty easy to find. I'd never even thought of going, but after fewing all the hate/ignorance in this thread I might just go. Since Im so nice I'll post you and your friend a link. OKC PRIDE INC. ( Thanks, and yeah, uh my friend.....we're just friends... LOL mireaux 06-26-2009, 02:21 PM Ive never seen China, it must not exist! I wish I knew that things I've never seen don't exist, it would have made my exams /sooo/ much easier. Fortunately we have science and research! And, pretty much every scientific study on the subject would disagree with you on that part. Gay animals out of the closet? - LiveScience- ( Gay penguin dads in German zoo hatch their first chick | L.A. Unleashed | Los Angeles Times ( "Hippie" Monkeys Leave the Commune, Go Hunting | ScienCentral | Science Videos | Science News ( perhaps these animals have encountered some sort of traumatic or emotionally charged event. i would attribute the news as being specific to the actual animal itself and not to its species as a whole, along the same lines as if a penguin was to be born with two heads. the news brushed upon the animals' actions as headlines..perhaps deeper investigation why find out the true reason for why animals may be trending this way., as you can see..their choices made news headlines. why? cause animals normally are not gay by nature or even choice for that matter. when God destroyed Sodom, He killed humans,..He has yet to destroy a zoo infested with gay animals. if you decide to turn that way and go to a gay will not make headline news. mireaux 06-26-2009, 02:23 PM ford truck driving, redneck. I'm not saying you are, just saying that stereotyping can be cruel and assumptions are ridiculous. . more rednecks lean towards chevys, instead of fords. (btw, i drive Hyundai..just for what its worth) mireaux 06-26-2009, 02:30 PM . REAL gays do NOT have a choice about who they are sexually attracted to. PER I OD. Among us guys, most of us around puberty "experiment" with homosexual behavior. Most of us soon REALIZE that "it isn't me." We do not DECIDE; we REALIZE. There is a difference. I'll let someone else discuss the girl side of the story. I can appreciate, again, that you are trying to be as understanding as possible, but you really do need to continue your education on this subject. REAL gays huh? care to make the distinction between that and, i assume..would be FAKE gays? btw, "realization" is attributed to conscious behavior. mireaux 06-26-2009, 02:35 PM Apparently some people need to go back to school, or at least watch educational television (discovery, animal planet, history channel) once in awhile. Some of these studies have been known for more than ten years. Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( Metro - Same-sex coupling exists in most species: Study ( Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study - Telegraph ( And no......the earth isnt flat. only TEN years?....why not longer? theres something wrong with this picture already. kmf563 06-26-2009, 02:39 PM more rednecks lean towards chevys, instead of fords. So what year is your chevy and how high is it jacked up?? haha. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 02:39 PM when God destroyed Sodom he killed humans,..He has yet to destroy a zoo infested with gay animals. And here comes the justification we all knew would show. The same justification that was used to hunt Native Americans in the early colonial days. The same justification that was used during the Spanish inquisition. The same justification for flying planes into buildings. The same justification that was used to exterminate Jews. The same justification that was used to to justify just about every major atrocity in the history of mankind. "My religion tells me what you do is wrong!" Platemaker 06-26-2009, 02:40 PM REAL gays huh? care to make the distinction between that and, i assume..would be FAKE gays? REAL = natural FAKE = choice btw, "realization" is attributed to conscious behavior. Okay, so the word probably should have been 'recognize.' However, I'm completely convinced you know what was meant. Heyuri 06-26-2009, 02:41 PM REAL gays huh? care to make the distinction between that and, i assume..would be FAKE gays? btw, "realization" is attributed to conscious behavior. I realized that I have two feet. Good thing I made that choice, it would be silly for me to have one. FritterGirl 06-26-2009, 02:44 PM Mireaux, I have three questions I'd like you to answer: 1. At the risk of opening up a big can of worms, here's #1. Do you believe in hermaphrodism, the concept that people are born with both sets of sex organs? 2. Have you not also noticed, that by their natural "genetic" make-up, some men have more effeminite qualities than others, just as some women have more natural masculine physical attributes than others? (I'm talking basic build and physical attributes, not necessarily the way someone has their hair cut, or dresses.) If these things are genetically possible, as they most certainly have been PROVEN, then who is to say that there is not a possibility that being gay is not also a generic trait. Our bodies are complex organisms that scientists are just beginning to understand. Something as simple as a shift in our genetic endocrine or hormonal makeup could very likely be the cause. Just because we don't have scientific proof "yet," doesn't mean it isn't a very likely hypothesis. To me, this is a very rational, and plausible, exlplanation. 3. How did you know you were first attracted to females (assuming you are a male), and or males (assuming you are a female)? At what age did you realize this? Midtowner 06-26-2009, 02:44 PM So, if a trait is exhibited naturally in wildlife, it is excusable in humans. So what you're saying is... that since animals eat their young and since animals exhibit homosexuality, that it's okay to eat our babies and exhibit homosexual tendencies... Because those things are totally comparable and have totally similar results with regard to the rights and well being of others who do not exhibit that behavior.:doh::doh::doh::doh::doh: |