View Full Version : TruGreen

06-20-2009, 04:04 PM
Don't even think about using them.

Freeze damage? Not IMO. Whatever they sprayed turned the grass yellow in places.

Besides the dead spots, the lawn is filled with weeds and showed no signs of growing until I applied 10-20-10 after these pictures were taken 2 weeks ago.
After speaking to their tech, all I got was lipservice about how I could have called them back out to retreat the lawn. I replied that they had been out 3 times already and it was evident that they weren't applying either weed preventer or fertilizer. I specified that if they didn't refund my payment (I had paid in advance for one years service) I'd be filing a formal complaint.
Sad to say this is my worst expereince with a lawn service and I've been paying to have my lawn treated for 5 years. Also it was like pulling teeth as far as getting the refund for TruGreens non-service.

06-20-2009, 08:13 PM
Outof curiosity, since you've been doing lawn services for many years:

(a) what prompted the switch from a company (or companies) previously used
(b) who is the lucky recepient to replace Truegreen?

06-20-2009, 08:22 PM
Outof curiosity, since you've been doing lawn services for many years:

(a) what prompted the switch from a company (or companies) previously used
(b) who is the lucky recepient to replace Truegreen?

I had a local person who had been doing lawns here for a number of years but he decided to go into another business and sold the prepaid contract I had with him to TruGreen. Wasn't my idea to go with them in the first place.

I'm going to handle the lawn the rest of this year. Hopefully it will bouce back but it may take the entire year to do it.

06-21-2009, 11:24 AM
Not sure who my mom uses but her lawn looks pretty damn similar to yours...Can't beat paying somone to come out and kill your lawn

Second only to paying someone to come over and kick you in the ba**s

06-21-2009, 11:41 AM
It seems that several companies out there is doing something very fishy.

Either they cut back on the chemicals or really screwing things up.

Mom uses Lawn Don's and the first Spring treatment, there was still a few weeds that popped up, so she called for a redo and since then, the lawn looks great.

But for her neighbor, with the same company, the lawn was completely killed.

I can understand if some weeds pop up and the most logical explanation would be the companies cutting back on some chemicals due to the ecomony without telling their customers. But for lawns being killed everywhere by these companies, then I got no clue what is going on.

06-22-2009, 05:26 PM
Go figure. I've been using TruGreen for two years now, and my lawn looks better now than it did last year at this time.

Maybe they've taken on some staff who don't quite know what they're doing.

03-11-2010, 01:51 PM
I'm looking for a new company to spray for weeds and fertilize, I was using Agrilawn, but my grass has not been doing very well, no weeds, but not much grass either, so thought I'd try someone new. I can't find "Lawn Don's", is that the correct name? Can anyone recommend any other company?

03-11-2010, 05:00 PM
I used Trugreen on two houses for about five years and, not once, did I have a problem with them.

The only reason they no longer have us as a client is because my wife wants Natural Lawn because of our canine children. I told the tenant in the other house I would no longer pay for the lawn service because of other complaints they had about the house (which were false).

03-11-2010, 05:07 PM
I'm looking for a new company to spray for weeds and fertilize, I was using Agrilawn, but my grass has not been doing very well, no weeds, but not much grass either, so thought I'd try someone new. I can't find "Lawn Don's", is that the correct name? Can anyone recommend any other company?

The company name is Don's. He has little white with green circle signs in yards in the MWC area. As far a cutting back on chemicals I don't think that is going on. Many weeds are just tough to kill with one spraying. Also what you may think is grass may actually be weeds that are being killed. Bermuda will not be up yet, but fescue will turn yellow but should return in a couple of weeks.

03-11-2010, 05:20 PM
unless the lawn is made up of weeds.:irule:

03-11-2010, 07:01 PM
I had TruGreen one season and then we canceled. They couldn't get rid of our weeds and charged us for things we did not ask for. We also asked for a tree to be fertilized and 4 months later they showed up to do it, but it was too late in the season from what I had read online.

03-12-2010, 07:41 AM
Most have complaints/problems because they expect weed control spraying to be the answer to a beautiful yard. It takes not only weed control, but proper fertilization, proper watering, proper mowing, and before any weed control/fertilizing program starts, you should have a soil test performed to see exactly what nutrients your soil needs.

03-12-2010, 02:42 PM
I noticed a few lawn services that seem to cut right down to the ground.