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jmarkross 01-22-2011, 09:11 AM Has nothing to do with what it actually is as much as it is new to the market. Same reason people camp out for Sonic in California. It'd seem weird to us here in Oklahoma. People from all over US camp out at each Chick-Fil-A opening including Tejas And if you don't think people in Tejas will be camped out for In and Out Burger when it opens in Texas soon, you're fooling yourself.
In-and-Out worth the drive to Texas!
Jesseda 01-24-2011, 11:31 AM In-and-out burger in the holy grail of burgers.
Thunder 05-13-2011, 01:49 PM We have a huge coupon sheet for the place. Mom went up there first time yesterday and brought home some tasty sandwiches (one free) and a box of chicken strips. Only complaint was that there was no gravy in the box of chicken strips. I dunno. Either a forgotten mistake or the way it is. Seem like a nice restaurant. I will stop by for my first time at the place soon.
kbsooner 06-01-2011, 10:20 PM Looks like all the burger joints are still alive and kicking and added a Five Guys... This is truly America's fast food corner!
Lauri101 06-12-2011, 03:57 PM Ugh - finally went and that will be the last time. I walked in the door to see at least 7 workers in food prep area and no one at counter. Stood next to another couple, waiting for someone to notice, but nothing. Finally, a third person walked in and went to the "kiosk" and placed his order. I watched him and followed suit. (never could figure out how to order a plain, single-patty burger)
After a full seven minutes, finally got food. Workers were dancing, laughing, cutting up and doing everything but taking care of business.
Naw, baby, naw - Carls has even got them beat!
venture 06-12-2011, 07:19 PM Started to notice the Norman store is becoming the same way. Should be an easy fix for managers to make. At the end of the day though, whenever I go to the Norman store all the employees seem to be very upbeat and enjoying their job. Can't say that very often about fast food places.
Lauri101 06-12-2011, 07:39 PM Started to notice the Norman store is becoming the same way. Should be an easy fix for managers to make. At the end of the day though, whenever I go to the Norman store all the employees seem to be very upbeat and enjoying their job. Can't say that very often about fast food places.
I sent in a complaint to online contact point, with dates, location and time. Enjoying your job is great, as long as the customers paying money for your product are getting the service they deserve.
I am uber-employee -friendly and will tolerate a lot, but being ignored is not acceptable. (Same thing happened at Logan's 2 years ago and I haven't been back to MWC location since.)
bombermwc 06-13-2011, 08:00 AM Counter presense does seem to be a problem there. Every time i have gone, i've used the kiosk, but you still have to get your drink cup. For some reason they don't use a "cashier" and the duty seems to float or something. Or else the person that's on duty just really sucks at it.
I've never had a long wait though....normal fast food wait....comparable to Burger King.
I'd never say Jack is the best place to eat, but the variety is so large that you don't really ever have to eat the same thing twice. I was on a kick when it first opened, but really haven't been back in like 6 months.
jmarkross 06-13-2011, 11:09 AM Jack-In-The-Box is primarily a drive-through eatery designed and offered to male buyers. Always has been, it is the model that has made them successful. Their hours are not the usual family-friendly choices...and why not? Diversity is the dream of us all...
Lauri101 06-19-2011, 01:32 PM I sent in a complaint to online contact point, with dates, location and time. Enjoying your job is great, as long as the customers paying money for your product are getting the service they deserve.
Interesting - I received two coupons - each for a free item of my choice - in response to my complaint. They arrived only 5 days after my complaint, with a cover letter that was obviously mass-produced. They must get that a lot! I'll give them to my neighbor - she has teenage boys who will likely enjoy them.
SkyWestOKC 08-27-2011, 10:44 PM Jack in the Box Eastern Division LP from Rishi Investment LLC, 7100 S May Ave., $620,000
Read more:
According to the DOK, JITB has purchased an outparcel on the NE corner of I-240 and May. Unless Jack in the Box Eastern Division LP is not JITB (highly unlikely).
This is technically in the urban core by about 150 feet, so not sure whether to post in the Suburban Development section or the Urban Core. Pete or mmm, please move as necessary.
jn1780 08-27-2011, 10:53 PM Cool, it will be nice to see some new construction in this area.
Architect2010 08-29-2011, 02:40 AM It's funny how Penn/240 and May/240 are world's apart. This one will probably capitalize on all the college kids, and the suburbanites just a drive south down the street.
The guy has stood on that corner and panhandled every day for the last year will probably be happy to have somewhere new to eat. The people that park their used cars for sale there on the weekend won't be too happy. A bit of a run down corner, will be nice to see something new there. I noticed the other day the old gas station on that corner had been opened up and some stuff removed. Getting ready to tear it down I guess.
SoonerDave 08-29-2011, 10:59 AM Anything's better than that blighted, abandoned gas station carcass that's been there forever.
Makes me wonder if something else is planned for that old, abandoned Albertson's location at the same corner.
Skyline 08-29-2011, 12:03 PM That old Albertson's would make a great location for a Fiesta Mart/ Grocery based out of TX.
Just the facts 08-30-2011, 10:23 AM That old Albertson's would make a great location for a Fiesta Mart/ Grocery based out of TX.
They don't rely on wine sales do they?
Firefly831 09-06-2011, 11:26 PM Jack in The Box there will make for a very happy Mr and Mini FireFly. They love them!
megax11 09-09-2011, 03:44 PM ABOUT TIME! That's less than a mile away from my house. Now if someone were smart, they would buy the empty Homeland building next to it, doze it, and build a small plaza to fill up.
Maybe that would spur the lazy good for nothing that owns the Almonte plaza to renovate that plaza and try and fill it up with new retail.
I mean heaven forbid southside OKC rises up.
oneforone 09-09-2011, 05:26 PM If only somebody would buy up all the apartment complexes littered along 240.
Drove by today and they were about halfway done tearing down the old gas station. Probably 100% down by now. Moving right along!
megax11 09-12-2011, 12:55 PM I seriously think now would be a good time for the Homeland property owners to sell that huge chunk of land behin Jack in the Box. Someone who was smart would take the new corner development, and capitalize on it, by making a L-shaped plaza or something. Maybe then a place like Gamestop can have a southside location that isn't in Crossroads Mall (I wonder why they keep staying put there). Either that or put in different retail, which will help property values around the area.
Plus that empty parking lot and Homeland building is a huge eyesore and a waste of space.
I would really like to see them do something with that Homeland. That is an ugly eyesore that stands out more cause it's so visible from I-240.
skyrick 09-12-2011, 09:46 PM If only somebody would buy up all the apartment complexes littered along 240.
Aren't those all Section 8 housing? I thought they were when I lived on southside from 1975-84.
oneforone 09-15-2011, 12:07 AM I seriously think now would be a good time for the Homeland property owners to sell that huge chunk of land behin Jack in the Box. Someone who was smart would take the new corner development, and capitalize on it, by making a L-shaped plaza or something. Maybe then a place like Gamestop can have a southside location that isn't in Crossroads Mall (I wonder why they keep staying put there). Either that or put in different retail, which will help property values around the area.
Plus that empty parking lot and Homeland building is a huge eyesore and a waste of space. GameStop will hold out to the bitter end. They stayed in Heritage Park until shortly before the owner announced he would be closing the mall.
megax11 09-15-2011, 09:37 AM Well, Gamestop will definately hold out now, seeing as the mall is being fixed up and more traffic should come in.
inquisitive_mind 10-09-2011, 07:26 PM A Fiesta Mart would definitely do well in that area. Being from Houston, that was never my number one choice as a place to shop, but they have reasonable prices and a great selection.
Firefly831 10-10-2011, 10:16 PM My father in law said there was some sort of thrift store or something in the homeland building now. I havent been that way in a few days...anyone know anything?
Thunder 10-11-2011, 05:47 AM Hmm, I drive thru the area a lot and haven't noticed anything talked about in here. Next time, I'll take a closer look. Never once did I encounter a closed gas station.
Tydude 10-11-2011, 08:45 AM if you are in the area that is a sign says all positions hired Jack in the box
Architect2010 10-11-2011, 12:25 PM Saw that. I tried looking for a thrift store in the old Homeland store, and there are signs saying 'We Open Today' or something to that effect. But there is no sign, and it didn't look like anything was in the building. Granted this was 7 in the morning.
Jesseda 10-11-2011, 01:46 PM Hmm, I drive thru the area a lot and haven't noticed anything talked about in here. Next time, I'll take a closer look. Never once did I encounter a closed gas station.
thunder my wife grew up in that are, she lived off 71st and miller house backed up to the interstate.. the gas station was closed for some years, i am glad they are removing the old and adding new things to that area.
thunder my wife grew up in that are, she lived off 71st and miller house backed up to the interstate.. the gas station was closed for some years, i am glad they are removing the old and adding new things to that area.
I am too. That area has OCCC on the other side of I-240 and some really nice neighborhoods a few blocks South so why not make things look nice?
Thunder 10-11-2011, 02:14 PM I am too. That area has OCCC on the other side of I-240 and some really nice neighborhoods a few blocks South so why not make things look nice?
Don't forget the new Oklahoma #1 Crest Market. :LolLolLol
Don't forget the new Oklahoma #1 Crest Market. :LolLolLol
Yeah, the new Crest as well. I've only went there once but it's pretty nice.
rcjunkie 10-12-2011, 05:19 AM Hmm, I drive thru the area a lot and haven't noticed anything talked about in here. Next time, I'll take a closer look. Never once did I encounter a closed gas station.
The gas station mentioned has been closed for at least 9--10 years, it was on the NE corner of I-240 & May.
A new Jack in the Box is planned for Warr Acres.
Will be on the vacant lot directly east of Scooter's.
Any idea why this never happened?
jn1780 02-14-2025, 08:34 AM ^^^
Any idea why this never happened?
They may not be doing as well as they could be in this market. The Moore Jack in the Box closed.
scottk 02-14-2025, 08:52 PM They may not be doing as well as they could be in this market. The Moore Jack in the Box closed.
The Edmond Jack in the Box near Danforth and Santa Fe closed recently as well.
Google Map shows 7 in the metro area if you count Norman. I think I've eaten at a JITB once since they've come here.
Plutonic Panda 02-14-2025, 11:12 PM That really sucks they close the one in Edmond. I went there all the time.
NavySeabee 02-14-2025, 11:43 PM The one in Midwest City used to do pree good and now they are dead most days.
corwin1968 02-15-2025, 08:33 AM The one in Midwest City used to do pree good and now they are dead most days.
With a few exceptions, their food is generally awful. I love their tacos (who doesn't?), egg rolls, curly fries and their sourdough melt, but other things I've tried were just not good, like Del Taco bad.
floyd the barber 02-15-2025, 02:16 PM I don't know. I would rank Jack In The Box higher than Whataburger but that's a low bar.
I can make a better burger at home anyway.
citywokchinesefood 02-15-2025, 04:07 PM Jack in the Crack absolutely clears Whataburger. The are both mid 24-hour chains, but Whataburger is not it. The lines confuse me the few times a year I see them because of how below average everything whataburger sells actually is. Jack in the box at least has the common decency to know they are trash; Whataburger thinks it's the Texas version of In-N-Out and that is just not reality.
Plutonic Panda 02-15-2025, 04:39 PM I know I’ve said this before and I’ve been criticized, but I’ll say it again, and my personal opinion, I found that a lot of of these fast food type joints are better in the west. And I think a lot of of them started out here too. McDonald’s, Jack-in-the-Box, In-N-Out, and I’m kind of just talking out of my ass here, but I’m gonna go on a limb and assume that Del Taco was started in California. Not too sure about the Del Taco one though, but I know Del Taco absolutely slaps out here in Cali. I don’t know what it is.
But I do know the best burger joints in Oklahoma City are much better than any of the best burger joints in Los Angeles. And I love a good Tommy’s chili cheeseburger. But those onion burgers from Nics, Tuckers, or those places in El Reno are better than anywhere I’ve had and of course their onion burgers, but nonetheless. Bunny’s is pretty good too. And if you have little ones with you, they have a robot server that brings you your food, which is pretty cool.
I know I’ve said this before and I’ve been criticized, but I’ll say it again, and my personal opinion, I found that a lot of of these fast food type joints are better in the west.
I lived out there a lot longer than you have and I completely disagree.
Del Taco is the same, the In-n-Out I had in Dallas was exactly the same.
Plutonic Panda 02-15-2025, 04:49 PM I lived out there a lot longer than you have and I completely disagree.
Del Taco is the same, the In-n-Out I had in Dallas was exactly the same.
That’s perfectly fine. I don’t know what you’re trying to infer by mentioning that you’ve lived out here longer than I have. But okay. At any rate, on the In-N-Out thing, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree because I’ve eaten at the one in Dallas off of the NDT(that’s the only one I’ve eaten at in Texas) and I’ve been to the one in Aurora, Colorado. Both of them were not good at all to put it politely.
Now regarding Del Taco, that’s a different matter. The several times I went to the Del Taco in Edmond it was really good. And in my personal opinion again, the Jack-in-the-Box was really good. But for whatever reason, they just weren’t supported and I don’t know why and it’s really weird. I know the Del taco in East Hollywood, which is my go to is 24/7. And honestly can’t recall if I’ve ever been to Del Taco outside of either Oklahoma, New Mexico, or California. I also very rarely travel east, except for going to Florida or Atlanta. I don’t really care for Tennessee or Nashville all that much so I don’t think I’ll be back that way anytime soon and I certainly have not been to that In-N-Out.
runOKC 02-15-2025, 05:02 PM That’s perfectly fine. I don’t know what you’re trying to infer by mentioning that you’ve lived out here longer than I have.
Um. A larger sample size?
floyd the barber 02-15-2025, 05:35 PM Jack in the Crack absolutely clears Whataburger. The are both mid 24-hour chains, but Whataburger is not it. The lines confuse me the few times a year I see them because of how below average everything whataburger sells actually is. Jack in the box at least has the common decency to know they are trash; Whataburger thinks it's the Texas version of In-N-Out and that is just not reality.
Extremely blunt and correct.
The greasy, fried tacos at Jack in the Box are in high demand late at night after people come piling out of bars and clubs.
There was one right down the street from me and the busiest times were after midnight.
In fact, I'm not sure I've ever eaten there during the day! But late, it's one of the few places that are open with a drive-thru. Reminder there are no Whataburgers in SoCal.