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09-30-2009, 02:44 PM
I FINALLY got a chance to hit Big Truck Tacos today for lunch. To say this place is a hit is an understatement. The line was out the door and then some. That said, they brought menus out to those of us who were standing, and we were ready to order by the time we got there. Wait time in line: about 7-10 mins? But I really wasn't counting. It took about another 7 minutes before our order was up.

Great atmosphere, and the food was wonderful, too.

My friend and I shared chips and salsa. I had the Flaming Lips Taco with beef tongue, plus another Taco Al Carbon and a chicken taco (don't remember which one). All of them were excellent. There was no need for any kind of sauce or add-on.

Based upon early comments, portion sizes were once small. Having heard that, I ordered three tacos, but could have easily gotten away with just two. I wanted desperately to try a brownie, but am trying to stay away from sugar, so may have to chance that another time.

I'll definitely go back. I absolutely loved it - and apparently most of OKC does, too, judging by the size of today's crowd.

The only thing I DIDN'T like, and I will email them to see if they can amend this, is it would be great if they could add some hooks underneath the "bar" area so we female-folk don't have to put our purses on the ground. Many bars do this and it's a nice touch.

Maybe within the next 6 months I'll get around to trying the new Korean Taco Truck. HA!

09-30-2009, 03:05 PM
The only thing I DIDN'T like, and I will email them to see if they can amend this...

Be forewarned, they don't take suggestions well ;)

09-30-2009, 03:58 PM
Be forewarned, they don't take suggestions well ;)

Thanks for the heads-up. I know someone who works there, so may try that angle. I'm not asking for a menu redux, just a place to park my purse!

09-30-2009, 04:41 PM
From the looks of the place at 7:30, you would figure they would still be serving people, since the tables for filled outside.

I just asked for a neon sign in the window that said they are closed, so I wouldn't have to get out of my car at 7:30:05PM and be told that they are in fact closed at 7:30 on the dot. I said a neon sign would help people from having to get out of their car, unload the kids, only to be turned away.

You would have thought that I asked them to change their whole business plan. They made it sound like they give and inch and customers wanted a mile. They said, "If we were open till 8:00, you would want 8:30." I just asked for a sign!

I enjoy their food. My wife thinks they are the OKC version of the Soup Nazi though.

10-01-2009, 05:09 PM
hey everyone, i follow BTT on facebook and twitter and they always post what the day's 5th is. I haven't been there that often to have a clue what that means. So what does "5th" mean in this circumstance?

10-01-2009, 05:16 PM
They have a "I plead the 5th" taco on the menu. It changes daily. They won't tell you what it is... you order at your own risk. It was cow heart the other day.

They hint at what it is on facebook, but don't really spill the beans. Like today is a vegetarian taco, but they don't say what it is. I bet it is some deep fried cactus.

10-01-2009, 05:18 PM
haha, wow that's interesting. thanks for the heads up!

10-05-2009, 09:32 AM
tried it out saturday. great food, great concept, good service. some of the best guacamole i've had. a lil pricey and not a lot of places to sit, but still worth it.

10-05-2009, 09:55 AM
Wife and I went again on Saturday night, after the Plaza District Festival (even though their truck as at the festival). Portion sizes were slightly smaller, service, rude as usual, althogh we did get there about 5 minutes before close (but so did 4-5 other people). They are the soup nazi's for sure. The only new taco I had was the crispy cado and it was delicious.

10-05-2009, 12:03 PM
I haven't had overtly rude service there yet, but once I do I won't be going back.

I've lowered it in the rotation because of their odd request on facebook that people set up what amounts to basically lunch catering events for them and will get a free lunch out of the deal...but the person has to do almost ALL of the setting up for BTT. The presumptive attitude turned me off.

10-05-2009, 12:32 PM
I haven't had overtly rude service there yet, but once I do I won't be going back.

I've lowered it in the rotation because of their odd request on facebook that people set up what amounts to basically lunch catering events for them and will get a free lunch out of the deal...but the person has to do almost ALL of the setting up for BTT. The presumptive attitude turned me off.

It has been bumped down for us too. Just the little stuff adds up...

They said that the "5th" taco was vegetarian, so I took the wife up there for dinner and ordered her one plus the Cado. I asked for it on corn. The lady said that I can't choose what it comes on, but she thinks it comes on a corn tortilla anyhow. Cool. It comes out on flour. So much for those with wheat allergies that want to enjoy the "5th" (once they already know what it is). Not really a big deal.

I also found that request on facebook to be strange. Also, I found it odd, their facebook request for "used coozies" to be donated to them, for their use. The presumption being that we will give up our coozie stash, just to be nice to BTT.

It just adds to the Soup Nazi feel of the place. I think they are only rude at closing time (aka, dinner time) and you are within the last five minutes (like metro said). Otherwise the blond lady being the counter is always really nice, even at closing time. The younger, more hipster ones, sometimes can be dismissive.

But in reality, sometimes those Crispy Cado tacos are needed. It is really the only must have on the menu.

10-05-2009, 02:43 PM
I think with BTT, it's an "either you get it or you don't" kind of thing. There are plenty of places geared toward the masses and common tastes. BTT is taking a different road. I've not sensed a "soup nazi" approach by BTT, and to be honest, this one-time New Yorker has yet to see anything in OKC coming even close to the average grumpiness of a New York establishment (by the way, don't confuse them with being "mean." They're not mean, they're just in a bad mood. People in Boston, however, are illogically mean).

10-06-2009, 08:40 AM
Whatever, BTT and Coffee Slingers are soup nazi's. After last week, I hope I never return to Coffee Slingers, and will be moving all requests from clients or people I do business with that want to meet up at Coffee Slingers. Melody is a jerk everytime I've been in and to people I've met up with. Who cares if they offer an "east coast" flavor to OKC, that's not an excuse for rudeness or hostility towards patrons. BTT is a little better, but I've been hearing a lot of the same complaints as of late. Yes, they both offer a unique, quality product. But I'm not going to bend over, just because that's how they are.

10-06-2009, 10:01 AM
I have been eating at Big Truck Taco (the restaurant) since the opening, at least once a week and I have never seen or experienced any kind of bad or rude service.

I regularly ask for changes to the menu and have never sensed any kind of "Soup Nazi attitude". I have also been in at all times of the morning, day, or evening.

In fact I have always had great service and a good experience with the staff.

I am not sure I am eating at the same place as those with negative reviews.
Maybe karma or something else?

10-06-2009, 10:14 AM
Perhaps, paraphrasing Forrest's momma: courtesy is as courtesy does?

Haven't been there, don't know myself.

10-06-2009, 11:00 AM
Perhaps, paraphrasing Forrest's momma: courtesy is as courtesy does?

Haven't been there, don't know myself.

Nope, they're rude when you walk in the door, even if you have a smile on your face. BTT is a little better and aren't that way usually unless you walk in close to closing time or ask for a special request on your order (which I haven't had the need to do).

10-07-2009, 08:54 AM
repeated rude service is a deal breaker, for me.

anyone guilty of it at my place will soon be looking for another job.

10-09-2009, 12:18 PM
Whatever, BTT and Coffee Slingers are soup nazi's. After last week, I hope I never return to Coffee Slingers, and will be moving all requests from clients or people I do business with that want to meet up at Coffee Slingers. Melody is a jerk everytime I've been in and to people I've met up with. Who cares if they offer an "east coast" flavor to OKC, that's not an excuse for rudeness or hostility towards patrons. BTT is a little better, but I've been hearing a lot of the same complaints as of late. Yes, they both offer a unique, quality product. But I'm not going to bend over, just because that's how they are.

so...what makes coffee slingers an "east coast flavor" and what makes Melody a jerk? I didn't think she was from the east coast, and its surely not a style of coffee shop you would necessarily find on the east coast more than any other place in the US. Just what are you trying to say? That's like when I visit NJ and people think that everyone from OKC are hicks and that the only food you get out here is fast food. Makes me really, really upset. :fighting4

ok rant done, I still want to try this BTT joint, although eataroundokc gave it a so-so review (said it was a bit pricey and not everything is a winner). But I'm betting that sometimes the "rudeness" factor is something that if you expect walking in, you'll surely experience.

10-09-2009, 01:31 PM
Jerzee, I never claimed it has an "east coast" flavor, but several others who defend the place have said that several occasions, so Slingers fans words, not mine. As for what makes her a jerk is her attitude towards customers. She'll mock me for a good few minutes if I order a soda or water instead of coffee, throw a hissy fit if you pay with debit card (especially if under 5 bucks), it's a cofee shop Melody, people shouldn't have to spend more than 5 bucks. Last week, she was rude to a client of mine for not immediately getting his coffee from the counter since he waited a good 45 seconds to go up there to get it. Needless to say, I took my business meetings elsewhere after last week.

10-09-2009, 01:42 PM
so...what makes coffee slingers an "east coast flavor" and what makes Melody a jerk? I didn't think she was from the east coast, and its surely not a style of coffee shop you would necessarily find on the east coast more than any other place in the US. Just what are you trying to say? That's like when I visit NJ and people think that everyone from OKC are hicks and that the only food you get out here is fast food. Makes me really, really upset. :fighting4

ok rant done, I still want to try this BTT joint, although eataroundokc gave it a so-so review (said it was a bit pricey and not everything is a winner). But I'm betting that sometimes the "rudeness" factor is something that if you expect walking in, you'll surely experience.

The Guardian taco is def a winner.

10-09-2009, 03:34 PM
I've had the Guardian twice, it's definitely good, but I don't think it's anything unusual or to write home about, even though it is buffalo meat. I'd say the Crispy Cado or their "5th Amendment" are more unique than anything.

10-25-2009, 08:22 PM
Metro..... You sound as if you need a hug.

10-30-2009, 09:16 PM
The seats at BTT are just as bad as Coffee Slingers. That's the problem. No matter what anyone says, when they don't like a restaurant, it's not the food or service, it's the furniture.
And yes, Metro needs a hug. Often.

11-22-2009, 08:49 PM
I went there Saturday night and the Flaming Lips was awesome! My new favorite Taco place. I saw Kirk Humphries there and later at Cuppies and Joes.

11-23-2009, 12:47 AM
I don't know any of the names, but the fried avocado taco is pretty darn good. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the first Mexican restaurant that popped into my head if I was trying to think of a place to eat, but it's a unique experience and not to be missed.

11-23-2009, 07:00 AM
Okie Baja was one of the tastier fish tacos I've eaten.

11-25-2009, 01:52 PM
I stopped in for lunch yesterday…..pretty good tacos, but $9 for three tacos is pretty steep for me to be perfectly honest. It might make for a nice change every once in a while. I work in the Capitol Complex and it’s an easy drive for me. Passed it many times and wondered what the big deal was. Now I know.

11-28-2009, 04:12 PM
What I like about Big Truck Tacos is that they're an urban restaurant concept, and they had the guts to buy an old Del Rancho on 23rd St. and put their business there. The tacos are pricey, but they're unique enough that I think people will be willing to pay what they're asking.

12-03-2009, 11:49 AM
Had tacos from the truck today. Had a 5th and a pork verde.

Taste: pork was really pretty good. 5th was decent. They were each very messy, though. I don't think you could easily eat them on the street.

Service: very friendly, but took longer than two tacos should. Kogi Tacos is about 2-3X faster.

Price: Overpriced. $3.25/taco, and they're not big.

Atmosphere: fun! They had music playing and propane heaters set up so you could wait in...well, not comfort, but better than nothign! (pretty cold today).

Overall: a tasty treat. Probably not one for you when you're in a hurry or when you want to watch your money.

12-03-2009, 10:50 PM
What's your guess for today's 5th, Mallen?

12-10-2009, 11:27 PM
BTT has dialed back the rudeness lately. Now it's more like indifference. They've added a new hot sauce which I like.

For those getting take out, do they still insist on putting the food in brown paper bags? The moisture from the taco leakage destroys the bags by the time you reach your destination.

It's still very good, but I wish the tacos were just a wee bit cheaper.

12-17-2009, 07:30 AM
I’ve been a few times now……I go to lunch at 11am to try to beat the usual rush wherever I’m going, but man, I just barely make it over there before the rush hits. Personally, I wouldn’t wait around if I came in to a line out the door. It already takes long enough if you get there with a reasonable line and the seating is really pretty limited.

The tacos I’ve had have all been really good. Avocado, chicken, beef, bison, pork……all good. I love their salsas too! Well, the red and green ones at least. Those others are painfully hot. I like spicy, but whoa! I’m glad they offer them though.

12-18-2009, 01:33 PM
Upon reading of their 'dialing down the rudeness,' I went last night. Sure enough there were two new faces behind the registers and each of them were smiling and thanked me for coming in. Then when they called out my name, a new lady same out and gave me my food and made sure I was hooked up on salsa before I left (to go order). Food hasn't faltered either. This is a HUGE improvement. Good work.

12-23-2009, 10:16 PM
Yes, I think someone there has gotten the message. One of the rudest people there was a youngish girl, but I haven't seen her around lately. Maybe they launched her.

12-24-2009, 09:42 AM
Went in yesterday for the first time in a month or so, and it was still great. Finally convinced some co-workers to go with me and all enjoyed the food, though a few were miffed with the wait and lack of seating. We went at about 12:45.
But all said they'd go back, but would wait until 1:30 or so to go.

12-30-2009, 09:50 AM
Am I the only one in Oklahoma City that thinks this place is entirely overrated? Way better tacos at well, ANYWHERE ELSE.

12-30-2009, 09:55 AM
Am I the only one in Oklahoma City that thinks this place is entirely overrated? Way better tacos at well, ANYWHERE ELSE.


12-30-2009, 12:25 PM
Am I the only one in Oklahoma City that thinks this place is entirely overrated? Way better tacos at well, ANYWHERE ELSE.

I agree, there are better tacos around and at a better price. However, I do think their breakfast burritos are solid. I think it just has a bunch of hype because of the area it is located.

12-30-2009, 07:41 PM
I agree, there are better tacos around and at a better price. However, I do think their breakfast burritos are solid. I think it just has a bunch of hype because of the area it is located.

Sometimes the atmosphere (who you see, etc.) is worth more than the food. I definitely agree on the breakfast burritos. I much prefer BTT for breakfast than any other time.

12-30-2009, 08:06 PM
who has better tacos than btt? ...'cause wherever that place is, i'd like to try 'em out. -M

12-30-2009, 08:41 PM
Am I the only one in Oklahoma City that thinks this place is entirely overrated? Way better tacos at well, ANYWHERE ELSE.

I agree completely.

The taqueria vans around are as good or better than BTT. They keep it simple, and good. No beef tounge, no bison meat...while interesting to try, thats merely a novelty. Tacos de carne y pollo. The way they're supposed to come.

Their concept is a little elaborate I think. Simplify the menu some to reduce the prices and wait time and I'd eat there all of the time.

12-31-2009, 08:33 AM
I'll actually order tongue before beef or chicken anyday. I just like tongue better. For me it's not a novelty if it's done right, it's just really intense flavor packed in tender little morsels.

01-01-2010, 09:45 AM
who has better tacos than btt? ...'cause wherever that place is, i'd like to try 'em out. -M

Try Los Comales just south of cattlemens on Agnew. Everythng I've had there is excellent and only $1.50 a taco

01-02-2010, 05:58 AM
Try Los Comales just south of cattlemens on Agnew. Everythng I've had there is excellent and only $1.50 a taco

I eat at Los Comales at least once a week. My wife and I used to go to San Pedros and we still do on occasion but after someone else mentioned Los Comales on here it has became our favorite taco place. Although as mentioned, everything is great.

BTT is much more of an "upscale" taco place and not really an authentic taco for the most part. So it is two different animals when comparing. Also you are paying for higher quality of food, fancier taco truck, and higher cost in employees. All of this doesn't mean better food... just more expensive.

About the only thing at BTT that I have enjoyed enough to go back for is the 5th, which of course changes daily. Every 5th Amendment taco that I had was worth the money, the rest not so much. For whatever reason it hasn't been enough to keep me coming back and either my wife or I drive by this place everyday on the other hand Los Comales usually requires an out the way drive but I manage it at least once a week.

01-02-2010, 08:32 AM
I eat at Los Co males at least once a week. My wife and I used to go to San Pedro's and we still do on occasion but after someone else mentioned Los Comales on here it has became our favorite taco place. Although as mentioned, everything is great.

BTT is much more of an "upscale" taco place and not really an authentic taco for the most part. So it is two different animals when comparing. Also you are paying for higher quality of food, fancier taco truck, and higher cost in employees. All of this doesn't mean better food... just more expensive.

About the only thing at BTT that I have enjoyed enough to go back for is the 5th, which of course changes daily. Every 5th Amendment taco that I had was worth the money, the rest not so much. For whatever reason it hasn't been enough to keep me coming back and either my wife or I drive by this place everyday on the other hand Los Comales usually requires an out the way drive but I manage it at least once a week.

re: Los Comales, I've yet to try something I didn't like. As for BTT, if I'm in the area and need/want to grab a bite I'll stop, however, it's not a place I would drive across town just to eat lunch or dinner..

01-03-2010, 04:24 AM
I agree completely.

The taqueria vans around are as good or better than BTT. They keep it simple, and good. No beef tounge, no bison meat...while interesting to try, thats merely a novelty. Tacos de carne y pollo. The way they're supposed to come.

Their concept is a little elaborate I think. Simplify the menu some to reduce the prices and wait time and I'd eat there all of the time. I would hesitate to eat at one of those types of places. I really question the quality of their food and their cleanliness. At least BTT would seem to be much cleaner operation and have higher quality meat and ingredients. There is nothing wrong with simple and good, however, there are people out there that like to try new and different and if that means a more elaborate and higher prices so be it. Not everyone is "cheap" and looking for a "greasy" taco. Many people open their minds to try different things. I hardly think this is a novelty.

01-05-2010, 03:01 PM
I would hesitate to eat at one of those types of places. I really question the quality of their food and their cleanliness. At least BTT would seem to be much cleaner operation and have higher quality meat and ingredients. There is nothing wrong with simple and good, however, there are people out there that like to try new and different and if that means a more elaborate and higher prices so be it. Not everyone is "cheap" and looking for a "greasy" taco. Many people open their minds to try different things. I hardly think this is a novelty.

i have eaten at a number of "those types of places". they are always clean and the food in great. if you find one that is not clean (on the inside - trust me the food should never touch the outside of the van), don't eat there.

01-05-2010, 05:11 PM
I would hesitate to eat at one of those types of places. I really question the quality of their food and their cleanliness....

city folk

01-05-2010, 07:21 PM
I would hesitate to eat at one of those types of places. I really question the quality of their food and their cleanliness. At least BTT would seem to be much cleaner operation and have higher quality meat and ingredients. There is nothing wrong with simple and good, however, there are people out there that like to try new and different and if that means a more elaborate and higher prices so be it. Not everyone is "cheap" and looking for a "greasy" taco. Many people open their minds to try different things. I hardly think this is a novelty.

They all have to go through the same health department and City inspections...

02-11-2010, 06:04 PM
This place is awesome! My family and I tried this place out for the first time today and we were not dissapointed. For 3 people it was a little expensive though; 34 bucks.

03-01-2010, 01:32 PM
Am I the only one in Oklahoma City that thinks this place is entirely overrated? Way better tacos at well, ANYWHERE ELSE.


03-01-2010, 04:05 PM
This place is awesome! My family and I tried this place out for the first time today and we were not dissapointed. For 3 people it was a little expensive though; 34 bucks.

34 bucks??? You are kidding!!! We took a family of 6 and it wasn't that much.

03-01-2010, 04:52 PM
34 bucks??? You are kidding!!! We took a family of 6 and it wasn't that much.

2 tacos, 2 burritos, chips and queso, 3 drinks = EXPENSIVE!
$5.50 + $13 + $5.25 + $4.50 = 28.25+tax

03-01-2010, 05:21 PM
2 tacos, 2 burritos, chips and queso, 3 drinks = EXPENSIVE!
$5.50 + $13 + $5.25 + $4.50 = 28.25+tax

Gotcha. We've pretty much done away with drinks because they are so expensive - just water.....

03-01-2010, 05:31 PM
34 bucks??? You are kidding!!! We took a family of 6 and it wasn't that much.

I take the Pepsi challenge. I would like to see a (normal) family of 6 eat there for 34 bucks. I am not talking the family that every one eats one taco and is full, nor the family with a single mother and five toddlers/infants. I am talking two adults and two teenagers and two children.

Average cost of a taco is $2.90 and two tacos each person (with tax)? ~= $42
If everyone just got a burrito then it would be ~= $42.5

This isn't taking into consideration that extra cost for drinks, sour cream, chips, queso, etc.

It is expensive, but worth it if it is within your budget. But then again if you do have a family of six, you aren't eating out very often because it is expensive regardless.

03-01-2010, 06:36 PM
Folks might consider what they are getting for the price. If you're happy with Taco Cabana-Bell-Bueno, power to you. I for one am happy to pay a premium for a local endeavor, particularly when I know my order didn't get pulled out of a Ben E. Keith box and have some cilantro tossed onto it. Freshly prepared food comes at a bit higher cost. (Help me out here, Tuck) It's an open kitchen at BTT and as far as I can see most of the dishes are prepared entirely, if not mostly, from scratch.

As for the "you can get better tacos anywhere" critics, can you provide an example? I don't have any stake in BTT (and in fact, a shorter line is all the better for me), but it strikes me as a bit of a niche market. For a standard shredded beef or chicken taco, I might agree with you. I've ordered a variety of things off the BTT menu, some that I think are great, other things that I thought were fine but I wouldn't order again. For a gourmet-type, something-a-little-different lunch or late night bite I don't know who the BTT competition is, and suggest the bar is set pretty high for their particular market. I've tried a few places that have tried to mimic them, but none that I tried so far were as good, IMO.

03-01-2010, 06:59 PM
Meh...I wasn't impressed. Over priced, over crowded and over greasy.

I don't know what all the buzz is. I honestly think a lot of people are just caught up in this newest fad. I can't see what all the fuss is about.

03-01-2010, 07:07 PM
Meh...I wasn't impressed. Over priced, over crowded and over greasy.

I don't know what all the buzz is. I honestly think a lot of people are just caught up in this newest fad. I can't see what all the fuss is about.

Curiously, the same thing I heard when I started eating sushi so many years ago....(although I concede you may be right for at least some - only time will tell...)

03-01-2010, 09:21 PM
Other than the price, this place rocks! I wish they would relocate to a larger building though.. We had to sit next to a couple and it was a little awkward.

03-01-2010, 09:36 PM
As for the "you can get better tacos anywhere" critics, can you provide an example? I don't have any stake in BTT (and in fact, a shorter line is all the better for me), but it strikes me as a bit of a niche market.

As Ive said earlier, Los Comales on Agnew offers this at a much cheaper price and with a smaller crowd. BTT does have some good food but I dont think anything can touch the green chili pork taco/burrito from Comales.

I think that some people are so infatuated with BTT because they havent had many other street tacos. Most of our mexican joints dont offer a decent street tacos. Too bad we dont have a La Cubanita (Dallas) type restaurant.