View Full Version : 5/26 Tuscana, Quail Springs Ranch, Outlet Shoppes Update

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10-16-2009, 04:07 AM
Keep trying.

Niemans and Saks are both well above Nordstrom.

Than the Saks in Tulsa must not be very representative of most Saks, because it's way cheaper than Nordstroms.

Regardless, I could care less. I can't afford any of them, and even if I could, spending that kind of money on clothing is ridiculous.

10-16-2009, 08:29 AM
In New York they've got side-by-side stores, one of which sells liquor and the other groceries. I'm getting really annoyed with us being passed over for other cities with worse or similar demographics. Omaha has an Anthropologie. It's not doing well financially, but they've got one. I thought the Chamber was supposed to have a branch that was aggressively pursuing new retail in OKC. Granted, many stores aren't expanding at all right now, but clearly someone had been expanding to Little Rock and Omaha.

I've got the impression from this person at the Greater OKC Chamber (who I will keep nameless) hasn't done a good job in getting retail. That's all I feel comfortable saying at the current time since to my knowledge, Chamber employees aren't public officials like City employees.

10-16-2009, 03:55 PM
Neiman carries $5,000 men's suits in store and you can buy million-dollar tech goodies through their catalog. I just don't see OKC really supporting something like that for a long time.

10-16-2009, 07:20 PM
Neiman carries $5,000 men's suits in store and you can buy million-dollar tech goodies through their catalog. I just don't see OKC really supporting something like that for a long time.

Yeah, I don't see Neiman's coming to OKC anytime soon. They're basically top of the department store market. Nordstrom would be nice, but actually, the highest end Dillards have merchandise as nice or nicer than most Saks or Nordstroms (except they don't carry Louis Vuitton, to my knowledge, although the Saks in Tulsa doesn't either). I think we have a second or third tier Dillards at Penn Square, but the one in Scottsdale is pretty amazing.

I think Classen Curve would definitely support a shoe and accessories store, especially if it carried unique brands not sold at Dillards (which has a pretty nice shoe department, although this is where Nordstroms really shines). If it carried purses too, that would be even nicer!

I keep hearing Balliet's is moving to Classen Curve. I think it will improve their business. 50 Penn is pretty dead.

I'd be happy just to get a Restoration Hardware, Anthropologie and a few of the other slightly higher end chains, myself.

Oil Capital
10-17-2009, 06:24 AM
I appreciate everyone's input and market demographic statistics etc. Very interesting. As far as a planned Sak, Neiman's or Nordstorms coming to's a safe bet to say that sadly that has all been postponed thanks to our newest recession. I've waited 30 years for NM so I guess the wait marches on...:kicking:

Neiman's sadly has lost over 800 million since last December..haven't seen this last quarters losses. Saks has been quietly closing stores across the US for a year now.

What stores has Sak's quietly closed in the past year?

10-17-2009, 09:56 AM
Not closed but development stalled here in Austin, there was supposed to be a new Saks, Nordstrom's and Whole Foods in The Domain opening this fall. They were relocating the Arboretum Saks and Gateway Center Whole Foods, the Nordstrom's was all new.

10-18-2009, 04:57 PM
Hey, Oil Capitol....sorry haven't read the info on how to display a former poster's remarks...I guess i am lazy. lol

Well, all I know is that Saks closed some stores in the Midwest and had planned to close some in south Texas. They have closed several in Florida with one significant closing in Ft Lauderdale. I cannot remember the specific cities but can find out form a friend who works at the Dallas stores. I do remeber that they were smaller stores much like the one located in Tulsa, with the exception of the Ft. Lauderdale store. I do remember that there was much anticipated planned opening in the Willow Bend Shopppes in Plano, Tx. Sadley, that never happened either.
On another note, I read in the WSJ that Neiman's , well the huge corporation that owns the stores, was also planning to close some stores if this years huge losses continued. They had planned to expand inot Mexico first and then some other countries. Of course, they hadn't forseen the latest recession...would love to have seen one in Dubaii!!!
Whenever I get the specifics...will let you know!!!

Oil Capital
10-18-2009, 09:35 PM
Hey, Oil Capitol....sorry haven't read the info on how to display a former poster's remarks...I guess i am lazy. lol

Well, all I know is that Saks closed some stores in the Midwest and had planned to close some in south Texas. They have closed several in Florida with one significant closing in Ft Lauderdale. I cannot remember the specific cities but can find out form a friend who works at the Dallas stores. I do remeber that they were smaller stores much like the one located in Tulsa, with the exception of the Ft. Lauderdale store. I do remember that there was much anticipated planned opening in the Willow Bend Shopppes in Plano, Tx. Sadley, that never happened either.
On another note, I read in the WSJ that Neiman's , well the huge corporation that owns the stores, was also planning to close some stores if this years huge losses continued. They had planned to expand inot Mexico first and then some other countries. Of course, they hadn't forseen the latest recession...would love to have seen one in Dubaii!!!
Whenever I get the specifics...will let you know!!!

You do that. Not sure, then, what you meant by "quietly" closing stores, as if they were being secretive about it. All the store closing I am aware of have been duly announced. Nothing particularly quiet about it.

10-19-2009, 01:21 AM
Well, to be honest, then i mispoke about the "quiet" part. However, I have been reading the WSJ "Marketplace" for several years now and haven't seen Saks promoting the specifics of their store closings. If you were aware of the closings then why did you ask????????????
Then you tell me, if you know so much!!!

10-19-2009, 01:27 AM
Hey Betts,

Thanks for your input relating to the possibility of an upscale fashion acc. store at Classen Curve. When Balliet's moves in it will help with all the foot traffic etc. If we decide to carry shoes, there definitely will be designers that are currently not sold at Dillard's stores. Also, we plan to have a website so that we will reach others outside of the Oklahoma area!!:gossip:


10-19-2009, 08:38 AM
Hey Betts,

Thanks for your input relating to the possibility of an upscale fashion acc. store at Classen Curve. When Balliet's moves in it will help with all the foot traffic etc. If we decide to carry shoes, there definitely will be designers that are currently not sold at Dillard's stores. Also, we plan to have a website so that we will reach others outside of the Oklahoma area!!:gossip:


Um, who is we?:LolLolLol

Oil Capital
10-19-2009, 08:13 PM
Well, to be honest, then i mispoke about the "quiet" part. However, I have been reading the WSJ "Marketplace" for several years now and haven't seen Saks promoting the specifics of their store closings. If you were aware of the closings then why did you ask????????????
Then you tell me, if you know so much!!!

Because I wondered what stores they had "quietly" closed, just like I asked. Store closing announcements usually consist of one press release. I don't know of anyone who has ever "promoted" their own store closings. When you said they had "quietly" closed stores, I presumed you used the modifier intentionally, to mean something other than the usual practice.

10-19-2009, 10:12 PM
I've got the impression from this person at the Greater OKC Chamber (who I will keep nameless) hasn't done a good job in getting retail. That's all I feel comfortable saying at the current time since to my knowledge, Chamber employees aren't public officials like City employees.

That doesn't surprise me seeing as how some of their figures on OKC are about five years out of date. Could they honestly be the problem? Someone isn't getting updated information out to retailers.

Retailers request the data when they do their demographics ring study, and it typically comes from data provided to them by the Chamber. If the pie charts make the bank happy, we got a store. If not, then OKC is passed up. And if they are providing data that came from 2001 when OKC was below the national average in per capita income, then we have found the culprit.

10-20-2009, 09:10 AM
I doubt that they are dumb or lazy enough to use old data. Its a tougher job than you guys seem to think it is. Again, if you are referring to them not being able to lure retailers to bricktown, I think its bricktown and not the chamber employee. You cant force somebody to open a store, especially in an area that cant support it yet.

10-20-2009, 09:18 AM
I doubt that they are dumb or lazy enough to use old data. Its a tougher job than you guys seem to think it is. Again, if you are referring to them not being able to lure retailers to bricktown, I think its bricktown and not the chamber employee. You cant force somebody to open a store, especially in an area that cant support it yet.

You'd be surprised how many and who in our city still operate in the past. And no, we're not just referring to the overhyped and overplayed Bricktown.

10-20-2009, 09:30 AM
The only store I know anything about is Anthropologie, because my daughter is a manager for one. What she says is that catalog sales play a huge part in their determination of where to put new stores. If they see a lot of people in one area buying online, you can presume those same people would buy in a store. The other data that they use is zip codes. The stores are supposed to ask for the zip code of people purchasing and, if they see a cluster of zip codes from one area, it increases their interest in a store location. It's entirely possible that other stores that have catalogs use the same kind of data, and if so, all the Chamber personnel in the world won't fix that problem. Omaha, Myrtle Beach, Nashville and Jacksonville all have Anthropologies and, as far as she knows, we're still not on their list for a store. She doesn't know about Free People and Urban Outfitters, however.

So, my recommendation is that if you're shopping in a store that you'd like to see here, ask them if the collect zip codes if you make a purchase, and make sure they get yours recorded. I've noticed they don't check zip codes at the Anthropologie in Dallas very often, which could be part of our problem, since they're the one the most people from Oklahoma City are likely to shop in.

10-20-2009, 10:40 AM
I doubt that they are dumb or lazy enough to use old data. Its a tougher job than you guys seem to think it is. Again, if you are referring to them not being able to lure retailers to bricktown, I think its bricktown and not the chamber employee. You cant force somebody to open a store, especially in an area that cant support it yet.

The Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce's website lists Oklahoma City's population at 531,000+. That is 2004's estimate. Thus, old data. It's not hard to jump on Census Bureau Home Page ( to get the latest data. Sheesh, even I have the latest data.

11-20-2009, 07:55 AM
I actually heard a report today that ponds may be put in, but that the owner of the development may be considering selling the land to homedevelopers, since the retail market may not recover for some time. With Quail Springs Mall nearby, as well as strip malls surrounding the area, the place would be hard to sell now as a retail development. The current owner is considering a mix of office and home development instead of retail, so the concept of upscale retail being included may be forever off the table. Also, and IMAX development has been tabled. So, it looks like this land may be put to other uses, as the owner is looking for a quicker return.

I just confirmed with RCL Development last week via phone that the Tuscana project is on track and has not been scaled back or altered in any way.

11-20-2009, 10:14 AM
So if it's still on track, we're still getting a legit IMAX here in the city?

11-20-2009, 11:09 AM
No; they withdrew their letter of intent with Tuscana.

11-20-2009, 11:52 AM
So if it's still on track, we're still getting a legit IMAX here in the city?

By next month there will be IMAX at Quail Springs, according to an article yesterday at NewsOK

11-20-2009, 12:20 PM
So if it's still on track, we're still getting a legit IMAX here in the city?

Keep in mind, the project in and of itself has not been changed. There will still be the same retail/residential ratio as before. Since the the theater withdrew its letter of intent, I am sure it will be replaced by some other retail/entertainment option.

11-21-2009, 03:37 PM
By next month there will be IMAX at Quail Springs, according to an article yesterday at NewsOK

and as mentioned in the IMAX thread, it's not a full IMAX.

11-23-2009, 08:09 PM
I just confirmed with RCL Development last week via phone that the Tuscana project is on track and has not been scaled back or altered in any way.

I hope they are telling you the truth. This is the single most exciting suburban development on the drawing board for the metro (as long as it's not scaled back).

11-23-2009, 10:00 PM
I hope they are telling you the truth. This is the single most exciting suburban development on the drawing board for the metro (as long as it's not scaled back).

What got canceled was Quail Springs Ranch. It was scaled back and then canceled. Tuscana is still on schedule.

It didn't make sense anyway to have to lifestyle centers within a couple of miles of each other.

11-23-2009, 10:24 PM
What got canceled was Quail Springs Ranch. It was scaled back and then canceled. Tuscana is still on schedule.

It didn't make sense anyway to have to lifestyle centers within a couple of miles of each other.

Do you know if the developers are scaling back any of the proposed projects that are supposed to be opened in Tuscana? For example, the giant pond in the middle with the hotel?

11-23-2009, 10:36 PM
What got canceled was Quail Springs Ranch. It was scaled back and then canceled. Tuscana is still on schedule.

It didn't make sense anyway to have to lifestyle centers within a couple of miles of each other.

Was QSR the one at Western & Memorial with the Dick's Sporting Goods and such?

11-23-2009, 11:02 PM
Was QSR the one at Western & Memorial with the Dick's Sporting Goods and such?

That's the one.

Retail Endeavors Group :: Quail Springs Ranch (

11-24-2009, 07:05 AM
Do you know if the developers are scaling back any of the proposed projects that are supposed to be opened in Tuscana? For example, the giant pond in the middle with the hotel?

No, developers are not scaling back. This is a multi-phase project that is being developed. RCL is the same group that developed Spring Creek in Edmond.

11-24-2009, 12:15 PM
Was QSR the one at Western & Memorial with the Dick's Sporting Goods and such?

With QSR being canceled maybe Dick's will open a store in the Tuscana center

11-24-2009, 12:48 PM
No, developers are not scaling back. This is a multi-phase project that is being developed. RCL is the same group that developed Spring Creek in Edmond.

Wrong group, spring creek plaza was developed by Ward/Zerby and spring creek village was done by Ballinger (sp?).

11-24-2009, 04:02 PM
Wrong group, spring creek plaza was developed by Ward/Zerby and spring creek village was done by Ballinger (sp?).

Why is Sprink Creek on RCL's portfolio?

11-24-2009, 04:41 PM
I didn't see Spring Creek in their portfolio.

Theo Walcott
11-24-2009, 05:46 PM
Any idea on how much the townhomes are going to cost in this development? Hopefully they aren't any more than $600k.

11-24-2009, 08:39 PM
I didn't see Spring Creek in their portfolio.

My apologies, everyone. I was looking at Massey-Mann's portfolio, not RCL. Massey-Mann designed both properties.

11-26-2009, 10:50 AM
Big Movie Zone -- Dickinson Theatres Oklahoma City IMAX® Theatre (

Can someone tell me where this is located?

According to Dickinson, there's already an IMAX here.

11-26-2009, 12:05 PM
Big Movie Zone -- Dickinson Theatres Oklahoma City IMAX® Theatre (

Can someone tell me where this is located?

According to Dickinson, there's already an IMAX here.

Per their website, their theaters in Oklahoma are as follows:

Arrowhead Mall 10 Theatre
Arrowhead Shopping Center 501 N. Main #102 Muskogee, OK 74401 918-682-6600

Central Mall 12 Theatre
40 Central Mall Lawton, OK 73501-4600 580-353-8855

Oakwood Mall Theatre
Oakwood Mall - Space #A11 4125 Owen K. Garriott Road Enid, OK 73703-4820 580-233-7469

Owasso 10 Theatre
12601 E. 86th Street North Owasso, OK 74055-2509 918-376-9191

Penn Square 10 Theatre
1901 N.W. Expressway Suite 2100 Oklahoma City, OK 73118 405-848-2202

Starworld 20 Theatre
10301 S. Memorial Drive Bixby, OK 74133 918-369-7469

West End Pointe Theatre
12825 NW 10th Yukon, OK 73099 405-354-7469

Having never been to any of these, I don't know which, if any, has IMAX.