View Full Version : Benny Hinn coming to OKC
Patrick 01-25-2005, 12:35 PM Although I'm not a Benny Hinn fan, he is quite a popular figure in the more Pentecostal branch of Protestantism.
He's coming to the Cox Center April 15th and 16th, Fri at 7PM, and Sat. at 4 PM. Doors open 3 1/2 hours before the event starts.
Midtowner 01-25-2005, 12:45 PM Although I'm not a Benny Hinn fan, he is quite a popular figure in the more Pentecostal branch of Protestantism.
He's coming to the Cox Center April 15th and 16th, Fri at 7PM, and Sat. at 4 PM. Doors open 3 1/2 hours before the event starts.
One word for you: fraud.
If anyone disagrees, I'll lay the evidence out for you. Of course, I consider most of you to be reasonable, so that won't be necessary.
Patrick 01-25-2005, 01:09 PM I don't disagree with you one bit, but I'd still be interested to hear your evidence, Midtowner!
Patrick 01-25-2005, 01:11 PM I do believe in spiritual healing, but what's scary is he takes it to the extreme. Many have followed up on his healings, especially for syndromes like fibromyalgia, pain disorders, etc., disorders that are easily manipulated by placebo, and found that the disorders return months after the crusades. Some people are healed though, so some of his work is worthwhile.
Keith 01-25-2005, 02:15 PM Are you ready for this???? MidTowner and I actually agree on something.:)
I think Benny Hinn is a fraud myself. I believe in spiritual healing, however, he is the phoniest "evangelist" I know. Everytime I see him on TV, my stomach turns. It always looks like that every healing he does is staged. If you have a disease, send him some money, and you will be healed. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. He is a very manipulative person. As a Christian, I believe in healing, but to me, Benny Hinn is an embarrassment to the Christian faith.
Midtowner 01-25-2005, 03:55 PM Too many things, but check this link out:
Patrick 01-25-2005, 10:29 PM He reminds me a lot of Oral Roberts.
Midtowner 01-25-2005, 10:31 PM He reminds me a lot of Oral Roberts.
I'm embrassed for a state that has a college named after that phony.
How someone could have a higher-ed degree and still believe that nonsense is purely beyond me.
Patrick 01-25-2005, 10:34 PM Can anyone say the word deceit?
Midtowner, I took a look at the link you provided. Great stuff! I'm going to forward it to a few of my friends who are big fans of Benny Hinn.
Midtowner 01-25-2005, 11:08 PM Can anyone say the word deceit?
Midtowner, I took a look at the link you provided. Great stuff! I'm going to forward it to a few of my friends who are big fans of Benny Hinn.
The way he sells religion to the gullible is something I consider to be absolutely immoral. I guess I can't really fault him though. If people are dumb enough to buy what he's selling, I guess that's their own fault.
Many businesses take advantage of the stupidity of their customers. It astounds me how anyone could be so completely foolish though.
Patrick 01-26-2005, 01:42 AM The sad part is that he has millions flocking to him in countries like India, getting a warped view of Christianity.
Rev. Bob 01-26-2005, 09:35 PM Benny Hinn is leading millions astray. The guy is almost as bad as the anti-Christ. He comes with power that resembles that of Christ, but he deceives many. Don't get caught in his trap. He's out for one reason and one reason only: money. He's a scam. I'll repeat: he's a scam. He's worse than Oral Roberts in my opinion.
1adam12 01-26-2005, 09:42 PM I agree, Rev. If I had it my way, I would arrest him for impersonating an evangelist and receiving money under false pretense(sp?). Oral Roberts was bad enough, but this guy takes the cake.
Patrick 01-26-2005, 09:57 PM Guys, I think Benny Hinn is actually making Oral Roberts look good!
SoundMind 01-26-2005, 11:16 PM God uses chemicals/medicines to heal people.
Patrick 01-27-2005, 12:50 PM I also believe in supernatureal healing too though, just not to the extreme of Benny Hinn.
SoundMind 02-04-2005, 02:41 AM People have actually died as a result of stopping their medications after they thought they were healed.
Midtowner 02-04-2005, 08:12 AM People have actually died as a result of stopping their medications after they thought they were healed.
One lady who he "laid hands" on was pushed over (by Benny). She fell and broke her hip. She died two weeks later. The woman's family dropped the lawsuit after being told that they would go to hell if they pursued it.
The man is not only a fake, he's really pretty evil.