View Full Version : What Brung Ya..................

05-18-2009, 10:00 PM
What attracted you to this website? Why do return? Are you a history buff or just like to reminisce. Are there other members of your family with the same interests?

I got here via Classmates! Striking out attempting to contact friends from the past I finally "chatted" with Soutside Girl (who by some form of magic has not aged a bit.). She informed me of OKCTalk so I gave it a try and here I am.
I am a history buff (addict) and am passionate about okc and the Hill. I seem to be the only person in my family that searches and shares. They like to hear some of my findings but are not overly impressed.

Your turn...........................

05-19-2009, 07:36 AM
I came by this site by accident, just surfing. I am also a history buff, and love Oklahoma and OKC.

05-19-2009, 07:43 AM
I was in a process of setting up an OKC forum/site and pass out flyers everywhere of the new place for all sort of things. The same day I joined, I was googling for news on the license plates for the state and the search results brought me to the topic/thread on the license plates. Much to my surprise, OKC already have one! So, I joined, and stayed, because it's interesting.

USG '60
05-19-2009, 08:28 AM
I googled Johnnie Hughes and ended up on the original Southside Memories thread. By the time I finished the gazzillion pages on that thread I was hooked. Also being a history buff (ex-teacher) many of the threads intriqued me. Now I can't escape.

05-19-2009, 08:43 AM
My children, actually. They have become increasingly interested in the arts (dance primarily) and wondered if this would be a good place to find out and/or talk about what's going on.

05-19-2009, 09:12 AM
I learned about it from Classmates. Also, I enjoy history, especially southside.

05-19-2009, 10:29 AM
I like it to keep up with current events in Oklahoma, primarily. I argue on the politics but that is just a diversion.

Zoom Zoom
05-19-2009, 10:56 AM
Everytime i google something oklahoma related i end up back here....

05-19-2009, 11:56 AM
I found this site while searching for information about the new Devon tower. I joined a few days before the plans were announced because this is where I could see them first.....and discuss them. I stuck around because I have come to expect the latest news, current events and general information regardng Oklahoma and OKC to be mentioned here. I always watch the news first thing in the morning, then check here to see whats being discussed. Theres a tremendous variety of opinions and characters here, (which I love). And its not totaly left or right dominated. Thanks for posing this question Papa......I've often wondered what brought people here. Anyone know what the first post was???????

Everytime i google something oklahoma related i end up back here....

Me too........

05-19-2009, 12:35 PM
I came to this site when they announced the Devon Tower. I wanted to learn everything about it, and then I got hooked.

05-19-2009, 02:25 PM
I joined up around the time of the penny extension for the Ford Center and the pre announcement for the Devon Tower. I think I came over here from OKTalk (sorry Spartan) for the Union Station thread & new I-40 chatter.

05-19-2009, 08:05 PM
thanks PapaOU....i came to the site for the fun of it. Prunepicker, Frisky and TeriOKC were some of the originals. Angel27 was a great information person but, she quit us or she just reads our out takes. the people on this site just enjoy each others comments and points of view. I think everyone that attends the monthly meeting will agree that we all look during the next month for something to talk about. It's all walks of life and all types of people (except for Prunepicker). I invite everyone to the meetings....You will enjoy it whether you believe it or not. Started out for a few minutes.....Now, some stay for three to four hours...have a good time for the Price of a hot dog (#2) and a Frosted Root Beer....Just found out we get free refills....yee-haw see ya next month...

05-19-2009, 09:58 PM
I found this site when I was looking for information on Core to Shore. I didn't even know sites like this existed. I am so not cool. I don't even use a cel phone. But I love the history of OKC and knowing about things way in advance of everybody else. Not a big fan of the politics threads though.

05-19-2009, 10:06 PM
thanks PapaOU....i came to the site for the fun of it. Prunepicker, Frisky and TeriOKC were some of the originals. Angel27 was a great information person but, she quit us or she just reads our out takes. the people on this site just enjoy each others comments and points of view. I think everyone that attends the monthly meeting will agree that we all look during the next month for something to talk about. It's all walks of life and all types of people (except for Prunepicker). I invite everyone to the meetings....You will enjoy it whether you believe it or not. Started out for a few minutes.....Now, some stay for three to four hours...have a good time for the Price of a hot dog (#2) and a Frosted Root Beer....Just found out we get free refills....yee-haw see ya next month...

If the number keeps increasing we may need to find a larger place to meet. Coit's has really been good to us. After my first meeting during the last blizzard (isn't that the inside of a buzzard?) I was hooked.
I don't know about the other members but it would be okay with me if anyone with an OKC history would be welcomed. Am I out of line folks?

05-19-2009, 10:24 PM
If the number keeps increasing we may need to find a larger place to meet. Coit's has really been good to us. After my first meeting during the last blizzard (isn't that the inside of a buzzard?) I was hooked.
I don't know about the other members but it would be okay with me if anyone with an OKC history would be welcomed. Am I out of line folks?
No way are you out of line. This is their town too. We accept anyone especially if we accept Prunepicker.....Whoops, I didn't say that...Our Curly-headed friend could get mad...He better bring back some pictures...right. I think it would be cool for someone from the Northside to attend the meeting. You know OKC has some really great memories floating around and I love to hear them....However, the two Northsiders (doug and Steve) are now officially south Side Cats since they made two meetings ....Gotta go to bed dude...gotta go to work Tomorrow.....Sheesh long drive.....See ya next time....Generals64...

05-20-2009, 12:37 AM
We have a monthly get-together? Why wasn't this announced?

05-20-2009, 05:38 AM
I found this site while looking for information on an old Southwest Ford commercial that I helped make.

We have a monthly get-together? Why wasn't this announced?It was announced. The "Southside" group meets every month.

05-20-2009, 08:18 AM
I found this site when I was looking for information on Core to Shore. I didn't even know sites like this existed. I am so not cool. I don't even use a cel phone. But I love the history of OKC and knowing about things way in advance of everybody else. Not a big fan of the politics threads though.

Watch the post , and come to Coits in June for a hot dog.....Not sure when the meeting will be but it's usually the 3rd Saturday of the month.

05-20-2009, 04:07 PM
Southside Girl MADE me!!!!! Boy she can be bossy, OH I Mean "BOY IS SHE A GREAT ORGANIZER"!!!! :doh:

05-20-2009, 10:13 PM
Southside Girl MADE me!!!!! Boy she can be bossy, OH I Mean "BOY IS SHE A GREAT ORGANIZER"!!!! :doh:
Yeah....and I think she can take you.....

05-20-2009, 10:21 PM
Watch the post , and come to Coits in June for a hot dog.....Not sure when the meeting will be but it's usually the 3rd Saturday of the month.

You let us northsiders in? I might just join you guys. I love to take a walk through the stations at the Mount and haven't been down there in a while.

05-20-2009, 10:33 PM
You let us northsiders in? I might just join you guys. I love to take a walk through the stations at the Mount and haven't been down there in a while.

Yell at me and I will go with you. I find it a great place to pray the rosary.
They cut down all the trees that were outside the fence and cutback some of those inside.
My two sisters and a brother-in-law graduated from there. A niece teaches at Sacred Heart.
My parents repeated their wedding vows to celebrate their 25th anniversary in the grotto.
Never could understand it being the 25th and I was 27 at the time.................

05-20-2009, 10:36 PM
That's funny. My grandmother went to the Mount when it was a boarding school back in the day. The grotto truly is a treasure for all of those who have never been. Did cutting down the trees improve it or no?

05-20-2009, 10:57 PM
That's funny. My grandmother went to the Mount when it was a boarding school back in the day. The grotto truly is a treasure for all of those who have never been. Did cutting down the trees improve it or no?


Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-21-2009, 12:57 AM
I came here because I heard the mashed potatoes were magnificent.

It was a ruse.

05-21-2009, 01:21 AM
I came here because I heard the mashed potatoes were magnificent.

It was a ruse.

I am so sorry. We served you the mashed turnips!!

If you would stop talkin' with your mouth full maybe we could understand.

Now spit that out, sit up straight and enjoy dinner with the rest of us.

On second thought!

It won't happen here
You're safe, mama
You're safe, baby
You just cook a TV dinner
And you make it
(Bop bop bop)
No no no no
Oh, we're gonna get a TV dinner and cook it up
Go get a TV dinner and cook it up
Cook it up
Oh, and it won't happen here
(No no no no no no no no no no no
Man you guys are really safe
Everything's cool).

TV dinner by the pool
Watch your brother grow a beard
Got another year of school
You're okay, he's too weird
Be a plummer
He's a bummer
He's a bummer every summer
Be a loyal plastic robot
For a world that doesn't care
That's right

Sorry! Now where we?

05-21-2009, 04:08 AM
That's funny. My grandmother went to the Mount when it was a boarding school back in the day. The grotto truly is a treasure for all of those who have never been. Did cutting down the trees improve it or no?

I "borrowed" this photo from Doug. It is a new posting.

05-21-2009, 08:47 AM
Southside Girl MADE me!!!!! Boy she can be bossy, OH I Mean "BOY IS SHE A GREAT ORGANIZER"!!!! :doh:

It's about time you showed up. Enjoy its fun

05-21-2009, 08:48 AM
You let us northsiders in? I might just join you guys. I love to take a walk through the stations at the Mount and haven't been down there in a while.

They have done a lot work around the grounds lately Go up and see

05-21-2009, 04:25 PM
They have done a lot work around the grounds lately Go up and see

I am going to call Talita and nominate you as the Mount's Official Ambassador of Goodwill.

Maybe she'll send you on an official visit to Rome..........

Just be aware I have to go as well....................

I want to see the guy in the pointe hat...........

05-22-2009, 08:51 AM
You do that...........However, my sister-in-law and I already received the volunteer of the year award 2 years ago.......... So probably won't win. It really is a great school , too bad the other southside schools don't have the
parent or kids involvement like MSM, or like they public schools did back in the 60 and 70's. There might not be as much grafitti all over the buildings.

Remember when it was Friday night football at Capitol Stadium..........even if Grant was playing SE

05-22-2009, 04:51 PM
You do that...........However, my sister-in-law and I already received the volunteer of the year award 2 years ago.......... So probably won't win. It really is a great school , too bad the other southside schools don't have the
parent or kids involvement like MSM, or like they public schools did back in the 60 and 70's. There might not be as much grafitti all over the buildings.

Remember when it was Friday night football at Capitol Stadium..........even if Grant was playing SE

Whoa......Capitol Hill and Grant not Capitol Hill and Southeast....remember????

05-22-2009, 10:15 PM
Personally I goofed upon the sight and started reading the posts. I figured out that I knew Soonergirl and decided to throw in my two cents. After going to my first meeting and spending time with the southside group I now can say that this was the best wandering that I have ever made.

05-22-2009, 10:54 PM
Personally I goofed upon the sight and started reading the posts. I figured out that I knew Soonergirl and decided to throw in my two cents. After going to my first meeting and spending time with the southside group I now can say that this was the best wandering that I have ever made.

What the heck does that mean???????

If you are going to be part of The Group you need to keep up......

Else you may endup like '64.................

05-26-2009, 12:28 AM
I don't remember why I started visiting. It was most likely while looking for
something specific about OKC. I've been here about 4 years or so.

06-03-2009, 03:04 PM
I don't remember why I started visiting. It was most likely while looking for
something specific about OKC. I've been here about 4 years or so.

you know, Prunepicker and Frisky are the ones that started me and then the Kid "General78" started...then we began to get to know each other through the meetings and this whole thing has actually created a new network of friends for me....

06-03-2009, 03:46 PM
It's funny when I started seeing the post for MSM. Peter Cordova was a relative to my late wife. I think a cousins. Her maden name was Stone. Her aunt and uncle live off of Penn and SW 59th. But my wife was a northsider. Little Peter was the ring bearer and I can't remember, but I think Talita was the flower girl. This was back in Oct 1971. Over time and all the moving we lost the wedding pictures.

06-05-2009, 09:59 AM
I came here because I think that OKC history is truly spectacular. There is a quote on the statue in Couch park downtown that sums it up. Something like "visitor, look around, for what is before you, took mens dreams, and built this city in less than 100 years" not the literal words but you get the idea. Standing there and reading the plaque will make you know why all of us appreciate Oklahoma and the best place, OKC.

06-06-2009, 12:10 AM
It's funny when I started seeing the post for MSM. Peter Cordova was a relative to my late wife. I think a cousins. Her maden name was Stone. Her aunt and uncle live off of Penn and SW 59th. But my wife was a northsider. Little Peter was the ring bearer and I can't remember, but I think Talita was the flower girl. This was back in Oct 1971. Over time and all the moving we lost the wedding pictures.
Hey, you're onvited to the next meeting...June 19,2009 @ 1:30...Be there

06-06-2009, 12:15 AM
It's funny when I started seeing the post for MSM. Peter Cordova was a relative to my late wife. I think a cousins. Her maden name was Stone. Her aunt and uncle live off of Penn and SW 59th. But my wife was a northsider. Little Peter was the ring bearer and I can't remember, but I think Talita was the flower girl. This was back in Oct 1971. Over time and all the moving we lost the wedding pictures.

My parents know the Cordova's well. My sister graduated with Talita.

SouthSide girl knows Talita well herself

06-06-2009, 12:31 PM
Hey, you're onvited to the next meeting...June 19,2009 @ 1:30...Be there

SORRY:..................The General made a mistake....You're invited to the next meeting.......June 20th, 2009 @ 1:30:..............Be there....

06-06-2009, 02:32 PM
SORRY:..................The General made a mistake....You're invited to the next meeting.......June 20th, 2009 @ 1:30:..............Be there....

Let's do both...............................

06-08-2009, 10:44 AM
My parents know the Cordova's well. My sister graduated with Talita.

SouthSide girl knows Talita well herself

Then next your parents or your sister see them, ask them if they remember the Stones. My late wifes name was Melinda. I probably haven't seen them since my father-in-law passed in the early 90's. I can't remember if Talita (always loved that name) was in the wedding or not, but I know little Petter was.

06-09-2009, 03:17 PM
Coit's is reserved saturday june 20th, 2009:....1:30

06-09-2009, 03:27 PM
I won't be able to be there this month.

06-09-2009, 05:19 PM
I won't be able to be there this month.

What???? you can't do that......O.K....going on Vacation????if so have a great time....

06-10-2009, 10:10 AM
Nope vacation was last week. Retired Firefighters picnic at 12:00 then on to the MSM party bus for a trip to Okarche

06-10-2009, 11:33 AM
Nope vacation was last week. Retired Firefighters picnic at 12:00 then on to the MSM party bus for a trip to Okarche

Let's all meet at the MSM party bus instead of Coit's!! Okarche!!! Eischens!!!!! Chicken dinners for everyone and the Mount's picking-up the tab...................

But isn't Saturday a high holy-day?

In that case only those who practice the Catholic faith and graduated from CHHS are allowed to go...............

07-17-2009, 06:14 PM
The former Yale movie theater is officially for sale.

10-22-2009, 01:14 PM
be a good place for our meetings on saturdays....why don't you see if they will let us go inside????Everyone bring a pistol of rifle though....

10-23-2009, 02:38 AM
be a good place for our meetings on saturdays....why don't you see if they will let us go inside????Everyone bring a pistol of rifle though....

The former TG&Y building is for sale as well..........

10-25-2009, 12:41 PM
Found it while searching for something completely unrelated.


zachtaylor alum
10-25-2009, 09:22 PM
Found it while searching for something completely unrelated.


Just checking all these Old OKC nostalgia sites. I grew up in OKC; went to
Zachary Taylor Elem, Harding JH and Bishop Mcguinness. I also went to OU. I have been gone for quite a while, now living in Tucson, AZ, but my heart and my bestest friends are in OKC.

10-25-2009, 09:30 PM
Just checking all these Old OKC nostalgia sites. I grew up in OKC; went to
Zachary Taylor Elem, Harding JH and Bishop Mcguinness. I also went to OU. I
have been gone for quite a while, now living in Tucson, AZ, but my heart and
my bestest friends are in OKC.
I've never heard of anyone in AZ having friends. Can you document this?

10-25-2009, 11:30 PM
I've never heard of anyone in AZ having friends. Can you document this?

I have never heard of anyone LIVING in AZ...........

10-26-2009, 08:49 PM
What attracted you to this website? Why do return? Are you a history buff or just like to reminisce. Are there other members of your family with the same interests?

I got here via Classmates! Striking out attempting to contact friends from the past I finally "chatted" with Soutside Girl (who by some form of magic has not aged a bit.). She informed me of OKCTalk so I gave it a try and here I am.
I am a history buff (addict) and am passionate about okc and the Hill. I seem to be the only person in my family that searches and shares. They like to hear some of my findings but are not overly impressed.

Your turn...........................

I was doing some research on my Dad's side of the family and found the link in the fallout of the search. Ever home sick, wanted to chat with the ole home folks. Still the best folks on this earth.