View Full Version : Come watch Oympic athletes compete in triathlon this weekend

05-14-2009, 10:21 PM
Really glad to see this get off the ground:

Boathouse International Triathlon (

The elite competitors go on Saturday morning while the age groupers go on Sunday.

The elite competition is interesting because they allow drafting on the bike leg which almost always sets up an exciting run to the finish.

Triathlon is a very fast growing sport and the river is the perfect spot for such races. Go down and support the event if you can and if you are at all interested in learning how to do a tri, drop me a note -- I'm a coach and have done scores of races myself.

(BTW, before anyone comments about how manky the river is, I can assure you that most triathlons are conducted in water conditions that are worse. You are always dealing with stagnation, currents, wicked waves, runoff, etc. The OK River will actually be better than most the open water swims I've done!)

05-15-2009, 03:31 PM
Here's a good video on the event:

05-15-2009, 03:39 PM
I will be there. Of course I will be volunteering (I will be the guy driving around the golf cart wearing at OU hat if you want to say hi.) Should be fun and hopefully we have good tournament.

05-15-2009, 09:59 PM
I am going to try to come out. I am really interested to see people swimming in the river.

05-18-2009, 01:13 PM
Looks like this event was a big success in it's first year.

For photos of the Elite races, follow this link to U.S.A. Triathlon:

2009 PATCO Championships Photo Gallery | Photos | USA Triathlon (

05-18-2009, 08:01 PM
I went to the men's elite race with my daughter and husband and had a good time. We stood on the Byers bridge and saw the entire swim, and the bikes and run were on circular routes so we could see the racers multiple times during the event. Plus there were competitors from all over the western hemisphere competing so the patriotic juices got flowing.