View Full Version : Invisible Tummy Trimmer
Thunder 05-14-2009, 12:12 AM I'm not sure where to put this, but I figured that Fitness is the closest section for this.
Anyone tried this? Sold in stores? Where?
Invisible Tummy Trimmer - The Official Site of (
It's also available for men. I'm trying to lose some weight and I dunno if this is only a temporary to slim upon wearing or it actively works on slimming.
It includes two of them in the box. I'd like to have a flat tummy again! :LolLolLol
There are others elsewhere at a cheaper price, but I do not know if those are actually the same or a look-a-like.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-14-2009, 04:52 AM Eat less, move more. That's the only way to lose weight. :tiphat:
Thunder 05-14-2009, 05:41 AM Eat less, move more. That's the only way to lose weight. :tiphat:
Doesn't seem to help. :LolLolLol
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-14-2009, 05:47 AM Then you're not moving enough or you're eating too much.
^^^don't know WTF that is
kevinpate 05-14-2009, 08:46 AM Thunder, wearing a heavy duty ace bandage on your tummy (that's essentially what's in the picture, aka a waist girdle, will realign and compact your squishie parts, but it isn't going to make your weight change or improve your health.
eat less, exercise more is truly the key, even though that is advice I get bassackwards more often than not myself.
BBatesokc 05-14-2009, 02:48 PM I doubt this particular "tummy trimmer" has enough coverage to even provide temporary water weight loss.
These devices exist under many names. The only ones that seem to provide real benefit are usually called "compression garments." I guess it sounds more appealing than girdle.
They are usually designed to look like a regular t-shirt (sleeved or sleeveless). Some people with back problems find they provide additional support and relieve back pain.
Most however are purchased to slim the tummy of women and sometimes to provide lift to the chest.
For men they turn man-boobs into pecks and also slim the tummy and love handles.
I know two newscasters (men) who wear them to look slimmer and more fit.
If they give your ego a boost I say go for it. Just don't have any disillusions they will actually make you thinner.
Just my opinion.
PennyQuilts 05-14-2009, 02:49 PM Be sure to put on some swanky music when you take them off in the presence of a lady.
FFLady 05-14-2009, 03:36 PM Omg - LOL ECO!!
BailJumper 05-14-2009, 03:40 PM What, like us guys aren't shocked when you ladies get undressed and the boobs that looked like perky 20-somethings are now dangling around your knees and the purple veins are ooooo so hot when those panty hose come off.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-14-2009, 03:51 PM Well this thread took a very disturbing turn.
kevinpate 05-14-2009, 03:52 PM well, that's the thing with pendulums, they swing one way, then back the other
Thunder 05-14-2009, 11:20 PM I'm not fat, just want a slimmer tummy. My thoughts was that if it holds it back for several months, it would help slim it back in a way like the waist line goes no further than the size of pants/shorts I wear. I'll give it a try.
Bates, can you show the one you're talking about?
LM401 05-14-2009, 11:49 PM I know that a lot of people like Spanx. They sell them at Dillards.
ronronnie1 05-15-2009, 12:29 AM One word: Liposuction.
Thunder 05-15-2009, 01:05 AM One word: Liposuction.
6' 5" 190lbs
I don't think I qualify for Liposuction. :LolLolLol
ronronnie1 05-15-2009, 03:04 AM Please, I'm thinner then you are and have had lipo twice.
People falsely assume that lipo is for fat people, but it actually works best for thin, attractive people like myself.
If you haven't the means, then simply eat less and work out more. Otherwise just accept a slight belly.
Thunder 05-15-2009, 05:16 AM I heard that lipo is best for people that is really fat. Maybe you're talking about a tummy tuck?
I'm actually considering switching to ramen noodles diet only.
PennyQuilts 05-15-2009, 05:56 AM Thunder, dear, you have ramen noodles in your head. Get out and walk a bit. At your age and size/weight, getting a soft tummy sounds more like lack of exercise than calories. You won't regret toning up those abs when you are ten years older.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-15-2009, 06:16 AM Ramen is horrible for you. High in calories, fat, and carbs if I recall correctly.
And 190 at 6'5"? When I'm at 190, I look too thin, and I'm 5'11".
I heard that lipo is best for people that is really fat. Maybe you're talking about a tummy tuck?
I'm actually considering switching to ramen noodles diet only.
I thought you wanted to lose weight. Eating ramen noodles is not going to help you do that. Low carbs, no sugar, no fat, that's the way to do it, friend.
BBatesokc 05-15-2009, 08:02 AM I'm not fat, just want a slimmer tummy. My thoughts was that if it holds it back for several months, it would help slim it back in a way like the waist line goes no further than the size of pants/shorts I wear. I'll give it a try.
Bates, can you show the one you're talking about?
I did some searching and the one's on Amazon seem to be what I've seen. Mens Microfiber Compression Tank: Apparel (
There is also the sleeved t-shirt style, but I hear they are almost impossible to get on by yourself. But, they probably have the most compression and will most likely be the best at pulling in a tummy.
The reporter that told me about them said he liked the ones with a button type crotch because it kept the compression shirt from riding up.
The type you originally referred to would probably not be a good choice. It will most likely leave a line in an area that would give away that you are wearing a girdle type device. Also, there is nothing to keep the bottom from riding up or the top from folding over.
I'm 5' 11" and 5 weeks ago I weighed 207 lbs. and had a 36 to 38" waist (I've been as high as 230 in the last 6 years with a 42" waist). I started a new program and as of today I'm down to 189lbs and my goal is 180 in a month. That will be 27 pounds in less than 3 months. All I did was download "Lose It!" and "Total Body" to my iPod Touch and use them as tools to manage my food and exercise habits.
Lose It! tracks your caloric intake and exercise. It determined I should consume no more than 1,600 calories a day if I wanted to lose up to 2 pounds a week. I'm losing more because I tend to keep my caloric intake around 1,200 - 1,300 and I go to the Y with the wife for a one hour cardio class 3 days a week and I workout now at home the other days.
Total Body is an app that has some great workout programs. My problem is motivation and boredom when it comes to exercise. I found I need to either be in a a structured class or following a predetermined workout routine. Otherwise my mind wanders and I waste my time or quit too early.
One of these compression devices can be a great motivator though and show you what exercise and diet can do for you. Wear the compression device while you get more active and then discard it when you reach your goal and look even better without it on.
Also, don't let anyone give you any crap about it. If it makes you feel more confident and motivates you to get in shape, then go for it. YOu'd be surprised the tricks that 'macho' men on TV use to look good (everything from girdles, hair plugs, hair dye to makeup).
Thunder 05-15-2009, 10:15 AM Thanks!
I didn't know that ramen noodles is that bad. I've seen people being thin, because their diet is basically ramen noodles.
LOL @ makeup! The only time I worn makeup was something like a stage makeup for performance at church. It made me look years younger. All the makeup at the stores is labeled for women, so that's the problem, I got no clue what I should get to look years younger. I know that male celebrities wear makeup.
- I can't bring up that link.
Karried 05-15-2009, 10:21 AM I can't believe this thread.. lol - you all love to have fun here don't cha?
Here you go.... Underworks Belly Buster: Apparel (
Thunder 05-15-2009, 10:24 AM I can't access that link either, Karrie.
I think it's this IE8 or something. I'll need to go back to IE7.