View Full Version : Pet Peeves
PennyQuilts 05-13-2009, 05:33 AM Life is short, we shouldn't sweat the small stuff and we ought to count our blessings - BUT
In no particular order, my pet peeves are:
Tailgaters - darn near gives me a case of road rage
People who use other people's handicapped stickers for preferred parking (I've known several otherwise good people who do this - never fails to amaze me)
People who don't take the shopping cart back to the store or in the area reserved for it - lazy slobs!
Anyone else?
kevinpate 05-13-2009, 06:09 AM ... Anyone else?
I don't have any pet peeves. I turn mine loose and wish them happy hunting.
Feral peeves ... watching from a shadow near you.
fuzzytoad 05-13-2009, 11:14 AM People who drive too slow in the passing lane or under the posted speed limit, causing me to tailgate them.
ronronnie1 05-17-2009, 06:29 AM Women with tattoos. (Trashy and the opposite of gorgeous)
Slow drivers in the fast lane.
People who think they know it all. (Very annoying to those of us who do)
Stuck up people who have absolutely no reason to be stuck up.
Loud, annoying people.
No parking places at the library, forcing me to use my grandma's handicap sticker.
I could go on forever, so that's all for now.
Thunder 05-17-2009, 07:56 AM Police breaking the law for their own pleasure.
ronronnie1 05-17-2009, 05:19 PM ^^^Definately. Police suck.
mecarr 05-18-2009, 10:43 AM People who run red lights.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-18-2009, 10:50 AM People with webbed toes.
fromdust 05-22-2009, 02:18 AM hot chicks that smoke. automatically knocks them down a peg or two. people on forums that dont use your and you're right.
PennyQuilts 05-22-2009, 05:09 AM hot chicks that smoke. automatically knocks them down a peg or two. people on forums that dont use your and you're right.
That should be "'don't' use your and you're 'correctly!'" <vbg>
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-22-2009, 05:34 AM lol
ronronnie1 05-22-2009, 06:23 AM That should be "'don't' use your and you're 'correctly!'" <vbg>
Good one!!! Loves it.
fromdust 05-22-2009, 10:19 AM That should be "'don't' use your and you're 'correctly!'" <vbg>
ya, you're right. that's not a peeve so i don't care. lol!
Lord Helmet 05-22-2009, 12:55 PM Hmm...I really hate selfish
People that don't use a turn signal when changing lanes or turning
People that don't at least do the speed limit
People that wait until the last minute to merge
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-22-2009, 01:23 PM I've got a new one that I was just reminded of when it comes to pet peeves and cars.
I don't have enough room under the rear fenders to get tires big enough for decent traction through my first two gears. >:(
kmf563 05-22-2009, 02:49 PM 1. People who use the passing lane as a driving lane.
2. People who use *big* words to try to sound Irregardless. That is NOT a word.
3. Bad parents.
4. Judgemental people.
5. Man haters.
6. Music snobs.
7. Know it alls.
8. Throwing cigarette butts out the window.
9. Bad tippers.
10. Salesclerks/Wait staff who talk on their cell phone while you wait.
11. Loud people in theatres.
12. And finally...spam emails.
PennyQuilts 05-22-2009, 04:08 PM 1. People who use the passing lane as a driving lane.
2. People who use *big* words to try to sound Irregardless. That is NOT a word.
3. Bad parents.
4. Judgemental people.
5. Man haters.
6. Music snobs.
7. Know it alls.
8. Throwing cigarette butts out the window.
9. Bad tippers.
10. Salesclerks/Wait staff who talk on their cell phone while you wait.
11. Loud people in theatres.
12. And finally...spam emails.
I want you list. It is perfect.
FritterGirl 05-22-2009, 11:01 PM These are kind of, but not necessarily in order, except for #1, which is my absolute #1 pet peeve. With deference to kmf, from whom I "borrowed" #'s 6 and #2, with a few additional details, they are as follows:
#7 People who can't put their shopping carts up. I agree with ECO, these folks are pretty darned lazy.
#6. People who squat in the passing lane at or just under the speed limit. Usually, these ding-dongs are talking on the phone.
#5. People who don't pick up after their dogs in public places (dog park notwithstanding - although you should still do it).
#4. Bad theatre etiquette: Talking, texting (yes we CAN see the lights), rumpling your popcorn bag during a pivotal moment (learn to take a few pieces at a time - you don't need to maul the bag) and coming in late.
#3. People who come charging into an elevator before you have the chance to get out. Step aside and let us off people, it's called courtesy.
#2. Throwing cigarette butts out the window - or throwing them out on the ground - period. Saw a lady do this at the Myriad Botanical Gardens and couldn't believe my eyes. She was too lazy to walk the 25 feet back to the cigarette disposal canister, so just tossed it right in the grass.
#1. People who talk on their cellphones while they're in a public bathroom. I'm sorry, but a bathroom stall is NOT a phone booth. As such, I do NOT want to hear about your babydaddy drama, car wreck, financial woes, medical problems and/or other issues while I do my private business. Not only that, but do you really want people on the other end to hear the toilet flushing!? Not to mention the fact that the MOUTHPIECE of the phone is in range of getting all kinds of disgusting microscopic debris on it when someone flushes. Ewwww!!!
People who use *big* words to try to sound Irregardless. That is NOT a word.
Actually, kmf, most modern dictionaries, including Webster's, list irregardless as the "non-standard" form of regardless, as they consider themselves as not PREscriptive, but DEscriptive, following the societal norm instead of setting a hard and fast rule for people to follow. (Sorry, there go the linguistics studies again!) On that front, the misuse of less/fewer and supposebly/supposedly are right up there for me.
OKCDrummer77 05-26-2009, 08:47 PM People who block the aisle in a parking lot waiting for a space to open up. It's fine if the car is already running, in reverse, and you're just waiting for them to back out. I'm talking about the people who wait while the other driver still has to empty their cart, buckle their kids in, put their cart in the cart bay (if we're lucky), and THEN start the car and back up. I like getting a good space as much as the next guy, but it's just not worth all that.
Thunder 05-26-2009, 08:55 PM Parents crying foul when their kids go bad, robbing and shooting at people, ending up dead. Parents seem to think the kids shouldn't be in jail or dead.
This is what really annoys me. Parents go berserk when it is their kids that end up dead, even tho they are the bad ones. Parents want people that acted in self defense to be locked up forever.
fuzzytoad 05-26-2009, 09:34 PM People who block the aisle in a parking lot waiting for a space to open up. It's fine if the car is already running, in reverse, and you're just waiting for them to back out. I'm talking about the people who wait while the other driver still has to empty their cart, buckle their kids in, put their cart in the cart bay (if we're lucky), and THEN start the car and back up. I like getting a good space as much as the next guy, but it's just not worth all that.
hehe, what about people that follow you in their vehicle as you leave a store?
I *love* it when i have a sweet space during christmastime at the mall.. I'll saunter over to my car with someone following me, wanting my space. I'll take forever and a day to place my packages into the car, move around to the driver's seat, sit down, start the car, then light up a smoke and pretend to talk on my phone....
If the moron is still waiting, I'll exit my car and walk back towards the mall entrance..
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-26-2009, 09:47 PM hehe, what about people that follow you in their vehicle as you leave a store?
I *love* it when i have a sweet space during christmastime at the mall.. I'll saunter over to my car with someone following me, wanting my space. I'll take forever and a day to place my packages into the car, move around to the driver's seat, sit down, start the car, then light up a smoke and pretend to talk on my phone....
If the moron is still waiting, I'll exit my car and walk back towards the mall entrance..
Wow...They're just trying to get a parking spot (even if they're being a mild annoyance to you) so they can get gifts for their families during a busy time when parking is hard to find...And you're going out of your way to make their day worse. You're doing it out of malice. At Christmas.
Somebody should kick you in the junk for that.
fuzzytoad 05-26-2009, 10:25 PM Wow...They're just trying to get a parking spot (even if they're being a mild annoyance to you) so they can get gifts for their families during a busy time when parking is hard to find...And you're going out of your way to make their day worse. You're doing it out of malice. At Christmas.
Somebody should kick you in the junk for that.
Dude, I'm at the mall...
isn't that enough of a kick in the junk?
CCOKC 06-02-2009, 05:00 PM One of my biggest pet peeves is people who leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot. People, this is Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plain and rolls shopping carts into the sides of cars. I had two children 14 1/2 months apart, I know about having my hands full and somehow I always seem to put my cart away. There is no excuse for this one.
stick47 06-03-2009, 07:00 AM Bicycle Nazis. I seem to always come up on bike riders riding 2 abreast on the main thoroughfares. KFOR did a poll on bike riding and when I last looked, public opinion was that they should stay on the sidewalks and off the streets. It isn't about the health benefits either. They could obtain the same results in their own home on an exercise bike and not be such a nuisance. Of course they can't turn their noses up at motorists then.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-03-2009, 07:07 AM Uh...Bicycles follow traffic laws. They've got every right you do to be in that lane. And unlike the open seas...The laws of gross tonnage don't apply. Just because you're faster and heavier doesn't give you the right of way.
Not that they don't get on my nerves too. Considering that it would only take a Geo Metro running mildly amok to turn them and their funny pants into a long greasy spot on the road...Some of them are pretty ballsy with how they ride.
stick47 06-03-2009, 07:23 AM Uh...Bicycles follow traffic laws. They've got every right you do to be in that lane. And unlike the open seas...The laws of gross tonnage don't apply. Just because you're faster and heavier doesn't give you the right of way.
Not that they don't get on my nerves too. Considering that it would only take a Geo Metro running mildly amok to turn them and their funny pants into a long greasy spot on the road...Some of them are pretty ballsy with how they ride.
Duh... Where did I say iy was illegal to ride on the streets? Or that they didn't have to obey traffic laws? Your first paragraph was leaning toward being condescending. I hope you don't always reply like that? I'll agree with you on the rest of your post.
kmf563 06-03-2009, 09:30 AM Frittergirl - I stand corrected. You are right, irregardless IS a just isn't meant to be used in formal speeches or for what most people use it for. It does not mean without regard I guess is what I was trying to say.
As for the rest of your list, I love it. Just add it to mine. : )
metro 06-03-2009, 11:22 AM Idiots who throw their trash out their car windows. I was at 7-11 at 10th and Western the other day. This lady was parked right by the door. She threw her trash on the ground. I said mam' you just littered aren't you going to pick that up, the trash can is 5 feet away. She yelled and called me white racist names and told me to pick it up and drove off.
jawgie 06-03-2009, 12:47 PM People who are waaaay late for a flight, and then demand your prompt attention to cover their lateness.
westsidesooner 06-03-2009, 12:57 PM I agree 100% Metro. Littering has got to be my number 1 pet peeve. I was going to say stupid people who are to rude to understand when they're in your way (driving, or the lard asses I get behind in the stores who walk a a slugs pace).....but they're just stupid, you can't fix that. About a week ago I was going to penn sq. and the usual bums were haunting the I-44 and penn intersection. While I was waiting to turn I watched the bum in the middle of penn (in the median) eating (big surprise) a buger, and fries. As soon as he had it outta the bag he threw the bag, fry rapper and burger wrapper onto the ground and watched them blow away without even caring that everyone saw him do it.
I wish the police would really crack down on littering. Some parts of our city are rediculous. And dont get me stated on the people who mow without picking up the trash FIRST. :fighting2
kmf563 06-03-2009, 01:14 PM Oh yeah. The litter bugs bother me too. I was just behind a lady at Braums who threw her straw paper out the window while in the drive thru. Then she pulled up and dumped her ashtray. There was a trash can curb side about 3 feet from her. She had a sticker on the back of her car that said something about keeping the earth green. I just shook my head.
jawgie 06-03-2009, 02:02 PM I was in the car with a a lady I worked with and she dumped her ashtray out the window, she did not know there was a ploice officer behind her.
He made her get out and pick up all the cigarette butts. It really was funny.
Lurker34 06-03-2009, 02:18 PM I don't understand the whole bicyclist thing. Drivers pay taxes on our gas to maintain those roads. Therefore should bicyclists also have to share this burden? I also believe ANY vehicle that isn't capable of achieving the speed limit is an annoyance and danger to other vehicles on the road. It would be nice to have a seperate lane or sidewalk for bicycles, but get real, this is Oklahoma. I just find them seriously annoying during rush hour traffic. (but then again, I find most things annoying in rush hour traffic) Speaking of annoying .... how about those idiots in the left lane and then instantly realize that this is their exit and jump across 3 lanes of traffic to make their exit. Those people should be shot!
westsidesooner 06-04-2009, 03:26 PM Heres another thing that I didnt mention the other day.
Peolpe (guys) over 20 with sagging pants. I think its a stupid stupid fashion statement. Don't get me wrong, I did some stupid things when I was a teenager trying to follow fashion trends. Bell bottom pants for one. Long hair, and those silky disco(y) Now I realize how stupid we all looked back then. And I think saggers in general look pretty stupid, but when I see a 40 year old man with 4 kids walking around with his pants around the bottom of his butt it makes me sick. What kind of message is it sending? and what kind of message is it intended to send?
Grow the f--- up people. You look retarded.
Thunder 06-04-2009, 04:15 PM WSS, those such fashion trends that was popular when they was started years ago doesn't make them stupid during those time. You've been one of them to get on the latest fashion trend, but it doesn't make you or the fashion stupid. Of course, you look back and see how wild you had been and how much you've changed, but you shouldn't say how stupid you've been.
Saggers, I assume you are talking about people having their pants hangin' low. I think it's okay to do that fashion trend in certain places, just not in school, at work, or shopping places. Keep in mind, I've never done that.
I don't like when people have excess piercings and tattoos. There should be a standard enforced by the government, but nothing like that exist. Fortunately, most workplaces/employers enforce such policy on this trend.
Did anyone notice how police, especially the highway patrols, doesn't catch hundreds of speeders? I'd say over 90% of the drivers are going at least 10 mph over the speed limit with the presence of the authorities! I guess the officers think it's okay, because everyone is "going with the flow" of the traffic, even tho they speed. If there's a group of law abiding motorists traveling down the highway and a lone driver going faster, then the driver would be pulled over for speeding, if caught. However, if there's a group of speedsters, then it's rare that any of them will be pulled over. It is just amazing how almost everyone see the others going faster, so they speed up to stay in those group to avoid being ticketed.
westsidesooner 06-04-2009, 06:06 PM Its not so much the saggin aspect of the trend I dislike so much. I can understand that. Some teens like to be rebels. Always have always will. My gripe I guess is that "saggers" are saying with their fashion statement. "Hey look at my butt" A 40-something year old father walking through a grocery store with his wife (?) and 4 small children shouldnt be advertising his butt. It implies he wants other women to look at his butt. Not a good family values message. I have the same complaint with sleazily dressed married women.
I should be thankful that the tight, show your junk jeans and couduroys of the 70-80's arent still :053:
Oh GAWD the Smell! 06-05-2009, 06:14 AM *puts cords back in closet*
*cries a little*
bbhill 06-07-2009, 05:57 PM In response to ppl complaining about parking spaces. I must say, you are not entitled to the parking spot. If someone wants to sit in their car, they can darn well sit in their car. If they want to talk on the phone before they leave, they can do it. There is no reason for that person to hurry up just because someone is waiting for them. The car that was parked was there first. On the bicycle rant, I don't see why bicycle owners should have to pay any taxes. Bicycles don't damage the road at all. In addition, im sure most bicycle riders also have a car that they pay gas taxes on. . .
PennyQuilts 06-07-2009, 06:15 PM Sitting in your car while someone is waiting is not against the law. You betcha, it isn't. No law against it. You have the power to be the biggest ass on the planet if you want to. Yup. Thank god we have LAWS to tell us what is decent behavior and what isn't. It helps us to know the right thing to do if there is doubt. Yup, We are so lucky to have legislators out there to set civility standards.
bbhill 06-07-2009, 06:58 PM I'm not saying you should just sit there to piss someone off. I wouldn't do that. But if I went to my car and unloaded groceries and wanted to make a phone call, I'm not going to move just because someone is honking at me--I would motion for them to go on. In turn, I don't wait for people unless I see their reverse lights. I know that just because someone is in their car doesn't mean they are leaving. They could have forgotten something, be eating lunch, or smoking a cigarette, or making business calls. On the other hand, if the parking lot was TOTALLY packed and I was planning on leaving, I might try to hurry up if there are people waiting. On the other hand if there are other parking spaces, they can walk. Its not going to hurt to park a little farther away. We all need exercise considering our city's obesity level. . .
PennyQuilts 06-07-2009, 07:32 PM No one is suggesting you are doing it just to piss someone off. YOU are the one who justified it because there was no law against it. You wrote:
<<In response to ppl complaining about parking spaces. I must say, you are not entitled to the parking spot. If someone wants to sit in their car, they can darn well sit in their car. If they want to talk on the phone before they leave, they can do it. There is no reason for that person to hurry up just because someone is waiting for them. The car that was parked was there first. >>
If you meant all the things you wrote in your next post, so be it. But that wasn't what I was responding to. In the original post - it was all about power.
As for me, I can't imagine hogging a parking spot so I could make a telephone call or smoke. It is just rude. Clearly, however, a lot of people think they are the most important on the planet and aren't going to go out of their way to be polite or considerate unless it is easy, or they get something out of it. And some even go online to brag about it, no less. Sheesh.
nik4411 06-07-2009, 10:08 PM One thing that really bugs me are people who have handicap stickers, and park in handicap parking, but step out of their car just fine and don't seem to be handicapped in any way.
How are they getting the stickers? They are taking a spot away from someone who truly needs it...I really noticed this when I blew my knee out a couple months ago and was on crutches and parked in handicap areas. I saw a lot of people who weren't handicapped parking there as well.
bbhill 06-07-2009, 11:19 PM One thing that really bugs me are people who have handicap stickers, and park in handicap parking, but step out of their car just fine and don't seem to be handicapped in any way.
How are they getting the stickers? They are taking a spot away from someone who truly needs it...I really noticed this when I blew my knee out a couple months ago and was on crutches and parked in handicap areas. I saw a lot of people who weren't handicapped parking there as well.
recently someone moved in the apartment above me. They apparently had a handicap placard so they had the apartment maintenance place a handicap sign right smack in front of my apartment. Thus I can no longer park in the spot in front of my apartment as it is now reserved for the handicap individual who can somehow walk the stairs upstairs. . . I figure if you can walk up the stairs you aren't too disabled. . .
nik4411 06-08-2009, 12:27 AM haha wow that makes a lot of sense doesn't it
Thunder 06-08-2009, 02:44 AM recently someone moved in the apartment above me. They apparently had a handicap placard so they had the apartment maintenance place a handicap sign right smack in front of my apartment. Thus I can no longer park in the spot in front of my apartment as it is now reserved for the handicap individual who can somehow walk the stairs upstairs. . . I figure if you can walk up the stairs you aren't too disabled. . .
Go get yourself one, your doctor can easily write you up a paper. Then park back in your original space again.
oneforone 06-09-2009, 02:57 PM No one is suggesting you are doing it just to piss someone off. YOU are the one who justified it because there was no law against it. You wrote:
<<In response to ppl complaining about parking spaces. I must say, you are not entitled to the parking spot. If someone wants to sit in their car, they can darn well sit in their car. If they want to talk on the phone before they leave, they can do it. There is no reason for that person to hurry up just because someone is waiting for them. The car that was parked was there first. >>
If you meant all the things you wrote in your next post, so be it. But that wasn't what I was responding to. In the original post - it was all about power.
As for me, I can't imagine hogging a parking spot so I could make a telephone call or smoke. It is just rude. Clearly, however, a lot of people think they are the most important on the planet and aren't going to go out of their way to be polite or considerate unless it is easy, or they get something out of it. And some even go online to brag about it, no less. Sheesh.
This reminds me of the episode of the Simpson's where Moe is teasing people by acting like he is getting into his car (which is parked in a good space) but never gets in it.
On another note.... I have never understood why people fight for a front row space just to walk around and shop a 200,000 sqft or larger store or mall. I always grab the first one I see that is somewhat close to the door. Sometimes I park in the last space at the end just because I can be in out in the time it takes me to find a close spot.
PennyQuilts 06-09-2009, 04:04 PM I'm with you on the parking. The walk won't hurt me and it isn't like I will even notice the extra few steps, anyway. And besides, it is easier to drive out if you aren't having to wait on foot traffic.
Another peeve I have is people who park right in front of a door to let passengers out while it is raining - causing the ones walking to have to go around them and get drenched. How selfish. Why not park a few feet away from directly in front of the door so you don't block everyone who has to walk around the car? It probably isn't that big a deal but it is just so self centered, seems to me.
possumfritter 06-10-2009, 08:05 AM People who don't say thank you when you hold a door open for them, like the "princess" at the 7-11 on Council and 122nd did yesterday.
PennyQuilts 06-10-2009, 08:07 PM Women who back in the day used to get huffy when someone was nice enough to open the door should have been taken out and horse whipped. Idiots. That whole, I-must-hate-men-to-be-self-actualized movement was completely deranged.
westsidesooner 06-11-2009, 01:11 PM People who use the firelane in front of stores as their own personal parking space. Somehow the law doesnt apply to them. :elmer3:
Thunder 06-11-2009, 04:18 PM There's a white house across from Epperly Heights school, on the east side. A lady that lives there have a son that is a police officer. He doesn't seem to know the law on parking. Quite often, he would park too close to the stop sign.
Thunder 07-15-2009, 08:25 AM ..::This is in no way related to weather threads.::..
Why do the very few members feel the need to make multiple posts within minutes? Why respond to one quote per post? Do people realize there is multi-quote function?
If there are multiple quotes to respond, click the button next to Quote. Keep clicking it for each post to quote and on the last one, click the Quote button. All in one post, respond to all quotes.
This place is not a game for most post count. :omg:
gmwise 07-18-2009, 05:04 PM Hmmm
My pet peeves.
littering,cell phone drama,sagging pants,(when I transported a group of military prisoners I would always tell them if you're into wearing your pants sagging in or out of prison it means you want a the pants up afterwards),lack of manners, drivers who try to pass LEGALLY ENTITLED BICYCLISTS ,they pay taxes too {cowboy} they're not on the toll roads,Driving texting or talking on the cell phone.
I think OKCPD should have dashcams installed, because some cops break laws and abuse their badge daily, not to mention people or EMTs.
People who used terms they really dont know the ones they're confusing with another term: liberals or fascists conservative or communist or socialist or environmentalist or conservationist.
OR people who criticizes the President of the United States of America, no matter what party he/she is, they deserved the respect as being the President.
Lord knows I didnt agree with everything about Reagan who I voted for 2x,George 41 2x, Clinton 1x, George 43 2x, Obama 1x..thus far...
Come on folks We are AMERICANS we live in a pluralist Nation, we all want what is good for America we just have different ways of wanting to get there.
Or Christians who used the Bible as their only source of knowledge and morals and believe you must be religious to be moral and vote Republican.Or select those parts of the Bible but not the whole of the Bible like God didnt give them common sense or a sense of reality they live in a Modern America where if they want to convert people, they must work on their people skills,not how loud and annoying they can shout.
Do I hear a AMEN??!! lol
ronronnie1 07-18-2009, 09:50 PM Amen!
oneforone 07-19-2009, 07:41 AM I don't have many but mine are...
People who cannot wrap their mind around the idea that people see the world diffrently then they do. Just because you believe in a liberal or a conservative world it does not mean everybody else's point of is wrong. A world full of like minded people would be boring.
People who do not practice common courtesy.
People who insist on being the center of attention all the time.
People who lack common sense.
and last but not least...
People who refuse to take any inititave to better themselves. If your life sucks do something about it, stop whining and insisting that everyone else take action to improve your quality of life.
Fanusen 07-22-2009, 05:41 PM My pet peeves, in no particular order.
Major pet peeves
1. People who try talking to me at the urinal.. (I'm not there to chat, are you?)
2. People who try to force their religious views on others, whether they be atheist or otherwise. (Explaining and/or talking to someone about your religion is not the same as trying to convince someone of it.)
3. Hippocrates. (I am one myself occasionally, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it! hah)
4. People who are viciously inconsiderate of another persons feelings. (We all deserve to be treated with dignity and respect... until we get to know each other heh)
5. People who judge my lifestyle or the way that I choose to live.
6. People who choose not to speak proper English.
7. People who abuse the system, whatever system that may be.
Minor pet peeves
1. Anything else that anyone could possibly do. (depending on my mood)
gmwise 07-22-2009, 10:47 PM I try not to be a hypercrite.
the "new urban" English...egads!
nik4411 07-22-2009, 11:21 PM I hate how there are so many people who can't say "excuse me" anymore.