View Full Version : Pet Peeves
My pet peeves, in no particular order.
3. Hippocrates.
I'm with you there. He gets on my last nerve. And don't get me started on that stupid "oath" of his.
PennyQuilts 07-23-2009, 11:28 AM I'm with you there. He gets on my last nerve. And don't get me started on that stupid "oath" of his.
Hahahaha! snort, snort!
Thunder 07-23-2009, 11:57 AM I'm with you there. He gets on my last nerve. And don't get me started on that stupid "oath" of his.
1. Lying about his birth certificate and his actual birth orgin. His citizenship status.
2. Denied being a Muslim and connection, then after election, being proud of his Muslim hertiage.
Two Possible Scenerios
3. Death of the lady in Hawaii was actually several months before the election. Decision was to conceal the info until a few days before the election to fool the people that she had just died to gain pity votes.
4. Forced death to prevent her from saying things that could expose him (and cost him the votes).
5. Wasteful spendings, Cap & Trade, Healthcare, and many more.
6. Promises continue to break. Public no access to read documents as it all being rushed into law.
7. Mastermind behind the team to secretly recruit people to join in on the plan to intentionally crash the stock market to sway people away from McCain.
8. Insulting Christianity upon this country.
9. Becoming more and more childish in his speeches.
10. Lies after lies.
PennyQuilts 07-23-2009, 12:44 PM It wasn't that funny!
Yes it was, if you like typo humor.
PennyQuilts 07-23-2009, 12:45 PM Thunder, Honey, they have medication for all that.
Thunder 07-23-2009, 12:46 PM Thunder, Honey, they have medication for all that.
Why do I need medication? :omg:
westsidesooner 07-23-2009, 12:51 PM Jeez Thunder. What have you been smoking this morning? And where do you get your information from, Limbaugh, Coulter, or Kern? And is not liking POTUS really a pet peeve? That kinda stuff realy needs to be saved for the political threads.
1&2 are just outright lies
3&4 are just outright sick
5 Wasteful spending is a pet peeve, but healthcare if done right isnt
6 If your taking about healthcare its been debated for months and months
7&8 Are just laugh out loudable
9 like your post
10 like your post
Please tell me your joking. I guess my pet peeve for today is posts like that. Misinformed and mean, and I think you crossed the line on #3 & #4. Good thing youre so likeable otherwise.....:poke:
Thunder 07-23-2009, 12:58 PM WSS, that is what I believe, unless you have evidence to prove me wrong.
Those are some of my political pet peeves. The title of the thread was not specific, so it can be any pet peeves.
gmwise 07-23-2009, 01:23 PM Thunder,
Where does the threat mention the President?
And you should go to (
Roadhawg 07-23-2009, 02:28 PM Another Rush and Michael Savage zombie :doh:
Fanusen 07-24-2009, 05:29 PM I'm with you there. He gets on my last nerve. And don't get me started on that stupid "oath" of his.
LOL oops, thanks for the correction
USG '60 07-27-2009, 03:52 PM I try not to be a hypercrite.
the "new urban" English...egads!Sorry, GM, but while we are giggling at typos, we wouldn't want to leave your HYPERCRITE out, would we?:gossip:
westsidesooner 08-05-2009, 09:09 AM The big hairy spider that insists on building his web across our front walk every night/morning.
And me for being stupid or tired enough to walk through it almost every morning.
Roadhawg 08-05-2009, 09:27 AM Not sure if this has been mentioned yet but people that toss dirty diapers out in the parking lot because they are too lazy to toss them in a trash can.
stick47 08-08-2009, 10:14 AM Anyone posting on an internet forum that doesn't know the proper use of the words were, we're, where, etc. (Thank you NEA for such a lousy US Education system!)
Television shows loaded down with reality & amatuer talent shows. Hey, it's no secret that you have to pay for script writing and decent acting. The real irony is that so many people pay up to and over $100 a month for such garbage and get 20 minutes of ads per hour to boot!
HVAC Instructor 08-08-2009, 10:26 AM I don't have any pet peeves. I turn mine loose and wish them happy hunting.
Feral peeves ... watching from a shadow near you.
Beautiful post!
stick47 08-31-2009, 02:10 PM I'm peeved that has such a gimped up, antiquated webmail application that it's impossible to log on to read & reply to webmail with a PDA/smart phone. I've attempted to gain access there using four different browsers, a Blackberry Curve and a Nokia pen tablet. Nothing worked. Oklahoma deserves better service than Cox has been providing!
westsidesooner 08-31-2009, 05:04 PM That Jack FM (97.3) has such a weak signal. It comes in loud and clear on the westside, but once I go east of portland I lose the signal.