View Full Version : "IM GAY" Tag Denied
BBatesokc 05-08-2009, 10:36 PM I've seen a couple of stories about this and wondered your thoughts.
Seems a local gay Oklahoma resident tried to get a personalized tag reading "IMGAY" but it was denied.
The response was that Oklahoma does not allow any personalized tag that might offend the general public.
My personal feelings are that even though I may have my own opinions regarding homosexuality, I do not think this should be considered an offensive tag. Especially since it was reported a man was allowed to get a tag reading "str8."
I personally have seen questionable personalized tags that were allowed, including "MR HUMP" and "UNCUT" (referring to the driver not being circumcised).
Thunder 05-08-2009, 10:42 PM Hmmm, I would say that the state or tag agency violated the man's Freedom of Speech.
Whoever denied that tag application is clearly an EXTREME HOMOPHOBIC FULL OF HATE. That's pretty much it.
How recent was this news? Is the man filing a lawsuit?
adaniel 05-09-2009, 12:55 AM If they ban "IMGAY" as a tag then they should ban those god awful truck nuts as well, considering that DPS wants to be the morality police.
ronronnie1 05-09-2009, 01:19 AM This is Oklahoma afterall.
Duckslammer 05-09-2009, 04:22 AM Where did this story come from? Do we know for sure it's true?
My position, unpopular as this is likely to be, is that any blatant reference to sexuality doesn't belong on a tag. But that should apply equally to all displays, not just to this one. If they allow one, they have to allow all.
I want to know whether it was denied by the tag agency or by a state employee. If it was the state, at what level was the decision made? Do they have a formal policy? Agencies can be held accountable. They dislike bad publicity as much as anybody.
PennyQuilts 05-09-2009, 06:35 AM I personally don't recall seeing a tag - anywhere - that referenced anything that is remotely sexual - straight or otherwise. Anyone else ever see one?
I think it is an extreme jump on the basis of a simple denial to accuse the person who denied that as being extremely homophobic. I live near Washington D.C., right off I-95 (the main interstate for the eastern seaboard - I could throw a rock and hit it). We see license tags from everywhere. Never seen one that made any kind of sexual reference.
And who would want that nonsense on their tag, anyway? Who is so egotistical that they think the whole world needs to know their sexual business? Sounds like something a 14 year old would want. "Notice me! Notice me! I'm provocative!"
Here is a link I found regarding license tag laws by state:
Midtowner 05-09-2009, 09:01 AM They should just go to a different tag agency. Was it the tag agency who denied the application or DPS?
Easy180 05-09-2009, 09:12 AM And who would want that nonsense on their tag, anyway? Who is so egotistical that they think the whole world needs to know their sexual business? Sounds like something a 14 year old would want. "Notice me! Notice me! I'm provocative!"
Completely agree...Not a big fan of any personalized tags...Many of them are attempting to come across cool but normally come across as douchey
Martin 05-09-2009, 12:14 PM they should just go to a different tag agency. was it the tag agency who denied the application or dps?
dps. when it comes to vanity plates, the only thing tag agencies do is hand you a form to fill out and mail into dps.
Karried 05-09-2009, 01:16 PM That is silly.
No one needs to advertise their sexual orientation on their car.
ImStr8 - who cares?
But again, gay means happy too. Maybe he is just a happy person?
oneforone 05-09-2009, 02:10 PM The guy that wanted the plate was on a news story on Fox 25. He was clearly one of these people that is the attention seeking type. Honestly, he could convey the same message with a bumper sticker or graphics on his windows. Not to mention he already had the rainbow stickers which are the traditional for advertising your gay. so I really do not see the need for a specialized plate.
I was going to get one for the truck I drive now. Then I found out you have to keep the assigned standard license plate in the vehicle at all times. When it is time for renewal you have to pay the fee for both plates each year. I hate extra crap in my car. I said to heck with it and just went with the state issued tag.
jsibelius 05-09-2009, 05:45 PM There's no such thing as free speech when it comes to vanity plates. Not in any state. The license plate issuers don't always do a good job of catching the problems, though, and it *is* possible to catch some pretty offensive plates out there, especially those that are hard to read the meaning among all the letters and numbers. UNCUT could mean just about anything. There's one I've seen around that says CMUNK8. It took some real staring to figure that one out. If you're creative enough, you can hide some real offensiveness in your license plate. And it's one thing to put something obscene in a book, magazine, or video where it can be put away, but it's a whole other thing to put it out on display in public where everyone HAS to see it, whether they want to or not.
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-09-2009, 05:53 PM Completely agree...Not a big fan of any personalized tags...Many of them are attempting to come across cool but normally come across as douchey
*goes outside and removes "d-bag" from his car*
BailJumper 05-09-2009, 06:12 PM Anyone remember "ASSMAN"?
YouTube - Kramer is the Assman (
Personally, I think the IMGAY is an obvious public safety concern. C'mon, isn't someone driving around with IMGAY on their tag just begging to be REAR ENDED?!!?
Bates, didn't you have a vanity tag on your Wes Lane van?
Oh GAWD the Smell! 05-09-2009, 06:16 PM Baaaaahahahahaha!
PennyQuilts 05-09-2009, 08:21 PM Personally, I think the IMGAY is an obvious public safety concern. C'mon, isn't someone driving around with IMGAY on their tag just begging to be REAR ENDED?!!?
Oh, that makes me laugh - no offense to gay people but surely they think that is funny, too!?
This is kinda funny in a way. Seems like an offensive plate until you realize what it really means.
Vegan wants ILVTOFU on license plate. 2BAD, state says.
Fearing the vanity plate could be misinterpreted in an offensive manner, Colorado officials put the request on a list of banned letter combinations. The ACLU has entered the fray.
By DeeDee Correll
May 10, 2009
Reporting from Denver -- All Kelley Coffman-Lee wanted to do was broadcast her love of tofu to the driving public.
So the Colorado vegan applied to the state's Department of Revenue for a vanity license plate for her Suzuki SL7 carrying the message: ILVTOFU.
Clerks at her local motor vehicle office approved the plate -- but it did not escape the discerning eyes of state revenue officials, who detected another way that Coffman-Lee's penchant for tofu could be read.
"It could be misinterpreted in a way that suggests that she likes something other than tofu," explained revenue department spokesman Mark Couch.
Application denied.
Not only that, but Coffman-Lee's pithy ode to soy went straight onto the department's list of letter combinations banned under a state law that permits authorities to weed out those applications deemed "offensive to good taste or decency."
Others that haven't passed muster: OBITEME, 2EROTIC and PASSGAS.
The list has grown to 2,744 entries over the years as residents apply for creative letter combinations to express their personal preferences. "Ever since we've had vanity plates, there's been someone trying to slip one by us," Couch said.
Coffman-Lee, who could not be reached for comment, has said that ILVTOFU does not deserve to be listed. "My whole family is vegan, so tofu is like a staple for us. I was just going to have a cool license plate, and the DMV misinterpreted my message," Coffman-Lee told the Denver Post after the application was denied.
Now the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado has entered the fray, questioning what it calls censorship by the state.
The ACLU has obtained the list of banned phrases. The list reveals "the more serious ways in which this attempt to purge offensive words has wound up being an effort to censor ideas and viewpoints," said Mark Silverstein, legal director of the Colorado ACLU. He noted that the list includes: BADUSA, 4HEMP and OK2BGAY.
Silverstein noted the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in a 1971 case that a profane message on a California man's jacket had free speech protections.
The courts are divided in their rulings on states' rights to restrict license plate messages, said Gene Policinski, executive director of the Tennessee-based First Amendment Center.
Some have ruled that governments can regulate such messages as long as the restrictions aren't based on viewpoints. Others have held that motorists have the right to express what they wish with little restriction.
The next step in Colorado? STYTUND
Source: Vegan wants ILVTOFU on license plate. 2BAD, state says. - Los Angeles Times (,0,216272.story)
BBatesokc 05-14-2009, 03:13 PM Anyone remember "ASSMAN"?
YouTube - Kramer is the Assman (
Personally, I think the IMGAY is an obvious public safety concern. C'mon, isn't someone driving around with IMGAY on their tag just begging to be REAR ENDED?!!?
Bates, didn't you have a vanity tag on your Wes Lane van?
Yeah, I had ANTIWES on the back of the Vote Out Wes Lane van.
I have JohnTV on one of my personal vehicles.
kevinpate 05-14-2009, 03:28 PM ... have JohnTV on one of my personal vehicles.
Couldn't slide HOHOCAM past the thought police?
BBatesokc 05-15-2009, 08:11 AM Couldn't slide HOHOCAM past the thought police?
Could be mistaken for a Christmas theme or that I was a fan of Ho Ho the Clown (which I was).
Considered BUSTED, but went with JOHNTV.
Thunder 05-15-2009, 10:10 AM Bates, are you that guy that film people out on the streets and appeared on the Maury Show?
FFLady 05-15-2009, 11:00 AM Anyone remember "ASSMAN"?
YouTube - Kramer is the Assman (
Personally, I think the IMGAY is an obvious public safety concern. C'mon, isn't someone driving around with IMGAY on their tag just begging to be REAR ENDED?!!?
Bates, didn't you have a vanity tag on your Wes Lane van?
Bailjumper - I TOTALLY much as we hate to admit, there are really too many individuals who do NOT condone this lifestyle. I am almost positive this is the agency's main concern....
And was the REAR ENDED - no pun intended??????? :LolLolLol
circuitboard 03-31-2010, 04:53 PM Man who sued for 'IM GAY' tag found dead in Norman
Published: March 31, 2010
A Norman man who wanted "IM GAY" on his Oklahoma car tag has died.
Keith Kimmel
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IM GAY plate stirs debate thumbnail
IM GAY plate stirs debate
Feb 12A Norman man wants his vanity plate to read IM GAY, but the tax...
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Keith Kimmel, 28, sued the state Feb. 10. His lawsuit asked an Oklahoma County judge to order the Tax Commission to grant his application.
He later dropped the lawsuit but said he was changing attorneys and would refile his request in Oklahoma City federal court.
Norman police reported a friend found him dead this morning. He had stayed overnight at the friend's apartment.
Read more: NewsOK ( j)
Oh, he's gonna get his tag, alright. . .on one of his big toes.
PennyQuilts 03-31-2010, 05:58 PM What a shame. He wasn't very old, was he?
venture 03-31-2010, 06:08 PM Oh, he's gonna get his tag, alright. . .on one of his big toes.
For real? A man is dead and you have to post this? I mean really. God forbid your family would ever have to go through losing you at an early age.
mugofbeer 03-31-2010, 06:15 PM Very tacky, Matt.
For real? A man is dead and you have to post this? I mean really. God forbid your family would ever have to go through losing you at an early age.
No, I didn't have to. I wanted to, because I thought it was funny. And thanks for quoting it, by the way. I hate it when good stuff gets wasted on the bottom of a page.
Very tacky, Matt.
You should have seen the one I almost put up instead.
circuitboard 03-31-2010, 06:55 PM What a shame. He wasn't very old, was he?
28 , autopsy will show what happen.
ronronnie1 03-31-2010, 07:16 PM No, I didn't have to. I wanted to, because I thought it was funny.
You should have seen the one I almost put up instead.
Love your attitude lol. Faux outrage and righteous indignation are so transparent and tiresome regardless of who it's coming from.
Thunder 03-31-2010, 11:44 PM He was murdered. No gay man is safe in Oklahoma. That's the way of life.
Let me guess.... Oklahoma Tax Commission's men in black.
MikeOKC 04-01-2010, 12:33 AM No, I didn't have to. I wanted to, because I thought it was funny. And thanks for quoting it, by the way. I hate it when good stuff gets wasted on the bottom of a page.
You should have seen the one I almost put up instead.
Are you a member of that nutty Westboro Baptist Church (http://www.godhates*** or something? Someone dies at 28 and you think it's worthy of a joke at OKCTalk? It says more about you then it does about the guy who wanted the tag.
Are you a member of that nutty Westboro Baptist Church (http://www.godhates*** or something? Someone dies at 28 and you think it's worthy of a joke at OKCTalk? It says more about you then it does about the guy who wanted the tag.
Save it for someone who cares, Mike. It's not like this guy was killed while heroically trying to stop a convenience store holdup or something. I've seen videos of this guy and he was HUGE. Until the official cause of death is released, for him to die at his age suggests one of two things to me: He died of something due to his morbid obesity or he died of something due to drugs and/or alcohol, and I don't have a whole lot of sympathy to spare for either. His sexual orientation has nothing to do with it. Just a tacky joke, folks, nothing more. The only thing I've done wrong here was to forget the number one rule here at OKC Talk:
MikeOKC 04-01-2010, 01:01 AM Matt, So...if it's said on the internet it's okay and shouldn't be taken seriously? I see OKCTalk, a community forum, as a 21st century version of the public square. You were (are) joking about a death at OKCTalk, and just because it's on the internet - it's okay? I beg to differ and my guess is that many here will agree with me.
Matt, So...if it's said on the internet it's okay and shouldn't be taken seriously?
Pretty much, yeah.
I see OKCTalk, a community forum, as a 21st century version of the public square. You were (are) joking about a death at OKCTalk, and just because it's on the internet - it's okay?
Yeah, pretty much.
I beg to differ and my guess is that many here will agree with me.
venture 04-01-2010, 01:32 AM Matt is just a worthless soulless troll that would be better off left to his own vices in his own little world where he feels he is important. Until Pete and gang wise up and start banning people, we'll have to deal with their types here. But that's what ignore is for. :)
Someday hopefully he'll be able to contribute something of quality to the site, and this world, instead of sucking up our oxygen and defecating out of his mouth. I really don't want to have buy a new pair of boots, since where ever he goes it definitely gets deep. :-P
Matt is just a worthless soulless troll that would be better off left to his own vices in his own little world where he feels he is important. Until Pete and gang wise up and start banning people, we'll have to deal with their types here. But that's what ignore is for. :)
Someday hopefully he'll be able to contribute something of quality to the site, and this world, instead of sucking up our oxygen and defecating out of his mouth. I really don't want to have buy a new pair of boots, since where ever he goes it definitely gets deep. :-P
Double-ouch, dude!
Thanks for yet another unsolicited analysis, Doctor. I'm impressed. (The first one ( was free; I better not have to pay for this one!)
But seriously, these are just words. If you usually don't like what I have to say, I invite you to please save yourself the grief and put me on ignore. The doctor is right: That's exactly what it's for. I'd be kind of honored to know that someone was so bothered by my stupid little jokes that they actually went to the trouble of doing that.
Or don't. I don't care.
Protip: Another option the next time something offends your delicate sensibilities is to click on that little red-and-white triangle up in the upper right corner and report it to the mods, and let them decide. I'd. . .venture. . .to guess that your unprovoked personal attack is actually probably more frowned-upon than my tasteless joke about someone who wasn't even a member here, but hey, who's counting?
decepticobra 04-01-2010, 02:21 AM (sung to tune of "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog)
....".why are...there so many...F@GS who like rainbows?....and whats with all the Gay Pride???"....."...someday well find it,...the San Francisco Connection...the lesbians,..the queers,..and meeee....lah, dah dah dee, dah dooo"
YouTube - Muppet Movie - The Rainbow Connection (
evh5150 04-01-2010, 02:40 AM Matt is just a worthless soulless troll that would be better off left to his own vices in his own little world where he feels he is important. Until Pete and gang wise up and start banning people, we'll have to deal with their types here. But that's what ignore is for. :)
Someday hopefully he'll be able to contribute something of quality to the site, and this world, instead of sucking up our oxygen and defecating out of his mouth. I really don't want to have buy a new pair of boots, since where ever he goes it definitely gets deep. :-P
No one should be picking on anyone here. Everyone is entitled to speak their mind here, and not everyone is gonna agree with what everyone says. Deal with it.
A. This site is called OKCTalk...first part being OKC (thats the subject), the second part of that is in people expressing themselves, speaking their minds, sharing views, input, etc.
B. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech. Anyone can say anything about any topic, its your natural American right.
C. Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected. Everyone is an unique individual and not everyone thinks the same. Not everyone was raised the same way, as sad as that is true. Some of us were raised in affluent families with silver spoons in our mouths and prolific & caring parents. Some people werent so lucky and were raised by one parent working full time jobs making ends meet, coming from broken homes or otherwise. For anyone to think that everyone's mindset should be on some sort of unilateral level is absurb and would be dismissing that everyone's personalities and views are indeed different. Yes, there are moderators, not just in online forums, but all kinds of moderators, from policemen, judges, school principals, etc that are installed to attempt to institute a basic govern for how society should co-interact with each other. But even these facets tend to recognize and accept that individuality is permissible within decent constraints. Matt didnt say anything I would necessarily deem outlandish, and I doubt anyone in this forum is related to the homosexual man in question. That being said, if you dont care much for what anyone says, wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on, if words affect you too much, youre too sensitive to begin with and should re-examine yourself and outlook on life in general.
D. Nuff said.
MikeOKC 04-01-2010, 04:04 AM No one should be picking on anyone here. Everyone is entitled to speak their mind here, and not everyone is gonna agree with what everyone says. Deal with it.
Exactly. So deal with the fact that Matt's comments were deemed crass and inappropriate. Does this free speech concept only work in one direction?
Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected.
Hello? Is that for everybody except those who voiced their opinion that joking about a man's death while the body is still warm is wrong?
Matt didnt say anything I would necessarily deem outlandish, and I doubt anyone in this forum is related to the homosexual man in question. That being said, if you dont care much for what anyone says, wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on, if words affect you too much, youre too sensitive to begin with and should re-examine yourself and outlook on life in general. [/B]
The fact the deceased was gay has nothing to do with anything. The objections were to Matt's trolling comment about the guy finally getting his tag - on his toes. That's offensive to common decency (and there is such a thing). Do you not realize your entire post can be turned around? If you can't handle Matt being called out and some of us voicing our opinions regarding his trolling tripe, then (to quote your own post): "...maybe you're too sensitive to begin with."
Did you really type that entire post and not realize what a double-standard you were requesting? Mind you, that's just my opinion. To again quote your own post: "Wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on."
rcjunkie 04-01-2010, 04:05 AM No one should be picking on anyone here. Everyone is entitled to speak their mind here, and not everyone is gonna agree with what everyone says. Deal with it.
A. This site is called OKCTalk...first part being OKC (thats the subject), the second part of that is in people expressing themselves, speaking their minds, sharing views, input, etc.
B. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech. Anyone can say anything about any topic, its your natural American right.
C. Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected. Everyone is an unique individual and not everyone thinks the same. Not everyone was raised the same way, as sad as that is true. Some of us were raised in affluent families with silver spoons in our mouths and prolific & caring parents. Some people werent so lucky and were raised by one parent working full time jobs making ends meet, coming from broken homes or otherwise. For anyone to think that everyone's mindset should be on some sort of unilateral level is absurb and would be dismissing that everyone's personalities and views are indeed different. Yes, there are moderators, not just in online forums, but all kinds of moderators, from policemen, judges, school principals, etc that are installed to attempt to institute a basic govern for how society should co-interact with each other. But even these facets tend to recognize and accept that individuality is permissible within decent constraints. Matt didnt say anything I would necessarily deem outlandish, and I doubt anyone in this forum is related to the homosexual man in question. That being said, if you dont care much for what anyone says, wipe the chips off your shoulders and move on. Dont take anything too seriously, and dont attack anyone for anything said. Just be nice and move on, if words affect you too much, youre too sensitive to begin with and should re-examine yourself and outlook on life in general.
D. Nuff said.
EVH5150, you are right on many accounts, however, why does one have to be an insensitive AHOLE to try and get his point across or voice his opinion.
You know, if there was a CSI: Miami that opened with a guy getting murdered while waiting in line at a tag agency, and David Caruso came in and said "Looks like the only tag he'll be getting. . ." (sunglasses) ". . .will be for his big toe," a lot of you guys would think that was hilarious. Just sayin'.
PennyQuilts 04-01-2010, 10:09 AM Matt is just a worthless soulless troll that would be better off left to his own vices in his own little world where he feels he is important. Until Pete and gang wise up and start banning people, we'll have to deal with their types here. But that's what ignore is for. :)
Amen. He comes across as a souless jerk. And as it turns out, I used the word souless before I even noticed that Venture had used the same word. Matt is getting worse. What a waste of oxygen. This is a new low, however. We are used to him being flip about just about everything and trying to go for shock value. However, to make these types of comments about the death of a young man in our own community is just...well it is just souless.
PennyQuilts 04-01-2010, 10:22 AM A. This site is called OKCTalk...first part being OKC (thats the subject), the second part of that is in people expressing themselves, speaking their minds, sharing views, input, etc.
B. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of speech. Anyone can say anything about any topic, its your natural American right.
C. Coming into any online forum, OKCTalk or any other site on the web, you must come in with a completely open mind. respecting other people's points of views just as youd like yours to be respected.
With all due respect, "freedom of speech" means that the government can't interfere with your right to speak out. NO ONE is entitled to have whatever comes out of their mouth/keyboard respected by others. That would infringe on their freedom of speech. I am not prepared to come with a "competely open mind" and don't think I need to. When some coarse young man makes the types of comments he made in this instance, it deserves nothing but public condemnation. By your logic, we'd have to respectfully listen with an open mind to someone who gloated over child rape, political assasinations and dragging pupplies behind cars. All of which are something Matt is likely to do, based on his past history. Nothing is more American than having to defend your ideas to see if they stand up. THAT it what freedom of speech is all about. Giving some jerk a pass and saying nothing in the name of freedom of speech is ridiculous.
And I know you are being civil and trying to be thoughtful but I disagree with your premises, for the most part.
Wow, it appears I have some soul-searching to do. Literally. I'll be sure to let you know how it goes, Dr. Quilts.
In the meantime, as a worthless, soulless troll, I'm rather enjoying all this attention, so by all means, please keep it up.
(That's what she said.)
(And I'm completely against dragging puppies behind cars, FYI. The other stuff's totally cool but the puppy thing is the one instance where I just have to put my foot down.)
Thunder 04-01-2010, 11:21 AM Matt, are you homophobic?
mugofbeer 04-01-2010, 11:44 AM Matt, are you homophobic?
Perhaps he's just lonely, insecure and looking for attention. Children will often crave attention, even when it's negative attention.
Martin 04-01-2010, 12:55 PM ok... this has gone on long enough. let's get back to topic people.
OKCisOK4me 04-01-2010, 01:22 PM Do you think they'd approve "urrdsgy" (Your ride's gay). Sorry, I couldn't resist...
Wambo36 04-01-2010, 01:29 PM From the story in todays Oklahoman it would appear to be either suicide or an overdose. Either way the tag battle is over for now.
JohnDenver 04-01-2010, 05:03 PM I thought Matt's post was, err, funny. I chuckled. I guess sign me up for the sans-soul camp. I am more than positive if someone from this guy's family came on here and told Matt that his joke was out of line, he would apologize in an instant. But, that is very unlikely to happen. He didn't make fun of the dude for being gay, or fat, or gay and fat.. he made a joke about a TOE TAG. Get it? A TAG! He wanted a TAG and he got one. GET IT!?! A classic joke style. A pun, if you can follow.
As Augustus said, "All lives are short, some are shorter than others."
Kerry 04-01-2010, 05:29 PM Oh, he's gonna get his tag, alright. . .on one of his big toes.
It might even say IM GAY.
Gay Activist Dies Days After Scuffle With TPD Officers (
Activist Keith Kimmel said he was injured after he was dragged across the pavement by police after being thrown out of a local bar. Kimmel took pictures of his injuries and filed a formal complaint. Then he drove back to his Norman home, where he was discovered dead just days later. Now the case is the subject of an internal investigation by TPD.
"I am very disappointed. That's the last time I saw him alive," says Toby Jenkins.
Jenkins was among the last to see Keith Kimmel before he was thrown out of a Tulsa nightclub for causing a drunken disturbance Friday night.
"I was stepping in and he was stepping out. We talked a bit and he seemed a bit preoccupied," Jenkins tells us.
It all happened at End Up where Tulsa Police were quickly called in.
"From the onset, point of contact, he was verbally aggressive, physically aggressive and resistant at that point," explains Jason Willingham from the Tulsa Police Department.
Kimmel sustained cuts and abrasions during that altercation with TPD. He took pictures, wrote about the incident on his blog, and even filed a formal complaint.
Then just a few days later Kimmel was discovered dead under mysterious circumstances at his home in Norman, leaving many to wonder if the injuries sustained during that scuffle with TPD is to blame.
Article has pic(s). One hell of a strawberry on this guy's belly. (I say "pic(s)" because I'm afraid to look and see any more, so I'm just assuming that there's probably more of them.)
PennyQuilts 04-02-2010, 10:01 AM Can't the poor sod just die in peace without people trying to use it to spearhead something political?
JohnDenver 04-02-2010, 10:58 AM Can't the poor sod just die in peace without people trying to use it to spearhead something political?
I hope this was high irony. Otherwise, it seems like a shot across the bow to call someone a derogatory name and ask that they are left in peace in death.
It it was an ironic joke, well done.
Thunder 04-02-2010, 12:39 PM Honestly, with his obesity and his apparent history of violence and bad behavior, the homosexual people is better off without him. Find someone better to represent those people to fight the Oklahoma Tax Commission.
gmwise, ready to step up?
decepticobra 04-02-2010, 12:52 PM . I am not prepared to come with a "competely open mind" and don't think I need to. .
what you need is my steel toed boot up your arse. mrs. sassy pants.
ronronnie1 04-02-2010, 12:57 PM what you need is my steel toed boot up your arse. mrs. sassy pants.
At least she'd finally be gettin' some action.
PennyQuilts 04-02-2010, 01:40 PM what you need is my steel toed boot up your arse. mrs. sassy pants.
Better bring some help!! :fighting3
kmf563 04-02-2010, 02:51 PM I don't think anyone should get personalized tags. I don't care what you like, love, are into, or what your nickname is or how many kids/grandkids/dogs/cats you have. I think they are all stupid. Just drive in the right lane at the correct speed limit and stay off your phone.
All of you deserve an "IM GAY" tag btw. And I don't mean that in a homosexual kind of way.