View Full Version : Stylist leaves Vegas for Norman

05-07-2009, 08:55 AM
Stylist leaves Vegas to escape recession
Scott Risk Hair Studio has joined University North Park
Comments 1
Published: May 7, 2009
NORMAN — After leaving Las Vegas, hairstylist Scott Risk could have opened a studio anywhere.

A friend and a Money magazine article declaring Norman as one of the best cities in which to live convinced him to make Norman his home.

He opened Scott Risk Hair Studio in the University North Park shopping center in November.

It has become the place for a haircut, he said.

Risk said people come from Dallas, fly from Florida and make the trek from Las Vegas to have hair clipped at his studio. Norman residents also are embracing his studio.

Dallas lost out
As the economic recession hit Las Vegas — hard — Risk knew he had to leave.
"I didn’t want to stay in the No. 1 recessed state,” Risk said of Nevada.

But he was leaning more toward Dallas than anywhere in Oklahoma despite the good things his friend Marilee Latham was telling him. Eventually, he checked out the town for himself and decided to stay. Latham now manages his studio and works as a personal stylist.

Wine or beer?
Clients are offered wine or beer at the studio, which features weightless, suspended hair dryers and fun, red chairs. A woman’s haircut costs $45 to $75.

Risk, a hairstylist for 10 years, is working on other endeavors, as well: His own hair care line and a brand of trendy, ergonomic shoes for stylists. He also has been booked for appearances on two upcoming reality television shows.

He and Latham chose University North Park for the studio because it is a new development with a modern appeal.

At a glance
New stores
→Academy Sports and Outdoors just announced it will join the shopping center in a new building south of Kohl’s.

→$1 Jewelry Galore will open its 17th store at University North Park in a few months. The Van Buren, Ark.-based business also has stores in Tulsa and Moore, and an Oklahoma City store will open soon at NW 23 and Pennsylvania Avenue.

→Campus Ragz, a sportswear store, also will open in about two months.

→Dots opened its first Oklahoma store at University Town Center, the shopping area anchored by Kohl’s just north of University North Park. The retailer sells inexpensive women’s clothes — dresses for $20 or less, tops for $5, etc.

→Rue 21 also recently joined the center next to Dots.

Source: Sooner Investment Commercial &

Investment Real Estate in Oklahoma City

Tenants sound far from the upscale tenants first promised. $1 Jewelry, Rue 21?

05-08-2009, 12:43 AM
I think the focus has shifted to just filling the place now than getting the upscale tenants.

05-08-2009, 05:04 AM
This has been covered before, but it bears repeating. Upscale tenants were never promised for the development on this side of the road. The idea was to bring in stores that would generate traffic. Then, the more upscale development would be on the other side of the street along side the conference center and Embassy Suites. That was the plan all along, and as far as I know, it is still the plan. Given the economy, though, the plans are going to take longer to be realized.

05-12-2009, 01:29 PM
very interesting stores, i have to take my teen crazy niece to dots, last time i took her shopping i gave her 100.00 not much but it was just to get her some clothes while she was in town from san diego she came down in nov with t-shirts and shorts!!! I told her to go get what she needed, and sweatshirt-hoddie, 1 pair of sweatpants and a cheap looking bracelet!!!!!! I almost went into panic mode on how that costed 100.00, but things are way to expensive at the malls, so when my niece comes down this june i will take to to check dots out.

05-12-2009, 03:34 PM
To only do "upscale" would be silly. Incomes are good in Norman, but for a large development they have to think "numbers" (masses). The place is nice and filling-up. "Upscale" has been tried and doesn't work in every economy, like the flat one we are in now (in OK) especially. Just drive to 50 Penn Place to see the evidence.

05-18-2009, 10:14 AM
^I'm amazed to see that no one appreciated in their comments this guy chose Norman when he could have gone and set up shop anywhere he pleased to. If some customers fly in from Florida to have a hair cut at his place (like the article mentions) and come in from other places as well, not only is his place doing well, it also means Norman and perhaps the rest of the metro is getting visitors who might not otherwise have heard/seen the city. And since he has been booked for appearances on two reality T.V. shows it might just give Norman some airtime.

And yep, despite it being very clear, it does need repeating. The upscale shops are solely going to be put in the Lifestyle Center, which will be constructed only after the park is complete or is nearing completion. The Lifestyle Center will be located on the east side of 24th.

05-18-2009, 03:50 PM
I'm getting my hair colored/highlighted this week at Scott Risk. I will report back on the results.

Although, I did a google search for him..typed in Scott Risk Las Vegas..and basically nothing turned up besides interviews he had already done with reporters from Oklahoma. I'm hoping he lives up to the hype and that my hair will look good when I leave the salon.

05-19-2009, 05:53 AM
Get some chik filet, a newspaper or mag, and sit outside for an hour the day before.
If you like what you see, keep the appointment. If not, kick me a note and I'll find out from she who must never be trifled with just where her fav fixer Mike is set up these days.

05-23-2009, 03:52 PM
Scott Risk Hair studio is run like a beauty school, but without the cheap prices. Unless you specifically request for Scott Risk, BEWARE: there are several 'interns' and other associates that work there that have no clue as to what they are doing. The guy who did my highlights was having a really hard time. The foils kept on falling off my head, and the end result wasn't good. My hair is blonde, and the highlights came out red. Red as in copper, penny red.

Instead of acknowledging the mistake, they tried to blame it on ME, saying that my hair is "difficult"...That just shows their inexperience. That whole wine or beer thing in the article is a joke as well. I wasn't even offered any, and I am 24 years old (past the legal age to drink).

I will not be back and can't recommend this salon to anyone. There are much better salons in Norman- Salon Zen/Studio Zen. I know Scott Risk Salon have has some positive reviews online, but that is primarily their marketing crew (and yes...they DO have one) writing them up.

The only person who actually knew what he was doing, was Scott Risk himself. But he charges $70 a like I was saying, there are better stylists out there for almost half the price. But if you have money to burn, then go ahead and try out the salon. Most of the clients at Scott Risk are middle-aged women to senior citizens... people with money to burn.