View Full Version : Current US Volcano Activity

05-05-2009, 06:13 PM
Even though technically the eruption at Redoubt hasn't stopped, AVO has put out stronger wording today that the lava dome growth has reached a point that failure could happen any day causing another large ejection of ash and debris.

Alaska Volcano Observatory - Redoubt - Activity Page (

For those who haven't been following, they have 3 live webcams now...all 3 are linked below. The HUT cam has a new zoom feature, so every now and then they'll have it focused on the lava dome and at night you can see the glow of the rock.

05-05-2009, 06:30 PM
beautiful. Thanks for the update!

05-05-2009, 06:57 PM
Here is a close up of the lava dome incase people don't know what to look for:

AVO's description: View of the growing lava dome during gas and observation flight on May 4, 2009. Note the tongue of blocky lava extending down the upper Drift gorge. A lighter gray slope of talus - rocky debris shed off the slowly advancing tongue of lava - fills the gorge downslope. Colleague Rick Wessels used a shortwave infrared (SWIR) image captured by a nighttime pass of Landsat 7 to show the dimensions of the dome - about 510 x 760 m (1700 feet x 2500 feet) and at least 150 m (500 feet) high. See image number 18418.

05-05-2009, 07:56 PM
Forgot to post their more detailed statement:

2009-05-05 06:59:43 - VAN/VONA
Current activity at Redoubt volcano suggests that a significant explosive event is likely, though not certain, in the coming days. This event could occur at any time with little or no warning. Since about May 2 shallow earthquake activity beneath the actively growing lava dome of Redoubt volcano has been slowly increasing. The growing lava dome is becoming increasingly unstable.

Should a significant explosion occur, the event will likely produce high altitude (>30,000 ft ASL) ash plumes, trace to minor ash fall in parts of south-central Alaska, lahars in the Drift River Valley, and pyroclastic flows in the immediate vicinity of the volcano.

AVO continues 24/7 operations and is monitoring the situation closely. AVO will provide frequent updates of the volcano's status and the earliest possible warning of significant explosive activity and other hazardous phenomena.

Most recent:

2009-05-05 15:38:39
Seismic activity remains at an elevated level at Redoubt Volcano, and the lava dome in the summit crater continues to grow. An explosive event due to dome collapse, from instability of the growing dome, or due to internal depressurization could occur at any time. An explosion may produce a high altitude (>30,000 ft ASL) ash plume, trace to minor ash fall in parts of south-central Alaska, lahars in the Drift River valley, and pyroclastic flows in the immediate vicinity of the volcano.

AVO continues 24/7 operations and is monitoring the situation closely.

One of the close by seismic reader things. LOL

05-05-2009, 11:02 PM
2009-05-05 18:12:19
Over the last 2 hours, seismic activity has consisted primarily of repetitive events occurring several times per minute as well as more continuous volcanic tremor. Similar seismicity was observed prior to the Redoubt explosions in March and April 2009. AVO is monitoring the situation closely and the observatory is staffed 24 per hours day.

05-06-2009, 01:22 AM
Looks like part of the lava dome is collapsing right now as the webcams do show what appears to be some ash being kicked up in the air. Also the seismic readings would indicate that a minor collapse is occurring or leading up to a major one.

05-06-2009, 01:24 AM
This volcano is committing suicide.

05-06-2009, 01:45 AM
2009-05-05 22:31:11
Since about 9:58PM AKDT this evening, seismicity at Redoubt has changed from discrete, repeating events, to continuous tremor. Small ash bursts are sending ash to less than 12,000 feet above sea level. Winds are carrying the low-level ash and steam plume towards the east. We will continue to monitor this evolving situation closely.

Oh GAWD the Smell!
05-06-2009, 02:44 AM
This is pretty cool.

05-08-2009, 12:38 AM
Redoubt seismic activity has come way down from where it was, so looks like things are okay for right now. There is still a chance that an explosive event could happen any day regardless due to the unstable nature of the lava dome.

Now, tonight AVO has raised the Veniaminof Volcano to Code: YELLOW due to increase seismic activity and steaming at the crater. They do have a webcam on this one as well, it is kind of hard to see...if you look right on the horizon of the land, it is just to the right of center. The camera is also broke, but who knows when it will be fixed (linking anyways).

Over the past day, earthquake activity has increased at Mount Veniaminof volcano. This increase is a significant change from normal background activity and AVO is increasing the Aviation Color Code to YELLOW and the Volcano Alert Level to ADVISORY.

Visual reports today from Perryville indicate typical steaming from the summit caldera cone that has been the site of activity over recent years. No ash has been observed or detected in satellite images, but low-level ash emissions could occur with very little additional warning.

Currently the earthquakes are small in magnitude but are registering across the entire seismic network. Seismicity rates are high and have varied between 5-10 earthquakes per hour during quieter periods to 1-3 earthquakes per minute during more intense activity.

Please note that the Veniaminof web camera is currently not operating. Plans have been made to fix this camera, but the time frame is uncertain.