View Full Version : American Idol and Lambert
Bunty 04-29-2009, 10:06 PM Weren't many of you as shocked as I was in seeing Adam Lambert nearly getting booted out, coming in 4th out of 5 tonight, 4/29? I'm still hoping he wins but the results tonight serve as a wake up call for fans of Lambert. I've never taken American Idol so seriously that I have actually before bothered to pick up the phone and voted for one of the contestants, but I think I will do just that next Tuesday night. Lambert brings a type of theatrical showmanship to American Idol I've never seen before. I like it for something different. Maybe some people hate him because whatever song he does slow or fast, he just goes over the top like crazy. But I don't agree. It's entertainment.
Granted, the remaining finalists, such as Allison and Kris are great, too, but I bet I'll vote for Lambert Tuesday night. They will be doing rock then and hopefully that's more of Lambert's thing.
Midtowner 04-29-2009, 11:04 PM I think Andrew Lloyd Weber night would be Lambert's thing.
I was very pleased that the two I voted for were in the top two.
I was shocked to see Adam in the bottom two.
kevinpate 04-30-2009, 07:09 AM For the most part I feel blessed this show only infected my house for one of its several tedious seasons. On the other hand, but for the show Carrie Underwood may have remained a small town songbird and I might never have heard her sing.
Like her lyrics or no, the lass has the pipes to belt them out rather well.
Midtowner 04-30-2009, 07:20 AM If Prune is out there, I think he'll join me in agreeing that singers are the most overrated creatures in the world.
FFLady 04-30-2009, 07:27 AM :congrats: Woo-Hoo an American Idol thread!!!!!!!!!!
Ah - Adam Lambert - he can sing, most definitely - but you guys remember when Daughtrey got voted off - this might end up the same way. He's THAT good where he doesn't really need the title to go places. My guess is that Danny will win it, in my hearts of all hearts, I love his story, and I think along with his singing abilities, America votes based on that...just my humble opinion, though.
Then again, the producer's could have put Adam in the bottom 3, just to stir the pot.......
TaoMaas 04-30-2009, 07:27 AM I didn't think Adam did that well this week. He had an off night on a week when almost all the others nailed their performances. I thought Danny was the best overall and I probably would have put Kris in second place, slightly above Allison. I still think Adam is head and shoulders above the rest of the finalists, but I think this week may have been a wake-up call to him that if he thinks he can just phone it in from here on out, he's wrong. These other folks are GOOD. Adam needs to finish strong or else one of the other remaining three could overtake him at the wire.
kmf563 04-30-2009, 07:54 AM Daughtry didn't win because it was a given he was going to. That's exactly what happened to Adam last night. Everyone just assumes he will win so they didn't vote. Thank the Phantom of the Opera that he didn't. He won't lose votes again. I think his rock will surprise everyone, he loves to do exactly the opposite of what people expect him to do. And does it well.
TaoMaas 04-30-2009, 08:55 AM I wasn't a viewer of AI when Daughtery was in the competition. I've only started watching it since I got re-married a couple of years ago. My wife is a fan and she's pulled me into it. (That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! lol) Adam is probably the most complete performer I've seen on the show since I've been watching it. He seems to be born to be a Broadway star, yet I could easily see him fronting a rock band or even being a solo artist. It really just depends on where he wants to apply himself. However, sometimes when young folks are handed such a blank page, they end up doing nothing because they can't decide which way to go. I'll be curious to see where he goes from here.
On a side Danny Gokey the shape of things to come? If any of you have attended some of the mega-churches in the OKC area, I'm sure you're aware that there is some KILLER talent performing on Sunday mornings. The band, The Uglysuit, which has received recognition by Rolling Stone magazine, has at least one member who has played (or is playing) in his church's band. It makes me wonder how many other budding stars are honing their chops in front of congregations these days. It wouldn't be unusual, you know. More like a rebirth. Didn't Aretha Franklin start out singing in the choir? And Robert Randolph was only heard inside the walls of his church before breaking out. I think we're in for some interesting times in music.
kevinpate 04-30-2009, 09:13 AM There is ample talent being shared in many congregations, most of whom are quite content to be in His service where they are.
TaoMaas 04-30-2009, 09:30 AM There is ample talent being shared in many congregations, most of whom are quite content to be in His service where they are.
True. But there are also those who would welcome an opportunity to have a much larger stage from which they could offer that service. I think we're seeing the tip of the iceberg right now and there will be a new resurgence of talent coming out of churches. Frankly, I think that's a good thing. It helps to make religion "cool" again. If kids are going to emulate someone, it's much better to have them look up to someone from a religious background than a "gangster", ya know?
If kids are going to emulate someone, it's much better to have them look up to someone from a religious background...
Don't say that too loudly around here...
TaoMaas 04-30-2009, 09:38 AM Don't say that too loudly around here...
;)'s false Christians who get people's dander up. Those who are more concerned with the show of being a Christian rather than actually living the values.
FFLady 04-30-2009, 09:59 AM Soooooooo many that Walk Amoung Us............
atlanta159 05-03-2009, 04:22 PM True. But there are also those who would welcome an opportunity to have a much larger stage from which they could offer that service. I think we're seeing the tip of the iceberg right now and there will be a new resurgence of talent coming out of churches. Frankly, I think that's a good thing. It helps to make religion "cool" again. If kids are going to emulate someone, it's much better to have them look up to someone from a religious background than a "gangster", ya know?
Carrie couldn't have reached nearly so many people with a song of witness like "Jesus take the wheel" without the national exposure. How many other artists would have the nerve to sing about giving the Lord control? Christian without being 'preachy'. Like it or loathe it, American Idol made that possible.
I just hope that Carrie can remain the same, sweet girl she nows appears to be.
kevinpate 05-03-2009, 08:11 PM ... I just hope that Carrie can remain the same, sweet girl she nows appears to be.
May be too late .. I heard she's already been caught on camera vandalizing some dude's truck.:omg:
(for the humor impaired, yes, it was just a music video)
FFLady 05-06-2009, 07:54 AM Excellent show last night!!! Did you guys watch???
Every week Allison impresses me more and more.
I think Kris can go home.
TaoMaas 05-06-2009, 08:11 AM I think Kris can go home. That's what I'm thinking, too. He's a really nice kid and can sing, but this is boiling down to a shoot-out between Adam, Danny, and Allison. About Kris' performance last night, I told my wife, "It sounded like 'the Beatles go to Branson'."
FFLady 05-06-2009, 08:43 AM I predict Chris will go home as well.....
kmf563 05-06-2009, 09:48 AM I think Danny should go. That screaming was so awful I had to hit mute. Not a good choice for him at all.
venture 05-06-2009, 11:03 AM Dead-Wife-Pimper Danny just comes across as another Soul Patrol train wreck waiting to happen. has been off in its predictions the last couple weeks - with voting being so close, so it is hard to say who is going home. Based off of performances last night...Danny should definitely go home, but he won't. Kris did what we could last night, but probably wasn't enough. I don't know if it would have been better pairing up Danny with Adam to ensure Danny looked horrible last night, or to do what they did to help keep Allison in the competition longer because she is better.
FFLady 05-06-2009, 12:09 PM I know the judges look for "originality" but being as I sooooo dig Janis Joplin music, Allison was spot on with that song......and her & Adam's duet was amazing!
Dead-Wife-Pimper Danny...
FFLady 05-07-2009, 07:06 AM WOW!!!!!!!!!! I totally did not expect THAT last night!!!!!!!!!
Of Sound Mind 05-07-2009, 07:15 AM Shows you how flawed the system is, doesn't it?
Stan Silliman 05-07-2009, 07:38 AM WOW!!!!!!!!!! I totally did not expect THAT last night!!!!!!!!!
That was unexpected. However, her Joplin bit was TOO right on. It was Joplin reincarnated and that cost her in originality points.
That was the same problem with L'il Rounds. Fantastic voice, but everytime she chose a diva's song, she did it exactly like Aretha or Tina Turner. Great impersonation skills but no distinct self.
Allison is young and has a head start on a great career.
TaoMaas 05-07-2009, 08:04 AM WOW!!!!!!!!!! I totally did not expect THAT last night!!!!!!!!!
I can't say that I didn't think it was a possibility, but it was NOT the outcome I had hoped for. I think Allison is more distinctive than Kris, but I'm not the only one voting, so what can I say? The only thing that would have surprised me was if Adam had been the one voted out.
venture 05-07-2009, 08:08 AM Unfortunately, DialIdol got it exactly right last night. - Measuring the busy signal. (
#1 Adam Lambert - Score: 22.81 - Rank Prediction: 1 to 2
#2 Danny Gokey - Score: 19.41 - Rank Prediction: 1 to 4
#3 Kris Allen - Score: 14.72 - Rank Prediction: 2 to 4
#4 Allison Iraheta - Score: 14.04 - Rank Prediction: 2 to 4 (result 4th)
They haven't been as accurate this year as they were previous years, do to the large amount of text voting taking place. Their scores are based off a formula of measuring busy signals on the call in numbers.
Personally Allison and Adam should have been the final 2, but sometimes going out early isn't a bad thing (last night had the best example on stage performing). There is a LARGE fan base for Gokey and that is going to make it hard for Kris to break. I expect a lot of voting block for Allison to move to Adam, but i think others will go to Kris. I don't see Gokey picking up her fans. I could be wrong though. The dreaded week of contestants and judges choice this could make are break it for Kris. Adam I think will get enough flexibility to continue putting on his weekly concert. Gokey has to be careful. I think judges may test him more than Adam in a song choice, but if his pick is another sappy song about losing the one you love - I will start drinking again.
venture 05-07-2009, 08:12 AM Shows you how flawed the system is, doesn't it?
How flawed is it when the public picks? Honestly, I would like to see them go to a format of "So You Think You Can Dance". America votes and the bottom 2 to 4 vote getters have to do a 30 second performance for their life on the show. The judges then pick who is safe and who goes home. The judge's save this year I think is the first step in that direction, but it needs to go farther. Do the really want another pick (Danny Gokey) to become the American Idol winner (Taylor Hicks)?
Slippery slope...but I think they should implement that type of voting through at least the Top 4 or 5. Then let it all rest on the voters. If that was the case last night, Kris or Danny would have gone...not Allison.
Of Sound Mind 05-07-2009, 08:16 AM How flawed is it when the public picks?
Because, chiefly, it's not a one-person, one-vote system. And because it's more of a popularity contest rather than a talent contest. It's my biggest complaint with the AI format, which is why I don't watch it much — except for these last few weeks with the rise of Adam Lambert.
TaoMaas 05-07-2009, 09:34 AM How flawed is it when the public picks?
That depends on the portion of the public that is actually doing the voting.
venture 05-07-2009, 11:12 AM Yeah I can see the issue with allowing multiple votes. Not sure how hard it would be for the system to weed out repeat phone numbers that calls or texts are coming from. It would definitely be interesting to see how it impacts the vote standings.
CuatrodeMayo 05-07-2009, 01:01 PM On a related note, I was pretty much creeped out by Paula's lip-synced gyration bit.
On a related note, I was pretty much creeped out by Paula's lip-synced gyration bit.
Although for an almost-fifty-year-old-woman, she's something else!
venture 05-07-2009, 06:33 PM She was better than Gwen and No Doubt. What is with all these "professional" artists coming back and totally sucking it up? The best performers they have had were the returning contestants and idols.
kmf563 05-08-2009, 07:23 AM She was better than Gwen and No Doubt. What is with all these "professional" artists coming back and totally sucking it up? The best performers they have had were the returning contestants and idols.
I concur. I was excited to hear Gwen was back with No Doubt and is touring...until I heard that performance. It was awful. She looked amazing...but she hasn't performed that style of music in so long I think she forgot how.
Paula's lip sync was creepy. But the way she googles over the young boys in the competition is creepy too.
Daughtry was amazing and sounds amazing live. He's just a great performer and all around nice guy.
venture 05-13-2009, 08:02 PM All I can say is thank you America for getting it right. : )
kevinpate 05-14-2009, 04:13 AM > But the way she googles over the young boys in the competition is creepy too.
Cougar's prowl, it's what they do. Don't mess with the laws of nature
FFLady 05-14-2009, 10:07 AM Well - POO !! I'm not playing in this thread anymore......
venture 05-20-2009, 10:00 PM Tonight's finale was probably the best they ever did. I am a huge fan of both Adam and Kris (anybody but Gokey) so tonight could have gone either way and it wouldn't have bothered me. Adam has a career locked up, Kris needed the Idol machine behind him a bit more. All I can say...OMG they actually have Kiss and Queen. Next year they'll be lighting the studio with flash lights since their budget got blown tonight. LOL
TaoMaas 05-21-2009, 04:13 AM I agree that this was the best finale they've had so far. I think Adam got robbed, though. My wife was so mad that she's swearing to never watch AI again....and she's been an ardent fan since the show started. She was threatening to turn on the parental controls and block Fox entirely, but I stopped her. lol
Stan Silliman 05-21-2009, 04:56 AM I agree that this was the best finale they've had so far. I think Adam got robbed, though. My wife was so mad that she's swearing to never watch AI again....and she's been an ardent fan since the show started. She was threatening to turn on the parental controls and block Fox entirely, but I stopped her. lol
My wife can commiserate with yours. She doesn't understand, feels like there is some sort of backlash going on, maybe a black lash backlash.
venture 05-21-2009, 05:37 AM Honestly, that song they have to do as the first single...Adam got the better deal and Kris is going to get screwed by it.
My wife actually predicted that Kris would win. I told her she's crazy, there's no way he'd win. I offered to bet her any amount of money that Adam would win and Kris would lose. Thankfully, she turned down my offer. Whew!
venture 05-21-2009, 06:36 AM - Measuring the busy signal. (
Definitely shows how close it was.
FFLady 05-21-2009, 07:03 AM WHAT A SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I can say - I really didn't care who won, being as I was an Allison/Danny "fan"....but MAN! WHAT A SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!
kmf563 05-21-2009, 07:18 AM I'm glad Kris won. He needed it more and will now have a great career with his year as the idol king. Adam however could have gotten cut back at the top 10 and would still have blown up. He now gets to immediately get to work (after the idol tour) and will get to work with names like Queen and Slash. Poor Kris has to do that horrible horrible song that Kara wrote. He is a great singer though and I think America will forgive him for that song once he gets to do his own stuff. How about that duet with Keith Urban? HOT.
I was so proud of Adam wearing the Kiss shoes btw! LOL. What a dream to be able to do that. He had me hooked a long time ago, but last night just blew me away.
I think if Gokey could have sang with Lionel Ritchie the entire season he may have had a better chance! I'm not a fan, but he did really well last night with that.
FFLady 05-21-2009, 07:39 AM Hopefully Chris can stay "grounded"...I think I remember him saying he was newly married....In my opinion - his "new" life could put a damper on that.
Oh and one other comment, Kara can really sing. Poor Rod seemed to struggle a little with his voice - I LOVED him in the 80's!!!!
Karried 05-21-2009, 07:48 AM I could absolutely die. I Have my In-laws in town and we completely missed watching American Idol...omg.. I would have died to see a Duet w Keith Urban.. off to fling myself off a bridge. ugh.
I could absolutely die. I Have my In-laws in town and we completely missed watching American Idol...omg.. I would have died to see a Duet w Keith Urban.. off to fling myself off a bridge. ugh.
Don't they show all of the past programs on Check it out and see if you can watch it there.
Karried 05-21-2009, 08:27 AM Thanks!!!!!!!!!!
It was definitely a VERY entertaining show. I'm happy for Kris. I know Adam has a bright future ahead of him as well. I look forward to seeing what Allison and Danny do now too.
lasomeday 05-21-2009, 08:38 AM I hope Megan's career takes off. I love her voice. She could do a lot of soulful songs.
I am glad Chris won. Adam will make it no matter what. Chris needed a bit more help.
venture 05-21-2009, 09:42 AM Yeah...Kris needed the win to make his career go anywhere. Though I'm not sure he'll be able to do more than say Ruben did when he won. This will probably be a case where Adam is free from that horrible song and can do what he really wants, and will be a case where #2 beats #1 again (Clay and Ruben).
I can still only imagine what it was like, for Adam especially, to sing with Kiss and Queen.
Centerback 05-21-2009, 10:56 AM Strikes me that Adam is looking for a job and Queen needs a new lead-singer...
drumsncode 05-21-2009, 11:26 AM Strikes me that Adam is looking for a job and Queen needs a new lead-singer...
I didn't know Queen was looking for a new singer, so if that's the case, they found their man! I was thinking just that when I saw the performance. Adam is exactly what Queen needed to replace Freddy Mercury, in fact, he's cut from the same cloth in a lot of ways! ;-)
Barring that, Adam could headline at Vegas and do a huge variety of material, including all the costume changes that he surely loves.
I hope Kris Allen releases a really good album. He's got a great voice, but the songs can make you or break you. Example, name two songs from Ruben's first album! (Yeah, see my point?) Ruben has a wonderful voice, but his material really stunk.
CuatrodeMayo 05-21-2009, 12:56 PM Yeah...Kris needed the win to make his career go anywhere. Though I'm not sure he'll be able to do more than say Ruben did when he won. This will probably be a case where Adam is free from that horrible song and can do what he really wants, and will be a case where #2 beats #1 again (Clay and Ruben).
I can still only imagine what it was like, for Adam especially, to sing with Kiss and Queen.