View Full Version : California attorney fights for women's right to go topless

01-23-2005, 04:00 PM
California attorney fights for women's right to go topless

SACRAMENTO — As a Ventura County public defender, Liana Johnsson has handled many life-changing cases, but her biggest public crusade these days has been going topless.

For months, Johnsson has been fighting to allow topless women at California beaches and parks, and now the issue has made its way to the Capitol.

A group of lawyers, at Johnsson's request, has asked the Legislature to make topless sunbathing legal, saying the ban is the last criminal sanction that treats women differently than men.

The new movement has urgency: Because of a December court ruling, Johnsson and other attorneys contend, women convicted of indecent exposure could find themselves listed as sex offenders under Megan's Law, alongside rapists and child molesters.

"At some point, men's breasts became liberated and women's didn't," Johnsson said Friday. "This is the only thing left that men are legally allowed to do and, for women, they have to register as a sex offender. The real issue is there should be equal protection under the law."


This is something as freedom loving Americans, we should all get behind. Should the courts recognize a woman's right to bear her breasts in public -- especially for the purpose of avoiding unsightly tan lines, I think a great victory for freedom will have been won.

God bless America and California.

01-23-2005, 06:40 PM
I believe in the right to bear arms, but not sure about bearing breasts, although I have seen some men without shirts on that really needed to wear a bra:eek: .

I don't see this coming in to law, which is a good thing. Face it, as human beings, the male is the one that gets real excited about seeing topless women. Unfortunately, there are many perverts out there who would take advantage of a topless woman, and more chances that a topless woman would be attacked, and possibly raped.

No, I don't have facts that this will happen, it is just my opinion.

01-23-2005, 06:56 PM
Imagine how many MORE lawyers there will be to represent the women who want to sue all the men who "stare at my breasts." Because that's harassement.

I'm sure going topless will solve all the worlds problems.

Side note: Something clever I heard once: Harass is one word, not two. Heh heh.

01-23-2005, 10:17 PM
Strictly speaking, Americans are extremely prude when it comes to nudity for the most part.

01-24-2005, 01:26 PM
Yeah, cause what we need is MORE legislation. Personally, I would prefer to see men be forced to wear shirts. I've seen a lot more that offends my sensibilities from guys that just need to be covered. And just imagine, the entire plumbing industry might need to be fined for indecent exposure. :)

01-24-2005, 05:20 PM
Its legal in other parts of the country, especially places in south florida. I dont see why california is any different