View Full Version : Salazar Roofing - Need Advice

04-21-2009, 08:55 PM
Ok, this is something that is bothering me, so I wanted you guys' opinions. Let me preface this by saying that I know Salazar Roofing is a great company, in Yukon where I live, great reputation, and several of my neighbors are using them. This is the only reason I am giving them this much leeway, but I've had it. Here goes:

So my wife and I decided to get our house painted and new gutters. I called Salazar Roofing after the last hail storm to inspect our roof.

The first guy was named Frank. He calls me, he said he was going to come to our house, and inspect the roof one day. I didn't need to be there. He said he would call me later that day to let me know. Fine. So the day goes by, next day goes by, no call. So I call him. He's an independent contractor from TX that knows Mr. Salazar. He was here to help with the hail storm. He forgot to call me to tell me he had to get back to Texas ASAP. He was very nice and apologetic, and asked me to call Salazar back to set up another inspection. Fine, I did.

This time, Eric Salazar, the son of the owner calls me. I asked him to inspect the roof, and give a quote on new gutters. I also explained to him that we wanted to have the house repainted as well, and wanted to know if the gutters could be repainted. He said that they can do the house painting also. He said he would have a guy with him for the estimating on the paint and gutters. So he comes out that night. He asked me if the other guy came, and I said I hadn't seen him. We had only been home for an hour. So he goes to his truck, calls the guy and gets all the info. He goes up on the roof, there's no damage that needs immediate attention. Great! So he said that I would need new fascia board all around the house for the gutters. This was true because mine are rotten. He quoted me $3,000 to repaint, and put new gutters with fascia up. I didn't realize it would be so much. So he did some figuring and came back with $2,800. So I told him I would think about it, and get back to him.

I call him back a week later saying that we want to do it. Eric said he would come out to the house the next night at 5:30 to have me sign a contract. So the next night, 5:30 rolls around, no Eric, 6:30, no Eric. In the mean time, I probably called him 5 times, and also left him a message. Days go by, no call. So we give him the benefit of the doubt hoping that he didn't fall off a roof or something. So I call the main office, and leave a message. No call.

Finally, a week later, I call Eric, he answers. He says his phone got stolen, and he didn't have my number because it was in his old phone. Fine. So he says he'll be at the house the next night around 5:30. So the next night, he comes by, late of course. We go over everything, I told him we hadn't picked a color yet. He said that was no problem, and to call him once we do. So I sign the contract for $2,800. I also tell him that we will have to wait until after 4/23 (this Thursday). He said that was fine. He asked me if he could put a sign in my yard. I told him that was fine. He said he would come back the next day with one, as he was out at the moment. No sign in the yard yet.

So we pick a color, I called him almost 2 weeks ago, and left him a message about getting the sample to him. Still no call back, and still no sign in the yard.

This all took place between the end of February to March 24th. So supposedly, now we should be getting all this set up.

I can't tell you how frustrated I am. I don't know if this Eric is just worthless or what. The neighbors that I spoke of have signs in there yard that say ask for Tom or something else. My next door neighbor had Eric come out to look at their roof, and he never called them back, so they went with another company. There roof was totaled, so that was a huge missed opportunity.

I really need to get my house painted, and the gutters especially as they are falling down. I also let Eric know of this in my message to him about the color. I have paid them no money, but did sign a contract. What should I do? Does anyone know the Salazar's?

Thank you for bearing with me, and I appreciate any help. I don't know what other company I could hire to do painting, guttering, and woodwork. We've only owned our home for 3 years, so don't have a lot of experience with this stuff.

04-21-2009, 09:04 PM
Today is the 21st so Maybe Eric was waiting until after the 23rd which is Thursday ( you told him you'd have to wait until the 23rd) ? Maybe he thought you meant contact him then?

Regardless, he should return your calls. That is completely unacceptable.

If you haven't paid yet, I'm not sure what your contract states but I would not, and I repeat, NOT pay a dime until the work is completed.

Check out BBB and google the company name, if you read negative reviews and change your mind, leave him one last message..and see how fast he returns your calls then.

04-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Salazar Roofing & Construction, Yukon, OK, 73099 - YELLOWPAGES.COM (

04-21-2009, 09:08 PM
Today is the 21st so Maybe Eric was waiting until after the 23rd which is Thursday ( you told him you'd have to wait until the 23rd) ? Maybe he thought you meant contact him then?

Regardless, he should return your calls. That is completely unacceptable.

If you haven't paid yet, I'm not sure what your contract states but I would not, and I repeat, NOT pay a dime until the work is completed.

Check out BBB and google the company name, if you read negative reviews and change your mind, leave him one last message..and see how fast he returns your calls then.

Thanks Karrie. I did do a BBB search before I hired them. They have an A-, and have resolved all their issues. I didn't find any negative ratings for them. Also, the payment is due within 30 days of the work being complete, so they will not get any money. He understood that I meant that we would need to not start the work until after April 23rd. He asked me to call him as soon as we picked a color, and he would get the color from me. So I just did as he said.

04-27-2009, 05:39 PM
Well, I left him one more message today at about 5:30. We'll see what happens. I think the next step will be to see if I can get a hold of Mr. Salazar (Mike I think.)

04-28-2009, 05:49 PM
No call back......I called the main office, and left a message for Mr. Salazar. I think I may need to start a new thread about looking for painters that do woodwork too. I don't think finding someone to do the gutters would be hard.

I'm new to home improvements. Any help would really really be appreciated!

04-29-2009, 08:10 AM
I've used Salazar before (supposively they are the best around), I won't say they are good or bad, but I will say I was'nt impressed. I think they were way overpriced compared to the other bids we got, and I believe they only guaranteed their work for 90 days, and we found someone that would guarantee the same work for a year. Needless to say, Salazar did the first job, and then we used the other person for jobs after that.

05-02-2009, 04:04 PM
No call back......I called the main office, and left a message for Mr. Salazar. I think I may need to start a new thread about looking for painters that do woodwork too. I don't think finding someone to do the gutters would be hard.

I'm new to home improvements. Any help would really really be appreciated!

Never got a call back from Mr. Salazar. I'm guessing they don't want the job. My wife's friend at work lives in Yukon also, and said that they are notorious for not calling people back once they do an estimate. Maybe they pick and choose. I've started a new thread about painters, and have received a lot of help. Thank you all.

05-03-2009, 08:54 AM
I absolutely cannot stand contractors that are 'too busy' to return phone calls. Give me a break. Pick up the phone and return the call. Show up when you say you will and do what you promised.

05-03-2009, 10:21 AM
I absolutely cannot stand contractors that are 'too busy' to return phone calls. Give me a break. Pick up the phone and return the call. Show up when you say you will and do what you promised.

I agree 100%! It's ridiculous. The irony here is, well if my roof gets totaled this year, which by the way things are going is a good chance. Guess who will be doing the job, not Salazar!

If they decided they did not want the paint job, all they would have needed to do is tell me. I would have understood, but they were the one's that offered the service in the first place!

05-03-2009, 05:59 PM
I have a client who is having a similar problem with Salazar right now. They have finished the job but have a few fixes to make and it has been probably four weeks now that he has been waiting. He has not paid them yet for any of the job so they definitely have incentive to get back out and fix the job. Sounds like they have overextended themselves with too many jobs.