View Full Version : Thunderf00t vs. VenomFangX

04-15-2009, 11:25 PM
While the war seems to have enlisted many for both sides, those two remain the icons for their respective sides. For those of you who are in the dark, VenomFangX is a creationist in the mold of Kent Hovind and Thunderf00t (either M.S. or Ph.D, he doesn't say) is a proponent of science, to include evolutionary science.

It all started in 2007 when VFX started making videos, essentially plagiarizing Hovind's material. Thunderf00t swung first with his popular video series, "Why do people laugh at creationists?". There is a total of 29 videos in the course with a fair chance for more. Since the rivalry began nearly a year and half ago, thousands have joined in and taken up arms against the opposition.

VFX is known for his erratic behavior and his tendency to censor his opposition in any way possible, while Thunderf00t is famous for his soothing lectures that are delivered with the slightest tone of sarcastic humor. Notably, VFX's attempts to silence his opposition led him to abuse the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) feature on YouTube, for which he later apologized in the highly-mocked and mirrored video "VenomFangX apologizes to the internets".

Since it all began in late 2007, many have risen to become popular advocates for each side with all displaying characteristics of their respective icon, Thunderf00t or VenomFangX. Whether your looking for education or entertainment, I highly recommend the following.

YouTube - Thunderf00t's Channel (
YouTube - VenomFangX's Channel (

Those who have made themselves well-known in this debate:

In Thunderf00t's corner...
YouTube - QualiaSoup's Channel ( (my favorite)
YouTube - dprjones's Channel (
YouTube - AronRa's Channel (
YouTube - ThetaOmega's Channel (
YouTube - DonExodus2's Channel (
YouTube - FFreeThinker's Channel (

Allying themselves with VenomFangX are...
YouTube - jezuzfreek777's Channel (
YouTube - NephilimFree's Channel (
YouTube - fool4alifetime's Channel (
YouTube - DiscoveryInstitute's Channel (