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04-13-2009, 02:58 PM
Does anyone remember when the welfare services provided real food? It was
that awesome commodity food. The cheese and peanut butter was great.
The meat was good, too.

How do I know this? They didn't want the food, they wanted the money so
we'd buy it for next to nothing. They'd always give the powdered milk away
because nobody would use it. We hippies had connections :-)

I'd like to find some of that cheese and peanut butter. Does anyone know
where it came from? I heard a rumor that the cheese was kept in Mammoth
Cave. That's in Kentucky. The temperature never got above or below 65.

04-13-2009, 03:00 PM
I'll give them food, but I won't give them any money. And for all the tax free making hundreds a day nonsense - give me a break. What a glamorous life that is... standing on a streetcorner in the rain/snow/cold begging for money and food.

Who suggested it was glamorous? Or desirable? As for it being "nonsense," well, you'll have to go back to the person who said it while refusing the opportunity to work.

I was merely reporting the experience of some people who really thought they were helping someone by getting them a job, and found those efforts spewed back in their face.

04-13-2009, 03:11 PM
Who suggested it was glamorous? Or desirable? As for it being "nonsense," well, you'll have to go back to the person who said it while refusing the opportunity to work.

I was merely reporting the experience of some people who really thought they were helping someone by getting them a job, and found those efforts spewed back in their face.

I don't doubt the fact they refused work. I see where you are coming from. But I really find it hard to believe that these people are making hundreds a day sitting on a corner.

04-13-2009, 03:16 PM
I'm not naive, I'm not stupid and I don't have any reason or need to 'pacify' my conscious.

What I don't like here is the idea that every single person holding a sign or asking for help is a scheming, money grubbing, loser, good for nothing drug addict or alcoholic just trying to screw you out of a buck.

I hate the ridiculous sense of superiority that some people have 'looking down your nose at those less fortunate. I'm so much better than you because I was so perfect and did the right thing and life worked out for me.. sucks to be you doesn't it? '

ugh. And I hate these threads... and I hate defending myself over and over because I do care about a person (for whatever reason) standing out in rain or snow or smothering heat and now reduced to begging for loose change. And I hate that so many in our society could give a crap. So sue me.

04-13-2009, 03:16 PM
Does anyone know the going rate for the "Welfare Credit Card"? You know,
the one that replaced food stamps in order to help their (lol) self esteem.

They were getting 30 to 40 cents on the dollar for food stamps. Is it the
same with the Welfare Credit Card?

I don't know. Seems like I went to a workshop, shelter or something a year or more ago about the "homeless coupon program" and they said something to the tune like 5 coupons and they could get a beer, 20 and they could get something like a joint, sex, etc.

Also watched an YouTube video from a pastor or someone who works with the homeless and was talking from an interesting perspective stating that the homeless person might need the money more than they need you to buy them a $1 cheeseburger from McDonalds, etc. Sometimes they have serious addictions to drugs and quitting cold turkey could cause serious medical damage, coma, etc. Sometimes they need the money to buy protection from getting beat up or killed, etc. Makes you think whose place is it really to judge if you're put in an opportunity to help someone out.

04-13-2009, 03:21 PM
I represent a lot of homeless people. The idea that they're all raking in the money is ridiculous. Are there a few who have made decent cash doing it? Sure, maybe one out of a thousand. I know a handful of people who make a lot of money gambling at casinos. That doesn't mean everyone who goes in there comes out rich. Hell, if begging for change gave you enough money to buy a nice house and drive a Hummer, then I'm the dumbass for going to law school.

The vast majority of homeless people have mental illnesses and drug addictions. Yes, if you give them money, some of it will probably go to feeding their addiction. Work? Most of them have mental illnesses that make work difficult if they're not getting medication. You want to help them? Donate to shelters and places like the Jesus House.

Of course, the homeless problem in OKC is minimal compared to most large cities.

04-13-2009, 03:27 PM
I think the topic we've been discussing is panhandling. Most of the poor don't do it - in fact, relatively few do. I absolutely agree that it is a wonderful thing to donate to shelters and places like Jesus House. People who live there really do tend to be down on their luck for a variety of reasons. You can agree or disagree with those reasons but the bottom line is that they are in need. People panhandling may or may not be a scammers.

04-13-2009, 03:54 PM
I don't doubt the fact they refused work. I see where you are coming from.
But I really find it hard to believe that these people are making hundreds a
day sitting on a corner.

I doubt it, too. But they ain't hurtin'. I would guess it's between $50 and

60 Minutes did a spot about street musicians in NYC, @ 1985. They were
admitting to bringing home $35,000 + a year. Of course it was tax free and
most of them were on some sort of welfare. 35 large in 85 was good bread!
Even in NYC.

04-13-2009, 04:03 PM
I'm not naive, I'm not stupid and I don't have any reason or need to 'pacify'
my conscious... etc...

Some people can be very ugly, and that's not a good thing. You're doing
what your heart tells you to do. There's nothing wrong with that. We're
only pointing out that the majority of them are phony.

Wanting to help the unfortunate is admirable. Most of us are skeptical
because of past experiences. I've learned to never give money. I have a
bag that our church puts together. It's food and some evangelical material.
MOSTLY food. I will only give it to one person, once. If I see them on the
corner again, they get nothing.

You should continue to do what you honestly and truly believe is the right
thing to do. At the same time, we should warn others of being taken
advantage of.

Nobody should call you stupid or naive.

04-13-2009, 04:05 PM
I represent a lot of homeless people.

We're not talking about the homeless, aka winos, drug addicts, transients

We ARE talking about scammers.

04-13-2009, 04:15 PM
I'm not naive, I'm not stupid and I don't have any reason or need to 'pacify' my conscious.

What I don't like here is the idea that every single person holding a sign or asking for help is a scheming, money grubbing, loser, good for nothing drug addict or alcoholic just trying to screw you out of a buck.

I hate the ridiculous sense of superiority that some people have 'looking down your nose at those less fortunate. I'm so much better than you because I was so perfect and did the right thing and life worked out for me.. sucks to be you doesn't it? '

ugh. And I hate these threads... and I hate defending myself over and over because I do care about a person (for whatever reason) standing out in rain or snow or smothering heat and now reduced to begging for loose change. And I hate that so many in our society could give a crap. So sue me.


Easy Girl:...There are so many of them tht work for one person...Who then gives them a small portion of the monies collected....On the corner of Reno and Eastern one time a guy had a sign said "why Lie" I need a cigarette and a beer....I stopped said "Really?" he said yes...I told him to tear up the sign and get off the street and I'd go get him a beer and a pack of cigarettes. He did and I did...six pack and a cigarettes.....One of the other guys started begging for a beer and the guy told him to get his boss to buy him one....Maybe I was wrong but, He got off the street for that part of time....We did some work with the Church one time and the big boss was really upset with the workers.....Yes some of them work for another guy..... and he challenged us about what we were doing.....Police are always close enough......But it's not going to change...In Las Vegas, they have to have a permit to panhandle.....How does that work?

04-13-2009, 04:32 PM
The group that runs the Memorial & Penn area make some bank. I was eating in that Wendy's when one of the guys came in to count how much he had, he prob had over $100 in ones, just for that day. My guess is it is all tax free!

I figure if they need food or clothing, I can help. When it comes to money, until I am 100% debt free, I need it just as much as they do.

I believe this is the career path they chose to do. If you can stand/sit on the corner all day begging for money, you can stand behind a register and say "Can I take your order" or "Welcome to Walmart" (nothing against those jobs). The fact is they can make more begging for money, it is tax free, that is why they do it.

04-13-2009, 04:39 PM
I believe this is the career path they chose to do.

You nailed it on the head.

DUH! It's the career path they chose to do. Whether we want to believe it or
not, there are many, many jobs available with no experience necessary. In
fact they'll train you. Has anyone looked in the Sunday Oklahoman? Don't
tell me they can't find work.

Panhandling is easy and non-taxable. I'll bet they vote democrat, too. Hey!
That means they voted for BO! Go figure.

04-13-2009, 04:41 PM
For over a year I worked at a place in DC and I had to go through an underpass to get to my office. It wasn't a scary place - foot traffic went through there and was intended to. The Metro stop was on one side of the track and you had to walk under the track to get to the offices.

The tunnel was full of panhandlers and usually the same ones. I got to work, early, about 7:30 (had to catch the Metro an hour earlier than that to get to work on time - made for long days). I'd leave at 5:00 every evening and sometimes I would cut through there to go to lunch if I wanted to go to one of the restaurants on the other side of the tunnel.

One lady was there day in and day out, rain or shine. She was standing - not sitting - all day, everyday. Clearly not unable to work. She'd vacation in Colorado during two months in the winter (she had family there) but she stayed during the tourist season because she made good money. I got friendly with her (never gave her any money) and she explained that she worked for a guy and this was better than hooking. She shared her take with him in exchange for protection. She had an apartment and liked to cook. One day, she just didn't show up. I changed jobs about three weeks later but never saw her, again. I don't know if she went on vacation or what, but I changed jobs in November so maybe that was it.

04-13-2009, 04:49 PM
Hey! How many of you have been approached by black guys wanting some
change? Here's the clincher, how many of you have had the "racist" card
thrown in your face if you refuse?

Here's what I do and it works every time. When anyone approaches me,
whether at a gas station or on the street in Bricktown, I always ask them if
they have $20 they can give me. You should see the looks on their faces.
It also nips the "racist" card in the bud. I have turned the tables on a few
black guys, it's always black guys and not gals, and played the "racist" card
against them.

It's a riot to see them try to squirm out of it.

04-13-2009, 04:51 PM

Easy Girl:...There are so many of them tht work for one person...Who then gives them a small portion of the monies collected....On the corner of Reno and Eastern one time a guy had a sign said "why Lie" I need a cigarette and a beer....I stopped said "Really?" he said yes...I told him to tear up the sign and get off the street and I'd go get him a beer and a pack of cigarettes. He did and I did...six pack and a cigarettes.....One of the other guys started begging for a beer and the guy told him to get his boss to buy him one....Maybe I was wrong but, He got off the street for that part of time....We did some work with the Church one time and the big boss was really upset with the workers.....Yes some of them work for another guy..... and he challenged us about what we were doing.....Police are always close enough......But it's not going to change...In Las Vegas, they have to have a permit to panhandle.....How does that work?

As said earlier, OKC requires a permit to legally panhandle as well....:woowoo:

04-13-2009, 04:54 PM
Hey! How many of you have been approached by black guys wanting some
change? Here's the clincher, how many of you have had the "racist" card
thrown in your face if you refuse?

Here's what I do and it works every time. When anyone approaches me,
whether at a gas station or on the street in Bricktown, I always ask them if
they have $20 they can give me. You should see the looks on their faces.
It also nips the "racist" card in the bud. I have turned the tables on a few
black guys, it's always black guys and not gals, and played the "racist" card
against them.

It's a riot to see them try to squirm out of it.

Messing with panhandlers/homeless people is a good way to get hurt or worse. A lot of those people are mentally ill.

04-13-2009, 04:57 PM
Here's another trick I've learned.

How many of you have been approached by someone who says they're from
Lawton and they need money for a serpentine belt or a water pump? I'll bet
I've heard those stories 20 times. By the way, in Tulsa they say they're
from Bethany. LOL!

At any rate, they always need $32 dollars and 12 cents, or something like
that to make it sound real.

The last guy to pull that stunt on me got a taste of reality. I asked him if
he was going to install the serpentine belt, himself? He said yes and that it
was an easy job. This guy said he had a Yukon. Have you ever tried to
put a serpentine belt on a Yukon, or any late model GMC truck? You ain't
gonna do it without the tools and unless you're a competent mechanic,
which he said he wasn't.

Pay attention, they're almost always from Lawton and the kids are asleep in
the truck.

This thread is killing me!

04-13-2009, 04:58 PM
I don't doubt the fact they refused work. I see where you are coming from. But I really find it hard to believe that these people are making hundreds a day sitting on a corner.

As a Sacker and knowing how I get tips ranging from $20 to $50 each 4 hours day, I can easily see how these people out on the streets making a few hundreds each day. They stand out there for like 8 to 10 hours and considering the traffic (thousands of vehicles) passing them, they have a greater chance at getting so much for basically lil to no work.

Do what I do (and I learned this from the other Sackers), scan the people, just as I scan the customers. I try my best to remember the customers, their tip history, and the feeling of how likely they are to tip or not. The same way as everyone driving by the people, keep notes on them and monitor their activities will probably give you an idea if they're scammers or seriously need help.

04-13-2009, 05:06 PM
As a Sacker and knowing how I get tips ranging from $20 to $50 each 4 hours day, I can easily see how these people out on the streets making a few hundreds each day. They stand out there for like 8 to 10 hours and considering the traffic (thousands of vehicles) passing them, they have a greater chance at getting so much for basically lil to no work.

Do what I do (and I learned this from the other Sackers), scan the people, just as I scan the customers. I try my best to remember the customers, their tip history, and the feeling of how likely they are to tip or not. The same way as everyone driving by the people, keep notes on them and monitor their activities will probably give you an idea if they're scammers or seriously need help.

Sorry, must be another Oklahoma/south thing. Sacker? Is that like a grocery bagger? LOL sorry...

04-13-2009, 05:07 PM
Messing with panhandlers/homeless people is a good way to get hurt or
worse. A lot of those people are mentally ill.

I don't mess with them. I ask them in the most sincere way I can muster.
They always walk away. These guys are shrewd. However, I have turned the
"racist" card on a few. They can't get away fast enough.

It's great entertainment. The best part is that they are beaten to the punch
and don't know what to do.

04-13-2009, 05:12 PM
Sorry, must be another Oklahoma/south thing. Sacker? Is that like a grocery bagger? LOL sorry...


04-13-2009, 08:59 PM
I thought all sackers were called sackers.

Everywhere I've been, California, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Texas,
North Carolina and about 30 other states, they've all been called sackers.

This is a first for me.

04-13-2009, 09:58 PM
It's not a sack. It's a BAAAG!

04-13-2009, 10:17 PM
I was in the grocery business in CA for over 13 years.. I started as a Bagger at age 16 and then the official name turned to Courtesy Clerk.

I actually have never ever heard of the term 'sacker' used in California (or anywhere else for that matter).

04-13-2009, 11:08 PM
It's not a sack. It's a BAAAG!

Man! I'd almost call you a Yankee but they call'em sackers, too.

Where are ya'll from? Canada? Brazil? Kenya?

Are you one of those whacko's who stirs up trouble?

04-13-2009, 11:12 PM
I was in the grocery business in CA for over 13 years. I started as a Bagger
at age 16 and then the official name turned to Courtesy Clerk.

I actually have never ever heard of the term 'sacker' used in California (or
anywhere else for that matter).

Really? I'm a genuine prunepicker and that's where I learned the term
"sacker", but you have to go back to the '50s.

I guess things have changed.

I don't mind change. I just don't like being there when it happens.

04-13-2009, 11:33 PM
I was in the grocery business in CA for over 13 years.. I started as a Bagger at age 16 and then the official name turned to Courtesy Clerk.

LOL, I haven't heard the term Courtesy Clerk in years. I was one for Safeway for a while in high school. I never really got many tips though. The biggest exception was when the man and woman who owned Trust House Jewelers would come in. They'd come in separate cars and do their shopping. They were both really nice people and always tipped well. The Courtesy Clerks would argue over who got to bag their groceries that week. :LolLolLol

And it's a bag.

04-13-2009, 11:41 PM
Here's ( report on panhandeling and homeless campsites in OKC. I saw a video in one of my classes about homeless camps in Austin, and wondered where some of the ones in OKC exist.

04-14-2009, 12:00 AM
The biggest exception was when the man and woman who owned Trust
House Jewelers would come in.

That would have been Frick and Frack. Do you remember the late night show
they sponsored? I quit watching commercials about that time, but I
remember Frick and Frack and their "Trust House Jewlers" spots. One of
their jewelers was a friend of mine.

Later it became, Floyd Brown and Daughter. They always had their "Rolls"
parked at that mall at 63rd and May. Was it the French Market Mall?

Wasn't there a theater there? I know Bianca's was upstairs. It was a very
cool jazz club. Very NYC and the musicians were outstanding.

04-14-2009, 12:22 AM
Just checking in on OKCTalk and see that some of the same old people who live in comfort get a kick out of making fun of the uncomfortable. And some do it with such two-faced hypocrisy; sweet as honey on one side - cold as ice on the other. I don't miss the judgmental Oklahomans who claim so often to be such wonderful "Christian people." I don't really think it matters if some of the panhandlers are scammers since there are scammers from Wall Street to your local OCURA, etc. I can just look at the faces of those people on the corners and know they've led a tough life. They are people and the why isn't so important to me. Their life is hardly an easy one. As for their "choosing" their lives, haven't you Christian folk heard, "There but the grace of God go I?"

04-14-2009, 12:40 AM
Just checking in on OKCTalk and see that some of the same old people who
live in comfort get a kick out of making fun of the uncomfortable...

I have the same sentiments about leftists, too. You'd think that they'd get a
grip! Thanx for the reality check.

04-14-2009, 12:53 AM
I have the same sentiments about leftists, too. You'd think that they'd get a
grip! Thanx for the reality check.

I read a post a couple of weeks ago from someone who obviously knows you personally that implied you are a pretty wealthy man. Just what is it you did to achieve your wealth and give you the anger at what I guess you consider "the little people?" (With apologies to Leona Helmsley.)

Reminder to anyone reading this thread - Prunepicker is on record as stating he wishes Alan Keyes (! YIKES !) was our president. That explains so many of his comments here at the forum. He's welcome to his views, as I am mine, but it's fair to remind people of things he has said here. It really does explain a lot. Even in this very thread.

04-14-2009, 01:18 AM
I read a post a couple of weeks ago from someone who obviously knows
you personally that implied you are a pretty wealthy man. Just what is it
you did to achieve your wealth and give you the anger at what I guess you
consider "the little people?" (With apologies to Leona Helmsley.)

Reminder to anyone reading this thread - Prunepicker is on record as
stating he wishes Alan Keyes (YIKES !) was our president. That explains so
many of your comments here at this forum. Your welcome to your views, as
I am mine, but it's fair to remind people of things you've said here. It really
does explain a lot. Even in this very thread.

Wanting Alan Keyes as President PROVES that I'm not a racist. That's
something that leftists can't stand. Most likely it's because they are the
true racists, leftists that is. I simply want whatever is in the best interest
of our country. Alan Keyes is the best man for President. BO stinks.

I'd like to see that post, about me being wealthy. I think you're lying. I
have no clue as to who made such a statement. I'm a professional
musician, formerly a science teacher and an optical physicist. I work from
hand to mouth, that means I don't have a consistent income. I perform
classical, jazz, R&B, contemporary Christian, and anything that will bring
income to my household. I do studio work and and arranging (that means
orchestration and instrumentation), too. I know you've heard me playing, I'm
on national commercials, videos and other venues, but I'm going to remain

I may have taught your kid(s) science. I don't know. I was a Mr. Science
type of teacher for about 10 or 12 schools and some home schoolers.
Those home schoolers were absolutely brilliant!

Anger? I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not angry about
anything. Not even the people who have done me wrong.

Are you angry? I'll say yes. Why? Because you're a leftist.

04-14-2009, 03:41 AM
They're not bags and clearly doesn't look like bags. The technical word I've always known is paper sacks or sacks for short, so yes, Sacker is the proper term.

No need to discuss it tho, was only using the job position compared to Panhandlers as to the amount of traffic each job positions face each day.

04-14-2009, 05:43 AM
Just checking in on OKCTalk and see that some of the same old people who live in comfort get a kick out of making fun of the uncomfortable. And some do it with such two-faced hypocrisy; sweet as honey on one side - cold as ice on the other. I don't miss the judgmental Oklahomans who claim so often to be such wonderful "Christian people." I don't really think it matters if some of the panhandlers are scammers since there are scammers from Wall Street to your local OCURA, etc. I can just look at the faces of those people on the corners and know they've led a tough life. They are people and the why isn't so important to me. Their life is hardly an easy one. As for their "choosing" their lives, haven't you Christian folk heard, "There but the grace of God go I?"

I don't think anyone misses you either. By the way, how's our global traveling, uppity, Christian bashing, socialist doing lately?

04-14-2009, 05:52 AM
I don't think anyone misses you either. By the way, how's our global traveling, uppity, Christian bashing, socialist doing lately?

?????? What was that all about?

04-14-2009, 05:54 AM
I'd like to see that post, about me being wealthy. I think you're lying. I have no clue as to who made such a statement.

I owe you an apology! I was thinking of another poster, the guy that worked for TG&Y. I wasn't lying, I just got you confused with another.

04-14-2009, 06:16 AM
I was in the grocery business in CA for over 13 years.. I started as a Bagger at age 16 and then the official name turned to Courtesy Clerk.

I actually have never ever heard of the term 'sacker' used in California (or anywhere else for that matter).

I was married to a grocery store guy in OKC for nearly 25 years. A couple of different grocery stores. Sackers. Never heard them called anywhere else. Must be a regional thing. Never heard them called a bagger. Back east, they don't HAVE sackers/baggers so I don't know what they'd call them.

04-14-2009, 09:01 AM
Here's what I do and it works every time. When anyone approaches me,
whether at a gas station or on the street in Bricktown, I always ask them if
they have $20 they can give me. You should see the looks on their faces.

Wow, do you also ask them if they have a car and a house - and when they say "no" do you laugh and jiggle your keys in front of them?

Yeah, you showed them.

04-14-2009, 09:05 AM
It's not a sack. It's a BAAAG!

I've heard them called baggers here in Oklahoma and everywhere else, just as I've heard sacker. Both about equally.

04-14-2009, 10:21 AM
There used to be a guy in a wheelchair who sat at the off ramp from I-240 onto May avenue who was begging for money, I used to see him a lot going to OCCC. One day while stopping in at the gas station there by burger king, I was hitting the atm and saw the very guy buying a case of beer.

Hadn't seen him in a long time then a while back i saw him on Meridian and I-40.

04-14-2009, 11:20 AM
Passed by one on I-40 and Eastern on the way to OU. On the way back, a completely different person took the place. So, they're rotating spots/shifts.

04-14-2009, 12:59 PM
Wow, do you also ask them if they have a car and a house - and when they
say "no" do you laugh and jiggle your keys in front of them?

No. I just ask for $20 before they ask me.

04-14-2009, 01:38 PM
This isn't a liberal/conservative thing. I'm pretty conservative but I recognize that these people are in a bad spot in their lives (whether its because of something they did, or they just hit the bad luck lottery doesn't matter -- that they're in that spot now is what is important). Yes, there are some who try to scam you. I had a lady in DC who would always come up and tell me she was pregnant and hungry. She never looked any different, over the course of three years she never had that baby. Did I give her money? No. But I'm not gonna pretend that life was great for her. I would see her sleeping on steam grates in the winter. She certainly wasn't flying down to Miami for a vacation.

04-14-2009, 02:30 PM
I have a habit of taking photos of odd things I see.

Some of my favorites are of panhandlers.

Here's one I thought was being creative...

Brian Bates's Photos | Facebook (

Or, this guy...

Brian Bates's Photos | Facebook (

Y'know.. one of these days that camera of yours is going to get you into some trouble....

04-14-2009, 02:39 PM
Just checking in on OKCTalk and see that some of the same old people who live in comfort get a kick out of making fun of the uncomfortable. And some do it with such two-faced hypocrisy; sweet as honey on one side - cold as ice on the other. I don't miss the judgmental Oklahomans who claim so often to be such wonderful "Christian people." I don't really think it matters if some of the panhandlers are scammers since there are scammers from Wall Street to your local OCURA, etc. I can just look at the faces of those people on the corners and know they've led a tough life. They are people and the why isn't so important to me. Their life is hardly an easy one. As for their "choosing" their lives, haven't you Christian folk heard, "There but the grace of God go I?"

On the one hand, yes, Christians are supposed to be charitable. On the other, how can we help someone who refuses to help themselves? My heart goes out to those who are on the street due to physical and mental infirmity. Their status, however, is a choice. The government does provide a subsistence for such people and there are numerous not-for-profit charities as well which provide fantastic services if people would only ask.

You might argue that the insane are incapable of making choices and you might be right -- but consider the alternative -- a state where you're locked up if you're just a bit loopy according to a doctor.

As for those who are physically and mentally able, there is no excuse for them. Giving them cash merely provides incentive for them to maintain the status quo.

Then there are the addicts. I do think society needs to step up to the plate and provide better services for addiction. I'd love to see us overhaul our DEA into something modeled on the Netherlands, but that ain't happening. In any event, addiction is also a choice.

In Biblical times, the poor were often not poor because of choice but because of race or social standing. Economic opportunity wasn't plentiful and the religious institutions were the only place the poor could go for assistance. They didn't care if people starved. Times have changed, and so too, I think, the Bible's meaning insofar as charity is concerned has changed as well. I don't see the hypocrisy in making fun of this guy:

04-14-2009, 04:04 PM
What bothers me the most are the panhandlers with their children there with them.! I just feel so sorry for those babies.

04-14-2009, 04:09 PM
I have hired two panhandlers to do work (manual labor jobs), both worked one day for me. At the end of the day I was told that they make more money on the corner then working for me @ $9.00 per hour.

Another informed me that all of his family (brother, dad, uncle, aunt) all were panhandlers.

04-14-2009, 10:11 PM
Y'know.. one of these days that camera of yours is going to get you into some trouble....

Been there, done that!

04-14-2009, 10:13 PM
I wish our panhandlers could learn some skills and be like the ones in NYC etc. where they are street performers for tips instead of beggars. Not that I haven't seen the beggar type in NYC, I just appreciate street performers and many of them are homeless and very close to it.

04-14-2009, 10:18 PM
What bothers me the most are the panhandlers with their children there with
them.! I just feel so sorry for those babies.

Maybe it was take your kid to work day.

04-14-2009, 10:46 PM
I wish our panhandlers could learn some skills and be like the ones in NYC etc. where they are street performers for tips instead of beggars. Not that I haven't seen the beggar type in NYC, I just appreciate street performers and many of them are homeless and very close to it.

Actually, NYC, at least for certain spots holds auditions. I know that's the case for the subway musicians. If you want a spot to play in the subway you have to audition and you'd better be damned good because the competition is tough.

04-14-2009, 10:47 PM
Been there, done that!

Got the t-shirt, some flyers and the van to prove it, eh?

04-14-2009, 11:09 PM
Yes I hate seeing them with young children or a puppy or cute dog or something like that to try and guilt people into feeling sorry for them.

04-15-2009, 12:39 AM
Yes I hate seeing them with young children or a puppy or cute dog or something like that to try and guilt people into feeling sorry for them.

You should see some of the panhandlers here in Austin. Many of them have dogs, but most of these dogs are in bad shape, too. The homeless problem down here is pretty bad; seems much worse than in OKC. Many of them are young and claim to be homeless by choice. Problem is, many of these young panhandlers are aggressive in asking for money, openly do hard drugs in the street, tag every store front, sign, and light pole in sight, and contribute to a high burglary rate in the near campus area. I truly feel sorry for those who are legitimately down on their luck, particularly because these young "rebels" give the rest a bad name.

04-15-2009, 01:29 AM
Why don't some of us give it a try on our day off for a few hours to experience it. We can learn how it goes and share it on here.

"Need help pay food and bills. ( Experiment)" on the cardboard.

04-15-2009, 05:26 AM
I don't think the ones who are artists in NYC are homeless. A lot of artsy kids go to NYC and that is part of the experience. Same deal with DC. People with the skill and discipline to do that sort of thing typically have it together, cognitively. By virtue of being part of a group of fellow artists and within a creative community they tend to be about 25 steps above your typical zany or junkie.

There used to be some panhandlers off the highway near Meridian. One summer I had to go by there in the afternoons and we went through a terrible hot spell. One had a dog (a pit, it looked like) whose tongue would drag the ground and pant so I used to drop off water for the poor thing every evening. Just hand out a waterbottle. They didn't even get that poor thing into the shade.

04-15-2009, 06:03 AM
I'd love to see street performers. But yeah, I don't think our panhandlers have skills I'd want to see.

04-15-2009, 06:05 AM
Why don't some of us give it a try on our day off for a few hours to experience it. We can learn how it goes and share it on here.

"Need help pay food and bills. ( Experiment)" on the cardboard.

Didn't the guy who does the "walk a mile in my shoes" show do that once?