View Full Version : Worst Metros to Drive in

08-04-2004, 08:02 PM
This is one list I don't mind not topping:

A friend and I coined OKC's ability to filter out traffic quickly with the phrase, "Gone in 30 Minutes". This is one point we can sell to anybody wanting to relocate to OKC.

08-04-2004, 08:49 PM
I've talked to several people that have relocated here from the coasts and they comment on just how good our traffic really is in Oklahoma City. Sure we have our back ups around rush hour, but they're nothing compared to other large city's, like New York and Chicago. You can get around Oklahoma City pretty quickly. Even Tulsan's comment on how good our highway system is. To get from one side of the Tulsa to the other you have to take streets. Here in OKC you can use highway to get almsot anywhere. I'm not surprised that Tulsa was ahead of us on the list.

08-04-2004, 09:05 PM
I have driven in nearly all metro areas across the country. Here is what I found.

I will list all the ones I remember. Atlanta -Fairly easy. Boston- A nightmare, Baltimore -mediocre, Cincinatti -difficult, Cleveland -easy, Columbus- medium, Orlando -easy, Jacksonville -ok, Mobile-hard, Phildephia-nightmare, Pittsburgh-streets are worse condition than OKC, DC-fair, Los Angeles-easy, San Francisco-difficult, San Diego-medium, Dallas-easy for a veteran, San Antonio-medium, Minneoaplis-fair, Indianapolis-easy, Louisville, fair to difficult, Oklahoma City-easy, Tulsa-easy to fair, St. Louis-ok, Kansas City, fair

There is bound to be some I forgot since I can almost count the major cities inwhich I have never been on one finger.