View Full Version : Smokey taken from the OKC Animal Shelter

03-12-2009, 04:36 AM
Okay, I'll take my chances to post on here, just maybe someone out there will bring me peace of mind.

I had a cat (more of a kitten) and he'll be 1 year old in April.

His name is Smokey. Part Siamese. Very small compared to other cats being more of Siamese size. His overall body is tan/light brown/beige with darker brown color for his paws, tail, nose, and ears with blue eyes. He was declawed on all 4 paws and neutered.

Someone had taken him from the OKC Animal Shelter at the end of December '08 located on 29th west of Bryant. I know it was a woman. Address could not be given.

I've passed on a message for someone there to contact the adopter to email me, but I did not receive a response.

If this is you, or you know someone, or know someone that know someone adopted a cat (more of a kitten) during that time and kept the name, Smokey, as I've been told, please contact me. Even if the descriptions is similar.

I need to know Smokey is being taken care of and I need to know if everything is fine with him or not. I'm his daddy and I know his ways and needs (more of wants). His brothers, Fuzzy and Furrball greatly miss him, especially Fuzzy being depressed. I pray that Smokey is going to a proper vet hospital for all his care.

As I need is a peace of mind. Anything to put me at rest when I sleep.

03-12-2009, 10:18 AM
Put this on Craig's List.. chances are if someone adopted him, he is being taken care of.

You can always pay it forward and adopt another doomed kitty form the shelter.

I so wish people would spay and neuter their pets!!!!

Spay / Neuter Assistance Oklahoma (

03-12-2009, 12:48 PM
I'm still paying on Smokey's Operation Declaw and Neuterization. lol

Good idea about the Craigslist!

03-12-2009, 05:46 PM
Thunder, how did he get to the shelter and how do you know he was adopted by a lady? If she took the time to adopt him, surely she will take good care of him. I am sorry you are worried - I know I would be, too.

03-12-2009, 08:55 PM
I was out of job. Didn't have enough money.

Smokey is a MAJOR eater. He will just sit there and eat all of the food.

Before when I used one bowl, he wouldn't let Fuzzy eat with him. Fuzzy had to sit and wait for him to finish. Sometime Smokey walk away, but sometime the food is all gone. So, I had to use two bowls, one for him and one for Fuzzy. He would constantly go over to where Fuzzy is eating, so they're always switching bowls, cuz of Smokey.

Even tho he eats a lot, he doesn't seem to be full. He doesn't know how to wait for next feeding time. Fuzzy can, oh he behaves so good. Smokey, he would constantly bother me, even when I sleep, he would just bother me for more food. I was trying to conserve food. Fuzzy is a huge help. Smokey wasn't. So, I had to let Smokey go, altho I regret it big time.

I know Smokey is just a kitten, but he was a huge issue. Now I worry that the new owner is fed up with him, toss him out to the streets, or even worse. I've had dreams of looking for Smokey and finding him bout to be butchered, saving him, and being chased by crazy people trying to kill me, cuz I saved Smokey.

I went up to the shelter to check on Smokey, but he was already gone too fast. The person told me that it was a lady that adopted him and kept his name. It's so insane that they couldn't give me the address! After all, I paid hundreds $$$ on Smokey and they couldn't do crap for me.

Anyone on here that works at the shelter do me a favor?

03-12-2009, 09:19 PM
You gave up your rights to that cat when you gave him to the shelter. And you shouldn't bother anyone who cared enough to adopt him and give him a new home.

It's not insane the shelter wouldn't give you her's insane that you expect them to give you someone's private information. Leave them be and trust Smokey is with someone who cares about him and is able to afford him.

03-13-2009, 06:06 AM
Thunder, they absolutely can't give you that information. I expect the reason behind the policy is because some people would change their mind and want their animal back and can you imagine what a mess that would be? Most people wouldn't want to adopt an animal if they had to worry that the previous owner might show up and try to take it back or even harass them or steal back the animal. I am not saying that you'd do that but some wacky people would. And the end result? Fewer people would adopt and more animals would be killed. They really, really can't share that information because if the word got out that they did, the result would surely be fewer people trusting them to keep things confidential and more animals needlessly killed. You are an animal lover and I am sure you wouldn't want that to happen.

It sounds like Smokey probably ended up in a great situation. I feel bad for you that you are worried but I'm betting his new mom adores him and will take wonderful care of him.

03-13-2009, 02:14 PM
Yeah, I can understand the policy. Just would like to just check up on him to be sure.

It's what the Humane Animal Society, they keep coming back to those people that adopted pets from them. They just love to keep coming back, is what I heard. lol

Would be nice to know where Smokey is at, even if only once to check how he is doing and the enviroment/condition he's living in. Probably become friends. I would help out with medical costs as well.

It's kinda like how mothers go online to find who the donors was and they all meet and become like family/friends.

03-21-2009, 07:03 AM
You turned the cat into the shelter because was eating too much!!!???

Wow. Please do not ever take on another animal and please leave the good people who adopted him alone.


03-23-2009, 06:10 AM
I didn't have anyone to temporarily take care of him, because...

1. No job.
2. Tight income.
3. Loving daddy to ensure all my babies are taken care of.

Now, I have a job, generous income, I'll think bout getting Fuzzy another brother. Sometime I let Furrball out of his cage, so that they can play together.

The way I look at is... Mothers having babies from donor banks and then decide to search for the daddies online. I see this no different. The lady that adopted him can keep him. I just wanted to make sure he's doing okay and that the lady can come to me anytime she need help.

Honestly, I do not see how it is pathetic for me to be a caring father.