View Full Version : Avoid needless shoulder pain

03-11-2009, 11:36 PM
Here is one of the latest 1 Minute PT Tips I have created.
I thought I would share it since you guys gave such good feedback last time.
Also, I figured it might be educational. This truly is one of the most common issues I treat people for.

YouTube - Avoiding Shoulder Pain (



03-12-2009, 08:35 AM
omg, I do that all the time! I reach behind to grab something out of my purse, give something to my kids,or if they are really acting up, to smack them (lol, j/k on that part!) don't think I'm not tempted sometimes!

Great info, I never knew about this .. thanks!

03-12-2009, 10:37 PM
My right shoulder has a partially torn RC and I'm 99% sure that's how I did it; grabbing my heavy laptop bag in the backseat to bring it up to the front.