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03-03-2010, 09:13 AM
Was'nt he a english teacher ? Did he maybe teach Spanish and English?

03-03-2010, 02:43 PM
I had Mr. King for english literature. He and Mr. Anderson, were great teachers.

03-03-2010, 07:23 PM
Thats a great idea get some of the old teachers to come

03-03-2010, 07:24 PM
Thats a great idea get some of the old teachers to come

Give 'em payback swats.....

03-03-2010, 07:30 PM
Give 'em payback swats.....

Heck no they will probably hit back

03-03-2010, 07:31 PM
Heck no they will probably hit back

Teachers can't do that anymore. But it appears students (alums) can.....

sam greenroyd
03-04-2010, 07:52 AM
Teachers can't do that anymore. But it appears students (alums) can.....

We might be grandfathered in. lol

03-15-2010, 09:23 PM
USG Class of '74 here! I was very sad when they demolished the old building. I have lots of memories....not all good ones. I was there for a couple of riots. In fact, school as dismissed early on my birthday one year because of one. For the most part, though, it was fun and everyone got along during those rough times. The school districts were changed for my junior year and I was sent to Capitol Hill HS. There was a huge riot at several schools one day and my parents moved me to my aunt's house and I went to Western Heights for a few months till they could get a house in Grant's district. Fun times!!

03-15-2010, 10:34 PM
Many people from CHHS transferred to Western Heights when busing began in full earnest. Most had relatives living in that district and just used their address.

I went to work for Haskell Lemon which was down on N.E. 4th and Eastern (not mlk at that time) I drove a parts truck and often had to drive next to Douglas with regularity. Carried a couple of cans of starting fluid in the cab of the pickup with me. Luckily never had to use them.

03-16-2010, 01:48 PM
I never was allowed to attend a football game in high school or do many after school activities because it wasn't safe. During the fall of 1974 after I had graduated in May there was a boy shot at Grant and if I remember right he died. It's a shame really, because high school is supposed to be the best time of our lives. I had Mrs. Baugh for English and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Bentley for home economics classes. I'm enjoying reading this thread! It sure is bringing back some memories!

03-16-2010, 03:30 PM
Capitol Hill and Douglas football game was played during the afternoon during this time period.

03-16-2010, 04:20 PM
I never was allowed to attend a football game in high school or do many after school activities because it wasn't safe. During the fall of 1974 after I had graduated in May there was a boy shot at Grant and if I remember right he died. It's a shame really, because high school is supposed to be the best time of our lives. I had Mrs. Baugh for English and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Bentley for home economics classes. I'm enjoying reading this thread! It sure is bringing back some memories!

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I too (as did my wife) have Mrs. Baugh for English at Grant....Me, I graduated in 1964 of course....Saw Coach Brown this past Summer...don't know if he was still there when you went to Grant....

sam greenroyd
03-17-2010, 06:38 AM
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I too (as did my wife) have Mrs. Baugh for English at Grant....Me, I graduated in 1964 of course....Saw Coach Brown this past Summer...don't know if he was still there when you went to Grant....

64 I don't remember a coach brown and I graduated in 68. What did he coach?

03-17-2010, 06:49 AM
64 I don't remember a coach brown and I graduated in 68. What did he coach?

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He coached Baseball and Basketball and was the athletic director after Tracy Norwood left. He was also Your GYM teacher if you took a Gym Class. You probably went to Jefferson?...If so, you didn't get to Grant until your Ninth Grade year....and he was there then.....My sister-in-law graduated the year you did and she stayed in trouble with Brown.....He stilled remembered her this past Summer.....Do you remember Dan Marker?......Also, my wife was a cheerleader in 1965 you might have known her then....

sam greenroyd
03-17-2010, 08:53 AM
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He coached Baseball and Basketball and was the athletic director after Tracy Norwood left. He was also Your GYM teacher if you took a Gym Class. You probably went to Jefferson?...If so, you didn't get to Grant until your Ninth Grade year....and he was there then.....My sister-in-law graduated the year you did and she stayed in trouble with Brown.....He stilled remembered her this past Summer.....Do you remember Dan Marker?......Also, my wife was a cheerleader in 1965 you might have known her then....
I had coach Meredith (football coach) for Gym class........I think coach Evans had left my first year there.......I didn't have any classes with Brown but it's coming back to me now,was he kinda tall and thin faced ?....Don't remember Dan Marker, but its been over 40 years ago.....might remember your wife if she grad. in 66 I'll check the year book but I don't know her name.

03-17-2010, 02:32 PM
I just talked to my mom on the phone, she told me she just got her invitation in the mail to her 45th class reunion - USG Class of '65. She is so sad right now! She asked me how in the world did she get so old. I told her not to think of it as being old, but to think of it as being blessed that she's made it to the 45th.

sam greenroyd
03-17-2010, 04:42 PM
I just talked to my mom on the phone, she told me she just got her invitation in the mail to her 45th class reunion - USG Class of '65. She is so sad right now! She asked me how in the world did she get so old. I told her not to think of it as being old, but to think of it as being blessed that she's made it to the 45th.


03-17-2010, 05:14 PM
I just talked to my mom on the phone, she told me she just got her invitation in the mail to her 45th class reunion - USG Class of '65. She is so sad right now! She asked me how in the world did she get so old. I told her not to think of it as being old, but to think of it as being blessed that she's made it to the 45th.

I think her sorrow stems from being a Grant grad and not CHHS.

03-17-2010, 11:11 PM
I think her sorrow stems from being a Grant grad and not CHHS.

Grrrrr...Maybe not...Grrr...How you doing papa? Do you think the SOONERS will do good this year without Sam?

03-18-2010, 10:54 AM
I had coaches Milliron and Meredith for gym. Meredith was our assistant
football coach.

03-18-2010, 04:00 PM
I had coaches Milliron and Meredith for gym. Meredith was our assistant
football coach.

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I wish you hadn't told us that....I can't get the visual picture out of my mind....You (Prunepicker) running around in those little Gym Shorts (Red of course) with a Gray U.S. Grant T-Shirt......Did you carry the bass with you??

03-18-2010, 10:03 PM
I wish you hadn't told us that... I can't get the visual picture out of my
mind... You (Prunepicker) running around in those little Gym Shorts (Red of
course) with a Gray U.S. Grant T-Shirt... Did you carry the bass with
It was quite a sight to behold. Basses weren't allowed on the gym floor.

03-19-2010, 09:16 AM
QUESTION:.....Do any of you Generals remember where the 7th and 8th grade classes were first held at Dear old Grant High. Not talking about the Circus Tent......Carltonskeeper should know this one....

03-19-2010, 02:51 PM
QUESTION:.....Do any of you Generals remember where the 7th and 8th grade classes were first held at Dear old Grant High. Not talking about the Circus Tent......Carltonskeeper should know this one....
Are you talking about the "Pre-Fabs" ??????????????? I was there (last class to go all the way through) 7th thru the 12th and never got stuck in a Pre-Fab... They were cold in the winter and hot in the Spring! (some may have went to the Church across the street, but that was before my time, Grant opened in 1953!!

03-19-2010, 05:20 PM
Are you talking about the "Pre-Fabs" ??????????????? I was there (last class to go all the way through) 7th thru the 12th and never got stuck in a Pre-Fab... They were cold in the winter and hot in the Spring! (some may have went to the Church across the street, but that was before my time, Grant opened in 1953!!
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Well, you won the prize, they used the Church across the street for quite some time....they had mainly basic courses for the 7th-8th grade kids.....your sister went there......

03-19-2010, 09:52 PM
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Well, you won the prize, they used the Church across the street for quite some time....they had mainly basic courses for the 7th-8th grade kids.....your sister went there......

Church? Don't believe it! Generals are the anti-Christ!!!

03-22-2010, 11:42 AM
It is really sad that if students don't want to learn the teachers and administrators get the blame. Seems that Grant is in its fourth year on the feds need improvement list. The OKC school board is going to take up the matter and hold the fate of faculty and staff alike.

Story is in todays Oklahoman.

03-22-2010, 11:51 AM
Yeah, I posted about that HERE ( Thought about linking it here, but since it's not really nostalgia I made it's own thread. Very sad. I hope they figure out what to do.

03-22-2010, 06:51 PM
This is going to be interesting tonight. The school is Brand New.....The teachers don't seem to get it.....You have to have control before you can get their attention. They can't blame the kids because kids will be kids....How about the "Feeder" Middle Schools? Are they doing their job? Are they preparing these kids to go to a High School or, are they just having a "Good Time"????
Some of the Teachers are probably pretty good but they also probably don't have any support from the Upper Management.....I know (stump speech) we used to get Swats....that deterred many problems....We also were made to way or the other....And, if you were were failing...You can blame on only one person......The one that is failing.....O.K., I'll be quiet....But this is going to be interesting....

03-22-2010, 09:24 PM
I read in the Daily Oklahoman that Grant is not doing a good job. So sad.

NewsOK (

03-22-2010, 09:31 PM
I saw the article in the paper today, too. Grant was a good school, as were most (but not all) of the OKC public schools, at one time. The teachers cared (especially Mrs. Baugh!) and the administrators cared. Unfortunately, our alma mater is a victim of things that are going on in the rest of the world....apathy, laziness and selfishness.

03-22-2010, 09:35 PM
At Grant, as well as most schools with similar problems, I think it's wrong to place 100% of the blame on the principal/teachers, the students carry some of the problems, but in my opinion, the majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of the parents.

03-22-2010, 09:52 PM
At Grant, as well as most schools with similar problems, I think it's wrong to place 100% of the blame on the principal/teachers, the students carry some of the problems, but in my opinion, the majority of the blame falls on the shoulders of the parents. Disagree. What ever happened to "Individual responsibility"? It is so easy to blame someone else for one's failure. Granted there may be a small percentage of blame on the parents, however this to me is an excuse and not addressing the real issue. We are "ultimately" responsible for our own lives and are held accountable for our actions instead of blaming it on Mommy or Daddy or someone else for that matter. I believe the problem lies with "some" students that do not wish to succeed or they may not have personal goals in their lives. It comes down to what is important to that student? To put the majority of blame on the parents is just delusional IMO.

03-23-2010, 12:09 AM
I saw the article in the paper today, too. Grant was a good school, as were most (but not all) of the OKC public schools, at one time. The teachers cared (especially Mrs. Baugh!) and the administrators cared. Unfortunately, our alma mater is a victim of things that are going on in the rest of the world....apathy, laziness and selfishness.

When I hit CHHS as a sophomore the administrators as a whole had gotten to where they did not care. Teachers soon followed. By my senior year nobody cared if you went to class or not.

Let's not forget that forced busing brought about a total upheaval from the start.

03-23-2010, 09:29 AM
Disagree. What ever happened to "Individual responsibility"? It is so easy to blame someone else for one's failure. Granted there may be a small percentage of blame on the parents, however this to me is an excuse and not addressing the real issue. We are "ultimately" responsible for our own lives and are held accountable for our actions instead of blaming it on Mommy or Daddy or someone else for that matter. I believe the problem lies with "some" students that do not wish to succeed or they may not have personal goals in their lives. It comes down to what is important to that student? To put the majority of blame on the parents is just delusional IMO.

Agree , somewhat but parents are supposed to install the responsibility factor at an early age. Most of those kids, don't have that. Remember last month when how many were locked out and parents didn't even know what time school started.

sam greenroyd
03-23-2010, 09:32 AM
This is going to be interesting tonight. The school is Brand New.....The teachers don't seem to get it.....You have to have control before you can get their attention. They can't blame the kids because kids will be kids....How about the "Feeder" Middle Schools? Are they doing their job? Are they preparing these kids to go to a High School or, are they just having a "Good Time"????
Some of the Teachers are probably pretty good but they also probably don't have any support from the Upper Management.....I know (stump speech) we used to get Swats....that deterred many problems....We also were made to way or the other....And, if you were were failing...You can blame on only one person......The one that is failing.....O.K., I'll be quiet....But this is going to be interesting....
I said this in another thread but i think its true you just can't throw money at a problem and think it will fix itself (new school )

03-23-2010, 11:37 AM
I said this in another thread but i think its true you just can't throw money at a problem and think it will fix itself (new school )

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I had heard that the only reason Grant was rebuilt was that there was a new John Marshall and Douglas....(both needed to be replaced) and the Board of Education didn't want the "Flack" over the North Side Schools getting New Schools and the Southside didn't....I personally thought Grant just needed a "Face Lift"....North completely replaced.....Don't know why they (School Board) didn't build an Alternative School for the South side and enforce the Code of Conduct.....Years ago.....many....If you broke too many rules and or laws, you got to visit a place called "Berry House".....Hmmmmm what happened to that place????

sam greenroyd
03-23-2010, 11:55 AM
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I had heard that the only reason Grant was rebuilt was that there was a new John Marshall and Douglas....(both needed to be replaced) and the Board of Education didn't want the "Flack" over the North Side Schools getting New Schools and the Southside didn't....I personally thought Grant just needed a "Face Lift"....North completely replaced.....Don't know why they (School Board) didn't build an Alternative School for the South side and enforce the Code of Conduct.....Years ago.....many....If you broke too many rules and or laws, you got to visit a place called "Berry House".....Hmmmmm what happened to that place????

I agree on facelift 64 I went through the old school before they tore in down and it didn't look that bad to me. as far as the berry house i don't think todays parents would go for that ( big difference from our day )

03-23-2010, 12:30 PM
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I had heard that the only reason Grant was rebuilt was that there was a new John Marshall and Douglas....(both needed to be replaced) and the Board of Education didn't want the "Flack" over the North Side Schools getting New Schools and the Southside didn't....I personally thought Grant just needed a "Face Lift"....North completely replaced.....Don't know why they (School Board) didn't build an Alternative School for the South side and enforce the Code of Conduct.....Years ago.....many....If you broke too many rules and or laws, you got to visit a place called "Berry House".....Hmmmmm what happened to that place????
Had a face lift and name change....Still up on Classen now called Oklahoma County Juvenile Detention Center or something to that effect. Kids from my era and neck of the woods got threatened with Helena (reform school) By the by, had a nephew graduate from Grant in the not so distant past, and when we went for the ceremonies, the old place looked pretty good to us also.

03-23-2010, 12:35 PM
Agree , somewhat but parents are supposed to install the responsibility factor at an early age. Most of those kids, don't have that. Remember last month when how many were locked out and parents didn't even know what time school started. I do agree that parents do need to instill responsibility to their children at the earliest age possible, however, if the child does not wish to be responsible and does not wish to succeed in life then quite frankly, that child has already developed a "mindset" that this is just the way it's going to be. That child has "free will". If one make choices and they are not good choices then one needs to be prepared to reap what they sow or as others would say "karma".

sam greenroyd
03-23-2010, 01:18 PM
Agree , somewhat but parents are supposed to install the responsibility factor at an early age. Most of those kids, don't have that. Remember last month when how many were locked out and parents didn't even know what time school started.
I agree with you southside girl the parent back in my day would support a teachers stand in most cases, the parents nowdays get violent with teachers a lot of the time. I've heard of a lot of threats that you would have never have heard in my days.That really sends a bad message to the kids that they can do what they want.

03-23-2010, 02:23 PM
I agree with you southside girl the parent back in my day would support a teachers stand in most cases, the parents nowdays get violent with teachers a lot of the time. I've heard of a lot of threats that you would have never have heard in my days.That really sends a bad message to the kids that they can do what they want.
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My wife is a teacher and has been for over forty years....You wouldn't believe the threats made towards her. One time in Texas there was a absentee Dad that was going to set the teacher straight....He came to our home and my wife told me to go to the back bedroom and wait....She'd handle it.....all of a sudden he "Screamed" to her that she was no more than and Cheap "B%$#H". I knew better than that cause she's not cheap.....I didn't say that really.... But, the "Redneck OKIE" came out in me and there was a challenge thrown down...Outside and let's get a little closer my friend.....We step out, he took off his Cheesey Leather Sport coat....and I showed him just how well I had trained my Great Danes....The words "Sic em"...met a lot to those dogs....he jumped in his little Cheap Corvette and took off...Of yeah, he forgot his girlfriend and that Cheap Coat.....Yeah, I had her wait outside until he came back......She was a cute Girl but, it was a cheap Jacket.....

03-23-2010, 03:17 PM
I think of education as a three legged stool.
You have the seat and three legs.
MAPS for KIDS has built a good seat for GHS.
Now we nead three strong legs.
Students who are willing and able learn
Faculty who are willing and able to [B]teach.
Parents who [B]support them [B]both.
Just my 2 cents.

sam greenroyd
03-23-2010, 03:49 PM
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My wife is a teacher and has been for over forty years....You wouldn't believe the threats made towards her. One time in Texas there was a absentee Dad that was going to set the teacher straight....He came to our home and my wife told me to go to the back bedroom and wait....She'd handle it.....all of a sudden he "Screamed" to her that she was no more than and Cheap "B%$#H". I knew better than that cause she's not cheap.....I didn't say that really.... But, the "Redneck OKIE" came out in me and there was a challenge thrown down...Outside and let's get a little closer my friend.....We step out, he took off his Cheesey Leather Sport coat....and I showed him just how well I had trained my Great Danes....The words "Sic em"...met a lot to those dogs....he jumped in his little Cheap Corvette and took off...Of yeah, he forgot his girlfriend and that Cheap Coat.....Yeah, I had her wait outside until he came back......She was a cute Girl but, it was a cheap Jacket.....
I'd loved to have seen that from a distance..........My daughter is a teacher and i hear some storys also.............did you keep the cheesey jacket?????????

03-24-2010, 12:02 AM
There are things not seen that can impact the cost of remolding buildings. Unseen structural damage and with many buildings from the 50's-60's era is asbestos. Asbestos removal can cost a fortune alone.

sam greenroyd
03-25-2010, 08:50 AM
There are things not seen that can impact the cost of remolding buildings. Unseen structural damage and with many buildings from the 50's-60's era is asbestos. Asbestos removal can cost a fortune alone.

Good point

04-03-2010, 03:06 PM
Since many of you do not read the Capitol Hill Beacon, I'll paraphrase a story from March 25, 2010 concerning the "new" Grant.

Principal Phil Wallace remained at the school until open house. Mr. Wallace states that U.S. Grant had no incentives in select students because the school was not a magnet, specialty school, advanced studies, or school of the arts, Grant was required to take all students who showed up. No aptitude testing or any other kind of evaluation of students.

I wonder if they had/have to speak English?

In the same article a teacher from CHHS complained to school board member, Wil Rivera that he did not have enough textbooks for all the students in his class.

We bitch and complain about the students and their lack of motivation or appreciation, and rightfully so. Now it looks as though part of the problem is with the higher-ups.

It is a very bad situation all the way around........and no one has a clue as what to do....

04-03-2010, 05:15 PM
Since many of you do not read the Capitol Hill Beacon, I'll paraphrase a story from March 25, 2010 concerning the "new" Grant.

Principal Phil Wallace remained at the school until open house. Mr. Wallace states that U.S. Grant had no incentives in select students because the school was not a magnet, specialty school, advanced studies, or school of the arts, Grant was required to take all students who showed up. No aptitude testing or any other kind of evaluation of students.

I wonder if they had/have to speak English?

In the same article a teacher from CHHS complained to school board member, Wil Rivera that he did not have enough textbooks for all the students in his class.

We bitch and complain about the students and their lack of motivation or appreciation, and rightfully so. Now it looks as though part of the problem is with the higher-ups.

It is a very bad situation all the way around........and no one has a clue as what to do....

Too bad there aren't more like Jaime Escalante, God rest his soul, out there who can motivate students to Stand and Deliver

04-03-2010, 06:48 PM
The Superintendent of OKC schools needs to wake up and review the "feeder" schools. Those schools are so far out of control it is embarassing. I gues they need to have a "Grafitti" Class in all of them. At least teach them how to spell...

04-03-2010, 09:58 PM
I spoke with my friend who is a teacher at CHHS about this article. Her reply:

Hmmm... interesting. It does make a good point about not being a charter or specialty school. CHHS is the same way. we have more kids with ankle monitors on house arrest and tons who have PO's. if they get kicked out of douglass, we take them. we take kids who get kicked out of mid-del schools, too. our good kids leave us for southeast or santa fe south. a lot of our kids when to grant so they wouldn't have to wear uniforms and because of the nice building... the whole system is so screwed up. but i love my kids. they'd have to pry my dead, rigormortised body out of hillside.

04-04-2010, 08:53 AM
The Superintendent of OKC schools needs to wake up and review the "feeder" schools. Those schools are so far out of control it is embarassing. I gues they need to have a "Grafitti" Class in all of them. At least teach them how to spell...

In english anyway!

04-04-2010, 09:39 AM
I spoke with my friend who is a teacher at CHHS about this article. Her reply:

Hmmm... interesting. It does make a good point about not being a charter or specialty school. CHHS is the same way. we have more kids with ankle monitors on house arrest and tons who have PO's. if they get kicked out of douglass, we take them. we take kids who get kicked out of mid-del schools, too. our good kids leave us for southeast or santa fe south. a lot of our kids when to grant so they wouldn't have to wear uniforms and because of the nice building... the whole system is so screwed up. but i love my kids. they'd have to pry my dead, rigormortised body out of hillside.

God bless her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-04-2010, 04:53 PM
I never was allowed to attend a football game in high school or do many after school activities because it wasn't safe. During the fall of 1974 after I had graduated in May there was a boy shot at Grant and if I remember right he died. It's a shame really, because high school is supposed to be the best time of our lives. I had Mrs. Baugh for English and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Bentley for home economics classes. I'm enjoying reading this thread! It sure is bringing back some memories!

He was actually a friend of mine and he got shot in 1976 his name was Randy Truitt, I was about 20 feet from him in the hall when James Briggs open fire in the hall and killed him and injured 2 others. That was a horrible day, gave me nightmares for a while.

USG '60
04-05-2010, 06:12 AM
I had never heard of this one. What is the rest of the story?

USG '60
04-05-2010, 04:56 PM
While waiting to see if there is an answer to the above, I am going to groan a minute. I just got the official announcement of our 50th reunion and, I'll be damned if it isn't in, grumble grumble, EDMOND. The 25th was out on south Meridian and that seemed appropriate, why not now, I wonder. Since I am evidently the only one on here from my class so I don't expect an answer; as I said, I'm just being a grump. EDMOND? Geez. :dizzy::ohno:

04-06-2010, 05:48 PM
I had never heard of this one. What is the rest of the story?

The rest of my story?

USG '60
04-06-2010, 07:08 PM
The rest of my story?

Your story about the shooting. What all happened to whom, etc?

04-06-2010, 11:19 PM
He was actually a friend of mine and he got shot in 1976 his name was Randy
Truitt, I was about 20 feet from him in the hall when James Briggs open fire in
the hall and killed him and injured 2 others. That was a horrible day, gave me
nightmares for a while.
I remember that in the news. Horrible.

04-07-2010, 03:20 PM
While waiting to see if there is an answer to the above, I am going to groan a minute. I just got the official announcement of our 50th reunion and, I'll be damned if it isn't in, grumble grumble, EDMOND. The 25th was out on south Meridian and that seemed appropriate, why not now, I wonder. Since I am evidently the only one on here from my class so I don't expect an answer; as I said, I'm just being a grump. EDMOND? Geez. :dizzy::ohno: '60, I'd say the organizer lives in Edmond but, arent you glad your still around to attend? Ha..Ha..

04-07-2010, 06:41 PM
I'll put in my two cents on the shooting at Grant. I graduated in '75 but the seeds of hostility were already planted back then. In my senior year, the halls had more cops than teachers, black kids were forced to go to our school and be the target of many racial slurs, the KKK was recruiting in the parking lot on the north side of the old gym and our beloved football coach was stirring up his players and turning them into his own goon squad against black students. I personally saw him send a couple of large players over to a little, skinny black kid, that was standing at the vending machines close to Ron Cable's biology classroom, and beat the kid for NO reason.

It was known that team members would chase the black kids into the gym and threaten them verbally until the busses took them back home. The "mob rules" mindset would even cause them to attack anybody that happened to be standing there. At one point, if my buddy hadn't had an automatic weapon in his trunk and if he hadn't fired it into the air, we would have been swarmed by over 50 kids all head up over nothing.

I fault the coach(whose name escapes me at the time) for inciting young kids to violence because he disagreed with the Finger Plan. I fault some of the parents for letting their hate and bigotry inspire their kids to take part in what some of the football team members were doing. I fault the administration for hiding in their offices and looking the other way while our school became a really bad joke. By the time the fatal incident happened, I'm sure that the black kids had had enough and the unspeakable happened. Randy died because supposed educated adults couldn't/wouldn't act as such and diffuse this situation before it exploded like it obviously did.