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03-05-2009, 04:34 PM
I am looking to get my son into ANY sport this spring. We tried t-ball last year, but he was too shy and didnt want to go back after the first practice. He is now in kindergarden and doing better, but i don't know where to register for sports. I checked on the YMCA site and it only showed track and volleyball.
Any suggestions? Tball or soccer would be nice...
03-05-2009, 08:21 PM
What city/area are you in?
03-10-2009, 03:27 PM
Spring Soccer is already going on for the Y, they signup in January/February. Tball Signups begin March 10th. You might call the Y and see if they can place your child on a current team.
03-10-2009, 04:58 PM
What about gymnastics? Your son could attend Bart Conner gymnastics or Star Gymnastics...both are located in north Norman. I know Bart Conner has classes for boys, and I believe Star also has classes for boys...Steve Nunno (former OU Gymnastics and olympic coach) runs Star.
Here are their websites
Star (http://www.stargymnastics.com/)
Bart Conner (http://www.bartconnergymnastics.com/)
03-11-2009, 10:25 AM
Are you looking to get into ORGANIZED sports for socialization and competition, or sports just for the enjoyment of performing physical feats for exercise and sense of personal achievement?
We skate (inline blades) at the skateparks. We get TONS of exercise, progress by learning new tricks, and have a TON of fun. I'm not a fan of structured sports, because too often it becomes "coach against coach" and the children are overlooked.
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03-11-2009, 01:50 PM
You might call the Y and see if they can place your child on a current team.
I called and they didnt have either available for signup :(
What about gymnastics?
Thanks, but i think norman would be too far to travel once i get out of work and pick him up.
Are you looking to get into ORGANIZED sports for socialization and competition, or sports just for the enjoyment of performing physical feats for exercise and sense of personal achievement?
Just looking to help get him out of his shell and keep him active. He's an only child and his father lives in a different state.
We went roller skating last night and I wasn't much help trying to teach him lol
03-12-2009, 11:32 AM
My vote is definitely soccer! The whole team participate and there is very little standing around. There are all types of teams for all different skill levels. There are YMCA, Church and league clubs all around. All 3 of my children played when they were around 4 and up. My middle daughter is still playing very competitively at 14. She's been playing year round since she was 4.