01-14-2005, 11:46 PM
How would you react if your 16 year old child came home from a trip with friends, and showed you that he/she got a tatoo?
View Full Version : How would you react........ Patrick 01-14-2005, 11:46 PM How would you react if your 16 year old child came home from a trip with friends, and showed you that he/she got a tatoo? mranderson 01-14-2005, 11:54 PM Patrick, I would call you and have you remove it. (if you were already in practice) I hate tatoos any way, but 16 is too young regardless. Patrick 01-15-2005, 12:47 AM I said 16....but I guess this thread topic should relate to any adolescent child. I originally meant to start this thread in conjunction with the tatoo thread in Poll Vault.... Anyways, mranderson, I completely agree with you, and if I were inpractice and was able to, I'd be happy to remove any tatoos! Midtowner 01-15-2005, 01:51 PM It depends on the tattoo. Regardless of the tattoo, I'd want to know if my child had a fake ID. I'd get in touch with the tattoo parlor and see what their policy is on tattooing minors without their parents' consent. I might be able to sue the tattoo parlor for whatever the cost of tattoo removal is -- at least as long as the kid didn't have a fake ID. ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ 01-15-2005, 09:14 PM I would not react well if my 16 year old came home with a tat.Like I have mentioned in an earlier post My 18 year old within a week of turning 18 wanted to get one I wasnt real thrilled ,but he is an adult now legally so what can I do.He still hasnt got one,If he does get one now I just hope its somewhere it can be covered,So as not to hinder him from getting a job.I have 2 myself so I cant be too much of a hypocrite with him. DarlingDiva:dance: rxis 02-11-2005, 02:28 AM I can't count how many girls secretly got tatooed in Dallas when I was in high school. Lot of them got it in discrete areas and a lot of their mothers found out within a couple of years. Daughters and mothers are so close when they get along...heh mistress_x123 02-11-2005, 03:06 AM I personal thought about doing it to my girls but and I do mean but, only where someone would not see it unless they knew us ( like a family member) . But for them to come home with it i would mostlikely HIT the Roof, even thought I myself have two and I did get one at the age of 16, it was a homemade and I am so glad it didn't come out like it was suppost to. Now that I am older and life is different for me can u just see your kid reading F---k me on your ankle. ( I don't thing so ). I am sorry to say that knowlage comes with age and just cuz your 16 and you think you know everything, it is not the case at all. |