View Full Version : Musicians?

01-13-2005, 10:56 PM
Anyone out there play a musical instrument? If so, what do you play? What types of music do you or have you played?

I'm a violinist, a former member of the UCO Symphony Orchestra, with them I played all types of classical music from all eras -- even a few operas. Also played in the UCO Chamber Orchestra for awhile.

I also used to play fiddle in a jam band called "Relic" for a few months. Played at bars like the Monkey Moose, Boar's Head, T-Bar (all closed now). Played a little Dave Matthews stuff, but mostly original music. Was a good tiime.

The most performing I've done lately has been at the weddings of friends. I'm considering that as a sideline -- you normally get paid $100 per player per gig, so it's quick, easy money... Just don't know if I want to give up my weekends :D

I also play the piano, but I'm not great at it.

Anyone else out there?

01-14-2005, 12:25 AM
My sister does...... She is grad student of music education at OU and Playing Piano. I don't think that my sister play outside of school. Well, I think that 100 bucks is for performance is not that bad. I would tell to my sister, so she could buy me launch. Myself, I don't know about music but I like to listen it. I remember that when I was a kid.... sometimes my sister's music sounds good to me, but sometimes it bothered me especially I wanted to taka nap. :)

I remember some classic music's melodies because my sister usually played a lot in our home. but I don't know their titles. I tried to learn piano but I only can play a,b,c,..........

01-14-2005, 08:39 AM
I'm a heck of a whistler.

01-14-2005, 08:48 AM
I played guitar professionally for several years until arthur itus (mean guy) said I had to stop.

01-14-2005, 10:10 AM
I used to play the trumpet and the baritone back in 1975-1979 during my Jr. High and High School days (yes they had instruments back then). I can't play the trumpet very well now, but I still remember how to play the baritone and read music.

I was in the honor band and the marching band. We did a halftime show at every home football game.....gee, I really don't miss those days. Actually, our football team was lousy....we always joked that the people at the games came to watch the band at halftime show, not the football game.:Smiley181

01-14-2005, 11:30 AM
I play and teach private piano. I've been playing since I was 8 and when I got into 8th grade , I picked up the flute. I majored in music in college, had to learn to play several instruments.

Midtowner....I have always wanted to play the violin- I think it's a beautiful instrument, just have never made the time to learn.

So now I do what love....teach piano. BTW, I do have openings if anyone is looking for a teacher.

01-14-2005, 12:21 PM
Guitar and trumpet somewhat although the real fun is mixing up the turntables

01-14-2005, 03:41 PM
I play and teach private piano. I've been playing since I was 8 and when I got into 8th grade , I picked up the flute. I majored in music in college, had to learn to play several instruments.

Midtowner....I have always wanted to play the violin- I think it's a beautiful instrument, just have never made the time to learn.

So now I do what love....teach piano. BTW, I do have openings if anyone is looking for a teacher.

My girlfriend, a band teacher (best instrument is flute) also teaches piano. We actually have a spare room in our apartment that is a music studio. It's kind of fun having students in our apartment. It forces me to keep things clean :D

03-05-2005, 12:21 PM
I play mostly guitar. But I also play drums and a little piano.