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04-21-2009, 11:28 AM
Yea!!! Another SE Spartan amongst us!! I know who Bowtieguy is, so you Generals better be nice to him! And he is only a couple of years younger than he will remember some old stuff too!!

Welcome Bowtieguy!!! Even though these Generals will give you a hard time, they are really good guys...sort of, sometimes... The Redskins on here are good people too. Southside Rules!!!!!


04-21-2009, 11:41 AM
Bowtieguy, I think you'll find this is probably the most open group you could imagine. They even let me, a northsider (gasp!) sit in on their gatherings and trusted me to start telling their stories.

04-21-2009, 11:56 AM
Bowtieguy, I think you'll find this is probably the most open group you could imagine. They even let me, a northsider (gasp!) sit in on their gatherings and trusted me to start telling their stories.

Yeah, Steve, that has been a well-kept secret....that southsiders really do like northsiders too. I've even dated a few northsiders....HA!! Southsiders get a bad rap sometimes, but you do know that the richest zipcode in OKC is on the southside....73170....I happen to live in that zipcode....but I'm not rich by any means!!!! But I am rich when it comes to good friends. :-)


04-21-2009, 01:58 PM
PapaOU the Captiol Hill group is getting out numbered .........have to see
what we can do about that. But glad to have new members

04-21-2009, 03:58 PM
PapaOU the Captiol Hill group is getting out numbered .........have to see
what we can do about that. But glad to have new members

That's okay. They have small minds and are unable to find their way back to thread after a couple of weeks! :doh:

04-21-2009, 04:01 PM
[QUOTE=SoonerGirl26;218865]Yea!!! Another SE Spartan amongst us!! I know who Bowtieguy is, so you Generals better be nice to him! And he is only a couple of years younger than he will remember some old stuff too!!

Welcome Bowtieguy!!! Even though these Generals will give you a hard time, they are really good guys...sort of, sometimes... The Redskins on here are good people too. Southside Rules!!!!!

If this guy is a couple of years younger then he is 31???? you told us you were 33...You having been telling a few stories have you girl????? Welcome Bowtieguy.....

04-21-2009, 04:03 PM
If this guy is a couple of years younger then he is 31???? you told us you were 33...You having been telling a few stories have you girl????? Welcome Bowtieguy.....

You better believe it....and don't forget it!!! (And don't get that confused with me graduating in '33......


04-21-2009, 04:35 PM
Wow, I thought that Soonergirl was only 29, she really does look good for 33. Thank all of you for the warm reception, it is really appreciated. And, yes, I really do have some very fond memories of the good old days back in the crazy 60's. Although Soonergirl and I were only gleams in our parents' eyes. I'm sure that I know or know of most of you Southsiders in this community, I did get around the southside quite a bit growing up.

04-21-2009, 06:40 PM
PapaOU the Captiol Hill group is getting out numbered .........have to see
what we can do about that. But glad to have new members

Talk to TH, JR and the Stripe. I'll get KH and PB. Of course since this site has accepted me they may decline!
Never thought of becoming a member of a group that allowed a person like me in. Aint that right Prune? '64? :doh:

04-21-2009, 07:47 PM
PapaOU the Captiol Hill group is getting out numbered .........have to see
what we can do about that. But glad to have new members

Ok, maybe I should change my name to RedskinRickster71. You wouldn't know I'm a CHHS alumnus by just the Rickster.

04-21-2009, 08:01 PM
Ok, maybe I should change my name to RedskinRickster71. You wouldn't know I'm a CHHS alumnus by just the Rickster.

Rickster, I made a comment Saturday at the lunch that I should change my name to Spartan68......but that didn't go over too well with Gens64....he said I had already made a mark for myself (or something like that).....well, maybe that's why I need to change it!!:cheerlead


04-21-2009, 08:43 PM
Welcome to the group Bowtie guy sounds like he is a chevy dood to me....that a plus already!

04-21-2009, 09:51 PM
Ok, maybe I should change my name to RedskinRickster71. You wouldn't know I'm a CHHS alumnus by just the Rickster.

No.No.No..................We know who you are and if the others can't tell by your postings then you may not want them to know that information anyway. :tiphat:

04-21-2009, 09:52 PM
Welcome to the group Bowtie guy sounds like he is a chevy dood to me....that a plus already!

You are so right. I am Chevy through and through. Very astute of you to notice

04-21-2009, 11:39 PM
I have just joined OKC Talk and am sure i will enjoy this thread. I think another Spartan is an appropriate addition. In the past I have viewed your conversations and enjoyed your memories. I promise to contribute to memories and always keep a positive outlook towards this group.

welcome aboard!
great to have another Spartonian in the group/

Just a word of warning, try to avoid using paint and cannon in the same post

04-22-2009, 07:18 AM
welcome aboard!
great to have another Spartonian in the group/

Just a word of warning, try to avoid using paint and cannon in the same post

Glad you warned me, I surely would not like to bring back bad feelings about stupid kid tricks that I may or may not have performed. Actually a lot of my best friends went to Grant and I really respected Mr. Semrad, after all he was smart enough to send his daughters to Southeast.

04-22-2009, 07:19 AM
You are so right. I am Chevy through and through. Very astute of you to notice

fantastic! You need to share some stuff in the old cars forum here also.

04-22-2009, 10:00 AM
Ok, maybe I should change my name to RedskinRickster71. You wouldn't know I'm a CHHS alumnus by just the Rickster.

Good idea, Capitol Hill group seems to be outnumbered

04-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Glad you warned me, I surely would not like to bring back bad feelings about stupid kid tricks that I may or may not have performed. Actually a lot of my best friends went to Grant and I really respected Mr. Semrad, after all he was smart enough to send his daughters to Southeast.

Was that Mr. Mortimer Semrad. Ran around with a greaser named Charlie. :ohno:

04-22-2009, 05:02 PM
Was that Mr. Mortimer Semrad. Ran around with a greaser named Charlie. :ohno:

Semrad wasn't trying to be SMART....He was attempting to raise the class level at Southeast.....

04-22-2009, 09:14 PM
Semrad wasn't trying to be SMART....He was attempting to raise the class level at Southeast.....

Oh no, he chose to live in a much better district than the one in which he worked.

04-22-2009, 11:33 PM
Semrad wasn't trying to be SMART....He was attempting to raise the class level at Southeast.....

There was another guy always with them by the name Edgar. Never out front always "behind" Mortimer and Charlie. :tiphat:

04-26-2009, 06:33 PM
Hey....just wanted you all to see my new I a true Spartan or what!!!

When is our next lunch, did we ever decide??


04-26-2009, 09:05 PM
Hey....just wanted you all to see my new I a true Spartan or what!!!

When is our next lunch, did we ever decide??

Great new Avatar, I love the way you represent. Hopefully the next lunch will be a couple of weeks away. I'm leaving town for a week and am really interested in meeting the group in person.:yourock:

04-26-2009, 10:41 PM
Hey... just wanted you all to see my new avatar... am I a
true Spartan or what!

When is our next lunch, did we ever decide?~~~

Yes, ma'am you're a true Spartan and you're soooooo cool. I think I'm going
to enroll at South East next year just to have that really coooool avatar!
Maybe they won't notice that I'm a little older looking than the other
students, er, Spartans. Of course, they won't be able to say that I don't
ACT older than the other students ...
They can confer with Prunette for details! Maybe not...

Okay, as far as the next meeting is concerned... think about it. How in the
world can we know when the next meeting is unless you tell us? We're
just a bunch of Spartans and Generals, and something else that has to with
having red skin, or is that thin skin, who need real leadership. Since you
were a cheer leader, you get to be our fearless leader.

C'mon Mom. We're helpless without you!

Since it's in May, I won't be there. I'll be fly fishing in North Carolina!:irule:

04-26-2009, 11:15 PM
Yes, ma'am you're a true Spartan and you're soooooo cool. I think I'm going
to enroll at South East next year just to have that really coooool avatar!
Maybe they won't notice that I'm a little older looking than the other
students, er, Spartans. Of course, they won't be able to say that I don't
ACT older than the other students ...
They can confer with Prunette for details! Maybe not...

Okay, as far as the next meeting is concerned... think about it. How in the
world can we know when the next meeting is unless you tell us? We're
just a bunch of Spartans and Generals, and something else that has to with
having red skin, or is that thin skin, who need real leadership. Since you
were a cheer leader, you get to be our fearless leader.

C'mon Mom. We're helpless without you!

Since it's in May, I won't be there. I'll be fly fishing in North Carolina!:irule:

If you wear that headgear to cover your dome and blacken that mustache you could pass as a cheerleader.

Would say you would have to do something with that belly but they will probably think your pregnant and appoint you head cheerleader.

Aint I somethin'?

04-27-2009, 07:17 AM
Great new Avatar, I love the way you represent. Hopefully the next lunch will be a couple of weeks away. I'm leaving town for a week and am really interested in meeting the group in person.:yourock:

I am only available on May 2 & 9.....I'll be Florida and San Francisco on the other Saturdays. So you guys may have to pick your own date unless you want to do May 9th?????


04-27-2009, 09:18 AM
I am only available on May 2 & 9... I'll be Florida and San Francisco on the
other Saturdays. So you guys may have to pick your own date unless you
want to do May 9th?~~~

You jet setter!

I'm good for the 9th. But it may be better for the others to meet later in
the month so I won't be there to cause problems.

04-27-2009, 10:29 AM
I am only available on May 2 & 9.....I'll be Florida and San Francisco on the other Saturdays. So you guys may have to pick your own date unless you want to do May 9th?????


The 9th is good for me. :tiphat:

04-27-2009, 02:04 PM
The 9th is good for me. :tiphat:

Can't be there for the 9th but, don't change anything because of me. TG&Y reunion and Church Function.....gonna be a long day....Generals64

04-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Can't be there for the 9th but, don't change anything because of me. TG&Y reunion and Church Function.....gonna be a long day....Generals64

WHAT??? Have a meeting without the General. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-27-2009, 06:56 PM
Maybe Mom, I mean Soonergirl, can make it for y'all later in the month. I'll try
to make the next one when ECO will be here.

04-27-2009, 09:03 PM
I am good for anytime after the first Saturday, but, don't make any allowances for me. I am new to the group and can meet ya'll in person at some other time. The last thing I want to do is interfere with normal operating procedure. I just feel very good about the acceptance that you have shown thus far.

04-27-2009, 09:24 PM
Can't be there for the 9th but, don't change anything because of me. TG&Y reunion and Church Function.....gonna be a long day....Generals64

But the people from TG&Y and your church told us to set the date for the 9th and insist that you be at Coit's.....................:kicking:

04-27-2009, 09:44 PM
I am good for anytime after the first Saturday, but, don't make any
allowances for me. I am new to the group and can meet ya'll in person at
some other time. The last thing I want to do is interfere with normal
operating procedure. I just feel very good about the acceptance that you
have shown thus far.

You have to wear a bowtie. It's a rule. I don't know who made the rule but
it's a rule. A big rule. This rule is so big that you shouldn't even try to show
up without wearing a bowtie.

Do you sell used cars or insurance? If that's the case, don't wear a bowtie.


You'll get shot.


So because.

It's a keep America Beautiful thing...

04-27-2009, 10:04 PM
But the people from TG&Y and your church told us to set the date for the 9th and insist that you be at Coit's.....................:kicking:
I'll be way or the other. Promise.....PapaOU is buying the Root Beer this time....

04-27-2009, 11:16 PM
meeting option #2
Prunepicker thows a fishfry with all those fish he's gonna catch

04-27-2009, 11:48 PM
meeting option #2 Prunepicker throws a fish fry with all those fish he's gonna

I'm totally catch and release. I'll take some photos! I'm going to get there
early and slay dem fishes!

I love fly fishing.

04-28-2009, 01:28 AM
I'm totally catch and release. I'll take some photos! I'm going to get there
early and slay dem fishes!

I love fly fishing.

How many flies does it take top make a meal...............

04-28-2009, 05:01 AM
So far no big plans just post when it will be......I have no flies so no fishing for me!

04-28-2009, 07:12 AM guys are no help at all....LOL!!! Why don't we have the meeting on May 16th....I won't be there....but doesn't that work best for everyone (I know Prunepicker will be gone fishing the whole month of May). It seems like the other weekends are a bust....and the 23rd is Memorial Day weekend......sooooooo.........

So let me hear it......May 16 @ 1:30 ????????



04-28-2009, 07:14 AM guys are no help at all....LOL!!! Why don't we have the meeting on May 16th....I won't be there....but doesn't that work best for everyone (I know Prunepicker will be gone fishing the whole month of May). It seems like the other weekends are a bust....and the 23rd is Memorial Day weekend......sooooooo.........

So let me hear it......May 16 @ 1:30 ????????



Sounds good to me MOMMY!

04-28-2009, 09:06 AM
Sounds good to me MOMMY!

I'm only admiting to being the oldest lady in the group (and that's against my better judgment).....NOT old enough to be mom to ANY of you guys!!!!
:Smiley105 :Smiley105 :Smiley105 :Smiley105 :Smiley105


04-28-2009, 02:09 PM guys are no help at all....LOL!!! Why don't we have the meeting on May 16th....I won't be there....but doesn't that work best for everyone (I know Prunepicker will be gone fishing the whole month of May). It seems like the other weekends are a bust....and the 23rd is Memorial Day weekend......sooooooo.........

So let me hear it......May 16 @ 1:30 ????????



sounds good to me Sparkey:tiphat:

04-28-2009, 11:56 PM guys are no help at all....LOL!!! Why don't we have the meeting on May 16th....I won't be there....but doesn't that work best for everyone (I know Prunepicker will be gone fishing the whole month of May). It seems like the other weekends are a bust....and the 23rd is Memorial Day weekend......sooooooo.........

So let me hear it......May 16 @ 1:30 ????????



sounds good

04-29-2009, 02:52 AM ou guys are no help at all... LOL! Why don't we have the
meeting on May 16th....I won't be there... but doesn't that work best for
everyone (I know Prunepicker will be gone fishing the whole month of May).
It seems like the other weekends are a bust... and the 23rd is Memorial Day
weekend... sooooooo...

So let me hear it... May 16 @ 1:30 ?



Gee, Mom, you're the best!

04-29-2009, 11:08 AM
Gee, Mom, you're the best!

What about me???????can I come to the party????? sure Bowtie and townhero know they want to come ... oh well, I feel left out now....that's what happens when you start to get old......

04-29-2009, 11:18 AM
What about me???????can I come to the party????? sure Bowtie and townhero know they want to come ... oh well, I feel left out now....that's what happens when you start to get old......

I would not know I still have puppys breath.....wait that might not be good!


04-30-2009, 03:20 AM
Is this a riddle or an "Optical Illusion" Guess which member on here this is from the words spoken, Aunt Bethany from Christmas Vacation, a 38th pistol, Marsha from the Brady Bunch and the song Monday Monday!! I bet only one person understood that little tid bit of knowledge, and that person is really steaming, right?

04-30-2009, 01:37 PM
Is this a riddle or an "Optical Illusion" Guess which member on here this is from the words spoken, Aunt Bethany from Christmas Vacation, a 38th pistol, Marsha from the Brady Bunch and the song Monday Monday!! I bet only one person understood that little tid bit of knowledge, and that person is really steaming, right?


What color (colors) are you taking?

Got anymore????

04-30-2009, 03:30 PM
I bet they are multi colored and come in packages of 20 or more, ya think?

04-30-2009, 03:32 PM

What color (colors) are you taking?

Got anymore????
I want some!!

05-04-2009, 08:17 PM
I just got back into town, at this time the 16th sounds good for me. I'll know for sure in a few days when my brain starts functioning again.

05-04-2009, 10:06 PM
I just got back into town, at this time the 16th sounds good for me. I'll know for sure in a few days when my brain starts functioning again.

Never make decisions when your brain is functioning................

05-07-2009, 09:21 PM
Where the heck is everyone?

05-07-2009, 09:32 PM
My internet has been out for over two weeks.

05-07-2009, 10:16 PM
Where the heck is everyone?
I'm right here.

I like your Ed "Big Daddy" Roth Rat Fink!

05-07-2009, 10:20 PM
When I was a youngster I liked Ed "Big Daddy" Roth models. I had several.
Freddie Flameout, Daddy, Grave Digger, Rat Fink, and maybe some others.

I really liked to draw them. I'd spend most of my art classes trying to copy
them and eventually creating my own.

Did anyone else collect them?

05-08-2009, 12:02 AM
Where the heck is everyone?

That's what I've been wondering.

Just figured the Skins scalped the Generals and Spartans........

05-08-2009, 12:20 PM
When I was a youngster I liked Ed "Big Daddy" Roth models. I had several.
Freddie Flameout, Daddy, Grave Digger, Rat Fink, and maybe some others.

I really liked to draw them. I'd spend most of my art classes trying to copy
them and eventually creating my own.

Did anyone else collect them?I collected a few...