View Full Version : Help Find Graffiti Artist "ZAR"

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03-01-2009, 12:20 AM
Nice save.

03-01-2009, 01:26 AM
Nice save.

Haha. I like Quatro... I wouldn't do him like that.

03-01-2009, 07:19 AM
Maybe I'm just old. I read M-F as Monday through Friday as well. Until the whoa post, a different notion dinna even cross the old noddle.

03-02-2009, 12:13 PM
yeah, i don't think it was a "nice save" either. I am young, not old and read it as Monday thru Friday as well.

03-02-2009, 12:32 PM
Either start a fight club or keep wearing that cornflower blue polo M-F.

Hahaha nice pull!!!! :bow:

03-02-2009, 12:32 PM
My feeling aren't hurt. It's not like I expect you sympathize. Not many in this part of the country do. I'm used to being freaked out on about this.

Get real. No one give's a crap whether or not you think graffiti is art. That is a matter of opinion. The problem is that you cant seem to fathom that regardless of whether or not it is art it is a crime and is costing the tax-payers and private property owners money to clean it up. That is NOT a matter of opinion.

No one is "freaking out on you". They are just pointing out that you are being retarded about this no matter how much you pretend to be so enlightened and that everyone else is just too backwards "in this part of the country" to "get it".

03-02-2009, 04:32 PM
I’m kind of disappointed that this didn't pan out into any real intelligent discussion and instead ended up as a flame war. I’m not a troll nor am trying to start a fight. Here is an idea: rather than hiding behind bad-ass personalities on the internet, I would love to get together with anyone willing and actually discuss this with an open mind. The weather will be nice this week so we can meet under tree on the empty lot bordered by walker, Hudson, 10th, and 11th.

Those of you who seem to want to punish me for speaking up for graffiti, with a little research, you can find where I live. And you can tag my building if you wish. As long as you do it reasonably well, it will be an improvement.

To be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect.

That being said, I am intrigued by the process, ideas, motivations, messages, and actual forms of graffiti.

The reality is that we live a very predicable city. Everybody does what we expect them to do. Our buildings look like what other buildings expect them to look like. Our people are the same. Graffiti is spontaneous and bold. It shakes us up. Look at the previous posts for an example. It garners reaction in a conservative city like this one; “stirring the pot” so to speak.

Most public art must the run the gamut of approval from art commissions to local city councils which usually results in a watered-down please-all type of artwork. Graffiti is the anti-thesis to regulated art. It shows up nearly instantaneously proclaiming a bold message or idea.

Shortly after the stock market crash back in September, I noticed letters scrawled across a lonely concrete wall on an empty lot just north of 10th street west of Hudson. “Capitalism will eat us alive” was the message. While I don’t agree with the statement, an empty lot strewn with debris with a gleaming skyline in the background made for a compelling scene nonetheless.

Again, to be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect. I wish there was a way to make it work legally.

Maybe I’m just watching the movie where you root for the bad guy.

Spray Art: (

Humorous and not so artful (

03-02-2009, 06:42 PM
I hope they catch him. A crime is a crime whether you like it or not.

Up to a few years ago it was illegal for people of differant races to marry.
Besides usually it boring ass ads..pun intended.
And I often wondered why the hell are you not watching the road as you are driving, when you notice the "crime."

03-02-2009, 07:17 PM
Up to a few years ago it was illegal for people of differant races to marry.
Besides usually it boring ass ads..pun intended.
And I often wondered why the hell are you not watching the road as you are driving, when you notice the "crime."

So you have no problem with me keying your boring ass car then?

03-02-2009, 07:19 PM
I’m kind of disappointed that this didn't pan out into any real intelligent discussion and instead ended up as a flame war. I’m not a troll nor am trying to start a fight. Here is an idea: rather than hiding behind bad-ass personalities on the internet, I would love to get together with anyone willing and actually discuss this with an open mind. The weather will be nice this week so we can meet under tree on the empty lot bordered by walker, Hudson, 10th, and 11th.

Those of you who seem to want to punish me for speaking up for graffiti, with a little research, you can find where I live. And you can tag my building if you wish. As long as you do it reasonably well, it will be an improvement.

To be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect.

That being said, I am intrigued by the process, ideas, motivations, messages, and actual forms of graffiti.

The reality is that we live a very predicable city. Everybody does what we expect them to do. Our buildings look like what other buildings expect them to look like. Our people are the same. Graffiti is spontaneous and bold. It shakes us up. Look at the previous posts for an example. It garners reaction in a conservative city like this one; “stirring the pot” so to speak.

Most public art must the run the gamut of approval from art commissions to local city councils which usually results in a watered-down please-all type of artwork. Graffiti is the anti-thesis to regulated art. It shows up nearly instantaneously proclaiming a bold message or idea.

Shortly after the stock market crash back in September, I noticed letters scrawled across a lonely concrete wall on an empty lot just north of 10th street west of Hudson. “Capitalism will eat us alive” was the message. While I don’t agree with the statement, an empty lot strewn with debris with a gleaming skyline in the background made for a compelling scene nonetheless.

Again, to be clear: I don’t advocate legalizing graffiti in any form or fashion. I don’t advocate that any and every surface should be tagged. I don’t think graffiti and/or graffiti artists are “noble” or worthy of any respect. I wish there was a way to make it work legally.

Maybe I’m just watching the movie where you root for the bad guy.

Spray Art: (

Humorous and not so artful (

Well at least you acknowledging that you are rooting for the bad guy.

03-02-2009, 10:25 PM
Most public art must the run the gamut of approval from art commissions to local city councils which usually results in a watered-down please-all type of artwork.

You mean kinda like the "sesame street" stuff plastered all around the Metro Transit station?

I would love to get together with anyone willing and actually discuss this with an open mind. The weather will be nice this week so we can meet under tree on the empty lot bordered by walker, Hudson, 10th, and 11th.

I am all about doing an OKCTalk "live" or something to that affect. Nothing too organized, but something would be nice. I mean, chatting on the web is fine, but it gets old. Wonder what others would think of this?

03-02-2009, 11:52 PM
Is OKC really looking for a 'Graffiti Czar" or is this just something started as
something citizens would like to have?

Czar can also be spelled Tsar, but who gives a rip? I don't. Maybe a little.

very little...

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-03-2009, 05:26 AM
Truthfully, this whole thread gets the honourable Jean-Luc Picard Award...

03-03-2009, 06:17 AM
I must admit I've made a double take when seeing some graffiti 'art' on a wall or most likely a passing train car. I've even owned a coffee table book in the past on notable graffiti art.

But I agree with what some have already expressed. While some may be intriguing it is overall a nuisance and a crime. I've known many business and home owners that have been victimized by some punk with a spray can.

More often than not it is simply a 'tag' which attracts counter tags all done by cowards in the middle of the night.

Cleaning it up costs home owners, business owners and tax payers hundreds of thousands every year in OKC alone.

I remember one dear old lady near SW 42 and Broadway. Myself and another friend agreed to help her paint over graffiti on her fence after the city threatened to ticket her. She was so upset she was crying. That old house was about the only thing she owned and her now dead husband had built the fence himself that some punk sprayed.

She said she felt like they had spit on his grave.

I would however support a public wall in a park or something that allowed graffiti artisits to express themselves and then the wall could be painted over (white) every month or so.

03-03-2009, 08:58 AM
And you can tag my building if you wish. As long as you do it reasonably well, it will be an improvement.

Do you own the building in which you live?

Also, now we care whether it's "good" or not?

03-03-2009, 09:00 AM
It's kind of hard for a thread that deals with illegal vandalism to "pan out into any real intelligent discussion" other than having discussions on ways to curb or eliminate its continued defacement of private and public property.

I have two nice buildings on the river here in OKC. It would absolutely enrage me to show up for work one morning and find them graffittied.

Have you ever been broken into? Robbed? Vandalism is the same thing, its a violation. It would offend me, as that's not the paint scheme that I chose for MY business. It would anger me, because it looks like crap, and I try to run a professional organization with a certain professionalism, and it would enrage me to think some punk or gang of punks dare claim my property as their turf. Tell it to my .308 punks!
It's tagged on my parks, it gets tedious explaining to my kids why someone would want to "suck that particular thing".

Its tagged on schools, which raises my taxes which are already too dam high.

Its tagged on overpasses. I've seen drivers swerving, obviously trying to read the "fine print".

Its tagged on my skateparks, and then I'm inconveinenced until they get it cleaned up by not being able to use the facility.

Vandalism has no place in civilized society. I don't care why someone is for it. Your rights end where mine begin.

03-03-2009, 09:30 AM
Cuatro, I think you're missing the fine line between tagging and graffiti art (mural), I think most would agree and support some sort of legal free graffitti art areas, tagging is just juvenile and defaces property and costs us taxpayers tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in this city. I personally like most of the graffiti art you posted links to, but ZAR tagging an electronic emergency sign over the highway is a whole other story!

03-05-2009, 03:30 AM
I was looking for SXSW stuff and ran across this site tonight Austin Graffiti (

03-05-2009, 11:28 PM
That being said, I am intrigued by the process, ideas, motivations, messages, and actual forms of graffiti.

The reality is that we live a very predicable city. Everybody does what we expect them to do. Our buildings look like what other buildings expect them to look like. Our people are the same. Graffiti is spontaneous and bold. It shakes us up. Look at the previous posts for an example. It garners reaction in a conservative city like this one; “stirring the pot” so to speak.

Most public art must the run the gamut of approval from art commissions to local city councils which usually results in a watered-down please-all type of artwork. Graffiti is the anti-thesis to regulated art. It shows up nearly instantaneously proclaiming a bold message or idea.

Yes...I see where you are going with this. I think that grafitti artist with their brain matter splattered on the concrete is so very artistic. I particularly think that when grafitti artist are found with their brains crushed it is so very random and is so spontaneous and bold, it shakes us up. Murder is the antithesis to a humdrum safe existence. All of us OKCitians are all the same and this grafitti artist murder is something new and different.

WTF dude...what planet do you live on. Just because something is different from the everyday, the norm, doesn't make it exciting or artistic; it is simply petty and criminal...not art.

03-05-2009, 11:56 PM
Line the overhead highway signs with Crisco - that will do it. Once they slip, fall in front of a semi and have to get washed up with a hose - they may think a little differently.

Another note. KWTV has a video of the ZAR tagger, or one of them anyway.

03-06-2009, 09:14 AM
Yes...I see where you are going with this. I think that grafitti artist with their brain matter splattered on the concrete is so very artistic. I particularly think that when grafitti artist are found with their brains crushed it is so very random and is so spontaneous and bold, it shakes us up. Murder is the antithesis to a humdrum safe existence. All of us OKCitians are all the same and this grafitti artist murder is something new and different.

WTF dude...what planet do you live on. Just because something is different from the everyday, the norm, doesn't make it exciting or artistic; it is simply petty and criminal...not art.


03-06-2009, 11:22 AM
City of Oklahoma City - Notification Information ( db9eec33-7778-4c66-97ae-c642bade69c8)

03-06-2009, 12:33 PM
Those photos look like they were taken at Harding High School.

03-06-2009, 12:37 PM
They aren't from Harding. Possibly a similarly-aged building but our hallways are darker, with green walls.

03-06-2009, 01:42 PM
As the article in the link stated:

breaking into Northeast Academy

03-06-2009, 02:36 PM
What, you expect people to READ now? ;)

03-09-2009, 10:20 AM
hey he's your husband, i'll let you teach him.....

03-09-2009, 10:38 AM
So you have no problem with me keying your boring ass car then?

no go to it

03-09-2009, 10:44 AM
So you have no problem with me keying your boring ass car then?

I notice you never answered how you come to noticed the crime.

if this p*sses you off, good I''m tired of hearing whiney *ss b*tches who never done anything for anyone, ie served in the Armed Forces or lifted a finger to help others whining about their toys being wrecked.

03-11-2009, 02:44 PM
Classy stuff.....

03-13-2009, 07:20 PM
After reading about this Zar crap just two days ago I noticed a Zar tag driving down I-40 just west of the city on the side of some aluminum building. First time I had seen one.

03-16-2009, 04:59 PM
if this p*sses you off, good I''m tired of hearing whiney *ss b*tches who never done anything for anyone, ie served in the Armed Forces or lifted a finger to help others whining about their toys being wrecked.

Waitasec.. so the only way (in your mind) that complaining about a vandal [funny word, maybe Hun or Visigoth would work as well?] could possibly be valid is if an individual has "...done (sic) anything for anyone, ie (sic) served in the Armed Forces..."

Please explain how such behavior (lifting fingers, etc.) entitles one to such relief as being able to complain without being a "whiny ass [bitch]."

Maybe I'm taking you out of context here and maybe not. My situation is this -- I am experiencing a logical disconnect when reading your words. I don't see how the conduct of the complainer, e.g., not lifting a finger, has jack-squat to do with "Zar" being morally wrong for doing damage to private and public property. Perhaps you can enlighten us?

03-16-2009, 05:31 PM
I wondered that myself *looks at the band-aid covering the hole where blood was donated from today.* So, can I complain now? I did something for my fellow man. I am no whiny ass bitch.

*prepares to have this pulled for language.*

03-16-2009, 06:13 PM
My kid's started counting the ZAR tags. We've seen 7.

It would be different if it were dazzling, or even special, but it's just commonplace cracker jack box tagging.

I will admit to enjoying seeing graffittii on a train, it gives you something to look at while waiting at the stop. It's even sorta cool on some skateparks I've seen across the nation. (not ours tho, cause the city shuts it down). When done creatively. This Zar hardly qualifies as that.

Does anyone even know what it stands for? Someone's name? or Gang?

03-16-2009, 09:13 PM
I noticed the Video Vigilante has been posting on this site recently. Perhaps someone can convince him to give the working girls and pimps a break for a while to track down this "ZAR" character.

03-16-2009, 10:51 PM
Does anyone even know what it stands for? Someone's name? or Gang?

Supposedly, the vandal is latino, at least according to his Myspace page. So I'm guessing his name is César [pronounced "Zar"] or something to that effect. That's a complete wild-ass guess though.

03-17-2009, 09:39 AM
I notice you never answered how you come to noticed the crime.

if this p*sses you off, good I''m tired of hearing whiney *ss b*tches who never done anything for anyone, ie served in the Armed Forces or lifted a finger to help others whining about their toys being wrecked.

I contribute way more than my fair share to the tax base. I think that more than validates my right to bitch without being a "whiney ass."

03-17-2009, 12:11 PM
I contribute way more than my fair share to the tax base. I think that more than validates my right to bitch without being a "whiney ass."

With as much taxes that you(we) pay, we can be "whiney asses" too if we so wish. :tiphat:

And yes, I'd like some cheese with my wine. LOL

03-17-2009, 01:03 PM
Supposedly, the vandal is latino, at least according to his Myspace page. So I'm guessing his name is César [pronounced "Zar"] or something to that effect. That's a complete wild-ass guess though.

sounds racist

03-17-2009, 01:19 PM
With as much taxes that you(we) pay, we can be "whiney asses" too if we so wish. :tiphat:

And yes, I'd like some cheese with my wine. LOL

Mmmmm cheese......

03-17-2009, 03:00 PM
sounds racist

How so?

03-17-2009, 03:20 PM
sounds racist

Sounds like good detective work to me.

03-17-2009, 10:42 PM
sounds racist

If the myspace profile of "Zar" lists his ethnicity as Latino, I don't see how coming to such a rational conclusion could be considered racist. After skimming through the profile section of Mr. Doe's myspace page, I'll also conclude "Zar" is a man. I suppose that makes me sexist, although the only reason I made such a determination was because I read his profile. This is all assuming, of course, that this "Zar" on myspace is our sneaky John Doe van Gogh.

03-18-2009, 11:24 AM
In the Crime Alert that metro posted, it says that he is black...

03-18-2009, 11:45 AM
Never heard of a black latino? The two things aren't mutually exclusive. Could be Dominican or from a variety of places south of the border.

03-18-2009, 08:43 PM
You know I feel the same way about seeing those golden frigging arches everywhere they should give them the death penalties. smash and slash.

03-18-2009, 08:45 PM
Get in the Zar and drive.

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-19-2009, 10:06 AM
Get in the Zar and drive.

Zar out, man!

03-19-2009, 12:29 PM
Could be some real live idiot who *thought* that he was writing "czar".

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-19-2009, 01:33 PM
Could be some real live idiot who *thought* that he was writing "czar".

Hey, that's taking it too zar...

03-19-2009, 08:40 PM
YouTube - La Coka Nostra ft. B-Real - "I'm An American" Official Video (

03-24-2009, 10:01 AM
I am just tired of the whiney, no one ever seems to come up solutions.
All they do is complain, if you see a problem, offer some solutions instead of whining about it.
You sound like a group of spoiled kids.

03-24-2009, 10:44 AM
It's zar perogative to whine.


El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-26-2009, 08:44 AM
Wow, this thing won't ever die will it?

03-28-2009, 12:25 PM
I notice you never answered how you come to noticed the crime.

Really, that was a serious question? You are seriously asking how people notice something when they look at it?

Are you asking how vision itself works, as in how our brains assimilate information from the visible spectrum of light transmitted through our eyes?

Or are you merely asking how people are not completely oblivious to their surroundings?

I am assuming it was some sort of weak attempt at a "gotcha" question, as in, "How do you even notice it? Aren't you supposed to be paying attention to the road?"

When you consider the vast multitudes of signs all along the road that were put there precisely for the purpose of being noticed and read by automobile traffic your question and presumption about how others should drive seems to lose quite a it of it's bite.

On the other hand, we can continue with your farce and pretend that you do nothing but look at the road when you driving. How you know when to ever exit the freeway or where any business or structure or junction or anything else that is not on the road itself is located I am sure will go unexplained. I am forced to guess that when you get on the freeway you just drive along staring straight ahead at the car ahead of you until you run out of gas. How could you possibly know when you have arrived at your intended exit or if there is a gas station along the road since the very idea of drivers NOTICING buildings, businesses, structures, signs, and the symbols they are adorned with along the roadway is foreign to you?

Graffitti, by its very nature, is noticeable crime placed purposefully in noticeable locations. Yet you sincerely ask how someone could even notice it. Brilliant. You might as well ask how one could notice the I-35 South sign, or the thousands of billboards, or the Home Depot over there.

I guess the short answer is that you didnt get a response to your question originally because it was an exceedingly stupid question.

04-29-2009, 02:18 PM
I am moving. The offer I made was accepted on a nice home in far north Yukon. It's in a nice suburban neighborhood. FAR removed from the gangland hood that I currently live. This is the fence directly next door to my current house.
My Nammy used to live down the street from me. I used to know everyone on my street. Now I know 2. And they're moving out too. Can't imagine why.

05-12-2009, 10:40 PM
graffiti has been alive since what like late 70s? you honestly think YOU PEOPLE can stop it? in a forum at that?! obviously these people KNOW what their doing is illegal. does that stop them? they made it a felony, do you see them stopping yet? people have served more time then your meth head uncle did, have they stopped yet?

i see you guys hating on street graffiti, but you all pretty much say you love the graffiti on the legal walls? you do realize that these people have to go through the tagging phase in order to build up the skills to be able to paint those pretty pictures on the side of your building?

no matter what i or anyone else says graffiti will not stop. there is ALWAYS going to be someone who wants to go out and prove themselves.

end of story.

05-14-2009, 09:26 AM
??? (possibly ZAR?). No one said they could stop it or that we were going to stop it. It's obvious you joined OKCTalk just to antagonize. Go back to your tagging and we'll go back to reporting it.

05-14-2009, 09:20 PM
lol, actually ive never met the kid, but id like too. hes got more balls then the majority of people here. think of it this way, hes going to be looking back in 30 years like "i did that", now that may be from a jail cell but if so, he knew what he was doing to get in there. 30 years later you can say you sat on the couch eating fried chicken and calling the police on people...

05-15-2009, 09:40 AM