View Full Version : Westboro Baptist Church Schedule of Protests here in the OKC area

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02-24-2009, 07:58 PM
03/02/2009 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM Oklahoma City, OK Oklahoma City Statehouse - Keep the ***s outta there! 2300 N. Lincoln They had the *** preacher conduct the prayer, and the only thing these so called "religious" types are mad about is that they do NOT want it in the record. Not that he's a ***, but they don't want it in the record. Not that the *** calls himself a "preacher", they just don't want it in the record. Well TOO BAD! God has already put it in the record and you are ALL to blame. We will picket you hypocrites and we continue to THANK GOD for the tornadoes that keep kicking Oklahoma's back side. Furthermore, you get the *** preacher and you get the tornadoes because you worship false gods (flags) and false idols (dead soldiers). Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,)then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: That means you had better RUN from that cursed place. AMEN!

03/02/2009 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Moore, OK Moore High School - Toby Keith Ave? WTH?! 300 N. Eastern Ave We will picket your really large High School because you southern(ish) hypocrites keep lying to the children. So, here's what we need to tell them: "We have a message, from your Maker High school students - we're here to deliver God has cursed you, with your parents' lies Now God is rejecting your filthy raging lies Violent brats, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Fornication - makes God angry Simple sluts - will go to hell God has cursed you - hating teachers Sin-enabling-children-raping preachers No more jobs - the economy has crashed Nothing left but misery - all your hopes are dashed Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell You're cursed of God, and your rants and rage won't stop us From telling you that God is your enemy And even as you search for jobs you soon will wish you'd long repented - Yesterday - We-ll just say - Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell" AMEN! P.S. see God Hates The World ( and Westboro Baptist Church Sign Movies ( for more good words and videos.

02-24-2009, 08:02 PM
well isn't that special... -M

02-24-2009, 08:23 PM
Well Sally Kern come out to greet them, hug them, and shake their hands?

02-24-2009, 09:29 PM
03/02/2009 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM Moore, OK Moore High School - Toby Keith Ave? WTH?! 300 N. Eastern Ave We will picket your really large High School because you southern(ish) hypocrites keep lying to the children. So, here's what we need to tell them: "We have a message, from your Maker High school students - we're here to deliver God has cursed you, with your parents' lies Now God is rejecting your filthy raging lies Violent brats, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Fornication - makes God angry Simple sluts - will go to hell God has cursed you - hating teachers Sin-enabling-children-raping preachers No more jobs - the economy has crashed Nothing left but misery - all your hopes are dashed Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell You're cursed of God, and your rants and rage won't stop us From telling you that God is your enemy And even as you search for jobs you soon will wish you'd long repented - Yesterday - We-ll just say - Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell" AMEN! P.S. see God Hates The World ( and Westboro Baptist Church Sign Movies ( for more good words and videos.

Reading the little blog it's pretty evident they are just using it as an excuse to catch a movie at the world class Warren

02-24-2009, 09:40 PM
Someone call the Kansas Mental Hospital. They're missing a few patients!

These people aren't even coherent. At least Sally Kern can put a cohesive sentence together.

And they say they aren't hatemongers. There's a river in Egypt calling their name.

02-24-2009, 10:49 PM
These people have no compassion or heart, and they are so radical, you can't deal with them. I feel sorry for the children that are being raised to believe what they are preaching.

02-24-2009, 11:56 PM
Westboro Church Planning Two OKC Hate Events Monday
- Moore Student Seeks LGBT Community Help -
February 24, 2009
By James Miko

Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas, will be in Oklahoma City on Monday, March 2, 2009, for two hate-filled protests at the State Capitol and Moore High School.

From 12:45 pm to 1:30 pm on Monday, protestors will be at the State Capitol for an event their website Westboro Baptist Church Home Page (http://www.godhates*** describes as “They had the *** preacher conduct the prayer, and the only thing these so called "religious" types are mad about is that they do NOT want it in the record. Not that he's a ***, but they don't want it in the record. Not that the *** calls himself a "preacher", they just don't want it in the record. Well TOO BAD! God has already put it in the record and you are ALL to blame. We will picket you hypocrites and we continue to THANK GOD for the tornadoes that keep kicking Oklahoma's back side. Furthermore, you get the *** preacher and you get the tornadoes because you worship false gods (flags) and false idols (dead soldiers). Matthew 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Mark 13:14 But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,)then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains: That means you had better RUN from that cursed place. AMEN!”

Later in the day from 2:45 pm to 3:30 pm, WBC members will be at Moore High School, which is located at 300 N. Eastern Avenue in Moore, OK. Of that they’re saying, “We will picket your really large High School because you southern(ish) hypocrites keep lying to the children. So, here's what we need to tell them: "We have a message, from your Maker High school students - we're here to deliver God has cursed you, with your parents' lies Now God is rejecting your filthy raging lies Violent brats, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Fornication - makes God angry Simple sluts - will go to hell God has cursed you - hating teachers Sin-enabling-children-raping preachers No more jobs - the economy has crashed Nothing left but misery - all your hopes are dashed Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell You're cursed of God, and your rants and rage won't stop us From telling you that God is your enemy And even as you search for jobs you soon will wish you'd long repented - Yesterday - We-ll just say - Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell" AMEN!”

Earlier today Gossip Boy received a plea from the brother of a MHS student that asks the LGBT Community’s assistance in launching a counter demonstration against the group.

James H. wrote to us saying, “I'm a 20 year old student living in Moore and I would like some help with an issue I recently came across. My younger sister is a student at Moore High School and just received a letter that the Westboro Baptist Church (you know...the god hates ***s folks) are going to be protesting at Moore High School on Monday March 2nd. I know they've come to OKC before...but...this is MY neighborhood, blocks away from MY house where I grew I have a much bigger urge to form a counter protest. I won’t have these people in my backyard. The location is also very near a hospice, a nursing home, and an elementary school, and I don’t think it’s appropriate for young children or dying people to look out their windows and see "GOD HATES YOU" plastered across the sky.”

James also stated, “I don't know the first thing about forming a counter-protest. I was hoping you and your team there could perhaps alert the gay community of Phelps' presence and maybe get more people to show up? I'm not really sure what can be done...but I would like there to be more people staged across the street from than just me and a couple of my friends. If there's anything you can do, or any advice you could provide i would much appreciate it.”

If any groups are planning to oppose the Phelps bunch or would like to assist James and the students at MHS, you may contact

Last week, Fred Phelps and his daughter Shirley Phelps-Roper were barred from entering Great Britain. The British Home Secretary opposed the church’s planned demonstration at Queens Mary College in Basingstoke, Hampshire, who were set to present the play The Laramie Project. The play recounts the death of gay student Matthew Shepard who was killed in Laramie, Wyoming in 1998.
A spokesman for the British government said, "The home secretary has excluded both Fred Phelps and his daughter from the UK. Both these individuals have engaged in unacceptable behavior by inciting hatred against a number of communities. The government has made it clear it opposes extremism in all its forms. We will continue to stop those who want to spread extremism, hatred and violent messages in our communities from coming to our country … regardless of their opinions and beliefs."

On March 17, 2009, the hate group will be back in Oklahoma to protest the Elton John concert in Tulsa. Of that they’re saying, “God H8s ***s AND Drunks! 200 N Denver Ave So the UK has banned WBC, but they think they can send their nasty *** Sir Elton John (you read that correctly, the filthy whore stood with a little sword and "beknighted" little fat-faced ***gy Elton as he bowed and scraped before her - Double UGH!) to DOOMED america and WBC will NOT picket him? Get real! God STILL hates ***s, Elton. And while we are at it, what is up with the slobby, never-sober (shouldn't you be sitting in a jail cell with all that drinking and driving?) sale out Billy Joel kissing *** ass? We have to picket both these turkeys as they are the face of the condition of this nation and all nations, really. They are adulterous, philandering, drunken and perverse in the extreme! So, your destruction which shortly comes will be EXTREME, TOO. Check it out you little idolatrous, rebellious brats: Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. 12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. AMEN!”

02-25-2009, 12:21 AM
Where does this group get it money? Sending a couple or more crazies around the world (and to Oklahoma) has to cost a lot of money. I wonder if there are any corporate sponsors.

Lord Helmet
02-25-2009, 11:47 AM
What a stellar group of individuals.

02-25-2009, 11:55 AM
It's a business. They piss people off and hope to have their civil rights violated or get punched and they sue. It's all really just one family and a couple of them are lawyers.

02-25-2009, 02:43 PM
Wow...what weird weird people.

02-25-2009, 02:50 PM
Can they get a Restraining Order to prevent them from getting near the school? I'd kill them if they showed up with those signs at my kid's schools.

I went to a funeral of a fallen soldier in Edmond just to hold a flag so that these losers would be outnumbered.

02-25-2009, 02:51 PM
Wow...what weird weird people.

I agree. Some of those blog entries are barely readable. Heck, we got crazy street people downtown who are more coherent than that.

02-25-2009, 03:59 PM
It's not unheard of for motorcycle rider groups to go and stage counter-protests at these events, especially at the funerals of fallen soldiers. They'll rev their engines to cut out the noise.

When the funeral for the young mother and her four children (all murdered by her boyfriend) was held in El Reno a few weeks ago, the group Riders Against Child Abuse (I think that's the name) showed up. Edit: Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA)

Strangely, WBC folks failed to make an appearance even though they had informed Redlands College (where the funeral was held) and the local media that they would be there.

You have to wonder if they sometimes just like to get tongues a waggin!

I agree with Karried. If any group such as this were to show up at my children's school, I would certainly do something about it. They absolutely do NOT belong in an environment where children are - high school or not.

02-25-2009, 04:05 PM
Oh wow, this is just crazy. My son just came home from school and said that the word around campus is that the Westboro Baptist Church, infamous for protesting soldier's funerals, would be protesting Moore HS Monday and the school might be letting out early so kids aren't around for this. Sure enough, I went to their website and they list Moore HS as one of their targets.

I'm about to start making phone calls and find out if they are going to be allowed to do this, where they might be around the school, and what can be done about it.

Here is the full text from http://www.godhates*** in case you don't want to actually visit their site (can't say I blame you).

03/02/2009 - 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM - Moore, OK
Moore High School - Toby Keith Ave? WTH?! 300 N. Eastern Ave We will picket your really large High School because you southern(ish) hypocrites keep lying to the children. So, here's what we need to tell them: "We have a message, from your Maker High school students - we're here to deliver God has cursed you, with your parents' lies Now God is rejecting your filthy raging lies Violent brats, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Fornication - makes God angry Simple sluts - will go to hell God has cursed you - hating teachers Sin-enabling-children-raping preachers No more jobs - the economy has crashed Nothing left but misery - all your hopes are dashed Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell You're cursed of God, and your rants and rage won't stop us From telling you that God is your enemy And even as you search for jobs you soon will wish you'd long repented - Yesterday - We-ll just say - Raging punks, God hates you These plain words, we're here to tell Your 'friends' hate you - makes you angry 'O.M.G.!' - you'll scream in hell" AMEN! P.S. see God Hates The World ( and Westboro Baptist Church Sign Movies ( for more good words and videos.

02-25-2009, 04:28 PM
Ok, didn't see a thread for this when I posted mine.

Just talked to someone in the Moore city clerks office who said the Church filed a request for the demonstration 2 weeks ago. The owners of the property directly to the South of the school (large grass field) gave the protesters permission to use their property. The Moore police and city managers decided yesterday to approve the request, citing worries about 1st amendment rights and possible legal repercussions.

The city will be setting up an area in the easement in front of Rusty's Frozen Custard for those that want to counter-protest.

02-25-2009, 05:38 PM
mrz... you are absolutely sure they said that the owners of the property just south of the school (on the south side of main) explicitly granted permission? do you have a contact name as to who gave you this info?

this is actually very important to me... either way there is hell to pay. seriously. central church of christ owns that property and intends to build on it. either westboro is lying or central has done something that, in my opinion, is VERY stupid... i'd be shocked and saddened if they truly granted permission to this hate group.

i know some people that are affiliated with that church... i'll ask them, too.


02-25-2009, 06:06 PM
whew... had a chance to calm down a bit and throw some feelers out. i think it's highly unlikely that this property owner granted permission to such a group. hopefully (and likely) westboro lied about permission... how cool would it be to get this one 'protest' shut down?!


02-25-2009, 06:11 PM
mrz... you are absolutely sure they said that the owners of the property just south of the school (on the south side of main) explicitly granted permission? do you have a contact name as to who gave you this info?

this is actually very important to me... either way there is hell to pay. seriously. central church of christ owns that property and intends to build on it. either westboro is lying or central has done something that, in my opinion, is VERY stupid... i'd be shocked and saddened if they truly granted permission to this hate group.

i know some people that are affiliated with that church... i'll ask them, too.


I talked to a lady named Linda in the Moore city clerks office and that is what she said.

02-25-2009, 06:17 PM
awesome... thank you! -M

02-25-2009, 06:22 PM
Oh yeah. The lady at the clerks office said Moore HS was getting out at 2pm Monday.
Supposedly there was a letter sent home with the Moore HS students yesterday but my son was sick so he didn't get one. Anyone with a Moore HS student who got the letter? Wondering what it said.

02-25-2009, 06:22 PM
I emailed the kid earlier about a protest and he said he was advised not to arrange a protest as he heard it was better to ignore this type of demonstration.

02-25-2009, 06:24 PM
Moore needs to CANCEL all classes for Monday.

02-25-2009, 06:30 PM
You can bet that if they are letting students out at 2pm, many of them will be joining in the counter-protest. I'm sure it is going to be interesting.
It would be ideal if everybody ignored these idiots, but that's not going to happen.
Hopefully it stays sane and nobody gets stupid. This could be a good chance for the high school students to get a first-hand look at the ugly face of small-minded fanaticism and hopefully will take some useful knowledge away from this experience.

02-25-2009, 06:38 PM
I wouldn't want my kids around that hatred. Violence could erupt. Crazy idiots.

02-25-2009, 06:45 PM
The owners of the property directly to the South of the school (large grass field)

Who are these people? It'd be more effective to protest any other business that they own.

02-25-2009, 07:00 PM
and if they do show up. Anybody under the age of 18 up for a water balloon fight? OH DAMN? How they'd get in the way?????

02-25-2009, 10:01 PM
Why are they coming down to protest about? these guys are sick.

02-25-2009, 10:23 PM
alright... talked with some people who are part of central church of christ's leadership...

apparently they've tried to fight this but they have no control over what westboro is doing... they're staying within the ten foot easement along the street, so central has no legal authority in stopping the westboro bunch. i'm thinking the city is just using central as a scapegoat, saying that they had given permission.


02-26-2009, 09:46 AM
I'm thinking the odds against no one stepping off an easement and on to private property in a hoop and hollar back environment is rather remote.

Seems the church leadership, if it had a mind to protect its property and minimize the appearance of supporting certain extremists, could put in place by Monday a sound plan to have trespassers immediately removed, and include providing notice to potential trespassers, whatever their affiliation, of the church's intent to preserve their property as off limits for demonstrations of any type.

Just a thought.

02-26-2009, 10:26 AM
hopefully violence does erupt, these Westboro fools are the kind of people that need to endure some severe physical pain

02-26-2009, 10:50 AM
If I were home, it would be very tempting to put on my dress uniform and stand directly in front of the ringleader of this group of very disturbed low lifes. Looking people like this dead in the eye and challenging them in a non verbal or non physical fashion usually reveals their true character in short order. They either skulk away or they do something really stupid - stupid enough that I would bankrupt the lot of them in a reversal of their legal tactics.

I have never before thought that bombing a place of worship was ever excusable - but I may rethink that about these clowns. (But only if we could be sure the entire "congregation" was inside.)

I think the "Rev" Phelps probably is very confuused about his own sexual identity and behaves in this manner to assuage the guilt his mommy engendered in him. :omg:

02-26-2009, 11:23 AM
My daughter goes to moore christian school right next door to mhs, i just called to see if the children will be let out on the playground which is right by eastern.. They will call me back with the answer, I dont want my little 4 year old to be called a little slut or someone yelling to her that she will be going to hell....... i already told my wife, she better have bail money for me because if they call my kids a hatred name or my nephew or niece its going to be on like donkey kong.

02-26-2009, 11:26 AM
Jesseda, sounds like Monday afternoon is an ideal time to have an eye appointment for the tot, even if what you end up eyeing are ducks at the zoo. Please note I did not say eye doctor appointment, as that would be a fib, unless of course you like to see ina dark room and answer over and over again that horrid question "this one, or this one? etc.

02-26-2009, 11:27 AM
Of course, there is also the valuable lesson from:
To parental unit: why do those folks get to stand there and act that way
To child: because being stupid is not a crime

02-26-2009, 11:28 AM
the field south of mhs is owned by a church if im not mistaken, there is a sign on that property.. cant believe a church would allow these people to do that.

02-26-2009, 11:32 AM
maybe i should stand next to those protestors and have a huge sign that says im with stupid.... but being serious, I do not want any child young to highschool to be involved in this, i just dont understand why target children, to me thats just crazy, i say grab white sheets and create a blocking wall all the way down main infront of the protestors on the other side of the street so our children will not see the hatred and negativity.

02-26-2009, 11:34 AM
you know violence is going to take place thousand plus teenagers, thousand plus parents who will protect there children, hatred words towards our children, protective know something bad will end out of this..

02-26-2009, 11:39 AM
> i just dont understand why target children, to me thats just crazy,

If you wanna make the news, man bites the dog, he doesn't smear bacon fat on his thigh and sit down by the doghouse

02-26-2009, 11:53 AM
If I were home, it would be very tempting to put on my dress uniform and stand directly in front of the ringleader of this group of very disturbed low lifes. Looking people like this dead in the eye and challenging them in a non verbal or non physical fashion usually reveals their true character in short order. They either skulk away or they do something really stupid - stupid enough that I would bankrupt the lot of them in a reversal of their legal tactics.

This is absolutely the right kind of approach to take with these people - this and complete ignorance.

The more people plan a vocal counter-protest, the more these jack-ho's love it. They are narcissistic attention-seekers and revel in every bit of media attention they can get. They know they're really not going to change minds.

02-26-2009, 11:55 AM
This has been going on far too long. When is somebody going to take this group out?
I highly oppose going down and protesting the protest. That's what they want. And it never ends peacefully. Do you think they would stand on the corner screaming if no one was there to listen? No. Unfortunately, the media will be there, kids will be out of school and joining...Instead of letting them out early to participate, they should put them in lockdown until the protest is over. None of those highschool kids will go home. Please. Would you if you were a highschool student with hormones raging and somebody was screaming at you calling your girlfriend a slut and that you were going to burn in hell? No way. It's going to get ugly.
I just wish they would protest in some small Luther Oklahoma where the good ole boys live and the cops don't see anything they don't want to see.

02-26-2009, 12:19 PM
maybe i should stand next to those protestors and have a huge sign that says im with stupid.

I kinda like this idea...

02-26-2009, 12:36 PM
I just wish they would protest in some small Luther Oklahoma where the good ole boys live and the cops don't see anything they don't want to see.

I like this idea, too!

(If I didn't see it, it didn't happen)

*Sigh*, but then the FBI would get involved and tell the local authorities "Stop! Or we'll say 'stop' again!"

02-26-2009, 12:57 PM
well the principle of moore christian school, just called me at work, they are doing the smart thing. from pre-k-12th grade, there will be no outside events, including recess and aftercare recess, so the parents have to go inside the school to get their child, hours of schooling are the same.

02-26-2009, 01:33 PM
I'm thinking the odds against no one stepping off an easement and on to private property in a hoop and hollar back environment is rather remote.

Seems the church leadership, if it had a mind to protect its property and minimize the appearance of supporting certain extremists, could put in place by Monday a sound plan to have trespassers immediately removed, and include providing notice to potential trespassers, whatever their affiliation, of the church's intent to preserve their property as off limits for demonstrations of any type.

Just a thought.

Sounds like a good time to mow the lawn, whether it needs it or not!

02-26-2009, 02:56 PM
To paraphrase beatlejuice, a decent sign might be:

Ignore Them,
They've been like that
since someone dropped
a house on their sister

02-26-2009, 03:08 PM
lol...that is awesome!

02-26-2009, 03:17 PM
One more counter protest sign, this one from my last teenager's favorite movie ...

Stupid is as Stupid Does

02-26-2009, 03:33 PM
the field south of mhs is owned by a church if im not mistaken, there is a sign on that property.. cant believe a church would allow these people to do that.

scroll back a few posts as this was already discussed.:beaten_fi

Stan Silliman
02-26-2009, 03:43 PM
Protesting a school? If you close it. The terrorists win... and that means the religious terrorists too, which happens to be the prevelent form of terrorism these days.

Folks, they even protested football. Football!!

Here's my story:

Westboro_Protesting_Football (

02-26-2009, 06:03 PM
My Mother lived through Nazi Germany, she saw 1st hand what hatred can to a nation, to the world. Her brother a German soldier told the Nazi's he would protect Germany; not to kill it's citizens. He died in Dachau with a clear conscience.

02-26-2009, 08:16 PM
I know it's impossible, but wouldn't it be nice if no news stations covered this? wouldn't it be nice if everyone was able to go about their business and not acknowledge them even being there?

All I'm trying to say here is these clowns want attention, and attention is what they will get (and are getting)........

The best thing (and obviously not realistic but....) is for everyone to ignore them... we (as sane people) are feeding the trolls....

02-27-2009, 08:07 AM
I say we soak the field to where staurated with water, so these protesters will be protesting while getting stuck in the mud. or infest the field with ticks and fleas, you know to show these people our southern hospitality.

02-27-2009, 08:18 AM
Any local bikers plan on doing their anti-rally during these events? Just curious. I know they have done that during the funeral protests for the soldiers.

And just a thought...why does God send tornadoes to Kansas? I wonder if Westboro has ever been hit.

Stan Silliman
02-27-2009, 09:03 AM
Any local bikers plan on doing their anti-rally during these events? Just curious. I know they have done that during the funeral protests for the soldiers.

And just a thought...why does God send tornadoes to Kansas? I wonder if Westboro has ever been hit.

You're setting me up, aren't you? You know I've got an article on that.

Kansas (

02-27-2009, 09:30 AM
A..why does God send tornadoes to Kansas?

The same reasons Oklahoma gets tornadoes.

02-27-2009, 11:35 AM
You're setting me up, aren't you? You know I've got an article on that.

Kansas (

Awesome article.

The same reasons Oklahoma gets tornadoes.

Because he hates them? Not really a strong point in their protest ya think.

02-27-2009, 12:08 PM
so has anyone found out why this church who owns to property my moore high is letting those protestors use their land?

02-27-2009, 01:51 PM
so has anyone found out why this church who owns to property my moore high is letting those protestors use their land?

Again, the answer to your question was already posted back on page 1.

02-27-2009, 02:02 PM
not really on page one, so the city is allowing this not the church since mmm is saying that the church cant stop it that these protestors are using the easment of that corner, so these protestors can actually just walk the sidewalks since it is public use, i see them going up and down eastern infront of moorehigh, since this question is 100 percent resolved thats is why i am asking still about it METRO it hasnt been answered as of yet as to who exactly is allowing them to protest.. is it the city or is it the people who own that land?