View Full Version : iPod problem

02-11-2009, 11:43 AM
Don't know that this really fits here, but didn't know where else to put it.

My iPod has started putting the wrong cover art with the wrong songs/albums at random. The other day when I was syncing my iPod my laptop froze up and I had to shut down by holding down the power button. I'm wondering if this is what caused it but my iPod had exhibited other problems before that happened.

At the beginning of the week the iPod was cutting off the ends of certain songs. So that night I tried re-syncing it to see if that solved the problem. In the midst of that is when I had to do a hard shut down of the laptop. Now I'm having the problem with the album art and on some songs when the song ends it repeats the last half second of the song.

Anyone else know of this problem? Solutions? Tips?

BTW, I'm using the latest version of iTunes 8.0.2 And the album art is correct in iTunes.


02-11-2009, 12:43 PM
Looks like a lot of people are having problems with this... Google 'ipod cover art random fix' and hundreds of sites will come up.

This might have some pertinent information:

Album Artwork corruption on iPhone 3G | Macgasm (

02-11-2009, 04:41 PM
FYI, the latest version of ITunes isn't always the best. General rule of thumb, stay a version or so behind and let them fix the kinks out first.

02-12-2009, 09:31 AM
FYI, the latest version of ITunes isn't always the best. General rule of thumb, stay a version or so behind and let them fix the kinks out first.

Yeah, I usually try to do that but I just get so tired of iTunes pestering me telling that a new version is available do I want to download and install now.

02-12-2009, 10:00 AM
From what I've been reading, sounds like the new version is causing the problems.

02-15-2009, 03:11 PM
FYI, the latest version of ITunes isn't always the best. General rule of thumb, stay a version or so behind and let them fix the kinks out first.
This is a great tip. Thanks!