View Full Version : Intresting residental architecture

02-08-2009, 02:37 PM
I don't know if there is much intrest, but I appreciate architecture. In past threads we have commented on commercial buildings, but I have not seen a thread on residence's or private home in and around Oklahoma City. What are your thougths and what is your favorite residence. I have many here is just one. Ann Arbor Estates Arbor Ave. It has a monkey grass roof over the garage. There is intresting brick and a bottle window to name a few of the homes features. The pic does not do the home justice.

USG '60
02-10-2009, 11:20 AM
Being a lover of Streamline Moderne I was going to direct you to NW corner of NW 40th and Shartel and the SE corner of 18th and Lincoln Blvd. Since I had not been by the 2nd one in years, I was using google maps to verify the street. Horror or horrors, it looks like it is GONE. Yee Gads, that place was an historical treasure unless the people who bought it from Mr Livingood !5 or so years ago had messed it up. Hopefully I have goofed somehow and it is still there. After I recoup from this, I will point out some more. I think this is a great thread idea. Everyone pitch in. Someone tell us the address of the Bruce Goff house east of Belle Isle. I always just drive around until I find it. Weirdly layed out neighborhood and all.

02-10-2009, 11:28 AM
Someone tell us the address of the Bruce Goff house east of Belle Isle. I always just drive around until I find it. Weirdly layed out neighborhood and all.

I don't know the exact address, but you go north on Villa from NW Expressway (that's the corner where the library is), then turn right (east) on the first street past the school.
It's about a block down on the right hand side.

02-10-2009, 04:49 PM
2400 NW 59TH ST is the address Goff residence.

There is also a Art Deco home in the Shepard neighborhood. 2240 NW 27th.

600 NE 19TH ST is the other Art Deco home.

02-10-2009, 05:21 PM
I don't know the exact address, but you go north on Villa from NW Expressway (that's the corner where the library is), then turn right (east) on the first street past the school.
It's about a block down on the right hand side.

59th & Billen, if I remember right...

02-10-2009, 05:42 PM
There is a pair of houses just to the west of N. Western on NW 11th. A green single story, and a red 2 story that I think are really cool.
The red 2 story is directly behind it.. I'm not sure on its address.. kind of in the middle of what should be an alley. This street view link *might* work.

USG '60
02-10-2009, 05:51 PM
An interesting "mongrel", indeed.

02-10-2009, 06:15 PM
There is a pair of houses just to the west of N. Western on NW 11th. A green single story, and a red 2 story that I think are really cool.
The red 2 story is directly behind it.. I'm not sure on its address.. kind of in the middle of what should be an alley. This street view link *might* work.

I've always liked those houses. I think they were designed by J3 Architecture.

02-11-2009, 09:39 AM
Don't forget about the Wells Residence, and Fitzsimmons residence in SOSA, as well as the soon to be Lovallo residence and a few others getting off the ground. See the SOSA thread for pics.

02-11-2009, 12:54 PM
One of my favorites is the English Tudor house at 14th and Hudson in Heritage Hills.

Google Maps (,-97.518961&spn=0,359.995188&z=18&layer=c&cbll=35.483214,-97.518959&panoid=P-niQLglJdi86ydKlO6GxQ&cbp=12,271.62980273825985,,0,-2.569114664814664)

USG '60
02-11-2009, 03:16 PM
That's the Overholser mansion. Sure wish I and everyone else knew how to inbed those street views. It sure would be nice if every house we mentioned had a picture with it.

Chicken In The Rough
02-11-2009, 04:46 PM
One of my favorites is the English Tudor house at 14th and Hudson in Heritage Hills.

Google Maps (,-97.518961&spn=0,359.995188&z=18&layer=c&cbll=35.483214,-97.518959&panoid=P-niQLglJdi86ydKlO6GxQ&cbp=12,271.62980273825985,,0,-2.569114664814664)

I remember when that house, and several other architectural gems in Heritage Hills were destined for the bulldozer (many years ago). I used to drive by that house just to study it. It was in pretty bad condition, but is now restored beautifully.

02-11-2009, 06:11 PM
[QUOTE=jbrown84;199504]One of my favorites is the English Tudor house at 14th and Hudson in Heritage Hills.

It was on the Heritage Hills Home Tour last fall. . . home of the Humphreys.

02-11-2009, 06:20 PM
also . . . Overholser Mansion is at 405 NW 15th.

02-11-2009, 09:57 PM
That's the Overholser mansion.


USG '60
02-11-2009, 10:01 PM
Touche', ya'll. :ohno:

02-11-2009, 10:02 PM
Close. They are similar.

USG '60
02-11-2009, 10:20 PM
Shucks... I was hoping to be confused for an expert. (kicks rock)

02-12-2009, 08:44 AM
[QUOTE=jbrown84;199504]One of my favorites is the English Tudor house at 14th and Hudson in Heritage Hills.

It was on the Heritage Hills Home Tour last fall. . . home of the Humphreys.

The former mayor, not the kids/recently discussed, Grant/Blair.

02-12-2009, 08:56 AM
Any home or building built by OKC's own Rand Elliot. An amazing architect and generally all around interesting guy. He is truly an Oklahoma asset.

If you can get your hand on his hardback book entitled "Listening to the Land" I highly recommend it. I have an autographed copy myself.

(he designed the boathouse on the Oklahoma River)

02-12-2009, 09:00 AM
Rand typically does commercial design, not so much residential. Ironically, I about ran into his Porche yesterday as you can't see the tiny thing on the road. Sorry Rand!

02-12-2009, 09:23 AM
Oh he's put up some amazing residential projects. Several here locally and one in particular in Greenwich, Connecticut. Truly a work of art. (built for an art collector)

02-12-2009, 11:15 AM
i think i saw Rand's book at Full Circle recently. not sure if you can still get them on Amazon. that house in connecticut is amazing.

02-12-2009, 01:36 PM
Two that haven't been mentioned:

Wayne Coyne's (Flaming Lips) house near NW 13 and Blackwelder.

Contemporary house overlooking Lincoln and downtown on NE 6 west of Lindsay.

In Norman:

Ledbetter House designed by Bruce Goff at Brooks & Chautauqua 2 blocks west of OU. Small but amazing house, architecturally.

02-24-2009, 12:37 PM
Does anybody know what's being built there on the south side of NE 10th St, near Lottie? It looks like it's going to be a very modern home, but it's kinda hard to tell just yet.

02-25-2009, 02:51 PM
I love how an architect just has to design some bizzarre modern looking building to be labeled and amazing architect. As for the house in Norman: it is incredibly ugly and there's nothing special about it. What ever happened to classy looking traditional architecture? POPS was designed by Rand and it is the most plain looking building ever but people have now labeled it a great piece of architecture. I dont get it. We need to stray away from this off the wall architecture in OKC and move toward the more traditional. Im not a fan of seeing a bunch of wierd buildings take over the South.

02-25-2009, 08:43 PM
Copying the same crap over and over doesn't make anything special. You can see the same houses in Edmond, OKC, Moore or Norman and after awhile it just gets old. All those cookie cutter subdivisions all over every city don't do anything other than make everything look like everything else, what is the purpose in that? To make you forget where you are?

I am just not a fan of the "faux chateau" look that seems to dominate most neighborhoods in homes small and large from the book of plans builders. I prefer a little ingenuity and thought going into a design. Now I will admit that not all modern design is good just like not all traditional design is bad. I love Heritage Hills and Crown Heights and the bungalows of The Paseo, I just don't like the big fake houses like in Gallardia that just have a bunch of crap thrown on them...and I worked for awhile with one of the big home designers in the OKC area doing those, I just prefer a different style and wish it would grow. The modern style has done well here in Austin and I think it could work well in OKC.

02-25-2009, 08:54 PM
It's the "No-Faux's" vs. the "Mo-Faux's"

02-25-2009, 09:05 PM
Bluedogok,..... Do you have any pictures of the modern Austin homes?

02-25-2009, 09:15 PM
My favorite Austin house.

02-25-2009, 09:32 PM
I love how an architect just has to design some bizzarre modern looking building to be labeled and amazing architect. As for the house in Norman: it is incredibly ugly and there's nothing special about it. What ever happened to classy looking traditional architecture? POPS was designed by Rand and it is the most plain looking building ever but people have now labeled it a great piece of architecture. I dont get it. We need to stray away from this off the wall architecture in OKC and move toward the more traditional. Im not a fan of seeing a bunch of wierd buildings take over the South.

Right, who wants anything thats different...

02-25-2009, 10:38 PM
Bluedogok,..... Do you have any pictures of the modern Austin homes? ( has quite a few links to houses and other sites. They tend to focus more on the Mid-century Modern houses in the Austin area, especially the ones that might be in danger of being torn down. They also have some coverage of the "new modern" modern houses going up and the people involved in them.

My favorite Austin house.
I saw a story on that house last year, I think it was up for sale.
I found this about the Pemberton Castle (, I guess the asking price was 2 million.

02-25-2009, 11:02 PM
At that time there was a rumor going around about Quentin Tarantino buying that house to live in while they were filming Grindhouse there. I think the asking price on it was around 2.2 mil.There are several other cool houses in that neighborhood.

02-26-2009, 09:40 AM
Im not supporting the cheaply built cookie cutter homes at all. I think they are aweful, but they are built that way for a reason. I hate them and wish those tract home neighborhoods wouldnt exist, but not everyone can afford a custom home and the developers of these areas are not going to spend money to crank out 100 differnent designs. Not sure what you mean by Gailardia houses having "a bunch of crap thrown on them." Last time I checked (and worked on those homes) they are some of the most beautiful new construction houses around designed by some of the best residential architects in the region. Of course they are plenty of goons who think some odd looking house with sharp corners and sheet metal on them are cool too (probably too many of these people around OKC). Nobody is going to go out and buid tons of these "modern" looking houses, so i dont even know why im voicing my opinion. Im done here.