02-04-2009, 12:45 PM
I was browsing and came across an earlier discussion about Non Custodial Parents Rights. I wanted to throw something out there. My sisters husband had or has custody of their son. 8 months ago he decided to mom to Germany with his new wife. He gave my nephew the choice of where he wanted to live. ( Because he knew my sister wouldn't sign the slip for him to get his VISA and he didn't want the court battle ). So the dad agreed and said he would get the paper work taken care of. Well of course he left the country without doing so. Last thursday he got mad at her because he couldn't get ahold of her. So of course he done the mature thing. He faxed some letter to the school, had his mom there waiting, and the school released the child to his grandmother. My sister didn't even know he was gone until 2 hours later when a police office showed up at her door telling her what had happened. Now no one will answer her phone calls. She hasn't even been able to speak to her child. She has e mailed the father, called the father, all to no avail. The school refuses to allow her to see a copy of the fax. Insisting to her that they don't have to because she doesn't have custody of the child. She has informed them that she is entitled equal access to all school records, but they wont hear of it. She doesn't have the money to get an attorney, times are tough enough now as it is. So everyone keeps telling her it's a civil matter take it to court. So apparently she has no rights as this childs mother.