View Full Version : KJ 103 atop tight bunch in Oklahoma City ratings

02-04-2009, 08:14 AM

02-04-2009, 09:07 AM
just sad...

02-04-2009, 09:43 AM
We need a 24 hour Blues station

02-04-2009, 12:08 PM
Interesting read......I have been a fan of Jack and Ron's for like a decade, just recently they started this "2 week challenge - give us 2 weeks and we guarantee you won't listen to anybody else". That was right before Christmas, so its been well over 2 weeks. I enjoyed their morning format, because of listener call ins and their "talk". THey now play a lot more music, and if anyone has listened to KYIS, you know they play the same songs all day long. Now I only listen to KYIS like from 7:30 to 9, then I stream to 80's channels over the net.....not too surprised they are ranked #13.....

02-07-2009, 11:57 AM
Interesting read......I have been a fan of Jack and Ron's for like a decade, just recently they started this "2 week challenge - give us 2 weeks and we guarantee you won't listen to anybody else". That was right before Christmas, so its been well over 2 weeks. I enjoyed their morning format, because of listener call ins and their "talk". THey now play a lot more music, and if anyone has listened to KYIS, you know they play the same songs all day long. Now I only listen to KYIS like from 7:30 to 9, then I stream to 80's channels over the net.....not too surprised they are ranked #13.....
Glad to know someone else is into the Internet streaming thing. I love the variety of music and information that's out there and I can choose from a multitude of formats delivering stuff I'm not hearing locally. Have you tried ESPN 360?

It's good that you've found local talent that is delivering compeling material for you. It does seem a little arrogant on the part of the station to ask listeners to give up weeks of their time to devote to them alone. I must have an AD/HD lean because I'm gone if something doesn't grab me within minutes.

02-08-2009, 08:29 AM
I stopped listening to local radio years ago. For me it is nothing but Sirius XM and my IPOD. Local radio seems play the same songs over and over no matter which channel you tune-in.

The morning shows are all lousy. Every morning show personality falls into one of five categories. The "I still act like I did in high school" smart ass, the creepy 40-60 year old who hits on teenage girls, the forty year old woman who still thinks she is a hot teenager, the old fart telling grandpa jokes, and the wannabe (I am right your wrong) politician.

02-08-2009, 08:40 AM
I stopped listening to local radio years ago.

I didn't realize how bad it had gotten until my cassette player broke. (Yes, that's how long it's been since I gave up on local radio.) I spent my entire half hour commute punching between 6 preset stations and I only got to hear one song. The rest was just DJ's trying to "out-cute" each other. No thanks. I thought, "What if this were tv stations and a person could switch between 6 newscasts for a half hour and only hear one story, while the rest of the time was devoted to the anchors just chit-chatting? How long would viewers keep trying?"

02-08-2009, 01:11 PM
There are no great dj's anymore. Tom Petty sang about it in his song from a few years ago called "The Last DJ." There is a freeform dj out in Los Angeles named Jim Ladd. He doesn't have a set playlist. Radio used to be great...

Morning radio around here is the worst. Seems like every show is talking about the hosts lives or asking an inane question and having their listeners call in. Nobody cares about the listeners favorite (insert anything here). Ugh, thank goodness there are other options. And i agree with the above poster about the different types of djs. So true, so true...

02-08-2009, 05:25 PM
There is nothing I hate more than morning radio shows. Where did the radio stations get the idea that people don't want to hear music in the morning? Does anyone really want to listen to what some dip**** thought about last nights episode of "Survivor" instead of hearing music as they drive to work?

02-08-2009, 07:16 PM
I do NPR in the mornings, because if I'm gonna have to listen to talk, I want it to be somewhat intelligent talk.

02-08-2009, 10:14 PM
Morning radio is the reason I listen to stations like Jack FM

02-09-2009, 03:51 AM
KJ 103 is on top-------really say's alot about local radio.
In my opinion, listening to local radio is like going to Denny's or I-Hop at 3 AM, what other choice do we have.

02-09-2009, 07:31 AM
I do NPR in the mornings, because if I'm gonna have to listen to talk, I want it to be somewhat intelligent talk.

That's relative.

It's not just local talk. Since just a few companies own it all, like Citadel and Clear Channel, it sounds pretty much the same across the country. It's all just cookie cutter stuff. Someone above made the statement that they play the same thing over and over no matter what station you listen to. That's true. We all know it's true for Top 40, but if you switch to a rock station you get to hear the "top 40" of rock. The same for country, alternative, oldies, etc. You get to hear the "top 40" of whatever that genre is. Playlists has killed radio.

02-09-2009, 12:34 PM
That's relative.

It's not just local talk. Since just a few companies own it all, like Citadel and Clear Channel, it sounds pretty much the same across the country. It's all just cookie cutter stuff. Someone above made the statement that they play the same thing over and over no matter what station you listen to. That's true. We all know it's true for Top 40, but if you switch to a rock station you get to hear the "top 40" of rock. The same for country, alternative, oldies, etc. You get to hear the "top 40" of whatever that genre is. Playlists has killed radio.

I agree I remember back before the days of the playlist you were lucky if you heard the same song twice. If you did it was because you had been listening to the radio for more than twelve hours. I think the people in radio believe people only listen in 15-30 minute increments. (IE:Getting ready for work, driving to work, driving home. driving to the store, etc. etc.)

I can remember back in high school when my radio never left 100.5. Now it rarely sees it because the content is nothing more than over played schoolgirl crap.

02-10-2009, 01:15 PM
I listen to the REF usually in the mornings, especially during football season. They're better than the Urinal because the actually talk sports and can be funny and entertaining without being so full of themselves.

Right now I don't listen to hardly any radio on the commute. I mostly listen to the iPod. Every once in a while I just get tired of radio, even my favorite stations, and have to "cleanse my palate" before going back to radio.

02-10-2009, 03:27 PM
They're alright but imho, nothing beats Lex and Terry.

02-11-2009, 01:16 AM
They're alright but imho, nothing beats Lex and Terry.

I like Lex and Terry when they do their advice calls. Other than that they are like the guys everyone had in their Sophomore English class that just refused to shut the hell up for two minutes.