View Full Version : Local energy company

02-03-2009, 06:46 AM
Looking for opinions on which local energy company people here feel will fare the best in the current/future market? Sandridge, Devon, Chesapeake or? Which one would you be the most apt to invest in if you were looking to invest?

02-03-2009, 06:54 AM
Want to take a huge risk? Go with Quest. It's trading around .40 cents per share right now. It was up to 10.0 at one point. It was hammered after its ex-CEO was caught with his hand in the cookie jar (diverting about 10 million in assets to his own personal use). That said, they still have assets which are of some value, so I think there's a small chance (I hope, since I own a bit of stock) that they'll rebound, although I have nothing to base that on.

If I was looking for a safer investment, I'd go Devon.

02-03-2009, 08:29 AM
I think Devon is the most solid, but from an investment standpoint, it's stock is already pretty high. For potential risk-reward I'd go with SandRidge or maybe Quest.

02-03-2009, 08:56 AM
Looking for opinions on which local energy company people here feel will fare the best in the current/future market? Sandridge, Devon, Chesapeake or? Which one would you be the most apt to invest in if you were looking to invest?

"Do you feel lucky, punk? ya?" As the other folks have pointed out, "safest" and "best" could be two different things, depending on how you define "best". Devon is probably the safest, although I think all of our energy companies will rebound in the upcoming years.

02-04-2009, 08:32 AM
A little clarification seems in order. I was referring to ROI when I said which would do the best. I am looking to put a little bit of money out there in a really high risk option in hopes that it pays off in the next 2 years.

Quest looks like a good option for what my intentions are, thanks for the suggestion.

02-04-2009, 09:10 AM
QRCP is the symbol.

I lost my ass on QRCP, so enjoy! :)

That said, they are getting some of my next IRA distribution. I'm waiting for the Annual Report... and if they look even remotely solvent, they look to possibly be a pretty good bargain right now. I don't really know what the danger of the shareholders' lawsuits really are though. That, at least for now, is a pretty major albatross.