View Full Version : Donate coats?

Oh GAWD the Smell!
01-28-2009, 11:19 PM
Since we've recently consolidated two households and are now getting ready to move...The wife and I have been getting rid of stuff like it was a sport...

So does anybody know of a place that needs coats for the needy or homeless? I'd hate to donate these to an organization that is going to resell them (like Goodwill) when somebody that truly needs a coat can just HAVE one of ours.

Seriously...We've got probably 15 jackets and coats that need to go between the two of us.

01-29-2009, 05:40 AM
Freecycle groups


If you want to be less involved in the process, take the whole lot to:

any large church group has, or knows another group which has, a clothing closet

Any youth services group, be it govt,. or private

Jesus house, Salvation Army shelter, any Family Shelter

Channel 4 used to run a coats program, not certain if they still do

If you don't feel like chasing down a home, kick me a pm. I'll give you my OKC work address and you can drop the lot at my workplace. I'll pick a distribution place and make them happy for you.

I agree it's a shame to have coats sit idle while others shiver.

01-29-2009, 06:01 AM
Since we've recently consolidated two households and are now getting ready to move...The wife and I have been getting rid of stuff like it was a sport...

So does anybody know of a place that needs coats for the needy or homeless? I'd hate to donate these to an organization that is going to resell them (like Goodwill) when somebody that truly needs a coat can just HAVE one of ours.

Seriously...We've got probably 15 jackets and coats that need to go between the two of us.

City Rescue Mission is a great place to donate your coats. The people who need them most will get them.

City Rescue Mission- Oklahoma City, Ok (

Oh GAWD the Smell!
01-29-2009, 06:53 AM
Outstanding...Thanks guys. Just what I needed.:tiphat:

01-29-2009, 09:20 AM
I donate regularly to Mercy Ministries: - Oklahoma City - LifeMissions - Mercy Ministries (

They will definitely get your food/clothing/household items into people's hands that are much more needy than you or I. They are off of NE 46th and Sante Fe. Check the hours or call before going as donation times are limited due to it primarily being volunteer run.

01-30-2009, 02:37 AM
KFOR News 4, yes they still do, in honor of Brad Edwards legency. I would suggest donating thru them. You've missed several events (free goodies in exchange for coats), but you can still donate the coats at anytime. Today would be good.

02-01-2009, 05:27 PM
Bethel Foundation for furnishings etc to help single moms.. they are in dire need of beds so the kids & babies can get off of the floors.

Nonprofit organization for single mothers in Oklahoma City, OK (

At the Bethel Foundation in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, we need your help. Whether you want to donate your time, money, or services, we would really appreciate it. Our organization provides temporary housing, assist and direct in preparing to complete your GED and assist with college paperwork and financial aid for single mothers. We were founded on July 9th, 1992 as a nonprofit organization that became a 501(c)(3) on November 19, 2004. There are many items you can help us with, mostly to help these mothers or assist the day-to-day operations of our foundation. If you have a piece of property that you don't want anymore, please donate it. We will rehab the property for a mother in need. Neighbors love the idea that we create a nice livable space, which is helping to eliminate crime. Please contact us ( if you would like to help.

They are great at getting your Donation receipt to you too for taxes.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma • (405) 286-3700
Edmond, Oklahoma • (405) 348-5826
Fax • (405) 607-8340
Toll Free: (866) 442-1431

Oh GAWD the Smell!
02-02-2009, 09:50 AM
But I already support single moms.