View Full Version : Do any of the housing projects concern you?

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04-17-2009, 06:39 PM
I suppose that would depend on how one define 'projects' No high rise type I'm aware of, but there are multiple assisted housing locations administered through a housing authority

There is a multiple high rise project just east of the Health Science Center. It seems to me one tower is ten stories and the other is not quite as tall. I have delivered food there to some of the residents.

04-17-2009, 10:44 PM
In a prior life focus, I had several occasions to seek out folks from time to time who were staying in assisted housing spots around the metro. Never came across the facility you reference, and I was unaware of it. I've learned something new today, never a bad thing.

04-18-2009, 08:27 PM
I only know of these projects because I delivered food there. I just assumed they were part of the HSC. I have lived in this town most of my 42 years and learn something new almost every day. But I have not been known to be the most observant of people.

Stan Silliman
04-18-2009, 09:31 PM
Looked at the Seiber on the AIA tour. They were only renting apts, not selling condos but the prices seemed reasonable. Their 8-900' single BR renting at 1000 a month and a 1600' 2BR at about $ 1600 a month. They have to rent for five years to qualify for historic restoration tax credits.

They seemed to be appointed as well or better than the Deep Deuce units so is that a reasonable rent? Could a renter rent these for five years and get some type of credit toward buying the unit when it may go condo?

04-19-2009, 05:45 AM
Once my youngest is grown and a move won't trash his school selection, a greater attraction to core living might exist which is currently absent. I don't see me developing such an interest I'd consider housing payments in that range.

04-19-2009, 11:24 AM

OKC has some great public schools. Classen SAS is the best public middle and high school in the state. Not sure how old your youngest is but OKC has some great elementary schools also.

04-19-2009, 07:53 PM
He's almost 1/2 way through Norman North. With his gift and love of music, it would be a hard sell to persuade me there's some place so vastly superior it would make sense to uproot him from his present setting. He's blessed with a quality school, great life long friends and some of much shorter duration, a church based musical life in which he has become immersed. And, he's now old enough to get himself to most functions, and close enough it minimizes the worry factor to near nil.

Were I as pulled together at that age, I suspect my parents would have enjoyed far fewer grays and much more restful sleeps.

04-20-2009, 02:46 PM
Now I totally understand. Sounds like he's only a couple of years out. I graduated Norman High. Classen's music program is probably as good as North's, but I know Norman
Schools are amazing.

Sounds like you'll be an empty-nester soon enough! There may be good deals to be had downtown by that time.