View Full Version : sick cat
westsidesooner 01-09-2009, 12:19 PM Our ten year old female cat has asthma and has always had a hard time breathing when she gets excited or when our male cat decides to pounce on her. She also has a problem with throwing up after eating. Usually because she eats to fast. The last three days she has been throwing up a clear liquid (no food) much as 4 or 5 times a day, then having dry heaves. I was hoping it was just a cold but since she had the problem again last night I will be taking her to the vet tonight. Trust me when I say she HATES going to the vet....and I usually end up bloody since she has all her weapons in tact. I was wondering if anyone else has had a cat with these problems. She always eats the same food every day, 1 can of Fancy Feast chicken at dinner time, and all the dry food she wants through the day (friskies) Last week I couldnt find her regular dry food and bought a different brand, maybe thats the problem, also our male cat (who never gets sick) threw up the same night (just once) that our female started getting sick. Im not trying to say its the food....but was wondering if anyone else has had problems with these brands (especially with all the problems they had with pet foods last year) I just wanted to ask you all for advice and warn others to keep an eye on their pets. Just in case. Ill fill you in after the vet visit but was hoping someone might have some insight on this problem.
Karried 01-09-2009, 12:25 PM ahh, poor thing. I really don't have experience with this but I would definitely say hydrate this cat asap....
From a Cat Health website:
"In mild cases without vomiting, fluids can be given by mouth. If the cat won't drink, give an electrolyte solution by bottle or syringe into the cheek pouch (see DRUGS AND MEDICATIONS). Balanced electrolyte solutions for treating dehydration in children are available at drugstores. Ringer's lactate with 5 percent Dextrose in water and a solution called Pedialyte are suitable for cats.
They are given at the rate of two to four millileters per pound body weight per hour, depending on the severity of the dehydration (or as directed by your veterinarian)."
Good luck!
ksearls 01-09-2009, 12:29 PM Take her to the vet right now!!!!!! Trust me on this!
Your story is what happened to my cat EXACTLY just two months ago, the food story is the same!
My cat had kidney failure and almost died. They had to put him on IV fluids for a few days and he got better but it was close. It was also very expensive because I waited and had to go to the ER vet.
My other cat 10 years ago died from kidney failure so I know the signs.
The throwing up clear stuff is one of the main symptoms.
Hope everything works out. I would like to know what kind of food you fed to see if there is some connection.
westsidesooner 01-12-2009, 01:11 PM I wanted to post an update on Indy (our sick cat). First off thanks to Karried and ksearls for your concern, I really appreciate it.
When I got home friday night Indy was feeling even worse so we began the process of getting her to the vet. She's very timid and hates to go to the vet so we have to close all the interior doors so she can't hide under a bed, of course as soon as the first door shuts she knows somethings up and goes into panic mode trying to hide. Poor thing actually tried to hide behind the curtains in the living room....all curled up facing the wall with her claws dug into the carpet. When we finaly got hold of her she started her heartbreaking cries and intimidating weapons display. Kicking and scraming all the way. Of course our usual vet was closed on a friday evening so we took her to Neel vet on Maccarthur.
We spent over 4 hours in the ER waiting on blood tests, and urine tests. Luckily they came out ok, after reading up about her problems online and what I'd read here I was afraid she was having kidney or liver problems. The X-rays did show a blockage in her intestines so they put her in ICU and started IV's. Saturday morning we all went to visit her and despite the shaved legs and the tubes coming out she looked a little more perky and responsive. When it came time for her to go back to ICU she tried to hide inside my was sad.
We finally got to bring her home late Saturday, she still wouldnt eat for the vet...but she did eat a little when we got her home. She finally went to the bathroom Sunday evening and seemed to be feeling better. Unfortunatley I've been infromed that she threw up again this morning so we will probably be taking her back tonight for a checkup.
One thing we didn't count on was that she had a foreign smell to her when she got back so our male cat was afraid of her. I had to laugh a little because it was obviuos he recognized her, but she didnt smell the same....he thought she had been taken over by a pod cat (think invasion of the body snatchers) He'd approach her with his ears down making his "stinky face" then act like he was going to he got to spend the rest of the weekend in solitary (garage)
I'll update this when I have new information about her condition. But for now they are thinking it might have been caused by some type of food allergy, we really wont know until she passes whatever is in her intestines, or get more xrays done. And Ksearls....I bought her kit and kaboodles for her temporary dry food, now I feel guilty for not looking harder for her usual food.
One more thing....I have nothing but praise for the vets and staff at Neel clinic, they did an excellent job of keeping us informed and how much each procedure would cost. It was/is VERY expensive and it was saddening to think how many people have to decline the tests and procedures because of the cost involved. Thanks again....I'll update when I learn more.
Karried 01-12-2009, 02:12 PM Thanks so much for the update.. I've been checking daily to see how she is..... I was afraid to ask!
Ask your Vet about some sort of remedy for blockages (as in preventing) ie Hairball or Lax .. that might help in the future.
Glad to hear she is better.
westsidesooner 01-13-2009, 10:20 AM We got two prescriptions for her. Laxatone and Mirtazapine. Too early to say how well they'll work but we'll see. Luckily she seems to like the taste of the Laxatone. Last night she seemed to be getting better again, but with cats you never know. Shes still having some trouble "going". Frequent unsucessful trips to the litter but her appetite has improver somewhat.
Thunder 01-19-2009, 04:25 AM That was extremely smart decision to take the cat to Neel Vet. I always go there for all my babies. Your cat is in good hands and will be fine.
I have a bunny, Furrball, and he was just about to die. They did not think he was going to live thru the night, but still, they did everything and now he is still with me.
Yes, very expensive, but please apply for CareCredit. You'll get 12 months deferred interest, which is enough time to pay off. Without it, Furrball wouldn't be here today. He cost me a thousand bux!
PennyQuilts 01-19-2009, 05:47 AM Thanks so much for posting. I sure hope she feels better, very soon. I am sorry you've had to go through this.
westsidesooner 01-29-2009, 01:39 PM Indy is doing much beter...her appetite is back to normal (actaully she eats more now than ever) She still gets sick occasionally from eating to fast but I guess from what Ive read and what the vet said, that is a normal "cat thing" And now that shes feeling better she wants to play chase with Levi (our make cat) more than ever.....usually about 3am. Thanks for the posts.
PennyQuilts 01-29-2009, 02:28 PM Thank goodness. I am so glad you let us know.
Thunder 01-29-2009, 02:38 PM Fuzzy said meow to Indy!
dismayed 01-30-2009, 01:23 AM Kind of makes you wonder what all they put in Fancy Feast. After that melamine scare in some of the animal food a year ago, I don't think you can be too careful these days.
Lauri101 01-30-2009, 05:00 PM Glad Indy is doing better - the six felines of Planet Lauri send their best purrs!